Bow and Arrow

Chapter 374: Chapter 372 — Baston Vs Tongqiu, 4th Placements (1)

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Baston Vs Tongqiu, 4th Placements (1)




Pah, pah, pah PAM! CK-whooooh~...!

"Haa, haah, haaaaah... gulp, haah." Being hit thrice consecutively and being capable of blocking thrice Tongqiu's attacks, Hidden Daggers turned evermore exhausted as there was less than 1 minute and 30 seconds left for the time limit of the 1v1 arena to end. The same arena of 300m x 300m that is for all 1v1 battles of the 1v1 segment, indeed.

As her feet and Yun Beishang's dragged on the arena's floor and her back lowered itself on its own as she did, Yun Beishang only did so ceremoniously as he wasn't even the least bit tired, in fact, he was looking at her in a rather calming manner that though she couldn't see, she could feel his... patience?

"Aaagh~, enough. Come here." Saying that and surprising Yun Beishang and the entire billions of eyes looking at them and them alone, though some of those eyes were doing something else while going back to watching this fiery, speedy and intense one on one close combat battle. Hidden Daggers then tiredly but still strongly and stably walked forward at the center of the arena while Yun Beishang followed after her 2 seconds later.

Step, step... rustle.

With a grumpy countenance, she turned around once she heard Yun Beishang's steps right behind, she saw him looking at her butt casually but in a rather admiring manner than a lewd one. Seeing her suddenly turn around, Yun Beishang didn't felt ashamed at all. "Mm, hello...I mean, what is it then?"

"Hmm..." She looked slightly bored already, but at the same time, none of her anger remained and only a tiny bit of shame was still there at the bottom of her heart. She took a slow breath in, and with her massive elasticity, she faced Yun Beishang after looking to the side which made them jiggle further more.

"I think I've misunderstood you? Anyway, that is about me. About my sister, I still think you owe me an explanation, but it's not something that should be about me. So I am hoping that you can, if possibly, talk with her afterwards?"

Step, step, step. Huuu~.

Hidden Daggers, right after having said that, rested her shoulder and back for about 3 seconds before straightening her body back up. She faced him with the left side of her face, and ended up lowering her head lightly before softly whispering out, "...and thank you."

Yun Beishang: Blink, blink.

In short, Hidden Daggers realized of the fact that Yun Beishang was allowing her to vent, at the very least; as a means to relax maybe. It was kind of childish, but it still worked and she felt no longer like before.

But of course! Yun Beishang's attacks or skills can never be blocked, they couldn't even be mitigated, let alone blocked by one's limbs or deviating them. And definitely, she wasn't capable of parrying any of Yun Beishang's moves with her bare fists; besides that, who wouldn't know by now that he carries with him a pair of extremely powerful dual swords and an incredible godly bow?

"I can give you pointers, you know?"

And then, Hidden Daggers adverted her gaze as she turned to give Yun Beishang her back, she lowered her head and was about to log off the game with a mere thought to go to rest immediately after when she heard his words. Her pupils opened wildly but not a strong emotion came out of them this time, as she twisted her neck to look back at him with her modest and ample bouncy bottom to remain in his eyesight.

"How?" Asked Hidden Daggers, her tone unknowingly having turned soft, to the incredulity of the crowds and viewership.

"Later on, after this, we can get to know each other, no? I can also properly 'apologize' for beating the shit out of your little sister, how about it?"

The Big Sister: "..."

"That, I think is alright...?" After responding, Hidden Daggers no longer went ahead and disconnected from the game directly, seemingly waiting for something. Yun Beishang then blinked twice yet again before saying in a proposing tone, "How about you treat that as well as me... helping you, as I didn't intended to humiliate you nor disrespect you in this battle, today and in the eyes of so many people."

