Bow and Arrow

Chapter 359: Chapter 557 — Warm Hugging, Balls-Cutting

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Warm Hugging, Balls-Cutting




Rising Essence; on the arena of the fight between The Order and the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League.


"Yao Yao, then, does your Master treats you very well?" Asked Fosk Yinlan, concerned but also curious of this little cute thing's life that has been going pretty neat so far.

"Oh, mhm! He's not just my Master though, ehm... he has accepted me, you know? Hehehe, Elder Yinlan, I don't know why I keep on spouting so much nonsense, but it just feels so good to talk about it with you, hee~." Fosk Yinlan grinned with her lips a bit pursed, with a look in her eye that told anyone who see it that she was silently rebuking this rushing young girl, she instead asked once again to the cute little thing before her. "But, wait. Little Yao Yao, you have said so much about that boy Yun. Tell me, could it be that, you and your Master have 'that' kind of relationship?"

"Eh!" Fosk Yao's smile suddenly disappeared, her foolish girly fashioned self instantly changed to that of a wide eyed and jaw-clenching as her lips pursed a bit angrily into a little flower at the middle of her mouth. "Miss! Even if I can for sure say that he does treat me as his woman, that is not for anyone else to doubt my words or to think of whatever they can think of. My Master treats us too well and cares for us a whole lot! The only reason I could be with him so early on in my life it's because of Big Sis Itnia and my own encouragement to not denying myself anything! That's how I've led my life, and it is also how I've come to know incredible sisters and even... my man."

From Fosk Yao's reaction, at first, Fosk Yinlan appeared to be panicky, even moving and fidgeting around nonstop in small motions. But as Fosk Yao kept on speaking, the words of her way of living and that of her fortuitous encounter and self-finding of the care and devotion and infatuation that she found herself trapped against. Fosk Yinlan could only blankly stare at Fosk Yao as a blush invaded her face by the end of her own words.

"I-I... no, that's not what I meant. Little Yao Yao, ah, can I still call you this?" A bit pouty, but also a bit begrudging and with her chin a little into her neck, Fosk Yao looked at the beautiful young-looking woman before her as she made an ever so slight frown at her before nodding her head thrice in a row to Fosk Yinlan's worries.

With but a smile and a relieved heart, Fosk Yinlan took a bit of extra air into her system and continued but this time, with a light and easy-going; warm and familiar smile. "Thank you, for letting me of, hehe. Well, Little Yao Yao. I'm really glad to have seen you, to have spoken to you and have interacted a bit with yourself such that you were even willing to tell me your life."

"Mn, this Yao Yao is also still glad of having met you, Elder Fosk Yinlan... eh." Noticing Fosk Yao's change in expression, Fosk Yinlan blinked, tilted her head to the left and raise her eyebrows just a little bit before asking her caringly. "What is it, Little Yao Yao? Is everything alright?"

"Mm... no." Fosk Yao also had her head tilted with her chin pointing at her right shoulder, she seemed to be comically thinking for a while before she responded to Fosk Yinlan with an embarrassed expression on her young and silly face. "It's just, Elder... thinking of you and me, having the same surname and speaking like this. Aiyo, it feels a little... you know?"

"Oh... oh, hahaha! Indeed~..." A bit flustered herself, Fosk Yinlan responded only after processing the words that Fosk Yao tried to convey, she reacted rather sporadically with her hands shaking a tiny bit. "It is, however, also kinda nice, isn't it? Feeling this kind of warmth, and from a person that somehow shares surnames with you, hehe. Well Little Yao Yao; though I've been enjoying myself entirely by just talking with you, and you may have been so far as well, I believe that it is time to go."

"Aiya, look at the time. Soon, the battles would start, go back to your people, alright? Oh, and don't worry about our side losing, it never mattered to us anyways. The only ones who want so badly to win are those who are out from the All-Mending project, trying their best to get a hold of it by all means possible."

"Well then, see you another time. I hope that you'll visit us from time to time and that... you also let us visit you at your home as well. Take care." Finished speaking overall, Fosk Yinlan turned around and began to move her lonely figure with her back all turned towards Fosk Yao. At this moment, Fosk Yao felt as if a little piece of her heart fell, and that one little piece was the trigger of a domino effect in which her heart began to feel like it was falling apart.

