Bow and Arrow

Chapter 339: Chapter 337 — Terrifying Undulations

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Terrifying Undulations




40 minutes later after the members of The Order Team won the first and their first match on the placements of the first ever held Global Tournament of Rising Essence.


On another arena, the 10 members of The Order Team were now once again standing on their side of the arena while another team with the words 'Exhilarating Skygazing' and to their right they had a '—Imperial Sect'; which was the second level that an Association could reach as a Sect, holding a total of 300,000 members and 3 vassals.

The Order Team was on the left, west side of their 500 meters in width on the arena while the Skygazing Team was on the right, east side of the arena. From their group, 4 people could be seen to be not only the most important, strongest of their team and with the higher status as well. And there was a reason for that, because; the Exhilarating Skygazing Sect was the Kernti Founding Clan's Association in-game. This was their big bad boy that would possibly create their future income, reputation and whatnot.

And among them, there was Kernti Master; the owner of this ID was a young man of 24 years old and he looked all arrogant, idiotic and in The Order Team's eyes, moronic as well. However, the Young Master of the Kernti Clan was known for his astuteness; even if such a thing is also rarely seen or even in the most unimportant matters or for the same kind of reasons. In any case, it was him who was appointed as not only the team leader of the Skygazing Team but also as the controller of the entire Exhilarating Skygazing Sect, which is as important as the Kernti Clan's business as it is outside of the game.

He had a small spear, looking more like a javelin on his left hand and a long dagger on his right hand; looking at the information provided by the system, the girls could see that he was a Warmaster.

A little behind Kernti Master, was Kernti Councilor; a middle-aged man that was rather young-looking. He is Kernti Platza's uncle, whose ID in-game is indeed that of Kernti Master, he was obviously not simple 30-45 year old man as he looked like as a person of his position would obviously be capable of reaching at least 250 years of lifespan at the very last.

Kernti Yolras was also the current Clan Head of the Kernti Clan and, due to the passed away parents of Kernti Platza, he took care care of the boy since a pre-teen and has been hoping to teach him well. It was to the point that he allowed the boy to have many sayings in the Kernti Clan already, even though he was quite frugal, which led to too much of a lack of and emptiness of consensus within the Founding Clan.

On the other hand, the current Clan Head of the Kernti Clan was very well know to be very strict; but also very intelligent and really modest. Totally contrary to what the young nephew he's been raising is all about, ah. Kernti Councilor was a Grand Shaman, one that wasn't that much seen on the entire Global Tournament, no just the Team vs Team segment. Itnia herself was already a role model that many Fallen Shamans wished to become, this Kernti Councilor wasn't bad at all, but compared to Itnia, he was.

To the other side behind Kernti Master was Resplendent Blade, a  22 year old woman that irradiating graciousness, great beauty and... quite arrogant and too conceited. Though most Kerntis had orange and red-orange or even yellow-orange hair colors, and with the fact that they are all 'beauties' without a doubt. Resplendent Blade, or rather, Kernti Celta was one of a kind type of beauty. With only the disappeared Sash Kernti not being not just any inferior to this Kernti Celta, but even much more in all possible aspects to no end.

While Kernti Celta had a nice figure, compared to Yun Beishang's dear Sash, she was okay; and that's it. As for her hair, it was long and silky, but nowhere as beautiful nor enchanting as Sash's and well, Sash's personality was so much greater than the arrogant and too conceited-looking Kernti Celta by many degrees.

Resplendent Blade was a Myriad Daggers class, and she held 2 regularly sized daggers on her hands while wearing a spiky jacket and latex pants.

Then there was Proper Self, an actual elder from the Kernti Clan and a very well respected one, even though she was a young one compared to the rest of elders, ah. She used to be a great beauty in her younger years, now she was just and old-looking middle-aged woman that had half-a-step into the elderly stages of life, even for a person who has drank an elixir of lifespan before. She was also notorious for her strange attitude and well, her extremism.

Proper Self was the Kernti Filia elder of the Kernti Clan, and even in-game, she took an equally important position in the Exhilarating Skygazing Sect as the Grand Elder of such. She was a Devil Constitution class with tons of damage, mediocre tank capabilities and good enough sustain.

Similarly, the Sect Master of the Exhilarating Skygazing Sect was Kernti Mater while Kernti Councilor was the Vice-Sect Master and then there was Resplendent Blade, who was the 'Chosen' of the sect.

Like this, it could easily be seen how important the 4 people in front of the other 6 were like the clouds while those behind them were simple dogs; loyal dogs. As for those 6, some of them were from the Kernti Clan while others were strong players, not really elite players but quite strong too, they wouldn't have reached the 32nd placements otherwise.

And then, as The Order Team members were calmly passing time and sometimes chatting with one another among the endless boredom, the system notification that many billions of people and the remaining 64 Associations were waiting for finally came!

*PING*...attention Journeyers, the first wave for the fighting of the 32nd placements will begin in 25 seconds...

