Bow and Arrow

Chapter 376: Chapter 374 — Semifinals Of The 1v1 Segment (1)

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Semifinals Of The 1v1 Segment (1)






As Baston saw a gleaming necklace with a red ruby on it lost is red glow fully, a sigh of relief escaped his enlarged body as the sword on his left hand passed on to his right hand again and the shield appeared at his left hand again. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang was feeling curious as that skill was indeed from a Keeper of the Light, but was much more powerful with Baston.

'Also Hidden Stat, or is it from the same combination with skill books? Huh...' In any case, Yun Beishang casually shrugged his shoulders and shook his head as he glanced above at Baston who yet again moved his left arm as if he was carrying a weapon and not a defensive equipment instead such as that huge shield of his.

"Let's end this." Spoke lightly Yun Beishang who then did not waited to hear an answer as he immediately approached Baston, whose skill from before had sent his body flying a few dozens meters away from the impact it had on the arena's floor, from which a hole of at least 30cm deep was left with a diameter of actually half a meter.

"..." Nodding slightly once, it was however, nodding blatantly once considering his new stature but Baston did not seemed bothered by the difference with his 'normal' virtual body. He even appeared really familiar with how he used this combination of skills that have evolved multiple, multiple times already.


Step, step, step, step.

Tongqiu, Transcended Divine Burst!

Swish, wing~!

Suddenly, Yun Beishang's eyes got a bit bloody for a moment as he moved at full speed towards Baston and as Baston did the same toward him. His body also enlarged slightly more and now surpassed the 2 meters in height much more than before, as his muscles were more than showed off at the new casual clothes that he wore as he instantly seduced many wet inner legs.

As Baston was finding himself full of danger, Tongqiu finally reached him and instantly sent a foot straight at his own forehead! Baston had not time to move his body strangely once more, he was already mentally exhausted and even felt that he had harmed his own body and psyche like never before as he even trained harshly with his Guerilla Guild's incredible players.

Sweep! PAH!


Whoosh~~!! Wong, wong, wong, wong, wong~~...

Baston was helplessly hit on his forehead and sent flying just a few meters, but just Yun Beishang connected his left foot on him, he felt that Baston was once more going to use that strange flight skill of his. And such thing happened, wao, and as Baston actually flew about almost 200 meters entirely and right before Yun Beishang finished rolling his eyes and rotating his Machete-Daggers in his palms... dozens of 'familiar' glints appeared in midair from about a few dozens of meters above from wherever Baston passed flying through.

At the same time, it was now that Yun Beishang saw that Baston was still holding his right handed sword while aiming its edge downwards, as it also actually left untraceable marks of a sword's blade on the arena. Which only Yun Beishang's incredibly vast Mental Power was able to notice, even as the marks were literally impossible to see from how small they were, hence barely leaving any noticeable sword's mark.

'Uh... ugh! Shit...' Yun Beishang didn't feel threatened, but he could very well feel so. As he saw the many almost an entire hundred of swords coming to be as they formed from the light itself and sunny energies, so did the crowds and viewership around the world. Hell, even the Peaceful Rain Villa had become quite surprised at seeing Baston go at it like never before, it even made Raoundozia to be eclipsed... or was he?

Sine Baston was hiding this much, he probably-no, rather obviously didn't wanted to let go of this hidden card that was just really powerful and majestic, it truly even made Baton look like a goddamn God. But who can say Raoundozia isn't the same? That's just... too biased, Raoundozia won 1v1 against Baston before, couldn't he do the same? Couldn't he also grow? What the hell.

Meanwhile, as Baston felt his vision blurry, go black for a few instants and even become grey at some others, he also though to himself. 'It's... been a long while since I prepared myself, and only myself, for a battle like this. Hehe, from the previous games to this though... well, I hope you don't become skewered by this, Tongqiu.'.

On the other hand... that Tongqiu was actually thinking in a different way, nothing heroic nor that of a youth's hot-bloodiness, 'Holy fuck, hahahaha! I'm not disappointed, at, fucking, all. Heh heh.'

