Bow and Arrow

Chapter 373: Chapter 371 — Fortune And… Misfortune?

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Fortune And... Misfortune?




'Ayayayay.' Seemingly thought Yun Beishang, as he effortlessly dodged the incoming 2 shurikens that were gyrating to a very blurry speed to an ordinary person's eye and whose traveling speed was also as fast at the gyrating one. After 'nodding' his head to the left and then right with calmness and precision but managing to avoid them more than perfectly, he opened his mouth a little.


"Ah-eyo! H-hold on a minute, I wasn't intending to do that, look... I didn't even got struck by-"


Suddenly, Yun Beishang's senses tingled as if he was a super person... as he widened his eyes even before anything could be seen, before 'he' and the crowd knew it with Yun Beishang actually already being aware; Hidden Daggers disappeared for half a second and, once she reappeared, she did so 5 meters away from Yun Beishang.

In that mere moment, at least a dozen of incoming thrown objects were all aimed at Yun Beishang's lower belly and waist, but... the ones aimed at his waist seemed more to actually be trying to aim at his butt. Not only that, but Yun Beishang instantly saw that they were sent over with a penetrating effect and with a skill that enhanced such a thing as they were covered by some mild darkness energy as they flew at him.

The speeds of the flying objects, however, were at the very least of 170% Movement Speed which would force any player to stop on their tracks and block or parry them all. Unless one was an idiot, and still thought that they could dodge them somehow. In any case, even if Yun Beishang is an idiot, and a horny one, he isn't a virgin for battles. And he also does has more than enough base Movement Speed for it, though.


Not wasting any time, and desiring to clean up his name and get into her heart without any shady methods and by playing fair. Yes, that's it, what a gentleman that Yun Beishang is!

As such, Yun Beishang moved his feet to his maximum possible speed, and as his arms were flung around here and there, the already expecting sound of flesh-tearing or of rainbows—from the family friendly settings—didn't happen at any time. Instead, everyone just saw how Tongqiu simply danced his arms in the air and all of the seemingly guided 'missiles' that were simply just daggers and needles, have had all disappeared instead.

"!" Once again, though invaded by anger and shame, Hidden Daggers's wonderful frowned eyebrows quickly devised a following move by seeing him catch so many of her throwable items. And well, it wasn't bad but instead, incredibly well thought. But, after all, it was Yun Beishang whom she was facing off against right now, and it was nowhere a simple decision-making would change the course of the battle.

Rustle~, swis-

Just as Hidden Daggers was having her entire body be seemingly embraced by energy by starting from her left hand to down her left arm and then spreading through her entire body. Yun Beishang caught up with her, reached his left hand to grab her left wrist, then planted his right palm on her left palm as she enlarged her eyes to a full open as she was thinking that Yun Beishang was taking advantage of her yet again.

"...!!?" But instead, Hidden Daggers felt an intrusive 'something' seep into her hand and somehow, and crazily, disrupting her skill as all of her energy went away at an instant. That 'thing', was intrusive; but more than anything, it was unstoppable and tyrannical to say the least, as she didn't even felt like she had strength for any single instant nor a single ounce of it.

It was then that she somehow blanked to the realization that he was not trying to just 'touch' her desperately at seeing a figure so well-tempting and irresistible, and was rather at least slightly focused on their battle. This made her feel as if she misunderstood him, but the previous scene was still totally avoidable.

Swish! Pom-thud! Slam!


As such, Hidden Daggers threw her dummy thoughts off, and totally ignoring how she hasn't been attacked even after having spaced out for so long. Though it was merely a few seconds, in a battle of this caliber, only half a second was enough to put one of the players into an unbalanced  footing and much more vulnerable to suffering continuous attacks and with a higher chance of being inflicted a Critical Hit or Pierce Attack.

She immediately used her grabbed left hand as a support to lift her body, to which it seemed that she was just about to use her right foot to smack him backwards but instead, actually used her right knee fully extended out to allow her left leg to conserve strength as she used her right leg like a ruler while she marked a curved line with her left leg!

But though she wanted to take the chance of Tongqiu being occupied by restringing her skills, for as cheating as it could be possibly heard, it was delusional from her part if she really believed that that would be enough. As Yun Beishang's next move was to block it with his left hand like it was a mere side-fist punching coming from a kid instead of Hidden Daggers's incredible legs coming at him to inflict pain.

But indeed, Hidden Daggers didn't thought at all that that would be enough, as she had already started to send her own head forth to knock against the top of Yun Beishang's head. To her surprise, however, she found her left hand no longer grabbed by evil Tongqiu as she instead felt the surging of messy wind right in front of her chest, and just as he was about to land it on her sternum, she got herself paralyzed from the previous 'encounter' as she once again 'saw' his eyes through his Eccentric Wolf Mask; she froze wholly in midair as Yun Beishang' hand kept going forth.

