Bow and Arrow

Chapter 388: Chapter 386 — An Emaciated Young Man

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An Emaciated Young Man






The crowd of ordinary people, the already in the known but still ignorant people of his Black Lotus, the families with lifeless and dispirited eyes and Yun Beishang's maids and women; all and every single one of them became so astounded and shocked that their mouths began jaw-opening quite a lot but slowly as well.

None of them imagined that they would suddenly see a large object come from nowhere and basically 'land' above in the sky, parked as if waiting for something. However, not only did it 'just' appear, as the large object in the sky but that it would also be semi-drifting around in midair as it was flying towards above close to the Peaceful Rain Villa as it then parked; just as it is right now.

Swish, whoosh! Swish, whoosh!

However, as it was only about 100 meters away from the Peaceful Rain Villa and basically almost landing on the streets with its 'butt' directed towards the Peaceful Rain Villa's direction, a ton of air was being swept away and at several different directions all at once. At the same time, though it was impossible for one person to know the entire shape of the 'large object in the sky' it could be more or less be seen by anyone as of right now.

It was modeled as if a bus made to travel through air and not ground, but it had no wheels, wings nor at least a main rotor system. Besides that, it had many compartments come out of its 'plain and flat' outside appearance, as if it had crumpled barbs here and there. It had a height of about 200 meters, while its length was of around that of 700m to 800m.

A single colossal 'thing' that spanned over a large and extreme amount of the neighborhood and was comparable to one or two rich people's villas more or less in length alone. For its width, it was a total of 300 meters, but with its colossal height, even if it was only 100 meters wide, it would still be insanely capable of holding tens of thousands of people at once.

As for its traveling properties... who knew? But of those who wanted to 'know', thinking that it came from none other than the Crestfallen Industry, how could it not be utterly epic and amazing, ah?!

The crowd, however, as they watched object with a head that looked to assimilate a plane's but followed a bus's model and with tons of windows enough to dizzy a person to a 1 hour long semi-coma; they didn't notice the small little ants beneath it begin boarding it. Some were being levitated to the utter shock of those who will realize of it in the future; which was the majority of the ones getting inside the huge thing.

While others were being transported inside of it by a ramp that fell down from the butt of the transporting vehicle; it wasn't as if it had a huge entrance there, but more like it a way of many to enter it in a rather 'manually' and old fashioned style than in other ways.



Inside the transportation vehicle, as the ramp that a few tens and tens of people had already closened up and as all those around and inside the Peaceful Rain Villa had already boarded it.


Rrrrr, screeech!

Yun Beishang was amidst a large group of people from which it was conformed by several smaller groups all around it. Since they entered the transportation vehicle the 'old' way, they naturally had to traverse a bit of a large distance before going from one of the many 'entrances' to reach the zone where they could finally rest and... have a time for mourning.

But then, just as everyone was walking and forcefully pushing the stretches that felt as heavy as the 'thing' they just went inside itself, Yun Beishang's voice resonated through their heads from one ear to another as he took out a mobile large cart with a command controller on top of it at one of its extremes which he used to lower down and then to maneuver around.

"Everyone, I will ask you now to let me hold them. I will take one of them at a time, and after I'm finished holding them for a while, the next one would be sent up here so that I can ho-"

"Wait, what!"

"How could this be happening to us!"

"Master of the Peaceful Rain Villa, how could you-" As Yun Beishang was speaking, a few families were mindlessly nodding but some others, oh, some others instantly grew a frown onto their heads as they instantly thought of the worst; for whatever reason and interrupted Yun Beishang himself.

However, before one of them could speak a full sentence amidst the roaring few small groups, Yun Beishang's deadly gaze landed on them and his voice which was much more scary and somber resonated through their ears but this time, with a deathly threatening tone. "Shut up, who do you think I am?! You, take her over here. Listen now, I will start doing something so I will say this since you some of you are so noisy."

"Dare to interrupt me and I'll kill everyone here, then follow on with what I'm wanting to do. At that time, who can stop me? I may care a lot about your daughters, but I care not one shit for you all, even if you haven't done a thing, so think it well. Come over here!" Yun Beishang pointed at the guy who almost completely a sentence before being interrupted by him.

And after finished speaking, seeing that the guy was still not moving to deliver his daughter to him, Yun Beishang berated him even loudly with almost some light violet coming out of his eyes. To his side, already up on the futuristic cart, Ellie was coldly gazing at those around. If Yun Beishang wasn't enough, then his woman's otherworldly and godly indifferent gaze is.

Step... step st-step-step-s-st-step...

With shaky, nervous steps, the man who spoke brought a young maid towards him, his eyes were blackened and were seen as if he felt he had just committed a great crime. A great, sinful and unnecessary crime.

Rustle~ rustle rustle rustle... thu-d~.

Gently taking her from the man's arms, Yun Beishang easily lifted off the young maid with his arms shaking while carrying her over from below as he was on the edge of the cart. When he stood up, he did it silently, but his arms and legs were already looking quite weak. As he then slowly placed her atop the flat cart, he then squatted above her, both his knees to the sides of her waist and his hands above her shoulders and placed against the cart's floor.