"...?!" Hidden Daggers heard the first, smaller part of his words naturally as she enjoyed his voice and every spoken word. But then, his words turned into an echoing one which also had an indescribable ethereal sense to it. Rapidly understanding, as she wasn't a dummy girl, at least not all of the times as long as she wasn't in front Yun Beishang; apparently. She turned to him, and her response hooked Yun Beishang himself, the lady-like mannerisms-destroyer.

"...Mn, okay." With a nod and sounding both obedient and gentle, the young woman, younger than him, responded by even drawing a tiny bit closer to him. But she wasn't demonstrating any affection, only that; gentleness and obedience.

'Oh, wuah, brrrrrwowowoaf-haahaa.' Yun Beishang's mind was a mess as he felt an inexplicable source of terrifying longing; desire even. He turned around and still saw her not doing anything to log off, but the time was getting really tight, so he said with a patient tone and with a gesture of his right hand, like those of 'ladies please'; in that kind of way. "You should go now, then. Also, make sure to tell that little sister of yours that I'll be good, okay?"

"Mn. Mkay." With his words finishing, Hidden Daggers nodded gently once more as she said. Right after, she didn't gave him another glance, as she was already deeply afraid of going dumb for real should she look at him over again and fall into his very own eyes once more. As she disappeared from the spot noiselessly, and as the 8th placements phase finally came to an end with Tongqiu disappearing half a moment after Hidden Daggers did.



New Earth, on a certain corner of the Southern Heaven City, capital of the Cloud Gates Region.


"Heyy, how are you. It's all good? Any news on when would it happen?" As Yun Beishang held a new phone with both his hands, he smiled delightfully at once to the screen as a pair of redheads and one 'blonde head' with a ginormous belly watched and smiled back at him. To his right side though, a tomboyish Feat was looking in-between him and the phone enviously and with her head slightly lowered and her lips pouting.

"Ah, this is Feat, the woman I briefly talked about? Mn, she is really taking care of me, really well" But his next words sent her into an embarrassment as she sunk her head down into her shoulders.

"...????hehe." As she smiled in a silly manner, and not that tomboyish anymore, a satisfied Yun Beishang turned back his gaze to the phone and the phone's camera to himself as he they then continued.

"Mn, Queen Natalia and Ellie said that I may give birth from today to 6 days later. Woah, I could have an actual almost 12 months pregnancy! Would our children be ultra hyper mega amazing? Husband?!" Hearing her usual speech full of cheerfulness and energy, Yun Beishang tilted his head unconsciously as he similarly gave her a softest of soft looks.

"Hehehehe..." As a dumb Tonkia giggled gingerly and in a dragged manner, Natalia appeared fully on the phone's screen as she blessed Yun Beishang with a radiant, big smile. "Eyy, Beishang????~. Everyone's waiting, not just for your arrival, darling. So hurry up and bring back our dearest Yun Yun! I'm sure you wouldn't want your very first children to miss the opportunity of knowing their aunt and future 'auntie', eh?"

With a naughty, but loving and gentle smile, Natalia conquered everyone's hearts with just words alone as only Yun Beishang and a very few quantity of maids back at the Nascent Herb City were capable of really watching her countenance; her magnificent and precious self.

"Mm, mn. I'll go, alright, I'll g-kg-go!" As Natalia lifted her left eyebrow at seeing an ever so more familiar facial reaction from er man, Yun Beishang turned off the camera as Tonkia was already being surrounded by many stars as she was the moon. Right after ending the video call, Yun Beishang threw the phone to who knows where as if his strength lacked all accuracy.

Which was; the case.

As the phone flew so far away that it wasn't even audible where it hit to a complete broken state, Yun Beishang looked down to see the smaller than average mouth of Feat dancing all over his crotch. In and out, in and out it goes as she kinda dumbly but still expertly—from Yun Beishang's spending time 'together'— went back and forth wit her wobbling head as her short brown hair danced cutely in the same manner.

