Bow and Arrow

Chapter 358: Chapter 356 — Small Talk And A Welcoming Warmth From A Call

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Small Talk And A Welcoming Warmth From A Call




After reading through it and realizing of the possibilities, Yun Beishang then passed on to keep watching the images from the extremely long TV screen almost as fast as lightning as they showed everything that occurred from the rest of the 16th placements battles.

Golden Spirit Sect vs Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League was a pretty interesting one for the audience, to put it in a few words; it was a kind of Mecha team and mechanized army vs the relentless and indomitable warrior-like structured army of the BKHS League. The Jones Clan had quite the mind for creating equipment, while their minds were wide-opened to any possibility and variable.

Meanwhile, the BKHS League was full of fearless but prudent and also self-sacrificing members; each of their 51 players had a resolution that came from the sake of 'fighting together' while also being merciful to enemies and not ganging up on them. Even when it resulted in 1 or 2 casualties from the previously thought-to-be 0 casualty assault made by the BKHS League against the Golden Spirit Sect.

Even then, the Golden Spirit Sect still had its strength, and as they led their mechanized troops around, the Mechas conquered every little 'piece' of the arena that the BKHS League had an ongoing battle at. Some time later, they finally ended up cornering at the bottom west of the arena the poor BKHS League which then sent their last remaining 7 members against the last 2 Mechas and 8 members from the Golden Spirit Sect.

In the middle of the battle, the BKHS Leader, Sinner Lilte, sent a beautiful young-looking woman to talk directly with Clemtastic that was Jones Clem. Total Sin#1 used some king of 'barrier' as she and Clemtastic spoke to one another which allowed not the audience to see what was up in-between them. But shortly after, Total Sin#1 retreated fast and even joyously hopping back to the BKHS League corner.

Right after, the battle between the 2 Mechas and the 8 remaining players from the Golden Spirit Sect and the 7 last BKHS League players commenced; shocking in an ending result where the Golden Spirit Sect forfeited as soon as their last 2 Mechas were destroyed by the combination and sacrifice of 5 of those last 7 BKHS League players. In which only Moving Forward and Promising Future were left alive from the BKHS League side.

Giving their victory to the BKHS League wasn't that unexpected, after all, the Golden Spirit Sect Team was also strong, but not as strong as the Quintessential Team as before, and there is no Quintessential Association to speak of. In any case, the Golden Spirit Sect Team was only capable of going farther than the 16th placements thanks to the sudden abandonment from The Order.

Which was, also, the reason of why Jones Clem didn't mind losing already in the midst of the 16th placements for The Order's sake. For as, even if he was 'kept in the dark', he was still a Founding Clan's Clan Head, so he managed to have his own questions and suspicions; which he respectfully kept inside his great mind.

Anyways, that's how it ended for them; now there was only left for Yun Beishang to watch the most quickest and serious but also decent fight of them all. Namely, that of the Sharpened Vanguard Hall vs the Sunbreaker House. In this battle, the Sharpened Vanguard Hall took the reins of the big tiger and operated a one-move operation, in which involved the use of many explosives, biological bombs and even the use of the terrain itself to create a something very similar to gravitational 'control'.

The House Sunbreaker wasn't weak in any way, and the joint strength and cooperation between their members was too splendid; to smack one's lips beautifully and in delight. But the Sharpened Vanguard was now showing their strongest colors. Before, the Cold Dictator moved his groups like Oco, distinctively and in order and barely changing between the registered as main contestant and reserve contestant.

But when the battle against the House Sunbreaker started, the Sharpened Vanguard did not made use of any construction or even siege weapon like before and instead just made a tall-as-hell thin wall that could be blown away by the wind at any moment and, in the sight of only the crowds and viewership, began concocting many dangerous stuff. Stuff whose use would be criminal from just thinking about creating and then using them thanks to how inhumane they were-no; are.

In any case, even as Selina wasn't a little girl, the use of such monstrosities managed to impress her and hence, astound her, for too long enough to let the Cold Dictator's plan be set in motion more than firmly. By the time Selina began moving her people like a proper Leader, most of the already set devices were deeply implanted in the territory around and even on the bodies of her own people... unbeknownst to everyone except her; and her people.

First, the Sharpened Vanguard made a strong suicidal move in which half their members all died, but in return, half of the House Sunbreaker's people got riddled with numerous debuffs consisting of poisoning, weakening, small-affecting but numerous and even different DoT effects and even Elemental negative altered effects as well. Some casualties too, but they were too minuscule.