And just as he finished speaking, without using any of his accessories' effect, Yun Beishang lunged forth towards Baston who was a couple hundreds of meters away from his current position and began to relax his shoulders before tightening them along with his muscles; over and over again.

As he prepared, the dozens and dozens of light and sunny swords that were similarly of a dozen meters in length just like the first one from before, began descending onto him.

To block? To parry? To simply just avoid or dodge? No...


With his already activated Transcended Divine Burst, Yun Beishang's HP suffered a 10% downing, but the rest of his resources were perfectly fine as he advanced into the falling rain of multiple bright swords almost hammering-like down on him.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step, step!

Yun Beishang rushed forwards with all his might as his eyes were carefully covered and hidden by the Eccentric Wolf Mask; in but a blast, he arrived at the raining swords from above's range, and his body began to be targeted as if by guided missiles. Though the swords in the sky did not leave a single trace of contrail, it instead seemed to glide through downwards with sunny energy, leaving star-like sparkles all behind around and behind themselves.

Pew~, pew~, pew~!

At once a few swords finally reached Yun Beishang as the rest kept on moving like moths attracted to the most delicious looking thick ass flame. Yun Beishang didn't even put any single care on them though, as he kept on running with all his speed forth and with both his Machete-Daggers still to his sides and with their blades' edges pointing at this north-east and north-west.


Pew~~~! ...CLANK!!

Swish... Pfruiyl!

-225, -225.

Yun Beishang successfully 'tanked' the first incoming sword with his right arm, not even being moved a single bit as he took the huge blunt but kept on running, his feet stomped a single centimeter deep into the arena's floor at that moment though. The second one was easily blocked by his right handed Machete-Dagger while the last one penetrated into his right lower ribs before disappearing slowly.

'Aggh!' Not actually making any sound and instead remaining silent with an unknown facial expression to everybody else, Yun Beishang shook his cut flesh a little before resuming his mad rush.

Pew~, pew~, pew~, pew~...

More and more swords of such came hi way, and every single one of them attacked semi-intelligently as they even strategically grouped up to deal with him. Some targeted his ribs over and over again nonstop, Yun Beishang always let those hit him, some others targeted his head, neck and joints of his limbs; which he at all times blocked or barely avoided in a slow motion fashion.

Some others though, they didn't even reach him or couldn't at all with the speed he was using to move forward, and some even clashes with one another. Like this, the swords that were from the sky and that were hell for any player actually managed to 'only' reduce Yun Beishang's HP down to 800.

For as Yun Beishang took 32 seconds to reach Baston, while Baston himself was half-kneeling on the ground while still in his sunny energy transformation with his 3 meters tall body. At the same time, Yun Beishang received about an average of 1 sword hit per second, which left him with 7,200 HP being taken by those alone, while all the rest that came at him and managed to reach him were either blocked, dodged and avoided or left in the dust and still chasing him at this point.

For the other 2,000 of HP lost, they were all thanks to the Transcended Divine Burst skill that Yun Beishang had activated, he could've deactivate it at 10 seconds or so and then activate it once again. But not only he would've receive more damage from the attacks, much more; he would also not feel himself enjoying the process anymore. Where the hell was the fun in that?!

As such, a dummy Tongqiu could be seen almost tripping around, hopping and staggering forward while Still moving at 224% Movement Speed and seemingly to always about to stomp his face against the ground instead of with his feet the next moment. And from then, later on, he finally reached what could be seen to be a completely weakened Baston who even a 3 year old child could distinguish to be.

There was, however, an obvious silence full of an engrossed immense crowd and a few momentary pauses from comments at the forums' live streaming interfaces. Tongqiu going through such 'bitter' struggle remained everyone that he was still completely unknown, though the people around him no longer wore masks, at least not everyone though; it was still completely unknown to anybody who they were, for some strange and very strange of a reason at that.

As there were many 'wows' here and there nonstop thorough the entire ordeal, Yun Beishang finally reached just 3 meters before Baston, the still a dozen or so remaining brightly lit swords chasing behind him. Even though they were even almost as speedy as 135% Movement Speed, they were like in slow motion and not even trying when paired against Yun Beishang's Movement Speed.

Step, step, step, step, step. TAP-TAP!

