Bow and Arrow

Chapter 389: Chapter 387 — Birth

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Cloud Gates Region, Southern Heaven City.


"...that's why I am, citizens of the Founding Yun Clan, ashamed to tell the truth. The truth, that the party responsible for the deaths of so many of our Fo-"


"Mister, stop! Stop, stop, stop!" As a person was inside a partially well illuminated room but in which other side was almost completely dark, another person suddenly came into the room with very heavy and constant steps, as if his whole life was in the game. As soon as he went to open the door, he did so very silently but quickly and as soon as it opened, he screamed and hurried in a hushed tone towards the person talking in front of a camera that was ongoing live.

"W-what, what?! Hey, what did you turn it off? I was just about to say his damn name!" The person talking in front of the camera raged a bit, his face ugly as he saw the camera only go off after speaking for a little more. Right after, once the young man who just stepped in saw the camera go off, he walked to stand in front of the older man and bowed. "Mister, I am so sorry, but it's like this..."



Nascent Herb City, Crestfallen Industry's HQ.


Inside a small, black but comfy room where literally, everything around was of a black color and as it appeared to be a studio rather than the typical researching room and whose size was about 'only' 20m x 20m big. There were 5 people in this room, 3 were on a side and standing up while the other 2 were also standing up and to the opposite side from the other 3.

From the group of 3, 1 of them was rather young, while the other 2 were really old looking as they had the young man right in the middle of each other. On the right of the young man was an old woman, while on his left was an old man that seemed so old they could be people's nowadays ancestors. Especially with the capabilities from the humanity of today.

On the other side was a young man and an 'young' middle-aged man, who was being accompanied by a young man in a dark green uniform. If any person could see him now, they would mostly recognize him, as he was one of the most reputable stars from the Team vs Team segment of the first ever held Global Tournament. Bloptl from  the Quintessential Team!

Beside him was none other than KC, the well known, respected and envied Leader of both the Crestfallen Industry and the Crestfallen Clan. While on the side of the grandpas, the male old person was placing his right arm on the left shoulder of the young man, the old female person was instead lightly holding the young man's right wrist with her wrinkly old left handed fingers.


Giving the young man's left shoulder a strong pat before retracting back his right arm to his own body, the old man said, "Mr Crestfallen, nice to meet you again. As I said before, this one here is Lei'er, after some bits of talking here and whatnot, I've finally made this foolish dumb young man into a real one. Sigh, though his face was completely lost and his head has now a bit of green... what say you?"

Seeing KC not saying anything but instead of looking in denial, he was simply expressionless in a good natured manner, the old woman took a quarter of a step forward before smiling gently and then saying in a soft but naturally old and hoarse voice. "Mr Crestfallen, I would like for this old foolish woman to be granted such a fortune. Could her grandson be admitted into the Crestfallen Industry? Let him just be a janitor, or even lower than that, however you may think is the lowest position around here. Whether or not he can get higher and higher, should all be..."

At this moment, the old woman looked back at the right side of the young man's profile face, then continued, "...done and be achieved by him without anybody's help."

"..." The young still said nothing, he looked haggard but not dirty nor ugly from his own life, despondent but not a depressive whore attention for convenience. His gaze was slightly broken, and only a light black color remained in his eyes while his face was entirely expressionless but not without life. As it instead looked to be so well altogether, as if there just wasn't a need to express anything, but if he wanted, he just could.

"...Mm, alight." Said KC after seeing the 3 and hearing the old people talk.


KC patted the young man's left shoulder, and afterwards, he looked at the old man and old woman before looking at the young man's face as he then nodded. "Alright then, Ento Ben. Go ahead and give the newest outside cleaner from the perimeters a brand new tour as well. Do not be shy and, well, just show him all around. Afterwards, you can just leave him be to get to work and go back to yours, got it? With less personnel nowadays, sigh, menial work needs to be done more so than before. Alright, you two younglings can leave.

"..." Not saying anything and just respectfully nodding, Bloptl-no, Ento Ben then went forward and stood in front of the other young man to which the latter then nodded in greeting before following the former as they then walked out of the comfy totally black room.

"...Well then, ah, Gaotian old friend. Mmm, do you have anything else to say, then?" KC spoke with a casual tone, words that were as if he already knew of the old man troubles. And sure enough, eh, 'Gaotian' responded with light nod before opening his eyes wide as he asked. "Mr Crestfallen, that old Palas, has he come already. Oh, did his people evacuated in time?"

