Bow and Arrow

Chapter 356: Chapter 354 — Tough Bruises And Hateful Frowns

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Tough Bruises And Hateful Frowns





Instantly after the whistling noise went out, only the Glorious Gods Sect players were confused and unaware of the terrifying calamity about to befall on them. After all, it was so different when comparing the seeing or watching of a 'thing' to living and experiencing, going through it for oneself. And such was the case for the 15 players that came to fight off the 15-player team of The Order.

Before they knew it, their faces were fully stomped against by Xiao Ruo even as she didn't even hit them all directly; at all. As the players from the Glorious Gods Sect were smacked down against the floor from the mere shockwave and rumbling floor of the arena that Xiao Ruo created, having used her second Sun-Reaching, Earth-Diving Decimating Leaps in the air to dive straight down at them.

Most of them had their bodies fall down against the floor directly from the impact only to jump back up into the air from the inertia of their bodies being forced like this, and some were blasted a few meters away from it with Xiao Ruo feeling a little bit heavy-headed due to the great amount of bodies that she stomped, which made Xiao Ruo feel as if there were a few more layers of flooring besides that of the arena, lighter and weaker but still.

Swish, whoosh...Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl!

In any case, just as those who were back into the air felt their heads roll while still attached to their bodies and as their eyeballs rolled just as much as their heads; a blurry dark purple shadow went ahead to engage them by cleaving her pair of bollock daggers into their bodies more than twice in a row, taking about 40% of their HP more or less for those who didn't had enough Damage Reduction stat.

At the same time, Natalia had already healed up the Fallen Archmage Maiden who was now using her skillset to empower everyone else instead of launching another attack, for as the 3 Hard-Dying Vanguards who were sprawled and rendered immobile in the middle of the air were now badly fucking dead due to the combination of her small watery dragons from which most of them were repelled by the Explosive Marksmen enemy players and even Killing Vows who took out small handguns to aid with the destruction of such watery snakes.

At the same time, right before Xiao Ruo descended on them, the 3 Master of the Elements enemy players had made a few barriers of the Bolt Element, which granted them some tiny little bit of help to both crush those watery dragons and the shockwaves from Xiao Ruo. The Hard-Dying Vanguards, however, died easily.


At the same time, the two Killing Vow Maidens, who have been with their tummies resting on the arena's floor, had already began shooting those midair Glorious Gods Sect. Specifically, they targeted the most squishy members of the enemy teams who were not only only 1 less than them, but also of the same class; indeed, they and along Zi Fei's speedy movements, deleted the 3 Killing Vows from the enemy teams.

At this time, Miriam summoned 150 little needles that instantly went out to catch off-guard the rest of enemy players that were blasted a few meters away from their companions. She was so swift and quiet in her previous movements that not even most of the crowd and viewership could see her start performing her skill before of her fingertips dancing on the air.

Unlike Zi Fei, Sammy used her even more fast and invisible assets to easily engage against the Explosive Marksmen who were the second most squishy enemy players to face; both of them, however, did indeed ignored the trio of Master of the Elements enemy players as if they were worthless in this fight.

At this moment, everyone got a new image as a black lightning bolt suddenly crashed against their backs from where the box that is no longer visible anywhere was previously remaining immobile at. After crashing against their backs, instead of granting or lowering Movement Speed, they left a trail of murky darkness below their feet from wherever they passed.

When Zi Fei and Sammy had already gone through many enemy players, that murky darkness on the floor made those enemy players whose bodies fell directly onto it to start moving at an extremely slow speed as well as their MP and Stamina being rapidly drained; not reduced, but drained!

As for where did that MP and Stamina went to? So that Itnia and Natalia could both endlessly heal and buff their teammates or even debuff the enemy players. As for empowering, that was left for Cyn as she made extremely graceful motions with her legs as she leisurely strolled around the battlefield with a totally worshiping Xiao Ruo protecting her from any possible enemy player trying to even set their glance on her!

BANG~! BANG~! BANG~! ...Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! Pfruiyl! ...Bvreee-Vwlsht~, Bvreee-Vwlsht~, Bvreee-Vwlsht~.

