Bow and Arrow

Chapter 355: Chapter 353 — Oco’s Tactics, The Order’s Domination!

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Oco's Tactics, The Order's Domination!




On the TV screen, Estel's Team#1 on the east was being quickly encircled by 2 teams from the Glorious Gods Sect, while Team#2 who was marching towards the south was instead approached by 3 different enemy teams. On the west, another 2 enemy teams were directly moving towards Team#3 while the other remaining 3 enemy teams were much to the sides in-between of each Team of The Order and behind the rest of the enemy teams.

At this moment, one of the enemy teams closing in onto the Team#1 stopped for a moment, and before long, they made some gestures as the enemy team following behind them stopped moving altogether and even positioned themselves on the spot. With the Hard-Dying Vanguard putting up walls and protectors half a meter tall and as wide as at least 40cm.

Behind those were all the rest of their team, the Master of the Elements archer-type class, the Killing Vow class player acting as the vice-leader of the team and the 2 Explosive Marksmen. All of them were looking through the gaps and ascertaining the path that their ally team made towards the moving box in front of them that was just about 1,000 meters away from their current position.

Meanwhile, the Hard-Dying Vanguard, team leader of the team was lazily looking around to see if other similar bored Hard-Dying Vanguard team leaders were up for a little conversation every now and then, as his team members had all the job in their heads by concentrating on any diminute movement or change or even any effect that they saw; prepared to warn the ally team far up ahead in advance.

The enemy team that was closer to Estel's Team#1 was ever so thrilled, excited and really waiting to get into the action as much as they could, eh. Seeing The Order's previous fights, they even wanted to challenge Little Yao Yao Yao's citadel of fire and also itching to easily destroy it, become the team hero of the movies and whip their dicks out for the fans behind the scenes; all sorts of mental desires and expectations appeared in their minds, when...


Instead of the box that was just less than 100 meters before them, making a sound correlating to that of... a box; it sounded more like a sudden explosion of liquid that was forced into action by something... or someone. And right after that sound went out, it actually moved on and reached all of the arena all at once!

"...Look out!" At the same time, one of the members of the enemy team spoke in warning, pointing his index fingers at where the moving box was at before, as a bunch of figures came out of it all at the same time!

With the enemy team obviously thinking that all of the members of The Order were hidden in one sole box, the enemy team instantly sent messages to all the rest of their team after notifying their Leader; Oco. Right after, the Hard-Dying Vanguard took out the huge boulder-rock wrapped in white clothing from his bag with a light white glow and made a sudden jump. When he was falling down, he used the huge wrapped up boulder to hit it straight onto the ground from his back over his right shoulder down.


The impact created a lot of dust, right after, the other 4 team members of the enemy team regrouped around where the Hard-Dying Vanguard fell and they all seemingly disappeared into that cloud of dust which quickly raised up from the arena's floor unnaturally. But at the same time, just 1 second later from when the last Explosive Marksman form the enemy team disappeared into the cloud of dust, 11 different figures rushed into it as well!

Bang, bang! Slash-Bvreee-Vwlsht~Bvreee-Vwlsht~... Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!

Bang bang! Tck...Dadadadadadadadadadadadada... Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!Pfruiyl!...

From the crowd, besides the cloud of dust that was made even more prematurely than they could thought it was supposed to; they could see that between the members of The Order that came out from this one sudden imploding-like box had quite a lot less members than it showed previously. Counting them now, there seemed to be 14 members of The Order who were taking positions for the defense against the incoming enemy team...

Meanwhile, after what seemed to be 22 seconds in duration, the sound from the battle inside the cloud of dust that ended up expanding to a total of 40 meters in diameter and also 4 meters in its maximum height; now began dissipating slowly, as if it had something lacking as well as taken away from itself.


As the dust went off into the distance and it was dispersed enough for whatever it was inside of it at last, all the crowd could look at was at 2 Maidens wielding strange long one-handed pistols in each hand, seemingly made out completely of unusual materials and with a concept that was well beyond out of the norm and common sense.