Nodding his head backwards and immediately understanding the oldie's worries as well, KC then made a gesture to suggest calming down before speaking himself, "Oh. It is all alright. Palas were notified early by the very same people who bombarded several different directions of our human territory, you have nothing to worry about; really. In fact, he's already here and in a waiting room with his little treasure."

KC made a pause for 2 seconds before making a suggestive expression on his face and said in an actual teasing tone, "Wooould you... like to see them? Heh, I've heard that the little monster of the Founding Tron Clan is really quite something, that little devil."

"Oh-hohoho! Yes, sure! Eh, Shi'er, let's go, let us go! Heh heh heh heh heh, what a cute little thing it could be? It must be the rumors, no no, aish..." While looking at the exasperatedly excited and overjoyed-out-of-nowhere man of hers, 'Shi' shook her head before hugging the old man's right arm and lending her body on him as they walked right beside KC towards a certain other area of the Crestfallen Industry HQ.

Step, step, step...



Above the skies, inside the transportation vehicle.


Step-cleng... step-clank... step-clink...

"Master, uff, aiyo. Go-huff, a little bit slower...gasp." A maid had an emaciated young man over her right shoulder as his still large body seemingly encompassed her shoulders already with a lot of his extended out left arm still having quite some more room left hanging. With slower and heavier steps, she saw herself getting so many bullets of sweat come down her face to her neck as she very carefully took care of the emaciated young man.


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But at that moment, Yun Beishang looked left to see her rosy face, all healthy and perfectly alive... he tapped her right arm slightly before lifting his own body off from her own and instantly giving then the young maid a good damn breather.

It has been a good while, Yun Beishang had already used up all of his own Bloodline to ignite Pure's Essence into his own 'real' world. Having lost all of his light violet energy inside his body, with even his heart having slowed down x7 compared to even an already old and sick person, Yun Beishang was instead joyously walking forth while a maid would come to his aid every now and then.

They took turns to help him walk forth, since they couldn't stop him nor make him rest right away for an obvious reason at that, they rather decided to help their Master on reaching the social zones of the transportation vehicle. After about 20 minutes, most maids have used up their strength and slightly weakened 'new life' bodies as only the 2 little maids and a few others remained.

As of right now, the maid Yun Beishang just lifted himself away from and to give a well deserved breather was the last one of them all, as the rest were all well sleeping and being carried over by a cart with each cart having around 2 maids each. Before long, she felt as if the world was slowly and comfortably spinning, but before her vision could go dark, she felt an overwhelmingly warm and utmost perfect presence enshroud her back and arms as her head hit a weak but still somehow manly body.

'...Sigh, so tired already... phew, but I'm almost there.' Yun Beishang first thought as he glanced down at the silly and now sleeping young maid as he could barely support his own body alone, but still warmly glanced at her closed eyelids with tenderness. Then, he glanced over at a large enough door for anything that could come in and out from a passage of about 40 meters wide and 15 meters tall before grinning a little.



Somewhere else inside the transportation vehicle.


In a room with a lot of cream, light gray and khaki colors, especially brilliant ones but with not so much power in that matter. It was about 50 square meters large and it had a long but comfy bed that could easily hold only about 3 people on it when tightly fit together. On it, however, was laying down only a single person.

"Haaaa~!! Hng! Ooooo!" As Tonkia held Ellie's hand as if it was impossible to not hold it as if it also was a kind priceless treasure, a Natalia was hard at work amidst Tonkia's legs while there were maids going back and forth between Ellie, the newcomer Nora, Natalia and Tonkia nonstop.

Cleaning their foreheads, around their hands and patting their backs and shoulders while making air to refresh them. They were dutifully taking care of all matters while Itnia, Cyn and Estel took care instead of Yao Yao with some other but smaller amount of maids. All they had to do was to constantly watch her and make sure nothing was going on, but even then, their faces were saddened as they looked at someone's little monkey sleepy self inside a crystal clear cabinet and on a comfortable bed.

While Ellie was on the left side of Tonkia, Nora was on the right side of Tonkia. Natalia didn't glanced at them even once as she only directed the maids and helped up Tonkia with instructions. At this moment, Nora looked back at where Yao Yao was, her black-crimson red long hair dancing attractively in the air as she then said with a pair of unknown eyes. "What a daring little girl, will she be fine?"