The 3 Master of the Elements enemy players slowly came to their feet, as they did, they could only glance in both a grimly and despondent manner as they saw their ally teammates being put down one after the other by the collaboration of a dark purple blurry shadow and a completely dark blurry shadow. While at the same time, endless shooting from quite the most powerful sniper rifles they've ever head in-game and even in real life were ending them all.

But at the same time, the 3 Master of the Elements couldn't help feeling despondent due to the fact... that they were being fully ignored... And at once, as one of the 3 of them looked at the other 2 furtively, to which the other 2 Master of the Elements enemy players then nodded and right after took out from their bags a huge wrapped up boulder before starting to coat it with arrow-shaped green, orange and yellowish-green light energies.

Before long, as Itnia informed the rest of her Team#2 about it, the 3 Masters of the Elements brutally slammed the poor and innocent bombastic huge wrapped up boulder onto the arena's floor, deeply creating a 1 meter deep crater at once and even with a diameter of 75 meters with cloud of dust with a height of 7 meters tall.






Back to the east side of the arena where The Order and the Glorious Gods Sect were fighting on.


Estel had her incredibly enchanting, attractive and young face gashed by 3 long wounds on her right cheek and a long enough bruise on her left cheek that had already turned into a tiny bit of purple and of mainly a brown color which covered all of her left cheek. Her eyes and nose, however, were pretty much perfect sill as they indomitably glanced at the last Hard-Dying Vanguard she just killed by exchanging a last kick to her own stomach to blast his' with her Mineral-Synergy Metallic Hat handgun that looked like an ancient Desert Eagle with an overextended barrel and a bit of a longer handle.

Her left cheek's bruise came from the first Hard-Dying Vanguard she killed after her Mecha was blowed to shit by the use of 2 huge wrapped up boulders and with the 4 Explosive Marksmen using their rocket launcher to shoot missiles at her nonstop and even though most did not land on her Mecha, they did managed to do so a few times.

Besides that, the Explosive Marksmen used a total of 2 strange bombs to adhered them with impossible speed at her Mecha as well, which made it for Estel to no longer be able to drive it to kill the rest of Killing Vows without obstruction. As she was forced to get herself ejected from it, she waved it goodbye with a half-sad and half-relieved pout of her lower lip out of her mouth as the system would take all costs of the battle after it was done.

She was, however, sneaked upon by the 2 Masters of the Elements while a Hard-Dying Vanguard used a very strong skill to send her flying with one single punch to her face; her left cheek.

Anyways, now that she had ended the last Hard-Dying Vanguard, Estel and her remaining 13 teammates were now chasing the remaining 3 Explosive Marksmen and 1 Master of the Elements enemy players as they made their way towards the center of the arena and slightly to the south. The Team#1 didn't know what they were planning but, it didn't fucking mattered! As the end result of this battle with one of the sides completely dying out; at least before the other, for that 'other' to win.

So, Estel gave the order to chase the 4 fuckers and to kill them, but all of her long-distance range attacking Maidens died. The 2 Legendary Archers, 2 Otherworldly Markswomen, 2 Otherworldly Elementalists and 3 Ancient-level Beings all fell during the all-out battle given from the Glorious Gods Sect, while only 1 Mindless Slaughter Sword Maiden fell a well while protecting the 3 Dimensional Architects.

With this, Estel has been fighting off the last Hard-Dying Vanguard on her own at an one on one scenario where the rest of her Team#1 made a circle to ensure he didn't escape as well as to protect from any attacks that the rest of the remaining and alive enemy team in hopes to take their Team#1 by surprise or to try and instakill Estel and a few more.

The truth, however; was that the enemy team remaining members all started running away from the spot, leaving the battlefield and hence, their last team leader to the fate of surely fucking dying. With a quick nod, everyone responded to Estel as the Dimensional Architect Maidens expertly brought everyone else at full HP in no time and only did the same to everyone's MP and Stamina after the Grand Shaman Maiden, who was also performing perfectly while on the fast-as-hell-move and gave them her resources all while still buffing everyone's Movement Speed to her fullest.