With those 2 Otherworldly Marksmen triumphantly looking to their front as those teammates that were outside the cloud of dust the entire time had already long informed them of the situation, along with another 5 Maidens wielding swords of all kind and even another 3 Maidens wielding different pole arms, they made a circle as they surrounded Estel whose single ordinary handgun was dripping some droplets of blood from its barrel and its handle every now and then as she spoke towards them.

After a few seconds more, the entire team began to converge in a triangle formation with Estel on the center of it, like this and without making any situational territorial preparations, they awaited for the second enemy team to close in on them. The ground where they stood was the same as that of the one that the huge wrapped up boulder hit, where quite a big hole could be seen.

The best part of it was, that with this strange object managing to create a 30cm deep hole with a diameter of 40 meters, which allowed the Otherworldly Marksmen and the Legendary Archers to take aim in a prone position in that same triangle formation while the rest of the Team#1 laid their stomachs on the ground along with them.

The 2 Otherworldly Marksmen were at the left bottom corner while the 2 Legendary Archers were at the right bottom corner of the triangle; as a nervous enemy team slowly, very slowly made their way towards them, another 2 teams were actually coming the Team#1's way as even 1 of the enemy teams going for the southern moving box changed directions towards Team#1.

Meanwhile, the rest of the enemy teams on the arena were naturally aware of these changes, and even Oco managed to deduce how the situation for their team1 was; death and failure to even cause a casualty. Even though their 'surprise element' was capable of giving each team an advantage no matter where they were on the arena, it would take time for it to work properly.

At the same time, they could either 'feed' the cloud of dust with some specific items or they could plant another special bomb on the spot where the huge wrapped up boulder hit, making an even more powerful blast that would allow the depth of the area to increase to a maximum of 1 meter in total!

However, team1 didn't had that chance before it was swiftly disposed of by the combination of ranged and melee players from The Order. At the same time, The Order was seemingly non-affected by the dust's properties not only as dust itself but the specialty from what the boulder and the clothing were all made of.

But it did not matter, even if the teams under his wanted to accompany and support team2 and team3 that were about to go against the team members of The Order, Oco ordered them to prove the rest of the boxes, and to allow the teams behind the frontline ones to take a few steps forth instead of staying all the way back.

Like this, on the west, Yao Yao's Team#3 began to be closed in by the 2 enemy teams that were the nearest by. But unlike the central Team#2 that was moving onto the south, the Team#3 had already slowly and quietly lowered their box's walls and were now leisurely walking closer to the west, their appearances, especially Yao Yao's; was like that of a bored girlfriend whose boyfriend is getting late to their date, ah.

Step, step step step step!

And finally, after Yao Yao showed her face to the public for so long, less than a minute actually, the 2 enemy teams were now madly rushing at her Team#3 while even another 2 teams that were far behind moved towards them as well. Towards this sudden all-in burst of assault, Oco directly told The Order that he wasn't playing around, and was baiting her for her to put up that citadel of hers before moving away from her and taking care of the other Teams of The Order.

And naturally, this was also working in another way; should Yao Yao or The Order in general understand the meaning, she might not want to even use that citadel of hers. In that case, she was in fact, quite killable instead!

With these developments, the 2 enemy teams that were nearest by the Team#3 finally got in close proximity with, and as soon as the Explosive Marksmen from both enemy teams started barraging bullets towards Team#3, the Hard-Dying Vanguard actually took both the Master of the Elements and Killing Vow from their team; each.

As the Hard-Dying Vanguards had both players from their teams held under their armpits and as those players began to take a stance in that awkward pose, they actually showed an impressive balance and accuracy from their attacks, as the Seven Sins Knight on The Order's side had to use her small shield more than thrice in less than a second to protect her teammates.

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Being the only Magical class and player with long-distance attacks, Yao Yao was the one to fully utilize her Core Element manipulation skills to fend off against the incoming enemy teams. She didn't take too much of an aggressive response though, limiting herself to diminish the sight from the enemy ranged classes as well as forcing the entirety of both enemy teams to take detours to avoid her big time AOE skills on the floor.