With his bum up and his back straight but having a dive down as he needed to place his forehead on her's, Yun Beishang was almost like a pervert that wanted to taste a young girl's lips even if she was unconscious or worst, a disgusting depraved and degenerate act indeed. But he was, instead, glaring at their deadly, cold and still eyelids with a pair of pure bright black and grey broken glass eyes.


"No, you cannot use yo-...'that'. Not directly at last." Before Yun Beishang could proceed with his thoughts and acting upon them, Ellie stopped him with her right hand landing on his right shoulder from his left. That alone made all of his light violet tiny specks in his eyes to disappear, he kneeled and straightened his back up to face her with a pair of clueless eyes.

"But, that fog I absorbed won't be enough. It had many but weak elements of all kinds and even some kind of blood in it, but that won't be enough for everyone. At most, it could help me use Pure's Essence enough for two of my maids." Yun Beishang spoke with a solitary tone as his shoulders were quite lowered.


There was a sound of an earthquake-like event happening from the ground or rather, the world itself right now even as they were already in the air and as they were beginning to move back into position and in formation along the mothership; KATARINA-1. When Ellie pursed her lips gently as if she was dealing with a child, she then spoke to him in a teaching demeanor.

"You cannot use it, directly, to work with your Pure's Essence. But you can consume it instead to allow you to do more and to manipulate anything you want, Beishang, it will naturally be a permanent change on your own. It will be like that of when you fell ill ten-or rather, eleven years ago; more or less."

"There's tons of things you can use once that silly Nora comes back and once we're in space. At that moment, you can use your... the capabilities of your Bloodline, consuming it irreparably to do unspeakable things. In this case, to absorb the necessary funds for effectuating Pure's Essence uniqueness. In this matter, nobody but yourself is able to do anything, for only you carry such a special, idiosyncrasy and wonderful Essence, Beishang."

Finished saying those words, Ellie knelt down and buried his head in her proud mountains of Heaven deeply and harshly before standing back up and amply, swiftly disappearing from his' and everyone else's sight at once.


At this time, a tremor that not only went thorough the earth but the entire world itself as even the air had strange movements in waves as if something was 'about to happen', sounded out with incredible might. Which was also right as only a few seconds were left before the act of the time given by KC for those 'accidentally sent over' biological weapons were to hit against the grounds of the Nascent Herb City.

"Oh my... god... what the hell, are those?!" From large the group of people around Yun Beishang, one of them was closer to a window, window that just so happened to have perfect view to the west and where dark was already about to take over from any sunlight. Even then, and even as the ships they were in and those others that came from several different directions and altitudes were also being brought towards the more than immense KATARINA-1 were shining bright under the night sky...


...even then, there were more than just a dozen of military large submarine-sized missiles flying from one point to another. From the distance; to their Peaceful Rain Villa.

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"It... it was true, the... the Yun Clan is behind this..."

"..." After just one mere single sentence, not even well half spoken, was uttered out. The everyone around Yun Beishang began to lower their heads one after the other, for as even if they wanted to watch the missiles strike their previous sudden but paradisaical home, only those closer to the very very few windows could observe from them.

'I'll begin then.' Not caring about those things happenings, even as he perfectly saw everything happen; Yun Beishang went back to place his forehead against one of the newest young maids's forehead as he went back to his 'perverted' pose. His forehead glimmered a strong most beautiful and purest of whites glow while his hands and arms were amply covered by the same as energy of it began to be infused into the young maid's body.



All of New Earth.


Though those inside the transportation vehicles could not perfectly see everything happen unless they were at the command center where the piloting crew would always be at when in the taking of turns and whatnot, where a hologram would be displayed with full color and in perfect knowledge of everything around the transportation vehicle.

It was not so for the people of New Earth, not only coming from the farthest North to the Middle and its very Central North, as it was with all the other cardinal points and directions ranging from the closest by to the perimeter of the human territory on New Earth to the Middle and very Center of them all.

More than obviously and in particular, the people from all around the Nascent Herb City were the most wide eyed citizens of New Earth that were glancing over the passing shadows as they traversed tens of thousands of kilometers in just a bit more than a minute. It was to the point that even those on the other side of the Nascent Herb City to where the Peaceful Rain Villa was at only had to slowly move their heads from left to right or right to left in a full minute without feeling bored that they could see a group of shadows pass by.

Naturally, there was terror, much and utter terror that agonized the well being and mental health of all Nascent Herb City's citizens, even as they knew that whatever was coming was not actually going to impact all over Nascent Herb City randomly.

As for why? To the knowledge of almost everyone, including those from all the other 12 Regions but the Peaceful Rain Villa's people; KC had alerted everyone else close to the Peaceful Rain Villa of the fact that a hero was born from nowhere and that he decided to use his home and cherished land and fortune to devise a plan for the perfect attraction of the biological weapons that went out of control.