"Mm." With the lightest of soft, but also despondent of murmurs; Fosk Yao murmured once before slowly spinning her body 180 degrees and begin walking around and away from the border of The Order's and the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League. Fosk Yinlan, who was a few meters before, glanced at the less than 1 minute remaining before the start of the battle, already more than prepared to instantly 'press the button' to give up in its entirety for the BKHS League. In the same manner, she heard Fosk Yao's steps as she drifted away...

"Elder Fosk Yinlan! Elder Fosk Yinlan!! W-w-w-wa-...waaaait!" Suddenly, at this very exact moment where less than half a minute remained before the start of the battles in all the 8 arenas. Fosk Yinlan found herself completely thunderstruck as Fosk Yao's voice sounded out from behind her exactly from where they were talking just a few dozen seconds ago.

Turning her head back, she saw a little sweaty and deeply anxious Fosk Yao have her little palms against the invisible barrier, to which she appeared to damn impatient and wanted to smash it open.


Step, step, step, stepstepstepstep!

Fosk Yinlan didn't even thought as she was already just a few meters back to where they were previously having such a nice conversation, as soon as she arrived before Fosk Yao, Fosk Yinlan used both her palms to equally look for and to find the smaller hands as they 'touched' with the invisible barrier in-between them.

"Fosk-Little Yao Yao?!" Asked, very confused but damn glad very well underneath her confusion an ecstatic and also anxious Fosk Yinlan. To which Fosk Yao finally eased up a little bit and even lightly smiled in relaxation. "I just thought, I like Elder Fosk Yinlan very much, very, very much! Since that is the case... why not hug? You know, like, like, like-like, ah..."

"Huuu-it's okay, I get it , Little Yao Yao. And yes! Please, sure, of course! We-we can do that, once the barrier is done, we should do that!"

"..." Fosk Yao, more eased up than even the 100+ year old beautiful woman before her, blinked continuously quite a few times to this development, thinking that she may have influenced the Elder to behave like this in concern for herself. After all, she did appeared out of nowhere and in quite the worrisome manner.

"Mn." A light nodding motion with her head and a light sound coming from her throat to all the way out of her nostrils was all that Fosk Yao could utter at this moment, her head remained lowered a little as only her forehead, eyelashes and part of the bridge of her nose was visible to the loving and utterly caring eyes of Fosk Yinlan. A silent tear quickly went by unnoticed by both Fosks.

*PING*...attention all Journeyers...

Whoosh! Thud-thud.

As soon as the announcement for the starting of the battle commenced, nor Fosk Yao nor Fosk Yinlan gave one single damn care about the world, let alone the announcement as it seemingly turned completely off inside their heads and only the 'sight' of the invisible barrier disappearing and letting them now 'see' each other perfectly.

At this time, the feeling that she got from looking directly into the eyes of this beautiful woman wasn't like that from when she was within the Fosk Clan territory and even their very center of it; and instead, Fosk Yao felt as if she could easily, perfectly and undeniably understand this person in front of her to the utmost foundations as if it was only natural to do so.

With but in the fraction of a mere moment, both Fosks' bodies lunged at each other, arms wide open and their chest sticking out. The next moment from the one before, Fosk Yao was fully resting on Fosk Yinlan's chest while her arms seemingly having found their long lost warmth that she had never had the opportunity to ever feel from before. With only similar ones coming from either Cyn or the Matron from the company she used to work in.

In the same manner, Fosk Yinlan wanted but couldn't rest herself on Fosk Yao, as she had no rights to do so and made herself to be the pillar for Fosk Yao to feel better, at ease and safe. Safe and sound. There is nothing that she would ever want for this Fosk Yao, this Little Yao Yao of hers, she would even start a war for her, let alone just simply ruining this moment for her just so that she, Fosk Yinlan, herself could feel more at ease from the flesh of her own.



Rising Essence, some part of Main Kingdom within the Ancient Forest Region, Mother Tree Division's Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division.


The news, sudden and absurd news of the battle between the League of The Order and the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League ending just as soon as it began, only a few minutes later from when it even started. May have made many player's and viewer's necks bend unnaturally forward and for their eyes to widen in incredulity, forming a quite the goddamned 'don't be fucking kidding with me' expression on their faces.