On the other hand, the Seven Sins Knight Maiden had a blast of fun going and popping off to catch all those incredibly speedy incoming bullets and arrows made of mostly any Element that the enemy Master of the Elements had proficiency in and was currently using; to which, a variety could be seen overall. Though there were not many Elements, both of the Master of the Elements on both of the enemy teams used the very same quantity of Elements, quite a disciplinary strategy, indeed.

At some point, they even used frost and bolt at the same time, one used Frost Element and another Bolt Element. With their incredible accuracy, they mingled in midair and then shot towards Little Yao Yao Yao with full strength and speed, forcing the Animal Souls to pull up spiritual beast energy shields to protect her from a hit of such an attack each every team.

Like this, time passed as 1 minute went on, and 1 minute was all it took for the 2 nearest enemy teams to close in onto Team#3 as they finally begun fighting at melee! Even the Killing Vow from both enemy teams were using their large and heavy sniper rifles to lunge at a Berserker or even an Animal Soul, while they did frenziedly avoided The Order's 2 Slaughter Dao Maidens though.

If the Killing Vow was so courageous already, then let alone the 2 Explosive Marksmen who were even doing their best to charge up and just about they were to get to melee combat, they would try to shoot any Maiden they were against on the stomach, intending to release a full spray of bullets onto them but to which The Order's Maidens weren't just standing still, always managing to avoid most of them and even landing a hit or two.

But because of the system's limitations, those hits weren't as worth when compared to outside the Global Tournament. Slowly, the Maidens of The Order began suffering much more a downer for their HP rather than those 'squishy' Explosive Marksman and Killing Vows. But the Hard-Dying Vanguards and the Master of the Elements enemy players were faring much more better.

The Hard-Dying Vanguards were tanking all the damage that they could, showing an impressive Damage Reduction+15% and even having skills that allowed them to heal a tiny percentage from every attack that they were dealt against. While the Master of the Elements enemy players were not afraid at all of using their closed fists and unprotected knees to strike against the Berserkers and Anima Souls with heavy but fast gauntlets and claw-like gauntlets respectively.

Every time a Killing Vow faced a danger predicament, a Hard-Dying Vanguard would take a lot of damage to save them, rendering their HP very low by the time that...

Bang! Bang, bang bang, bang!

...the other 2 enemy teams behind the already in-combat enemy teams finally arrived at their destination. To this, Sash and Diana sacrificed some HP to directly kill off the enemy players with the lowest HP, the Hard-Dying Vanguards, and then moved on to target the Killing Vows which had the most deplorable Movement Speed and general agility.

With this sweet and swift set of motions, the shy and introvert Sash and the fiery but calm and silent Diana easily disposed of almost half the 2 enemy teams in a mere 4.5 seconds, giving their speed and eloquence a higher note to the crowds and viewership!

And by the time that their HP was below 50%, Yao Yao's Divine Consecrated Ultra-Heal descended upon them as they got rid of them, with Diana being healed 3.5 seconds after the battle to kill the 2 Hard-Dying Vanguards and Killing Vows ended; with Sash having even less HP due to the severity of her very own self-harming skills. Which was then followed up by Yao Yao's Divine Consecrated Grand Majestic Heal, bringing Diana back to 100% HP at once and Sash at barely 70% HP, from a previous amount of only 1,000 HP.

Bang, bang, bang!

The crowd and viewership, who were all silently watching and calmly bearing this slowly growing intensifying battle, slowly felt that they were unconsciously getting up from their seats or from their laying down position as they now watched a team consisting of 11 people having already easily dispatched off half of the enemy in just a few seconds only to have another 10 enemies come their way. And now it was a 11 vs 16 with most Maidens from The Order having to wait 10 seconds for Yao Yao's Divine Consecrated Single Ultra-Heal, as their HP slowly fell to lower and lower levels even before the newly incoming 2 enemy teams have arrived at their battlefield...

Back to the central area of the arena, closer to the south; Team#2 that was Itnia's Team, was finally studied by Oco after seeing Yao Yao's Team of 11 people fight it off so well against many more enemies, even with the vast limitations from the system. And after counting the total of members on Team#1, amounting to a total of 25, Oco then -obviously- discovered that the remaining Team should be of about 15 members in total.