'Uh-oh.' Uh-fucking-oh indeed, as no one could understand what were those crackling noises that sounded as soon as he saw 'Hidden Daggers' once again turn into a total dummy after 'just' seeing him again... well, maybe it is also not the same for a certain suddenly infatuated male player on the crowds.


Sure enough, the next iota of an instant, Yun Beishang heard horrible crackling, and just as his left palm that was previously about to reach for smacking her sternum and ending at last this awkward overall encounter, his palm felt a tickling sensation as if he was about to make something that he'd only do in his household like the horny dog that he is.

With his eyes barely starting to grow wide, and as if time suddenly stopped, he was barely 10 cm away from her left chest when there was already an almost-blinding white and majestic purple coming down the skies without there being a single warning like before with only the sizzling sound being heard if any, at all.


"... ... ... ... ..." The crowds yet again turned to a whole different emotion and reaction towards the very same arena, and even those few fighting on other arenas, that only 2 other arenas remained, looked at the place of heavenly punishment impact as they saw an arena light up for an instant. Both majestically and extremely fearfully.

"N-no way, right? It..."

Without waiting for that voice to end, as it was too slow and dragging, a player that was close by among the crowds complemented his slow spoken words. "It has actually... happened again!"

"Oh my, fucking, lord~!"

"And it was Tongqiu! Holy fuck, he actually did it, he did it! HAHAHA!"

"Tch, men are all pigs!"

"Hey, I saw you blush to his earlier words as well, the fuck?"


"...Hey bro, are you alright?" A player with an honestly worried face looked towards his left and below, only to see a male player with an extremely dark visage. The concerned player mildly bent towards the suddenly infatuated player as he patted the latter's back.

"..." The suddenly infatuated player said nothing, and only shook his head ever so slightly while thinking that Tongqiu's demise was for his-no, for Hidden Dagger's, his goddess'; best.

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But then...

"Wait a minute! Why is Hidden Daggers still there? Why does she not even move? Is she afraid? Huh?!"

"Eh, that's not right. Why is she still on the arena? What is going on here?!"

"...No-no w-" And before that slow-witted player could speak again, an even newer player complemented his slowness instead, to the fortune of the crowds. "No fucking way!"

Yes fucking way; because, Yun Beishang was standing still on the arena with the floor not having been touched in the slightest. Right now, even though his body was hidden by an incredible everlasting and thick white smoke that almost looked like an enlarged and not voluminous at all cloud which was covering not only him and the area of impact but even part of Hidden Daggers's front body.

With his right foot placed forth, his left foot and leg somehow bent forth as well but with the foot rather placed way behind his right foot and to the center of 'something'. Yun Beishang was also with his chest and shoulders bent slightly to his front and to his right, while his left hand was extended out and amassing, while remaining still, a massive amount of elasticity while a huge lump protruded from the upper center of his palm ever since this accident occurred.

His right arm, on the other hand, was bent slightly as a relaxed fist was made while supporting the delicate back of the owner of such meat to her front and lower than where he was supporting her body from falling down.

His chin was right above and to her left, while her lips were slightly opened which appeared to be entrancing just from looking at them through her mask with his Mental Power. Her pure black eyes were shocked, and the severity of being shamed once was slowly and ever so slightly being brought up from them.

With her left arm appearing defenseless as it was bent and plastered onto his front body from his lower abdomen to his solar plexus, her right hand was instead lightly clenching onto his left shoulder-arm as she perplexedly let it in that position as her left breast was being 'met' his left hand.

As for Yun Beishang's clothes, his top was fully exposed with some ragged clothes smelling of a burning scent still with them, but all of his muscles and manliness were for her and only her, 'Hidden Daggers'; to see.

"No... no... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! It hurts! Oh my f-gghaaaaaaaahhh! NOOOOOOOOOO! My heart, my heart... aaaaaaah!!" Suddenly, as Yun Beishang's body was slowly being revealed, the crowds' gasping noises sounded and sounded. As they were continually being uncovered as well as their situation they were in, the crowds and viewership's gasping sounds turned more and more playful, eventually becoming ambiguous and even expectant at some point.

Just what was the shit that Tongqiu used to resist the heavenly punishment?! How could he do that? The. Fuck?!

No one was able to get any answers, even remotely; at all. As such, their minds went fully to relax out at the sight of Hidden Daggers's massive weapons of mass destruction being fully but motionlessly grabbed at by the legendary and enigmatic Tongqiu. Was this payback, was this a form of warning the monkey by killing, no, molesting the chicken?

Was this to say, that Tongqiu was threatening all of his enemies a series of Netori overlord-level of counterattacking?! How cruel, powerful, admirable!

