Bow and Arrow

Chapter 387: Chapter 385 — Flying To The Skies

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Flying To The Skies




Peaceful Rain Villa, Main Hall.


" are they?" While seated down behind Tonkia who was already in several buckets of sweat and as she held onto Natalia's hand delicately but which only Natalia knew the power behind that grip, she asked Ellie once she came over from the Kitchen Room which no longer had anything edible.

"Tho-... they are, well, they have become more peaceful. And those who cannot take it with their fragile minds or bodies, I put them to sleep."

Hearing Ellie's words, a completely saddened Natalia gazed down at Tonkia, her gaze changing upon seeing the mother at hardwork. She then lifted her head and strongly asked once more, "How... are, them?"

Ellie, though not exhausted mentally nor physically, still showed signs of being tired from 'today' as she gave Natalia a little grin and then answered in a clear but low voice. "Their bodies are well preserved, accommodated perfectly around and unless I fall unconscious, which would be impossible, they would begin decomposing so. Natalia, you have nothing to worry about. Actually, Bei-"

"Attention to all citizens, an error in miscalculation from part of the venerable Founding Yun Clan has made the biological weapons intended to be sent towards the outer parts of our world to be redirected to the Nascent Herb City in an unstoppable series of events. All citizens are to hurry on to their nearest Nascent Herb refuges and bunkers at max speed. Estimated time before impact is that of 10 minutes, all citizens... please remain alive!"

Just as Ellie was explaining something with a wide smile growing on her face, her countenance terribly changed from one instant to another the moment everyone inside the Peaceful Rain Villa heard the globally announced report with KC's voice, her own father and the reason why she couldn't get closer to Yun Beishang sooner than later.


"No, no no. Listen to me, Natalia, he is already coming. He is already here! Okay?! So everything will be alright, al-right. Come now, start preparing; with his strength, how could he not have noticed what has been happening here? Let's call everyone out, so..." As Ellie crouched down and rapidly held Natalia's shoulders who was about to fall down from grief, Ellie did her best to recuperate her mental state as she tenderly spoke towards the feeble and aggrieved self-blaming young gentle woman.

Meanwhile, the extremely tired looking maids around Tonkia could barely keep their eyelids up as they gazed upon this scene, none of them were feeling restrained by her orders nor were they hatefully gazing at Natalia as if blaming her. The only sensation that they shared amongst themselves was a single train of thought.

'How terrible, and with this, those families will become more aggrieved and hopeless... Madam Natalia has it so hard today.'.

. . .


Outside the Peaceful Rain Villa, at the gates of it and within a dark tornado that was being surrounded by black lightning.


'Devour!!' A single thought escaped from Yun Beishang's mind as the darkness surrounding him quickly began 'eating' the fog all around the Peaceful Rain Villa. He could see, feel and smell what was going on since tens of kilometers away, or rather; as soon as he came back to being half a Nascent Herb City away from the actual Nascent Herb City itself.

Let alone now that he was directly to the front of his own plagued Peaceful Rain Villa, and from which Kamagichi was already coughing bits of blood as he maintained a smallish dome of murky darkness that went from the Kitchen Room to the Main Hall while also covering the Living Room and part of the Dining Room.

There were a few families around a few maids, those maids were the ones that have had already been 'seduced' by him and were willing to become one with their Master, but whose 'ceremony' hadn't started. More than anything because of the fact that Yun Beishang went out right after their Order won the Association vs Association segment though.

Those were situated in the Kitchen Room... and those maids, like Feat back then... were not showing any signs of life no matter how hard and unscrupulous Yun Beishang scanned them all multiple times in a second over and over again.

There... there was even Yao Yao who was unconscious and mentally hurt inside the Living Room, being taken care of the rest and a few more maids, while Natalia, Tonkia and Ellie were having an actual moment of Tonkia already having started to deliver!

Meanwhile, however, as tragic as it was; it couldn't be denied. As Kamagichi was standing fully strong and with his back being scorched, pierced, invaded and brutalized by the fog around Peaceful Rain Villa, all while he kept on raising his hands and extending all of his power to protect all of the Peaceful Rain Villa for all he could.