As such, instead of sending all his remaining people against either Yao Yao or Estel's Teams, he sent instead only 2 of his teams towards Estel's Team and 3 of his teams towards the still hidden team inside the moving box. At this instant, Itnia's Team was no longer moving though, and they were closer to the east rather than the south as they stopped on the spot.

Suddenly, from inside the immobile box, Cyn, Zi Fei, Miriam and the Fallen Archmage Maiden turned their heads in the same directions as if they had noticed of something, or somethings. Right after, they looked at each other and then opened their mouths to speak to Natalia and Itnia, who in return looked at each other as Natalia made a beautiful gentle smile to encourage Itnia.

As the crowds were mesmerized and the viewership were consisting of either envious people or dumbfounded people, Itnia returned the smile and proceeded to also blow the viewers' minds into mud and shit from how adorably serious she looked as she then raised her right arm and face her palm towards the box's ceiling.

Meanwhile, the 3 'sneakily' incoming enemy teams were only about 60 meters away from Team#2, and after confirming the situation with their other ally teams as well as receiving confirmation from Oco; they also finally begun to charge up all at the same time out from their hiding spots and silent steps towards the immobile box!

With each Explosive Marksman already gotten out their rocket launchers, they aimed at the box and prepared to launch it into the sky and in pieces, but! At the next moment, just as their rocket launcher's missiles were sent to bombard the box with 6 missiles straight-directed moving at the same time; the immobile box's ceiling was abruptly broken as a little thing came out of it and soared to the skies!

At the same time, from the side of the box that was facing the south, a beautiful 15 year old came out and as soon as she did, her HP visibly became as low as 50% while a bunch of electric small dragons began to form from the air into smallish watery dragons with some dark blue bolts coiling around them. As they formed, the watery dragon seemingly turned to life as they had a pair of eyes open from their faceless heads and then headed straight towards the 3 enemy teams in front of her!

This was the Fallen Archmage that, along with 'Yun Beishang's skill', she could use the smallest proportions of anything to make 'bid deals' out of it, be it water from the air itself like in the legends of the use of Elements or even... blood!

As soon as the 3 Hard-Dying Vanguards enemy players saw this immense attack of about more than 100 watery snakes coming their way, they took out 2 tower shield from their bag and prepared to placed them in front and make a straight line with the 3 ally teams with each Hard-Dying Vanguard standing besides the other.

However, at this time, when they were about to lift their durable and heavy and tall tower shields; the 3 of them and at the same time, began to feel their internal organs begin to squirm around as their limbs turned extremely numb, but also extremely painful at the same time. Starting from their fingertips, to the entirety of their hands, forearms, entire arms and then torso; all the way until their entire bodies were even levitating a few inches above the ground and had their limbs twisted in extreme manners with their bones already seemingly having become jelly.

At the same time that this happened, and all of the crowds, viewership and even the 3 enemy teams were shocked, paralyzed and incredulous. The Order was, instead, completely calm and tranquil upon seeing this not only gruesome and cruel sight, but also to the fact that it was made with what many dream of doing in-game and whose few successful ones were only those Elements Prodigy that were focused on the Water Core Element. Not only that, but of those, only small success were all they could get as they were only able to make a worm make different shapes at best, let alone an entire, strong, tanky and tall human body so easily and with more than 1 at the same time at that!

The Order, once again and without the use of a Hidden Class, fucking amazed and now terrified the masses as they witnessed this exemplary execution. Natalia, Itnia and Miriam were hard at work to keep the Fallen Archmage Maiden at more than 20% HP while the Hard-Dying Vanguard was already doing her besty best to protect her fellow Maiden from the soon-to-start shooting bullets from the 3 enemy teams.

But, at this moment, just as the 3 enemy teams were regaining intelligence from their retardity; a whistling sound come from high up above as they barely started raising their guns and long and heavy sniper rifles to aim at the Fallen Archmage young girl.





V4: #3 3/10

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