Like this, The Order successfully chased and killed the remaining Master of the Elements and another Explosive Marksman after a few minutes of full-speed chasing. And just as the enemy team was happy to know they were infinitely closer to the massive cloud of dust before them, which they were longing for so many minutes until now. Both their heads were mangled right after the sound of 2 strange incoming shots that came from the both sides to the north and south outside the massive cloud of dust.


*PING*...your teammate 'Lord is my everything' killed an enemy team player, 'Free-Reign'.

*PING*...your teammate 'Bouncing in Lord's bliss' killed an enemy team player, 'Coloring Blood'.

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At the same time that those 2 powerful sounds came from afar, Estel received these 2 notification from the system's Global Tournament features, surprising her as they didn't receive any report that there were 2 free-to-use Killing Vows right besides the large battlefield that was once again hidden by the naked eye.

After seeing the enemy players' 2 bodies disappear, Estel and her Team#1 hurried to the also now standing up and rushing at them pair of feminine figures in the distance. After a little bit of time, as Estel's face was serious and she concernedly asked the 2 Killing Vow Maidens of the situation, she unhurriedly ran with her Team#1 and the Team#2's 2 Killing Vow Maidens into the massive cloud of dust.

But before they could even get in there with Estel just about to have her first step into the familiar cloud of dust that she and her Team#1 had unfortunately experienced from before once again; it suddenly began to dissipate at fast speeds.

Within it, one could see Miriam, Yona and Zi Fei watching the young girl Fallen Archmage Maiden soloing all the remaining enemies while only Natalia, Yona, Zi Fei, Xiao Ruo, Cyn, Sammy and Itnia remained alive with all the other 4 Hard-Dying Vanguard Maidens having naturally died off to the Glorious Gods Sect teams already; to which the Ladies were naturally a bit sorry for, awww.

In any case, at this moment, the Fallen Archmage Maiden was fighting against 2 Masters of the Elements and 1 Killing Vow. The Killing Vow enemy player had already been downed of his HP to a total of 1,200 while the other 2 Master of the Elements had no more MP or Stamina to use any of their skills or even Hidden Stat 'control' at all.

On the other hand, the Fallen Archmage was with barely any MP and Stamina while her HP was of 7,200. Right now, she was making a backwards somersault with her left leg extended out fully and her beautiful cloaked plain torso arching backwards; she gave a furious kick with the tip of her left foot below the chin of the Killing Vow as a tiny bit of his HP fell but his body altogether was sent backwards for a few meters.

Watching from 1 meter above, Estel and the rest of Team#1 and Team#2's 2 Killing Vows then saw the Fallen Archmage Maiden knee harshly and unexpectedly to the Master of the Elements behind her that was tying to get into position to grab her from behind. Her expression was furious, very furious and she had an angered frown upon her beautiful eyebrows which made some extra 'imaginary' damage and Dazed effect into the enemy player as he was sent with the top of his head heavily hit by her knee towards the floor.

He was then smacked against the ground, and as the Fallen Archmage Maiden swung around her two hands, a bloody electrifying current came to be around them as they were the strongest on her fingertips but still dancing all around her hands. She then lowered her back and bent her legs to penetrate the back of the Master of the Elements, her left hand went for his spinal cord while her right one crushed his right lung.

She kept her hands like that for a few seconds; and while that happened, the Master of the Elements on the floor was feeling terribly. Just like what everyone saw before, when she used Blood manipulation, the same was happening to him but even more directly and... worse!

Step! Step! Step!

While the Killing Vow was in a state of Critically Injured, the other Master of the Elements was terrified but he still charged up to the young girl Fallen Archmage Maiden to try and do the same that the one on the floor tried just now. And of course, as soon as he thought that he was about to succeed, a notification of his teammate dying went up to his retinas.

That mere moment of stupefaction... was enough for the young girl to turn around with full HP and more than 30% of both her MP and Stamina as she arrogantly glanced at the stupefied retard before her. She then smirked disdainfully and with a sudden bent of her back as well as her upper body rotating towards the ground behind her, her legs were suddenly turned into a pair of fiery legs with blood-colored energy flames.

Her shins then both struck the neck of the Master of the Elements enemy player, continuously making several different burning marks that then moved up and down his neck to integrate with his body as the Fallen Archmage Maiden's HP and resources that were continuously streaming down from this skill and her attacking with it activated began to grow back ever so slightly.

