Bow and Arrow

Chapter 375: Chapter 373 — Baston Vs Tongqiu, 4th Placements (2—Last Part)

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Baston Vs Tongqiu, 4th Placements (2—Last Part)




"Hmm? So what is it that you wanted, to talk?" Yun Beishang spoke, he crossed his arms and let his head hang a little as he looked a bit down towards Baston, who clearly had a much lesser stature in his virtual body compared to Yun Beishang.

"...Yeah, sure. Kind of, actually. Mm, I just thought that... I think is a kind of great honor to finally meet you, Tongqiu. Ah, if you don't mind, calling me by my name, Erik. If it's okay with you, I would also like to call you by your name, but it doesn't really matter, hm." As Baston gave  courteous slight bow of his head, Yun Beishang bluntly spoke after giving his eyes a tour to inspect his eyebrows, "No need, indeed. Baston is fine."

Baston didn't turn embarrassed and he instead grinned at Yun Beishang's words before saying with half a smile, "Baston is, uh... my nickname from when I was little, actually. It's just a childish thing, but I just kept it, couldn't change it even if I wanted since years ago, so."

"Mmm." Yun Beishang habitually responded, already not caring and wanting to get to the next phase, cough, to fight Baston to vie for the semifinals. As such, he wanted to simply stop this conversation since there was nothing important, at all, and begin the fighting. But it was right here and then that Baston spoke again, very interested in hearing the answer, "Between... me and Raoundozia, who would you prefer to face against to?"

"..." Not saying anything at first, Yun Beishang looked at Baston with his head hung low and his eyes upturned. Yun Beishang then glanced to where Raoundozia had fought and felt like no wasting much more time as he looked back at Baston and directly spoke out, "Well, take it like this. The only reason why he is getting into the semifinals is, because he did not met me, but you did."

"..." Baston was a bit surprised at Yun Beishang's answer, it was unexpected to say the least, but it somehow also made him feel a little proud. After all, if many were capable of saying that he, Baston, could rival Tongqiu or that only Tongqiu and Raoundozia could rival him; Baston himself would never think the same. As such, to Tongqiu himself's words, Baston only grinned and snorted lightly in acknowledgement. "Hmph."

"Okay, sorry for wasting your time, and everyone else's, let's get to the semifinals then. I'd really like to see you also beat up Raoundozia, that man is quite difficult for me to beat in this Global Tournament."

"But also, Tongqiu, I'm afraid that since you no longer hold so much insane damage in this Global Tournament, you are still at 'danger' from being defeated by me. Just... don't let me win on purpose, if that ever happens. Alright?" With a cheeky, friendly and rivalry-like grin, Baston slowly got himself into a stance of the legendary old boxing as a small sword and big shield appeared on his right and left hand respectively.

"Oh, mmm. Okay." Yun Beishang thought for a little after seeing the spirited Baston that suddenly, and shining heroically, took out his main weapons and that glared at himself with all but only with the will to fight and a desire for fighting. Across Baston's eyes, only wanting to engage in a real combat with Yun Beishang remained as the people on the crowds watched with dear anticipation to the last battle of the 4th placements!

Tshin, Tck, tck, tck, tck, tck...

Yun Beishang then took out a something from his bag as an almost blindingly white glow with some tiny bits of red came out from his bag and onto both his hands. What Yun Beishang took out, was naturally his Half-Divine Mind-Sensory Pseudo-Artifact; and though the crowd couldn't tell what it was before the glowing disappeared, Yun Beishang could as he wielded a pair of Machete-Daggers that emulated the girth of this Dual Gladiuses but only at the base of the Machete-Daggers.

From such a little talk, Yun Beishang felt that he might as well take out his weapon; after all, he actually just then sensed a pair of loving and extremely cheerful glances directed over at them. And as those pair of glances were taken in by a totally cheered up Baston, the pair of glances then proceeded to latch onto him for a few moments before returning to Baston.

They were fully concentrated on him as if trying to study even his breathing, trying to take out all of what they could from watching this battle. Naturally, there were also the rest of the incredible players from the Guerilla Guild around them, also cheering on at Baston and trying to not show their nervousness nor lack of confidence on him; though.

What really made Yun Beishang want to take out his weapon wasn't for Baston's face nor for the sake of his reputation. But it was to the fact that the glances from the 2 different 'loving' people towards Baston, when studying him in detail and whatnot; reminisced him of a feeling and sensation that Yun Beishang has had long lost.

And since it was such a coincidence, from that of 'being too close but far' at the same time, he might as well give no fucks and joyously fight to his heart's content. There was going to be such an event for himself this very same day anyway, it couldn't be more coincidental.

As such, while reveling on the feeling of being glared upon, respectfully, but also for the sake of studying with some traces of admiration even, Yun Beishang chose a pair of small but heavy daggers unlike his old pals. And just as he made the appearance of his Mind-Sensory Machete-Daggers to the public, the raging wind of an incoming and seemingly unstoppable charge came right at him from a little to his right.


Thu-Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht, Bvreee-Vwlsht.

-2,400, -2,400, -2,400.