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Yun Beishang jumped once, and reached a height of 7 meters; Baston's fans felt their hearts lunging onto a void and the excited viewers instead turned almost stopped in time-like as they watched with their lungs coming at a stop from working at the figure who had his dual daggers held in a reverse grip and pointing at Baston's chest like a viper's fangs about 6 meters above the very same Baston himself.


Swish-swish...Bvreee-Vwlsht-Pfruiyl! Bvreee-Vwlsht-Pfruiyl!

The tragic figure, of a tired hero and one that had also given his best at this duel, and the uncaring sight of the unknown 'hero'—?—that had to deal with the former. An image that seemed to be even more invigorated by the darkening of Main Kingdom, as a tiny fraction of its godly-like sun was finally getting rested, the shadowed figures on the sole and remaining fighting arena.

But the silence was broken; as soon as Yun Beishang's Machete-Daggers descended onto the chest of Baston, they penetrated him at the same time with some strange energy actually forcing the edges of each blade to latch onto his ribcage even after having broke it apart.

-2,400, -2,400.

Already dead, but somehow not having disappeared yet though; Yun Beishang's fallen body from midair suddenly made a rotation from his right to his left in a reverse clockwise motion instead of letting the soles of his feet reach the ground. With this strange and sudden, bizarre movement, Yun Beishang made Baston's towering body make a 'forced' somersault backwards.

WHOOSH! Thud-thudthud! Sshhn~... tlck.

Baston's body fell heavily onto the floor, his upper back reaching it before the rest of his body followed up. Yun Beishang's Machete-Daggers then soundlessly came out of Baston's chest to be held by none other than Yun Beishang himself as he then placed both his feet to the left and right of Baston's torso on the arena's floor, his stance one that was like that of an assassin about to flay off his neck.

But then, at the next moment, as Baston had an utterly surprised but satisfied expression on his face, seeing this Tongqiu by himself. That Tongqiu himself allowed his naughty 'disguised' old pals to gleam dangerously and threateningly before Yun Beishang suddenly withdrew them as he spun them on his palms before they turned into that previous white glow from before with a tiny bit of red as they then disappeared into his bag peacefully; as if nothing ever happened.

"Hmf!" Baston's nostrils let out a respectful huff of air.

"Hmph~." Yun Beishang also let out a snort, but instead of an involuntary and cheerful one at that; a responsive one to Baston's snort and in a cheeky manner. "You can go now."

However, Tongqiu's words surprised Baston once again as he suddenly felt that strange, but omnipotent-like 'thing' let go of him. And his body noiselessly disappeared right after, leaving not only the Guerilla Guild and the viewers totally astounded; but even Baston himself as he jolted his head back comically right before it disappeared... with an expression that could only say 'are you fucking kidd-'.

"... ... ... ... ... ... ...Ho-hol..."





As the crowd, even those fans of the Guerilla Guild and furthermore, of Baston; turned crazy with their heads hot and numb at the scene before them and as the bloody and raggedly-clothed back of Tongqiu showed to them unbeknownst, kinda, to himself. All that did was to create an impressive, genial and utterly manly image in everyone's hearts!

"Tongqiu~~! Me and my daughters are waiting for you~!! ????????????" Then there were these types of 'cheers' from the crowd and in the commentary boxes of the live stream. Oh well, all is well, Yun Beishang is not a cheating bastard, he is just a bastard after all.



Cloud Gates Region, on a small but very well decorated and comfortable, humble abode nearest by to the center of the capital of the Region; namely, the Southern Heaven City. South of New Earth.


"Plop! This one for being so amazing! Plop! This one for not underestimating your opponent... at all times. Plop! This one for being muscular as you are, Boss. Plop! This one for ending your opponent in a fashionable but still manly way. Plop!-Hmm? Oghm, mn mnmnmnmn~, GULP. Ahhh, Boss, thank you for another dessert, more????~."

as Yun Beishang had his head all the way to the back of the chair from above the seat's backrest and with his two extended out arms below towards his crotch as the tomboyish but inherently sharp and wonderfully beautiful face of his tomboyish new security staff—and new woman, naturally, for as weird as it could sound since it's the truth—took the breath away from both his lungs with just a single look.