Yun Beishang perfectly well knew what was happening, since Kamagichi didn't had a vast amount of energy, inferior to not only Sammy but even Fusi, he was semi-'consuming' the properties from the fog and whatnot that were intruding his body to keep on his murky darkness energy dome intact and still as strong as ever from when it started. Kamagichi was forced to make it really small, though.

And now... now, Yun Beishang was doing exactly the same except, not only would he not be harmed, but Yun Beishang would even gain energy, body and strength to his body rather than harm; unlike Kamagichi.

Swiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!! Whoosh~~~!

And as soon as Yun Beishang started, the entire Peaceful Rain Villa's entrance began as if a hole in the air was made as all the fog around it began to swim fervently towards one single point; Yun Beishang's position. With just a few seconds needed to go by for it to be amazingly obvious, the people inside the Villa quickly took notice of this.

While the Black Lotus way outside from the Peaceful Rain Villa had already noticed it was happening and were more than clear to why it was so, a couple of them were forming a powerful fist with their hands as they gazed hotly at the Dining Room area, to that little section that was still not completely engulfed by the dreadful fog.

And, since the people from within the Peaceful Rain Villa could hear the announcement made from KC, then it was only natural that the Black Lotus members did also hear it and even furthermore clearly than them. But even then, the faith, believe and confidence they had on their Leader was but too strong, and they were not shaken by the odds.

It wasn't the same, entirely, inside the Peaceful Rain Villa though, as there were so many families inside that a single one of them growing chaotic and behaving erratically could be just the start of it. The death of already a few maids was triggering enough for all to fear and cower, let alone now that there was basically no way out nor salvation from this situation; so much to the point those families could not notice the fog around them outside the windows begin to disappear. As it was only when they heard a thunderous, large-distance shout that they managed to wake the fuck up.

"EVERYONE AT THE MAIN HALL, OUT!!" As if having their heads lightened up, the people inside the villa who weren't his maids recovered their senses and rationality as their eyes seemingly became relaxed and they could think again. As for Yun Beishang's maids, when they heard his voice, their hearts gained a profound and soft feeling.

Step-step-step... step, step... stepstepstep!

Around the Kitchen Room, Living Room, Main Hall and a little bit of the Dining Room; endless amounts of footsteps were resounding as everyone was on the move, even a tired out Sammy was accompanied by the rest as she carried an unconscious Yao Yao in her arms towards the Main Hall and where Tonkia was already being prepared to move while delivering.

Of course, Yun Beishang did not needed to remain on the spot as he consumed the fog with his dark tornado, and by every tons and tons of fog that it devoured, Yun Beishang had barely stepped forward once. And naturally, by the time that he arrived before the main doors, all of his people inside the villa and their families were already at the Main Hall. From there, he only needed to get inside for a bit to reach them.

. . .


Peaceful Rain Villa, Main Hall.


"Little Yao is fine, Beishang would never blame you. Stop worrying, eh, you have to help Tonkia deliver, so you can't be too dull right now. Calm down, Natalia." Placing her left hand on the left shoulder of Natalia, Ellie said towards her while watching Ruo Paodan, Irllytia and Tornyllia on the other side from the stretcher as they held onto Tonkia and gave her 'strength'.

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"Mm, I know... I just can't avoid... feeling-"

"I'm here!! I'm... here." Just when Natalia's fragile and oh so gentle voice sounded out, Yun Beishang's voice reached everyone's ears. Those few families who held a stretcher that was  modified to look like a little bed but from which everyone felt entirely dispirited and lifeless instead, the tired maids with some of them even being injured and some passed out as well.

Then, Yun Beishang saw Yao Yao in Sammy's arms, everything was going damn fast; it was simply chaotic. Since Yao Yao and the rest were closer, he went over to them first while saying, "There's no fog anymore, you should go outside and get ready to take flight. Go back to the Black Lotus members and they will tell you what to do. Don't worry, everything is fine... those over there, please... wait a bit for me."