"!!" As soon as Baston bashed his shield towards Tongqiu with the effort that contained all of his strength and concentration, he was easily parried perfectly which sent his shield directly away from his own left hand, though it was also a shield with a sun-like design, it was made of a rather metallic but nature-like material which made it look much better than the previous shield he used back, back then.

Yet, the very same shield was brutally sent away by the mere edge of both the Machete-Daggers' blades as it soundlessly disappeared in the distance after spiraling for who damn knows how many damned times. But before Baston could even have the chance to get his thrown away shied back into his back, let alone to summon it back, he was already pushed backwards and upwards by Yun Beishang's left hand.

Right after being pushed into the air, but slightly, Baston only felt a pair of blades running across his skin and already threatening to easily gnash in several different pieces his rib cage, while at the same time, feeling the gentlest and smoothest of winds brush against his cheeks, legs and even the back of his body as he only had his eyes closed and could also only imagine that Yun Beishang was rotating flawlessly; doing a whirlwind attack on his torso without equal.

And it was like so, Baston was actually made a smallish air combo as the crowds went totally stunned at seeing Baston, one of the few legendary players of Rising Essence, be dominated so flawlessly by a few casual moves by none other than the enigmatic Tongqiu!

"Waah, this is real... Auch! Don't pinch me..."

"What-wait, then, how come in the battle against Hidden Daggers that..." This players that suddenly spoke; similarly suddenly shut up after he noticed many already planning-to-murder-for-real gazes land on him.

"Oh shit. Go... Go Baston! Waaah, you can make a comeback, gooo~!" And suddenly, as well; there was a sudden feverish, fanatic voice that spoke from the crowds. And from which there were many desperate and disheartened fans of Baston amongst, which then gained hope and their dreams for their 'teams' back up as they began to cheer Baston up after going from feeling ashamed to hot-blooded.

"Go! Baston, go!"

"You can win, you should win, you MUST WIN!"

"Guerilla Guild is the overlord of Main Kingdom! Waaaaaahh~!!!"

Tap, step-step.

Drip, pitter-patter.

"Gul-ng, pwah~... haah, hahh, hah. Hm, hmhm~." As Baston descended upon the arena's floor, and as he heard the sounds of many people cheering from him except for the special 2; as they didn't even needed to speak out loud since their hearts were connected endearingly, Baston raggedly breathed in and out, feeling somewhat choked.

As he gulped down what was blood, which he realized only after drinking it back down his throat, Baston once again got astonished by both; the realism of the game with real life and how serious it can be when making a comparison between one another and two, of how damn strong this Tongqiu was!

Just a move; one single move. Yet, Baston was instantly left defenseless and almost annihilated, with almost no reason nor chance whatsoever to even strike for the second time before being said 'bye-bye' and sent away from the arena. After his ragged breathing turned to 'slightly' ragged breathing, Baston looked up with his arms slightly extended to the sides and his shoulders barely getting back up as he said.

"My bad... I was too dumb in treating you like the rest. Ok now, I won't be as stupid anymore, and use all I've got to beat, fight, or at least face you, Tongqiu. Haah... hah!"


As soon as he finished his own words, Baston brandished both his arms as if he was holding a pair of long daggers or even small swords instead of one, his left hand in particular was visible completely and the sun-like shield on that arm was attached to itself as if it was a merely normal-sized shield with nothing special of its weight nor shape.

And just as soon as he was about to make his first step in a dash against Tongqiu, Baston's entire body glowed out a blinding and piercing sun-like glow that had more pale yellow than even normal yellow colors instead. While it originated from his dantian region, it happened at the same time that his left shield also turned ethereal before amply disappearing from sight altogether.

In the same manner, the sword in his right hand turned liquid as if to boost up and 'feed' the energy that was now fully enveloping him; Baston's armor, on the other hand, was only being covered and... merged with some kind of also 'sun-like' energy while some marks making altogether a strange pattern did not do enough to deviate one's attention from the increasing height of Baston himself.

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And just as Baston reached 3 meters in height, with his body being the one increasing in size along his armor, a ginormous shield of 9 meters in length and even 6.6 meters in width appeared on his left arm. And if it wasn't because people could see Baston's left arm moving previously, they would've thought that his arm turned into the shield itself.

On his right, a 'small' sword also appeared, though it would be a very long sword for any normal person, even for elves. And it was at that moment that the completely changed over, splendid and more than obviously radiant armor basically made of sunny energy revealed his eyes as his stomps against the arena's floor were finally resounded. They were a pair of sun-like eyes; containing the powerful energies of a sun and the loneliness of one as well.


'Hm, here it comes.' As Yun Beishang saw all of this, he didn't need to use any of his naked eye eyesight to witness what was going on, this must basically be a combination of a skill from a Keeper of the Light and from a skill book. Baston was this capable, after all, and even more so was that... Baston hadn't used this skill before!

Against Raoundozia, he didn't use it, but Raoundozia himself was already powerful that even this kind of transformation was only going to give Baston a more substantial speed, damage and reduction of damage in more than one ways. But in this Global Tournament, only its speed was useful, so it wouldn't do much against Raoundozia who already has good enough speed, reflexes and battle intuition to rival a full-speed assassin type of class.