Countless men 'sweated' from their eyes as they saluted him, many women turned red-faced at once and their lower bodies squirmed ever so slightly; but there were also men who felt disgusted and powerlessly hopeless, and some other women who felt threatened and at danger from this mere act of Tongqiu alone! Ah, the controversy!

In any case, as the suddenly infatuated male player collapsed on the seats below the crowds, and as he was forcefully brought out of the game with possibly some sirens rushing at his home or where he was staying; Hidden Daggers, her goddess, threw all caution to the wind as she let go of the idea of summoning her main daggers as she rather didn't even bother to take that hand off her body, and instead, lunged at him upwardly with her teeth widely showing and her 'claws' already motioned to scratch at his body.

"Agh... no, this wasn't intentional-but it wasn't your fault neither! Just listen to me to-" Nope, as Yun Beishang tried to speak like an adult, the other adult on the arena began kittying her way at him as her claws from both her arms and feet began to be dangerously moved in any chaotic way possible.

Swish, slash! Thud, thud, thud. PAK!

But even as Yun Beishang dodged most and blocked the most as well and even launched some 'attacks' himself, he could actually feel that Hidden Daggers was nowhere near being even remotely embarrassed, as only deep and wordless coldness enveloped every fiber of her being while she still pretended to be this 'flustered' by even motioning her mouth to an open and close over and over again while still going at him.

But the vehemency that Hidden Daggers emitted was more than true, as she was throbbing in shameful anger deep inside and was still, as of even now, devising a way to inflict as much pain as she could since actually beating Yun Beishang was more than impossible. There was still, though, the ignoring from her part of the time that Yun Beishang didn't do anything to her when she blanked out before the heavenly punishment came down to bath-no, to strike him down.

And just as the crowds were ultimately still flabbergasted and wide eyed at the in very good condition and just as before, well fighting Tongqiu after being hit by the ever glorious, all-mighty and king of Main Kingdom; the heavenly punishment lightning itself. Just as all of them were still twisting and wriggling their fingers while being wide eyed with their very own eyes bulging and also with the mouths left hanging open, both Hidden Daggers and Yun Beishang entered into what seemed an intense period of their battle.

Swish, bam! Pompompom, thud!!

Clash-Pkan-Ling~ thud, thud, thudthudthud.

Kitty-no; Hidden Daggers slashed, bashed and kicked aggressively furthermore towards Yun Beishang while he blocked, deviated and dodged her attacks while sometimes, even making an attack himself. Not every time he attacked made Hidden Daggers appear weak by being thrown backwards with his fists alone as he barely even made a move with his legs, Tongqiu even appeared somewhat rigid instead in comparison.

It was only every now and then that Hidden Daggers was thrown 2.5 meters backwards at most after a single punch from him, and it was most of the time that she could block and even somewhat deviate 'a very few' quantity of his rare incoming attacks. Each time, Hidden Daggers had to use all of her entire self to block him and the like, with her strength being all worthless whenever she was sent backward, and barely helping whenever she actually managed to block him.

Whoosh, slash! Rustle, whistle~pompompom!


In any case, even if Hidden Daggers had many more attacks to overwhelm enemies, with her incredible limitations inside this game world and from the 'use' of this virtual body of 'hers', she wouldn't be capable of possibly even landing a single hit that would force Tongqiu to block against instead of just catching them just as she did before.

For Hidden Daggers, this was a pity as she finally found the most lacking connection between herself and the game, and it was now humiliating as she faced Tongqiu. But now that she faced this Tongqiu, after being taken advantage of several times, she was able to have real bouts in a non-ending fashion such that they even took a long time fighting in this intensity and at Hidden Daggers's max speed in both movement and action and attack; naturally, from the respective responsive speed of her as well.

Time passed flying; really fast, as Yun Beishang and Hidden Daggers had been at the arena for 8 minutes by now.

They had been the last arena still ongoing in their fight since long ago, as the 4th minute was the one where the other 2 arenas also ended their fighting, all thanks to the distraction of the heavenly punishment lightning and the seemingly immortality of the Lord of The Order. Pretty neat to say the least, Yun Beishang gained a considerable amount of supporters ever since he successfully—?—grabbed a bunch too much but still not enough and lived to be bathed in the glory of such accomplishment.

In fact, Yun Beishang was so unique and perfect—?—from any other such situation in which the heavenly punishment descended, as he was not only the only one who has survived it; or rather, who could ever survive it at all. But he also managed to actually get closer than half a meter prior the heavenly punishment lightning striking down at him, let alone to grab and touch the forbidden meat all the same.

Once again, in fact; no one actually noticed that Yun Beishang's HP went back up to 10,000 from a previous one of 8,000 HP as he was first sliced on his neck twice at the same time and then slapped away by an angery Hidden Daggers. If one were to profusely and excruciatingly investigate the every iota of a moment and repeatedly for months, they would be able to find that there was a '+1,000,000' right at the moment he was struck.




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