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She wasn't that dull, as her face turned to the left, right, upwards, or with her neck arched in to take it all... everything she did, her eyes were plastered eternally onto her man's, her boss's face and eyes; lips, nose, ears, eyelashes, eyelids, cheeks, jaw and whatnot. Before long, and before she could even realize, Yun Beishang did not even made a single moan in protest as they traversed heaven and earth 3 times in a row with her head being endlessly caressed gently by the big bad man above her face as she danced on his crotch.



Back to Main Kingdom, Rising Essence.


Almost 30 minutes after Sash's incredible one-sided beating down battle on her arena, as every single 8 left players of the 1v1 segment remained, the players fighting each other had already taken the first glance to their opponents. Like this, there were 2 random outcomes that made everyone feel comical, but also kinda safe in some way.

Sash's opponent directly surrendered, fearing for his life; namely, his wife and daughters, female cousins, aunts and mother as well as even... her grandmother and great grandmother! He even especially looked back and forth, with more time spent on the forth, to look between where Tongqiu's arena was at and Sash, his opponent; herself.

After disappearing soundlessly, Sash didn't became overjoyed over having more time to stay with dearest Tonkia, as the battle would've leave her with only 2 or 3 minutes less of time with her and Tonkia was doing all fine anyway. She still, however,looked at Tongqiu's arena as if she didn't know where it was despite the severe trembling from her far gone and away opponent looking at it for about 10 seconds before.

As for Yun Beishang, he waved back at Sash as she flashed at him and only for him, a loving and blunt but shy and introvert little grin. Afterwards, he glanced at the friendship system and opened the message box for Natalia. As he had 'left in a hurry' the video call from before, he couldn't be told the things that she still wanted to talk to him about back then.

Mommy Heals You: I'm very content, we all watched Sash's fight. Darling, baby! We're proud of you both, naaaaah~. Don't be embarrassed, Sash had to be cheered up lots to stop blushing, she almost got us deadly worried, eh. Poor beautiful thing, ah, she 'needs' you to have her become less shy around, Beishang. Please get to work, good hunt!

Ignoring the fact that she, his Little Naty didn't wrote 'luck' but instead wrote 'hunt', Yun Beishang read the rest of his messages with a dumb face but one that claimed to be the most cherished man in the world.

Mommy Heals You: Also... Zyv has really not been responding t all, even her GT might have been totally turned off... or taken off her body. I worry, my darling. We all do, be careful... I know, I know it's not necessary since it is the most clear thing. Just be careful, alright?

'Haaah...' Mentally sighing exhaustively, Yun Beishang closed the interface of his message box before taking a good luck at the quickly hiding sun of Main Kingdom and then gazing high up at the dark-azure sky without a care.

"Hm?" A light and barely audible sound escaped from his throat to his nostrils; Yun Beishang looked down at his height level to see Baston gesturing in his direction with the fingertips of both his hands touching and forming a kind of cupola with his hands.

"..." Not really understanding, Yun Beishang still started walking forward while Baston, in response, jolted his neck back and finally sighed out in slight relief after seeing Tongqiu finally answering his distanced, safe and respectful calls from afar.

As Yun Beishang walked, he felt bored as he lightly yawned a couple of times and even 'scratched' his own itch inside his nose by making a grimace and motion with his nose and his lips. On the other hand, Baston took this little time of about 150 meters in distance traversed by walking to take a look at the rest of the arenas.

After a few bouts, in the distance, Raoundozia's arena could be seen with a player having decided to finally give the boy the win; obviously not being confident to win or... maybe something else. And, that one player was none other than the Cold Dictator.

It wasn't that crazy to see him at this phase, though he was incredible slow and seemed to not be able to get into the spots, he still managed to do it nonetheless. At the same time, the crowds and viewership had already seen what he is capable of, alone that is.