Then, it happened; and as the Sunbreaker people were having a resting time, a little bit of a period to take a break, there were sudden explosions all over their ranks as Selina herself was engulfed as she was in the middle reorganizing her people. In the end, from the effects that all people carried, a kind of shared effect was taken as every single one of those effects, debuffs and whatnot; were each a trigger for dealing 400-500 or 800 damage all at once.

And each time one of them was triggered from a player, it would be passed on to all the 3m nearby players from that one player alone, which would inflict the same damage but with a slight timer on it. And of course, there were about dozens of players all grouped together who were then suffering of the same 'primary' effect from the get-go, which only proceeded to get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse...

Domino effect at its worst...

And, well, that's how it ended for the unfairly taken-by-surprise House Sunbreaker. They were not discouraged, however, as the support they received was immense. And... well... Selina's beauty helped them so much as well. Hmm, just imagining her surrounded by her husbands, being taken advantage of and brought to pleasure from all her hol-... anyways.



Rising Essence, above Main Kingdom in who knows where in the fuck; as the Global Tournament 8th placements phase was about to begin.


Some time has passed, a whole hour has been given to rest not due to HP, MP, Stamina and cooldowns; but because of the fact that it can be so tiring to plan and to form strategies, of course. And now; but now, it was time for the 16 Associations remaining to take their people and hearts into the battlefield-arena-like, and to vie even further from there on!

In the arena belonging to the battle between the League of The Order and the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League. Natalia could be seen walking to the 20,000th meter mark-limit of The Order's side, with her right hand on the left shoulder of Little Yao Yao Yao who was nervously walking forth half a step after Natalia without knowing what to expect.

The Elder of the Fosk Founding Clan, Fosk Yinlan, wanted to meet her again? What did she do wrong at that time?! What did that woman wanted to speak or... 'do', with or to her? Numerous thoughts invaded the solitary young girl whose mind and body were, in truth, that of a woman's; ah. But it was well expected. After all, how many young girls can expect to meet someone again, and by request, that she had an important matter with before and not get nervous?

'Waaah, if only Master was here, bohooo. And why is Madam-ah, no; Lord and Lady Natalia not saying anything to this? Why is she even smiling at the fron-eh? Ah! That's her, it is indeed Elder Yinlan! What will she say, did I do something wrong? Did something happened to the Completely Formed version of the All-Mending Misery? Ah! Of course not, that's made by my Lord, then... the pricing? Even if it's only 5 credits more than the Basic version, is not like it is supposed to be used by any citizen, how could Elder Yinlan not understand this? Wooo... Master, ah-Lord... whatever... just save me, bohoo~.'

Step, step, step, step.

"Oh, hello! You must be Fosk Yinlan, hehehe, I'm Tarn Natalia, I think you once saw my ceremony of the Tarns when I was very little, my late Auntie spoke so much about you. Quite a charming woman, hmm~. Hehehe, a pleasure to meet you, aunty." Natalia's voice suddenly reached Fosk Yao's left ear, and within reason as Naty non-scrupulously yelled out her familiar words towards Fosk Yinlan.

In response, Fosk Yinlan smiled encouragingly at Fosk Yao for a flashy moment before directing a genial smile to Natalia, she spoke as she gently clasped her hands under her belly and made a gesture of carrying a baby right after. "Yes, I did. I remember a little grumpy and actually long-haired tiny baby grabbing mine and your aunt's breasts hungrily at the same time as I carried you around, mhmhm."

With a playful grin, Fosk Yinlan defeated Natalia who only wanted to melt some of the ice for Yao Yao's entrance. And as Natalia blinked as she blushed, she suddenly jolted her head back and asked, "Ah, Auntie! Did you al-"

But Fosk Yinlan saw through her worries and shame and quickly responded before Natalia could grow even more flustered, "Don't worry about it, dear. I've put up a barrier with my Nature Connection 'hidden stat', hmhmhm."

"Oh-aagh..." Hearing her chuckle, Naty turned a bit embarrassed as she used her fatal weapon and prepared to make her retreat, "Oh, here! Auntie, this is Fosk Yao. See here? She has her golden chestnut hair that looks to be just really warm~! Then she has these beautiful, unique and fabulous eyes; look, look! Her iris are pure golden! While her pupils are of a sparkling lavish gold. She's just such a beauty, aha! Well then, since Auntie wanted to see my dear Maiden, this Lady will leave you both to talk. Now, don't get nervous, Little Yao. As soon as you want it, as long as you get scared, we will come right back to you and drive them away no matte what, we'll protect you!"