But if that was already 'shocking', to say the least, then the also news of the Divine Gates Hall suddenly also surrendering to the Gold and Silver Guild were an addon that just... broke people's minds. What the fuck. Two battles, from the 8 battles and the 16 Associations, it suddenly became a 6 arena-battles and 12 Associations vying for the 4th placements rather than anything else.

Sigh, could people find it disturbing, or have the rights to complain? This was an all too free-to-watch, from the forums, and free-to-witness, from the game itself as everything needed to play it was completely free; well, except for the high-end Gaming Tools that came out every new version of the game, that is.

And now, as the players were making this newly improvised esports a passion, passion naturally brought big and imaginative words to no end. In any case, both parties; be it the BKHS League and the League of The Order and those of the Divine Gates Hall and the Gold and Silver Guild, were not a single bit giving a fuck about this. Especially the Fosk Clan's Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League, as they returned to their castle outside the premises of the Protective Fruit Tree Sub-Division but were still inside the Ancient Forest Region.

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With at least 100+ meters tall trees being as abundant as grass on the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, them being the small and utmost common flora of the Ancient Forest Region, a 275,000 square meters castle could be seen still in construction for its next expansion. And, looking at the kind of movement inside the territory and expansion of such, it was bound to be around 800,000 square meters big.

Inside such a wonderful tall-tree-like world, the castle didn't look out of place nor filled with nature or mixed in the vegetation, but instead, it appeared to be holy and progressive as its warm golden colors irradiated a brilliance so noble; all citizens of such a castle were all-day feeling like the cherished citizens of the Castle's owners. Namely, the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League; they had a confusing name, but also had intentions very clear and amicable. Which gained the support from nearby settlements even as it was an 'otherworldly' Association.

In the case of the players, this was some hard role-playing stuff, that even the Crestfallen Industry looked a bit corny to force the players to do, as one couldn't get past the simple act of gaining an Association's Castle if they weren't connected to the NPCs inside of it. Of course, NPCs and Journeyers can live inside the city, without a single difference being felt among each other. That doesn't mean it would be like that to all other Castles though.

. . .


Inside the central, towering building of the Castle, a white and golden Main Castle-Tower.


Step, step, step, step, step... creak-creak~ Pu-btom!

Footsteps sounded from outside the door, and those who were inside the lavish but still humble large meeting room were finally getting at ease upon hearing Elder Yinlan getting back. After all, she had been more or less absent for the past half an hour, seemingly not wanting to interact with even her own last bloodline at all for 'that' strange reason.

And indeed, it was Elder Yinlan who came into the room after the big damn doors opened very slowly and heavily, to which she now suddenly found to be extremely annoying as images from the ones at New Earth flashed into her mind, making her want to put them down already.

As soon as she entered the large meeting room and saw the large table in the middle that went from one extreme of the large room to the other, so did the people inside as she first and foremost found her dear husband, then the Grand Elder of the Fosk Founding Clan. Her husband was all silent and calm, but his eyes which could only be understood by his wife, were all smiling and acting like a kid.

Step, step, step-thud!

As soon as he saw her, he ran at her, hugged her; and then hushed at her left ear while making a Nature Connection sound-barrier to not let anyone hear them. After a little bit of that, Fosk Yinlan seemingly was unwavering, but the light in her eyes almost made Fosk Deter cry out so many tears that he could only control himself with the cough of the Grand Elder supporting him mentally.

"Ahem, well... Yinlan, little girl, how did it go? Could you confirm it?" Hearing her grand uncle speak, the one she helped get the position of Clan Head along her husband after her parents drove the Fosk Clan to almost depravity, Fosk Yinlan smiled brilliantly and her eyes became crescent moons. She spoke with a light tone and somewhat choked words, "Uncle, indeed ah, I-"


But before she could speak, the rude noise of the large table being slammed and then the even more annoying and nerve wracking sound of the very same table trembling and rumbling against the floor and 2 sides of the large room sounded as Fosk Yinlan was interrupted. And right after, the young voice of a person inside the room sounded as his tone was rather impatient and feverish even, "Is she the real direct bloodline descendant? Can she get into our Founding Clan already, now, right away then?! She is to be mine, no? Mhm, hey auntie, when is she coming to me-"



Slam! ...?