Everyone also saw him, the Cold Dictator, enter into battle and being capable of handling several different enemies at once. He used the any possible tiny error on their own selves, be it like an emotion, negligence of a mere moment, to even the momentary sense of feeling like they've won from the difference in numbers. Which is how he managed to end a few Maidens even as they've proved their skill and capabilities like no other Association nor Team overall; though the latter was for the Ladies of The Order only.

It was the same way in which the Cold Dictator operated in teams, against his enemies, making them falter without asking them for permission nor giving them a heads up. It was all to destroy, annihilate and overcome the enemy swiftly and efficiently. The Cold Dictator was cruel to them and he was capable of even obliterating a single enemy in just a moment if given the right time and circumstances; be it one sole player against him or an entire group of players against his'.

Raoundozia ended up going into the semifinal rather easily, but not as easily and conveniently as Sash did, brownie points for The Order!

On another arena, which was the last one from the 3 in which was Raoundozia vs Palas, Baston vs Tongqiu and Sash vs an incredible-level random player; was the arena between the carrier of the Loving Succubus Universal Hidden Class, Lovable and Touchable!

She had previously made a few appearances, what's more, it was on 1v1's against other incredible female players with some of them even being such like Sylda, Can't Catch Me, Estel, Infinite Cascade the Scintillating Star, Posmorfea the Star Painter and so on and so on.

Every fight, either she or her opponents had a few lashes dealt onto their skin and elicited a kittenish moan from; that was only always so for the female players who did not had that much great willpower and only had enough capabilities to duel and to fight in general. On the other hand, Lovable and Touchable had a part of her already showing and explicit suit disappear as if by disappearing for an unknown, mystical reason for a few moments from the moment any place is hit on before the image of such is restored.

Of course, even as Lovable and Touchable let herself be hit on purpose by the sometimes 'in accident enemy female players on anywhere at her breasts, buttocks and crotch and inner thighs; those places never had their strange suit disappear momentarily; for a few moments, really.

In any case, this seemingly unstoppable fiery woman was now against a delicate, pitiful but incredibly tender young girl of about 16 years old who had witnessed Lovable and Touchable's 'strength' before and was now fearful of her future fate in dismay. At this moment, as Baston glanced at that arena, the Loving Succubus was caressing and whispering sweet, tranquil and definitely pleasing nothing to the young girl's ears; left and right, left and right.

But then, the Loving Succubus glanced on his arena's direction; right before disappearing noiselessly half a moment after her opponent disappeared first as she was nodding her little head continuously and was salivating while looking into the Loving Succubus's eyes endearingly and in passionate infatuation.

'Eh?' But feeling strange about it, Baston looked to the side into his own arena and saw Yun Beishang now looking at the Loving Succubus as well. And then, after just thinking for a few moments while still waking forward and almost about to meet Tongqiu himself in person, Baston realized that that Loving Succubus, Lovable and Touchable, was looking in Tongqiu's direction in actuality.

Baston: ≖‿≖?

While thinking of how this motherfuckah gets them all, but how he did not gave him any 'terror' nor 'wicked' feedback from his instincts; Baston laughed it off while also thinking thins such as 'how many does he have?' and even 'all of The Order are his, maybe? Oh god... I feel for you, brother Tongqiu. I pray for your health, mentally and physically'.

Of course, poor Baston didn't know of the unique-bizarre-ness of Yun Beishang's body and... skill, so to speak. In any case, he wouldn't feel as threatened as that male player that was paired to fight Sash and only did he not instantaneously surrendered out of trembling because of the intense fear in his heart. In fact, Baston was all good, for as he trusted his 2 wifeys endearingly.

But, back to business, two incredible players who knew nothing more but that of being the best were to face each other. Just as the crowds were growing crazy and expectant, so did the viewership back on New Earth became absolutely incensed as there was no longer a Guerilla Guild vs House of the Knights of Raoundozia' match up, and could instead and at last; finally see the true Tongqiu that only Hidden Daggers was capable of bringing out for all to see... was time, to see 2 titans go at it and impress, shock and amaze the world!




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