"Oh-m... mn." Yao Yao nodded at Natalia as she had already pushed her body a little forward to the limits of The Order's terrain, it was quite the coincidence that this time, the system chose a 20,000m wide and 50,000m long terrain for The Order and 30,000m wide with the same length of terrain for the Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League. Even then, Yao Yao couldn't fathom why her Lady Natalia was speaking in the way that she was doing it.

But Natalia was too embarrassed already to stay there any other second, as such, as soon as she finished speaking her warning to both ways, she scurried back into the warm and welcoming embrace of her dear Cyn's bosom as she wept for having been 'forced' to 'brutally' remember the past. As she was 'weeping' on Cyn's bosom, she didn't forget to bring her head around to smell each mountain...

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Fosk Yao and Fosk Yinlan had been staring at each other for a long while, just a whole minute, but to the two of them; it was either too damn short or goddamn too long. When Fosk Yao was beginning to feel slightly uncomfortable, Fosk Yinlan shoot her shot, wearing a gentle and motherly attitude while frowning deeply in concern; and guilt.

"Hello, ah, please don't feel conflicted... or confused. I merely wanted to ask your Master to let me see... you."

"...?" Yao Yao didn't know what to say to such demeanor, it was obvious that she wanted to see Yao Yao, but Yao Yao obviously didn't understand why, she was going so much on circles. But Yao Yao didn't made unnecessary remarks, and instead, rustled her clothes neatly before throwing her shoulders back and then gazing at Fosk Yinlan in front of her; awaiting.

"F-...Fosk Yao..." Fosk Yinlan said kindly after 2 second of silence as Fosk Yao looked at her, soon after, she continued in the gentlest softest of voices there could ever be. "Have you been doing well? Which orphanage were you sent to and, was it good? Anything weird ongoing in it? After entering that company and after you became a maid, did you ate well? Was your body at all times healthy? Do you remember anything of your parents, or your family at all, if any? Did you started rinsing your teeth on your own at an appropriate age? It would be bad if you're lazy, you know... Have you... ha-have you-... have you been doing well?"

By the time she finished her last few words, her face scrunched up as her tears fell down fast as if worried they might not be called tears if they don't go as much and as furiously as a long cascade. Fosk Yao had this surprise her, as she lifted her eyebrows from a slightly frowning expression and as her eyelids relaxed into a fully opening of the same as she looked at all of Fosk Yinlan's hurting self.

"Oh.. Miss, those are so many words, eh, questions... uhm, I am doing well. I know have... ehe... I know have my family, you know?" These last 11 few words, Yao Yao spoke them after bending over to Fosk Yinlan's face but as she was too short, Yao Yao could only 'whisper' on her right ribs. But it was of no matter, as Fosk Yinlan could perfectly hear Yao Yao's hushed words and even notice their playfulness and shyness about them. Yao Yao then said continued after straightening her back, "Those are so many, too many, questions, Elder Yinlan. Is this about the lose of your children back... then? Well, I obviously can't know how it is to feel losing one's children, but seeing that they were already old enough at that time, they might not be in bad conditions. So I ask Elder Yinlan to calm down, ah, my Eldest Sister Cyn and Master told me that, for comforting someone who is just looking for comfort, not taking advantage of them is the best option regardless of other options and instead; that one should be brutally honest when dealing with them. As such, let me tell you, Elder Yinlan. Time can always bring opportunities, so even if the past from today is bad, you can still boast about a new past being great in the far future. Mhm!"

Finishing her words, Yao Yao cutely nodded to herself as she darted her eyes to the right bottom corner of her own and flashed a childish but well-intended smile at Fosk Yinlan that was still in front of them, but somehow stiffened. Fosk Yinlan, whose tears were now seemingly frozen, glared at Fosk Yao as if her life had gained a new turn. And one that, could make even one's blackened heart to peel off a few layers.

"Ah, your Master. Tell me, if you can, Fosk Yao. Does your Master treats you well?" Suddenly, as if remembering something, Fosk Yinlan brusquely shook her head barely some before asking Fosk Yao once again, her voice no longer so riddled in guilt but containing some unexpected growing hope.