Not many, if barely, even cared to at least remember that such things were insanely prohibited, and were instead drawn to discuss the topic of someone named Yun Beishang and his solidarity of giving the world not only time but also hope to survive against even such an unexpected and most tragic turn of events upon the daily ordinary lives of the people of New Earth; humans.

Instead, as so many eyes were placed upon the Crestfallen Industry's Nascent Herb City, more than obvious but still hidden and secretively mocking and disdainful remarks were made against them. Yes, even though there were sure to be at least hundreds if not thousands at 'best' of civil casualties and tens of thousands to possibly even millions of civil casualties at 'worst' from this event, most were only caring about the chance of making an impact with words on the internet and nothing else.

Like this, is how the sight of the Peaceful Rain Villa, which was supposedly made into a self-brought calamity for the sake and safety of others by its owner, who was supposedly an intelligent and softhearted but well compassionate young man named Yun Beishang... was utterly destroyed, decimated and wholly gone into barely tiny bits from its previous majesty and greatness.

Whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~... whoosh~~...





As the earth was lifted from the coalition of more than a dozen of powerful weapons targeting the very same rather 'small' space and target, the sounds of the world trembling from before, which were much less wilder but insanely more terrifying directly from one's soul were nothing compared to this utter destruction and direct catastrophe-level 'fireworks'.

With an initial of the Peaceful Rain Villa being covered by sweet, large and expanding explosion from flames of light green color to even smoke that seemed to have worms the size of hundreds of meters moving within and whatnot; it became overbearingly spread out as the affected area quickly turned into that of tens of kilometers around.

Before long, it went up to a hundred kilometers around, more or less, with the Peaceful Rain Villa as its epicenter. Typical stubborn families died by the countless from what should be none, but not a single one of the members of these families died slowly, for as these were biological weapons and not a bombing or bombarding of land.

To its maximum, as the Crestfallen Industry never intervened, the expanding affected area reached a total of 1,700 kilometers around the Peaceful Rain Villa. Ending the lives of ten of thousands in a few minutes and that of almost 100,000 by the time it no longer expanded any more.

This day of when the night touched New Earth, was one of grief. Unexpected, innocent and... sorrowful grief.

This was cruel.



In the middle of traversing the atmosphere from New Earth into space, inside the transporting vehicle where Yun Beishang was holding the second little maid that saved Natalia from before from falling to her own orders.


"Uncle, sniff, how could you say that about Master. Waaah, see? Master is-ahasniff, doing all he can and got to save my fellow Sisters, waaaaaaaah wooo!!" Below the cart, the other little maid who rescued the foolish and silly Natalia from herself was tenderly patting and massaging the back of the first maid which Yun Beishang magically and impossibly... brought back to life!!!

...From time to time, she and the little maid Yun Beishang has already saved were glancing back at the weakened and fragile body of their Master, as he religiously kept on holding onto the little maid, while they also gave another and much different glance to the families that were dying to anxiously bring their felled daughters and kept from life.

Then, their eyes would warm, soft and gentle 'up' when they slightly lowered the direction of their eyes and as their gaze landed on the 'sleeping' maids.


"!!!" Suddenly becoming utterly terrified and sorrowful at the fearsome cry of their Master, little maid and maid glanced back, painfully, at their Master who had that little maid's back to his left thigh and holding her arms with the deepest of fears from the thought of letting go of them alone.

'More, more... anything, I need more!!!' Crazily, brazenly and madly thought Yun Beishang as his eyes that were bleeding intensely with not the expected violet colored blood but normal, steel-flavored red blood that is know to any ordinary person and even most animals and insects. As he covered himself once more with his right hand, his fingers pressed around his eyes and themselves to wring it out his eyes and nose and mouth as a ton lots of it was coming out from his body but too slowly for him to concentrate and be at ease when working self-harming-ly hard.

'!!!...  The stars!'

Vwgsh~ Vwgsh~ Vwgsh~ Vwgsh~.

As Yun Beishang's eyes widened, his eyes glowed an incomparably mighty, unstoppable, undeniable, imperial and... kind strong violet color from them as they went completely violet at last!!!

"AAAAAARRRGGHHH...!!! Cough, cough... cough-co... COUGH... cough cough cough, cough cough... cough, cough... cough-kflgh! Coughcoughcoughcough... cough, cough, cough. Cou-... cough..."


At the same time that Yun Beishang laughed uncontrollably, but in silence with his mouth barely being even able to have its corners lifted by himself, and as he coughed like an insane motherfucker. A plethora of never before seen, unprecedented and invaluable several streams of space-like strands of energies came from any direction possibly imaginable to directly land and fuse with Yun Beishang's back, arms, legs, torso, waist and all over his entire body. Whether that be skin, bones or simply hair and nail; everything was being targeted by these strands of star energy as Yun Beishang took all of it into his body, letting it be tainted and rotten by the immensely fast speed at which it was then powered, enhanced and given LIFE thanks to his Bloodline before then being iota-speed passed on to the bodies he held.

He never stopped even once, he would never stop, even if he were to suffer for a decade or an existence. Nothing could ever hope to stop him!!!!



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