In any case, Yun Beishang received the next incoming attack of the 'small' sword by, yet again, parrying it away. Right after, as it whistled through the air, Yun Beishang attacked at the shield on his right instead of attacking Baston himself, and for a reason.

Pkan-Ling~! Whistle~... thu-clank!


Just as Yun Beishang had attacked Baston's shield, his sword had already come back by itself in a curve and with its blade sweeping left at his head. As it came from his own left, naturally, Yun Beishang ever so casually hit Baston's with his other Machete-Dagger, the left handed one as the right-handed one struck the shield.

Clank~! WHOOSH! Swish! Pkan-Ling~.

But Baston was too good to be too bad, and as such, he did his very best to almost instantly move his large as hell shield vertically to let its lower body be hit by Yun Beishang's Machete-Dagger while he also separated himself from his shield by detaching it from his left arm and then instantly after grabbed his own small sword to cleave downwards at Yun Beishang.

Only to, of course, and more than excitingly impossible but also frustrating to a certain point to even the spectators; let alone the Guerilla Guild members or Baston himself. Yun Beishang parried perfectly, once more, Baston's incoming down sword as he prepared to sent flying his left-handed Machete-Dagger towards the stomach of Baston.

Tshtsh! POOM!

But at that moment, Baston suddenly had a ton of sunny energy go from down to up at all around his body as he shot directly upwards and backwards in an arch for about 30 meters as he slowly and safely came down onto the floor. Yun Beishang's eyes constricted at this since there was no description at all from Baston's skills nor talents that told this was possible to do.

'Someone else had started to use Hidden Stats, ah. A pity that is so meager and sluggish. Otherwise, he would've been able to even fly for quite some time like my little monkey or Miriam.' Thought Yun Beishang as he enviously glanced blankly at the safe and sound Baston whose HP suddenly recovered 5,000 for no fucking reason.

Well, the reason was known to Yun Beishang, but for the crowds...

"Holy fuck! He healed!"

"Fuck yeah, beat that motherfucker's ass!"

"Nooooo! Tongqiu, if you die, how can you answer to my daughter and me as a mother and daughter combination? Bo-hooo!"

Everyone else: "...Again?"

"Hmph~." On contrary to any other crowds' expectations, however, Yun Beishang snorted cheerily once from his nostrils before using up 2 of his 6 usages from his King of Dueling bracelet, instantly closing in on Baston and forcing the young man with a barely recovered HP of 7,800 and with wide eyes to strike down with his 9 meters long shield made of sunny energy as if it was a hammer.


Instead of parrying it, Yun Beishang attacked it directly and, since it wasn't a block, intent on being parried nor relying on a Damage Mitigation effect, it went on without much side effects for Baston himself. Only if it was a direct hit against a defensive equipment, at the very least, would the system take that as a direct attack.

And Baston seemed to presence danger every time any of Yun Beishang's attacks moved towards him even if just as much as a nanometer, for right after Yun Beishang easily fended off that huge shield like it was nothing with almost a hole meter in thickness. The left arm of Baston was just slightly defenseless, but which was much more than enough for someone like Yun Beishang to take advantage of, as he slashed with both his Machete-Daggers against it while Baston's eyes furiously gleamed sunny energy furthermore.

Instantly, his shield and small sword changed places without a noise, and Yun Beishang found himself 'incapable' of dodging the fate of being impaled through his chest by this extreme, not unexpected but also too much of a sudden variable as the sword descended on him!


Abruptly, but magically, Yun Beishang was surrounded by a bubble of light red color that was barely discernible as it was rather transparent overall. But as for the small sword of Baston, it passed through Yun Beishang while Yun Beishang himself did a change in midair of his left and right handed Machete-Daggers, not having any showy visual effect nor incredible momentum; Yun Beishang still stabbed his Machete-Daggers onto the veins of Baston's left wrist under the eyes of the shining eyes of crowds and the shocked ones from Baston.

Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht-Pfruiyl!

-2,400, -2,400.


But Baston then reacted strongly, actually letting go of his own small sword and using all of his entire new strength yet to deal a common amount of damage at Yun Beishang who had both his Machete-Daggers both still connected to Baston's wrist and who seemed to actually show resistance when trying to pull it out!

'Hah, an old trick, ey? Hehe, how amusing.' As Yun Beishang thought slightly in glee at how actually fun, for as slight as it is, this battle turned out to be. Yet, another bubble of transparent light red color colored his surroundings as the incoming sunny shield only made a slight mark on the arena's floor after a strong tremor went by through the air towards everywhere around the coliseums.


But at that moment, and without a warning, another thing happened and that was... Baston's small sword 'magically' was sent to the floor and, just as its flat blade was about to hit the floor, it instead rotated abnormally before deeply penetrating into the arena's floor as if it was merely an illusory sword.

Right afterwards, a huge sword of a dozen meters long descended from the air after appearing one moment later as Yun Beishang was still inside his own light red-transparent colored bubble. With his left eyebrow lifting, the playful Yun Beishang felt that he was about to be 'slightly' conned out of protective uses from his Grateful State of Mind Ruby, as the soft white colored knight's small sword came down at him.






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