She, Feat, had been naming random reasons as she wobbled her head up and down in pauses, long pauses as she spoke and then engulfed all of Yun Beishang into her entire mouth and then her entire throat. Only once, rapidly, and with an unique technique which reminded him of Diana's...

Not only did Feat gave random reasons from his previous battle, not that they weren't enough as her eyes gleamed with clear and dear worship while also showing deep infatuation out of nowhere. But it was to the fact that it was actually 'requested' by his women back home; Feat would speak of how great and that much of a man he was with them; towards them. And then proceed to eat him all up; once.

She had been doing such for about more than 60 times in a row, and it was now that she finally rested her head as she let the Hugely Thick Dragon rest inside her very well rapidly accustomed throat as if acting as a coat for his member. And with the first few mentions of his women; dirt talk if you must. Was where Yun Beishang gave her 'dessert' the most times, totally to a 3 times even though she just 'simply' went directly all the way down on him once every few seconds. She, Feat, was to become an amazing monster for Yun Beishang in the future; nah, what the hell, she was already a monster for him, ah.

The list of the last 4 players remaining came out, and their rivals did too; Yun Beishang smiled at that sight before getting worked all up by a feverish Feat who instantly unclothed him and sat him on a simple chair while the flowers decorated around and the wonderful sunlight came in without heating their rented abode too much from the already horrible heat that there was.

And so began the feast that Feat engrossed herself upon with all that meat, mhm.

At this moment though, Yun Beishang had a Semi-Still Awakened Dragon excruciatingly slowly come out of her throat as she enjoyed every tiny bit of the moment and sensation as well as all of those flavors. When she suddenly, but smoothly, heard Yun Beishang's soft words reach her while her ears were delightfully caressed and cared for by him; her man. "Feat, why do you like eating me so much?"

"Do you think I am too much? If I am-"

"Nope, not at all. You're a won-no, my wonder, you're simply more than amazing, Feat."

"O-o-oh..." The tomboy shied away slightly, an incredible rare feat that Yun Beishang would be able to brag upon the rest of his women from hereon forth. Feat then, still shy and lightly pink-blushing, told him in a clear and really adoring but also adorable and tender voice. "Boss, no, Yun Beishang. Having you inside my mouth is an incredible wonderful pleasure, I want to always have you, my man, for me there and ready to get me this pleasure. Mn, I am to always want to be ready for you too, I also couldn't care less how many 'more' you've got. Fits you, somehow, hmm, it is really weird now that I think about it. Chuu~, thank you for the pleasure, Boss????."

What could be more dangerous than a willing woman of oneself not just 'wanting' but deeply wishing to go down on oneself? Naturally, it's to give that tender and worshiping, thirsty kiss on to one's member.

"!" As such, Yun Beishang's eyes grew wild and ferocious, and while Feat witnessed the change, it only served to make her feel even better to his every reaction. But right after, she felt below her armpits be handled by him as she was suddenly thrown at the  green grass inside the abode. She became ecstatic and short of breath, more than instantly; but she then turned worried and unwilling as she anxiously said. "Wait Boss, no! It's only a minute after you g-mnnnngh...????... ????????... ????????????~..."

As slow motions delivered her to craziness even as her mouth was no longer occupied by any part of Yun Beishang's body, she was fully agape and protruding her lips outwards slightly as she suddenly became over ecstatic at the deep and slow but so unstoppable penetration.

"It's okay, with this little bit of a 'trick', it's more than enough to rea-oooh, to reach th-aah, fuck... to reach there!"

As there wasn't any sounds of his carnivorous and meaty member going through her flesh blatantly pleasantly; his words echoed in her head too beautifully and penetratingly as she, her woman, Feat; didn't notice a few trails of the most beautiful and purest of whites essential energies come off Yun Beishang's right handed fingertips and left handed fingertips as he then placed them below her back and ribs from both sides.

No sound, no slapping, no utterly deafening moans nor dirty talk anymore. Only passionate, longing silent.




Let It Rain: ✌.|•͡˘‿•͡˘|.✌  (ꉺ౪ꉺ)  (◍'‿'◍).

V4: #4 4/10

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