"Oh, okay then, everyone get ready!" Natalia stood up from her sitting position on a marble-like chair made by Yao Yao, she yelled out loud at the open air and, behind her, 9 beautiful big and little women all also stood to their feet from Yao Yao's masterpieces.

"Mn, aaah~, let me streeetch~!"

"Mn, Big Sis! Big Sis~! What do we do now? How do we beat them all up?" Getting closer to Natalia, Xiao Ruo looked upwardly at her goddess like a devoted warrior, or paladin. Natalia smirked delightfully looking at the Little Ruo that has tugged on her Mesmerizing Fearful Angel's Armored-Skirt; she lowered her left hand and twisted her body to half-face her before grasping Xiao Ruo's left cheek with adorableness and said. "Oh, Xiao Ruo! Good that you've come, well then, how about..."

Then, as the countdown went lower and lower, Natalia began explaining to everyone else the way in which they'd be having fun this time. Thanks to Yona's information of all the little fuckers from the Kernti's Association, it could even be more done so easily and with ease, not needing to worry about unknown elements or feeling bad for bullying. Besides, those 2 all-high-up women to the enemy team's front was really ugly to look at; even if the young one was a great beauty and the old hag wasn't really ugly; ugly nonetheless!

As for the so-called 'master' Kernti Master, he ogled at Yao Yao, Zi Fei and even Xiao Ruo! Naturally, there was bound to be a bloody ending to such peepers!

And so, as the countdown reached 0, so did the patience of the crowd and some of the teams on the arenas...


"Come one, Gold-Silver Team!!"

"Fucking go ahead, Sharpened Vanguard Team! Woa-haaaaa~!"

*PING*...attention to all Journeyers; the first wave for the 32nd placements will start in 5 seconds, 4 seconds, 3 seconds...

*PING*...the first wave for the 32nd placements has now commenced!



Fanaticism, blood-boiled, beauties fighting like the goddess in many people's hearts; young, dashing and pretty heroes showing up for the sake of achieving the top. All of them, however you called, were being thoroughly excited by the sight of these teams starting a strong battle, and only the results after the quick but entertaining flashy battles could calm down their euphory.

"Let's go, Xiao Ruo at the front!"

"Yes, Lady Natalia!"

"Yes, Madam!!"

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And at once, to Natalia's little command, everyone responded with their chests out and their limbs moving forth. Cyn was behind and to the right of Xiao Ruo, while Itnia was to the left of Cyn while Natalia took the in-between and a little behind the two of them. The rest of the girls took an arched formation behind Natalia as they moved along with them to the front where the incoming Skygazing Team was approaching!

On the front were Kernti Master, to his left and behind was Proper Self while to his right was a bulky fellow carrying a long sword on his back with plated as well as rusty-looking armor. Behind the 3 of them, were Kernti Councilor and Resplendent Blade and another 2 magical-type class players in a square formation. Behind them were a Killing Vow and 2 long-rifle wielding Explosive Marksmen.

The front would collapse ahead while those in the middle were already preparing to make a preemptive attack on The Order Team members, as for those behind, once they were able to cross towards the 2,000th meter mark, they would stop and start locking on the enemy; harass and slowly ending up killing them before their teammates could be killed instead.

Delusional? The Seven Sins Knight at the front, Kernti Master and Proper Self had a very strong dashing ability, though it was only a one-time skill because of its minutes-long cooldown, it could still be shared with other players from part of the Devil Constitution class and, though it took some massive HP from her and from her allies, it would still be a huge help nonetheless. Afterwards, as long as she sent a strong and fast skill towards them and sucked their HP towards her own and then shared it to Kernti Master and the Seven Sins Knight, it would be fine.

At that time, the frontline of the Skygazing Team would have already started battling and stealing the limelight from those behind them, they though, pretty much; that The Order Team would choose to 'try' and delete them for fear of being overwhelmed instead, and then use that advantage to allow the burst damage and DPS on the rear would already start shooting down those light-clothed delicate women.

Ah, but it wasn't always this easy to work with. Because, just as the skill of Proper Self was being channeled with black and dark red colored energy surrounding the 3 of them to the front, a massive tsunami of small-shaped light weapons surmounted almost 100 meters from the very very back of the arena on the west side. The tsunami of light weapons went from behind The Order Team members' back to traverse the skies atop their heads, and though they were of light, they created an immense shadow over the arena from the west to its center in less than 10 seconds. The speed that they could move and even in such a group all at the same time... whoever was doing this, was too powerful!

"Goddammit, use the Shield Wall!" Kernti Master turned to his right and yelled at the Seven Sins Knight, and while being yelled at, the bulky armored player already started to raise his left hand to the sky as if he was wielding a shield. Slowly, a muddy brown, earthen color translucent small version of a kite shield with polygonal shapes on its top appeared adhered onto his left forearm.