Just by being interrupted, as she was about to tell a fantastic revealing truth, Fosk Yinlan was already irked and furthermore from the noises that her nephew just made. But then, hearing the words he spoke, her eyes flared so angrily that the golden of both her iris and pupils turned effervescent, with some darkness-redness appearing on them for a moment as she furiously slammed against the table with both her hands.

To her surprise, and that of her husband's though, Fosk Deter had also done the very same thing as she did and just as strong as she did as well. But his eyes were naturally not glowing a darkness-redness for he was not even a holder of the Fosk Bloodline, let alone a direct one.

However, to the surprise of both, there was also another person who slammed against it, their grand uncle, Fosk Lilte, but just as he did it was also obvious how much lesser annoyance it was for him to hear those words. When he looked at the couple who slammed, real time, against the large table; he blushed a little as he was found out right away.

At this moment, however, the first one to speak was a crisp and ever so sweet voice, "Hmm? Uncle, Auntie and Great Grand Uncle. For what I see in my Sister Fosk Yao, she is already no longer a virgin, and has even been in several occasions with a man for the past 12 hours, possibly in the nighttime of New Earth as it is already quite early right now. Big Brother Dylan can't marry her! She has someone else, and... ugh..."

At the middle of her wording, the girl with pitch-black hair and totally black almond eyes and whose body resembled Fosk Yao's very well; table. The young girl blushed and even hesitated to even stutter as she fell silent soon after.

"..." Fosk Yinlan saw this and, feeling a bit grateful to the currently sweetest, naive and innocent young girl from her Fosk Clan; but as soon as her gaze left the young girl and landed on the young man who spoke just then, whose face was now terrified and back was sweating damn cold. Her posture changed to that of a predatory one, as even as she bent over to his direction, her breasts were barely anything visible and her neck was definitely not what Fosk Dylan wanted to see in fear that that would misunderstand the terrifying beast before him from wanting to attack her.

"Fosk. Dylan. If you ever, EVER! DARE! TO! SPEAK! SUCH! WORDS!!"

"...Your balls will be cut clean from your entire body, not just from the exterior of your body, YOU DAMN HEAR ME YOUNG MAN?!"

"...!!!!" As Fosk Dylan saw her eyes turn even more darkness-redness, and as he felt his intestines relaxing out, his head about to feel like suddenly jolting backwards and then blackening. He somehow gained a tiny bit of strength to respond subserviently, "Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yes..."

As his feeble voice sounded out, the young girl with pitch-black hair and totally black almond eyes looked at him in worry and pity, but this was something that her future man had to go through, he was a too childish-selfish of a man even now. Of course, first, she had to seduce him like the woman she deserves, or so she though the incredibly extremely fallen-for-him young girl.

Fosk Yinlan slowly straightened her back again, and as her shoulders became like dark mountains in Fosk Dylan's eyes, he heard her sentence him half to death, "Let alone if you ever dare to look at her or even think of her ever again, understand those words?"

With her voice becoming calmer now, it only served to fuel the deepest-from-heart-like feeling that Fosk Dylan was already at the peak of. Thankfully, at this moment, as Fosk Deter looked at the young man and the worried young girl, his heart softened as he muttered to his perfect wifey while fearlessly touching and embracing her shoulders with his delicate but steel-like manly hands. "Oish, oish~. It's okay, he wouldn't dare anymore, he is still somewhat dumb. It's okay, darling."

"Hpmh~." Responded in a feminine tone the perfect wifey.

"AH-HEM! Ah... a butler just told me, dinner is served." As soon as he finished saying that, Fosk Lilte disappeared from the spot noiselessly, the only reason his disappearance didn't make a sound or emitted a white glow was because of the settings of their Castle, and because this Castle was theirs too, of course.

As for his hopes of getting his descendant into the pants of the direct Fosk Bloodline, oh well, fuck no. Being in power is a drink that he feels great being drunk on, but he could not deny the sovereignty of the direct Fosk Bloodline at all. Well, at least there was that Fosk Azak girl who is so extremely loving of his descendant, both talents should complement each other at some point.




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