"Ah, M-Master? Um... he~... hehee~... oh! I mean, yes, he does." Fosk Yinlan ignored Fosk Yao's silly behavior, but she was feeling unsure about her answer and as such, she pushed a bit more while fearing she may be scaring the young girl though. "Fosk Yao, tell me then, do you have any wishes? Like meeting your parents, for example. Or going to another, or even all Regions of New Earth? To explore the rest of New Earth before dying, to find a home or... to make your own family?"

Seeing that Fosk Yinlan's eyebrows were now slightly guilty-like but were no more hopeful than grim, Fosk Yao felt a bit better about the situation and, trusting her own heart that this woman before her wasn't 'evil', she responded candidly at once. "Mhm, I do have one..."

However, Yao Yao suddenly stopped her words as she lowered her head to her left and as her feet moved sideways left and right over and over again on the spot with the heels of her feet rooted on the arena's floor. Her face blushed lightly and she used her right hand to comb a few strands of her warm golden chestnut hair to the back of her right ear before somehow gaining enough bravery to continue her words, feeling as if this woman before her should know of this.

With her voice becoming soft, endless charm of a woman came out from her throat as her eyes went hazy, daydreaming of her beautiful, 'great past' of hers from today.

"But... it is my Master, bwehehe! My Master may seem unreliable and totally dense in some matters. But he just doesn't care about them; on the contrary, Master cares so much about those close to him, that even going against the world... mhm, I don't think he'll even think about it, let alone hesitate or think twice about confronting it for our sake."

"When Master was ill, he didn't even looked at us, his maids. Only Madam Natalia made so much for us along with Madam Diana who took a lot of care of Master and us, oh! Madam Diana is Tarn Diana, she is Madam Natalia's Little Sister, hehehe. At some point, we even started training on self-dense with Madam Diana and before we know it, from self-defense, we now know how to even deal with Specialists!"

"But when Master became healthier, he became more... hmm, how to say, human-like, you know? At first, it was simpleton and just indifferent to even one of us appearing naked on a bathroom that he was in or that he entered into, never even looking at us more than once, he was such a gossip theme back then! Hahaha-ho~, I didn't even remembered that very well~."

"But then, whenever I and the others saw Master's gentle side, whenever he embraced Madam Natalia or sneaked glances at them... it was sooo... kind. After just a few days, I recognized that... I had completely fallen for him, and so did the Maid Leader. Woah, I remember her sulking on Master's ignoring her and us all day and so on..."

As Fosk Yao continued speaking, a deeply and heavily breathing-with-difficulty-Fosk Yinlan looked with nothing but full of love and caring towards her; Fosk Yao didn't even notice a wider and loving and affectionate smile growing on Fosk Yinlan's face.



Peaceful Rain Villa, Living Room.


"Hmm, she is now having her chat. Hm?" Ellie directed her words at Yun Beishang even though they were spoken out loud and not even gazing at him as she was now, with a dried body from her sweat, on top of him and her big ol' mountainous prides of Heaven embraced by the strong and veiny arms of her man.

"Mhm, and the girls will now go on to the 4th placements phase, probably." Said Yun Beishang as he gently didn't made any moves towards her anymore, even though Ellie proved herself to be the most resilient woman of his in his 'bed-stories', she was defeated just now with both her love-holes being loved too much as she even became a bit numb after being ultra-sensitive all day-long, to which Yun Beishang stopped lest he makes the rest of the day a numb one for her.

"Mm, but won't you give them a call?"

"There isn't a good reason to do it."

Rustle, rustle.

Suddenly, from Ellie's movements on top of him and on the sofa, Yun Beishang slightly dumbfounded looked at her as she had a frown on her perfect face. With her head just a mere nose away from his, she spoke in a low but venomous tone, "What 'good reason'? They are your people, but more important, your women for eternity! There is no chance to wait for a good reason to appear to have them hear your voice after working for you with so much effort. And don't even bring me some 'not a good reason' after, why would you need to not have a 'not a good reason' to let them know of you and let them talk to you?!"

Yun Beishang: ...


Yun Beishang's eyes froze for 3 seconds; after which, he smooched the tender rosy-crimson plump lips of Ellie before speaking out with a 'uh, I fucked up' tone. He frowned to himself and high-pitched here and there some few words while using his Unparalleled Manipulation to bring his phone back into his right hand again, Ellie blinking in speechlessness before forming an Universe-destroying smile that enchanted her man but did not stopped him from speaking and making the call. "You're right... I'm such a retard! Phew... ah, hello? Natalia-ah, heh... haha... I see. Mn, I'm glad too. How's everyone..."




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