At the same time, the young girl's arms and hands were levitating almost an entire meter above the floor as she didn't need to use any corporeal movement to position herself perfectly for the fastest, most efficient and powerful kicks that she could sent to her enemy.

PAM! ...thu-thud.

At last, the remaining Master of the Elements had his HP reach 0 as he died while still feeling like his neck became several different necks with how deformed it became after suffering the Fallen Archmage Maiden's barrage of attacks that were ceaseless toward it.

Lastly, there was the Critically Injured Killing Vow who could barely move away from the fight between his last nearest by comrade and the atrocious but genius little girl who could... do many horrible things, but that were still cool! In any case, the young girl moved, or rather, levitated up to the Killing Vow.

As she was 2 meters right above him, the young girl glanced condescendingly at him before throwing off a small fireball which upon landing on the last Killing Vow, it turned into a bloody small fireball. Soon after, as she moved her fingers in strange and stiff manners, the Killing Vow below her squirmed and twisted unnaturally; inhumanely.

Even after the Killing Vow's HP reached 0, the Fallen Archmage Maiden continued on until he noiseless disappeared from the arena. As for The Order Ladies and Maidens on sight who witnessed this, they weren't the slightest bit of concerned of this act, heh. Even Natalia looked on with appreciation while Xiao Ruo took out dozens of Softest Pancake(Harpy) that her beloved Master gave her. They all could only eat 1 type of food and potion in this tournament anyway, might as well.

She watched as the young girl did those atrocities, she was delighted about the food while the munching softness from the pancake made her eyes roll, such a pity that she couldn't eat more, awww.

At this moment, Estel turned to Miriam and told her something that Yun Beishang could more than perfectly understand the meaning of within; as Miriam's face blushed but a joyous glint prevailed over her eyes as she gazed at the west. Right after, the Fallen Archmage was carried along by Cyn while Estel and Itnia led the rest of The Order to aid the Team#3!



Peaceful Rain Villa, Living Room.


Lick, lick... slurp, plop... mmng, plop!

Licking, taking inside and then tongue lapping around; all kinds of noises sounded out over and over again.

Ring, ring~.

Suddenly, Yun Beishang heard his shorts from 1 meter away on the floor as his newest phone tried but did not managed to attract his attention away from the normal-height Ellie who was eating his Dragon Balls with her face deeply buried within his crotch. From time to time, both immense and extra-voluminous spherical wonders for his women were all inside both her cheeks, making her look as if her cheeks were bloated 3 times their size.


With a swing of his right hand while his left one pushed Ellie's head against his crotch even stronger as well as up and down all at the same time, with Ellie rubbing all of her face on him drunk in fervor, Yun Beishang actually made the phone in the pocket of his short levitate directly at his right hand as he then answered the call after putting a barrier with his Mental Power under to cover Ellie's extremely loud and tasting noises.

"Ah, hello? Clan Head Jones?" Yun Beishang said, his eyes rolling and his eyelids narrowing out of pleasure while he felt not only his Dragon Balls but his entire Dragon's Big Body enter all of Ellie's head.

"Mn, the thing is-oof! We're about to lose against the Fosk Clan's Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League. Actually, we're about to win but, they offered owing you, me and... 'Fosk Yao' a favor if I let them win, all for the sake of meeting her in case they did met in this Association vs Association segment. W-would you... agree to this?" Jones Clem's side sounded as if he was moving around quite fast and forcefully, his voice sounded calm and casual, as always. But now it had a tinge of ferocity that wasn't there before; before... when his children were terminally ill, basically.

Thinking of that, Yun Beishang smirked while imagining the faces of the infants who made this Jones Clem into the Jones Clem of now and of the future! He did imagined more the face of that little tiny thing, Jones Miryia than the clever Jones Clem Jr, but still a good thought to have. At the same time, however, recalling that those 2 were twins, and that he had more than 1 pregnancy at the moment, Yun Beishang thought.

'Woah... wait a minute. Hm... he seems to have experience in it, right? Having twins, woah~, maybe I'll have to ask for his help this time as well? Sheesh...'




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