After pointing over at the people with the clearly grieving families around a modified stretcher, Yun Beishang gulped down a lot of what he could said, felt and saliva as he then arrived before Yao Yao. Ellie had also come to him at this time after making sure the other first wives would be handling Natalia's self-blaming which even made her lower her head fully when she saw her man come back inside their home.

"What happened to her?" Yun Beishang asked Sammy as she delivered a tired out smile and as the maids, Cyn, Itnia, Estel, Zi Fei and a sleepy Xiao Ruo appeared like a group of kidnapped people having just been rescued with their hair disheveled and their clothes and skin dirty from either dirt or so itself or even blood.

Hearing his soft and caring, guilty voice, the maids didn't know how to answer as even Sammy was quite silent at the moment, only managing to give him a pair of pursed lips. It was at this moment that Ellie's voice came from behind to his left, "It's alright, Beishang. She is just tired out. When the fog went into an outbreak, it was her who made it docile, passive and non predatory because... she forcefully 'used' what only you should only be able to 'use', Beishang."

"...Alright, bring her into the transportation vehicle. Sammy, bring Kamagichi along, he might be unconscious and ask Klent and Tombsk to bring in the other unconscious ones. Since everyone's families are here, nothing bad will happen to them I will... take care of the others, go." Yun Beishang pondered for a while as he gazed at Ellie's calm and informative face, he then spoke to everyone else around him before giving each a grip on their hands and then leaving for Natalia and those around her who were the most worried he was about right now.

Step, step, step, step.

"Heeeii!" With a terrified and sudden gasp coming from her mouth as she inadvertently sucked in a sharp breath of air through her teeth right into her throat, Natalia closed and opened slightly her eyes sporadically nonstop... until she felt her back and arms be embraced by the oh so familiar and unique warmth.

"Shhh. Don't be silly, go and bring Tonkia, Paodan, Tornyllia, Irllytia and... my children away. I'll be right behind you with the... 'rest'. Mwah, are you okay?" Ending up most of his words with a kiss to the back of her head, as if she didn't even had any hair to impede his lips from her skin, he then asked her with his arms tightening around Natalia's.

"Of course I am okay! How could I not? Two little maids pushed me away and, and, and... waaa, Beishang..."

Drip, drip...

"Beishang, I... I-I am sorry, I shouldn't-ah. I didn't wanted to distract you amidst the day you were going to rescue her, so no one went back to your White Space. And when I d-de-decided that some should, they... uh-waaaaah... Beishang..."

"...Shhh, I told you, not to be silly." With her right shoulder feeling his chin, Natalia's weeping face turned into a pause for a moment, before resuming. Hearing him, she although calmed down quite, still kept on weeping as she unconsciously began to already move perfectly carefully and gently the Tonkia who was already approaching the most important moments.

So, no matter what, Natalia knew that she had to aid Tonkia with all of her being to give birth to their children; no matter what! As such, as the stretcher was placed atop a mobile cart, rather modern and fashionable; Natalia began her very best work to help Tonkia deliver those twins darlings.

Screech, rrrrr~.

"..." On the other hand, a more or less paralyzed Yun Beishang looked at the main doors of his soon-to-not-be Peaceful Rain Villa, the sound of heavy stretchers moving slowly to a stop behind him and of their wheels moving resounded as he then slowly turned around.

"Tch, hmmm..." His eyes terribly downcast, Yun Beishang felt his entire being vacant at seeing the teared faces of the two little maids that Natalia spoke of just now, their last in this world were all of a need to protect. Was there anything more valiant than this? Could they be less incredible for a moment and... but Yun Beishang's thoughts weren't allowed to go there, as with a deep breath being taken in, he then passed his glance over all of the other few maids that were gone. "Accompany me... and lend them to me some more, I wish to hold them."

"..." Nobody said anything, from their families... who wouldn't be tired of a thing such as seeing the daughters of their family fall? Every single one of the fallen maids and little maids were all new, and except for the two little maids, the rest were before completely only ordinary maids from any kind of job and not people inside Yun Beishang's family.