Immediately after, a huge 30 meters long but arched huge shield with a width of 7 meters and an appearance of dull-dark grey metallic kite shield appeared before the 3 on the front, they passed through it without problems and so did the 4 in the square formation behind them. Meanwhile, though the massive shield wasn't wide enough for such an immense amount of incoming attacks, it was enough for the 3 ranged classes behind to take cover and save themselves from the tsunami of lights.

"Yona, look! That doesn't work with physical forms, I think." Cyn yelled at the back while still running to the front, Yona was already looking at the shield to their front and seemed to have already thought of that. In response to Cyn, she nodded to her along with a blink and stopped running, remaining on the spot.

"I'll use a big electrifying wave, you know what to do." Said Yona in a clear and informative voice, even though she was already left behind a few dozens of meters away, even Xiao Ruo heard her perfectly well and, at once, everyone began taking a much wider approach with only Xiao Ruo, Cyn and Itnia remaining with the same formation and Natalia standing 3 meters further behind the 2 of them.

"Ok, go!" Not needing to talk much, Natalia said as she summoned her long staff to her right hand and began moving her shoulders and arms powerfully, from the front, her image was so breathtaking that the onlooking viewership wasted time and repeated the scene for about 17 times or so. Before finally growing a brain and opening up another tab to repeat it nonstop while still watching the live streaming, ah.

Xiao Ruo then finally started giving it her all, she also summoned both her humongous Judgement of Pain pair of gauntlets and began using the heavy weight of her armor and her gauntlets to start running and trotting with cracks appearing on each of her steps left on the arena.

"What's that? Holy fuck!"

"Yeah, da fuq? Didn't that little person used her hands alone? I though she was one of those anti-meta guys doing the unpopular or not very well seen stuff, holy cow."

"Uhm, guys? I... uh..."

"What's that?"

"Speak it out, boy. What's the matter?"

"...I think that's a girl..."



Meanwhile, on the arena; Xiao Ruo suddenly heard powerful birds chirping nonstop from behind her for about a couple hundreds of meters away, and as soon as she did that she used her Sun-Reaching, Earth-Diving Decimating Leaps skill while making her weight and her surroundings turn to her favor. With that alone, she rose 70 meters into the air in a mere instant and, just as she was about to start falling down, she simply used it again and this time went up for about a total of 120 meters into the sky.



"..." Natalia then looked back at Yao Yao, seeing this, Yao Yao nodded lightly without also saying a single thing as it was her turn to stop on the spot while the rest continued. She formed a small but thick pool of Lightning Core Element right above her, placing it pointing directly towards the east and even starting to slowly rotate it to stand vertically while facing the east still.

Slowly extending it, spreading it outwards to the sky, the thick but small pool of Lightning Core Element became like a mirror made from a strong and dark blue color holographic screen. At the same time, on the Skygazing Team's side, the Seven Sins Knight suddenly reported in anxiousness to Kernti Master. "Young Master! One of the Ancient-level Being players is saying that he feels a lot of electric undulations towards the central-west of the arena, what do we do?!"

The Young Master was looking at the sky with a dumb face, his thoughts turned slightly strange and even twisted as he thought to himself that girls that weren't educated and proper were just boys without dicks. He turned his head in wonderment to look at the 7 Sins Knight and asked back in confusion, "What do you mean? What can we do? Don't you even see that person up in the sky? Fuck, Elder Filia, please use the skill as soon as possible before we get swiped away by the magic attack from them, please."

Proper Self said nothing and merely nodded her head, the black energy undulated faster but still precisely around the 3 of them, but at this moment, the 7 Sins Knight became more visibly anxious as he used his left hand to touch his left ear and murmured consistently into the party communications system.

"What is it?" Now a bit mad for real, Kernti Master turned his head to the right, not even looking at the 7 Sins Knight and spoke with a harsh, cold tone. The 7 Sins Knight turned slightly nervous, gulped down and said in a low tone, "Young Master, ah... ah! There is another feeling of electric-like undulations but... but now it is even more powerful and mysterious, they don't know what it is about, I think we are being aimed at by a combination of skills. The one on the back is really massive, complementing the tsunami of weapons of light on the sky to attack from below while... while the other one below, closer to us, should be for enhancing the ground-directed attack. W-w-what do w-we do, Young Master?!"


"Goddammit, just use another skill, didn't we gave you tons of skill books? Use them! Eh-ah? What is it, Elder Filia, is there something wrong on your si-UAAAAAAH?!!" As the young master of the Kernti Clan was berating the nervous 7 Sins Knight with yelling and shouting, his left arm was suddenly grabbed. It was at that very same moment that the sound of a very far away but immense whistle sounded out and, well, increased in volume by the instants that happened. When he looked to his left while ignoring the sound for some reason, he suddenly felt something weird and, following the direction where he saw Proper Self pointing with her right index finger, he saw a diminute shadow cross the sky and begin falling down on them like a mini mountain would sound like if it was collapsing from the air.




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