Nodding and seeing the Master of their daughters, the husbands and wives; parents and siblings to even aunties and uncles, cousins and grandparents felt a closeness of losing their treasured gem, pearl and whatnot. As they all slowly lined up to go out one by one and as they did, Ellie came back to Yun Beishang's behind and with her hands intertwined in front of her thighs, she spoke out loud but softly.

"Bei...shang... I'm sorry! I cou-I-I..." Before she could finish her sentences, Yun Beishang's tired, trembling and weakened hands reached out to her wrists as he brought her hands to both their chests and with a compassionate gaze, he said with an utterly soft glance at her black iris and brown pupils.

"I know, I know... I don't really, but I feel like I'd understand, perfectly. Hush and... wait for me, okay? You see. Your father, he... has seemingly arranged something right now. So, Ellie, we are going up." As Yun Beishang finished saying that, he held her wrists with his left hand as with his right hand, he pointed to the skies.

"Up... gasp! Did he-"


"Shhh... yes, now... let's go. I have... things to do." Right as Yun Beishang said and as he began stepping out to outside the Peaceful Rain Villa along with the other sorrowful families, Ellie's countenance paused into quite a deeply concerned and worried one, but not a denying nor a deathly worried countenance at the very least.

"Hooo..." Herself needing badly to give out a large burst of air, she finally went back to look to her front as she saw what she had already sensed before, Yun Beishang was clearly furthermore surprised to find a little someone he knew among the large crowd of people that were now in front of his Peaceful Rain Villa.

Since there was no longer a fog that ended up hospitalizing quite a number of pedestrians around his Villa, many ordinary people came to see so that they could either post it on the internet or know about the gossip first handedly. Among them, was a young woman of about 20 years of age.

With pale blonde hair, pitch-black eyes and such a beautiful, graceful face that irradiated boundless magnanimity as she was softly shocked to her utter core in seeing an also familiar face from inside the villa where it was rumored everyone inside was now dead. Since there were no news from the people whose family member passed by a few tens of minutes ago, it could only be because of the worst.

As the neighbors around where curious, either positively, negatively or in simple neutrality towards the matter and in reality, everyone just came to see the disaster strike not them at all. So was a young woman in the middle of an assignment attracted to the gossiped about and rumored to be a deathly villa out of nowhere. Never would she have thought...

"Cousin!!" Yun Feixue instantly made her way towards Yun Beishang as the families around him were seemingly deaf, not hearing that a young woman yelled for their daughters' Master, but not only that as they also did not even seemed to notice how that very same young woman passed all around them rather agilely but fast before arriving at Yun Beishang and throwing herself at him.

"Cousin, ah! You know not how much Big Sister Yun has been feeling lately. Even I am no longer capable of entering her room and seeing her, I think she must not be eating again, but that strange young girl around her isn't worried like before and is instead constantly looking out at the sky lately."

"Also, also... your grandparents, sniff, I'm sorry! I don't know when it was, but they disappeared and, and, and-"

"Shhhh~." Yun Beishang embraced back the tremblingly fragile body of Yun Feixue as she held dearly onto him as she was then cut off, with a pair of helpless eyes, Yun Beishang felt tired and a bit impatient to do those urgent matters as he dragged her around softly and undeniably while explaining a bit to her. "Feixue, listen to me right now. Come with me and, uh, I'll give you a cute surprise. I promise you, it isn't anything to embarrass you again or something, you'll definitely grow incredibly joyous once again."

"Eh? What! No, wait... I still have to go back to the Yun Clan in a week, and I can't be late. You know, lately, I've been given weird and strange glanced and I..."

Left with no choice, Yun Beishang endured her endless concerned and fearful babbling as he gently dragged her with his right arm as a slightly grinning Ellie remained on his left. But before Yun Beishang could begin to run like a crazy motherfucker so as to reach the transportation device sooner, the thing actually flew out from its current position towards the Peaceful Rain Villa; startling him.

'Eh? Isn't Nora still in the sky, occupied with restraining those biological weapons right now? Who the hell commanded this thing?'




Let It Rain's Note: Cliffhanger Dao yet again! How could it be... possible?!

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