Ellie looked up at her and saw that Nora's hand held by Tonkia was slightly red, which considering Nora, it shouldn't even have had gotten even whiter from the actually strong and unbearable grip of Tonkia that not even Yun Beishang would be able to endure. With a little thrown of her head backward, Ellie said in a low but blunt voice, "Beh, you should know that she will very well be alright. It would be thanks to you, or your fault instead anyways."

As Nora pursed her lips into a cute *, she also blushed lightly and then went back to look downward at Tonkia who was now at those last stages of delivering at last!

Pfsssh! Tumb! Slide~.

The door to the outside of the specially prepared room was opened, and an emaciated young man was all that could be seen from everyone's eyes as the interruption of Tonkia's delivering wouldn't be tolerated no matter what!

"..." However, amidst the soon-to-should-have-been anger and outrage, boundless taken aback and silence was engulfing everyone inside the special room as the ashen blue floor and sparkling white walls of the transportation vehicle did nothing to hide the beloved figure of everyone in the room from being so obvious and clear.

Yun Beishang was equally speechless, did he finally found it? Ever since 35 minutes ago, when he finished using up all of his Bloodline capabilities and as he successfully saved all of his felled maids and little maids alike, he could no longer use any of his Hidden Stats and... he was going blind.

With all but blurry vision, he went from door to door with basically no personnel to aid him in the transportation vehicle as he looked and searched for the especially built pregnancy module. This place had it all, and this one thing was just of the many conventional ones that it could offer.

As he was going blinder and blinder, his vision was only 'clear' to that of a maximum distance of 30 centimeters, but the tags representing the name of each module or simple room were about almost 4 meters above the ground level, and he couldn't just read them no matter what. It was only after a long while where he was in full concentration and still forced his body to see that he went from futuristic door to futuristic door.

In this plain but painful and slow manner, Yun Beishang... didn't know that he had actually finally found the room and people he was so badly searching for. Until a scream invaded his ears... and slowed heart.

"MASTER!" Itnia hurriedly descended onto his chest as she carefully picked him up, how could she not see his own state? How could she and everyone else not know what he was doing when Ellie and Nora were both here? They... were all in pain; hurt. And as soon as her arms went to the back of Yun Beishang, so did her embraced the back of her head in return.

" Lead me, gulp, there." Seeing his feeble body, hearing his hoarse and dry voice and even hearing his gulping sound be so grotesque it could easily pierce their hearts, a ton flock of resting or free maids hurried to his side and quickly wanted to warm his body up by placing their hands on their foreheads before softly placing them all over Yun Beishang's skin.

Because he was deadly cold.

"Mn, co-co-come, over here-sniff!" Itnia said as she made little steps while still fully hooked against Yun Beishang's body. After a whole minute, they finally arrived before Ellie as Nora was already shedding tears, to which a red eyed Ellie ignorantly shook her head in disdain. Itnia then said to Yun Beishang as she slowly separated herself from him, "We're here Master, this one's Ellie, over there is Nora, down there is Natalia and below everyone else is Tonkia as she is laying on the bed. She is okay, I... I got to go!"

How could Itnia not notice his eyes? Their almost unruly, naturally blankness? She couldn't remain there any longer though, not because of having 'weak' feelings but because she still had to take care of that little monkey.

"How is my little monk-... Yao Yao?" Once Itnia scurried away in her light steps, Yun Beishang followed the barely audible sounds—for him—of her footsteps as he then 'turned' his head to both Nora and Ellie before asking in the very same voice from before. Enduring a choking sensation, Nora said as she lightly tapped with her right free fingers the left arm of Yun Beishang who was searching for something as it was extended out and downward, leading it then straight to touch Tonkia's forehead.

"She is fine, she really is. It's just that she made herself use the... 'things' that she should only use 'in-game'. When only you, and you alone Beishang, should ever be able to do so without suffering as much." Nora's words descended upon a now dumbfounded Yun Beishang, as his left hand felt a pair of eyelids calmly 'greet' him by closing down and opening again over and over again; gently.

"What do you mean?" Yun Beishang asked with a frown on his face, really damn worried about a lot of things right now, each as important as the utter, most and apex-level important for himself.

"Well, do you remember that you fell ill back then, when separating from Yun Yun and Miriam? Well... it was because I did something that you didn't entered a coma and could still manage to keep your memories and... yourself. That something," as Nora got to here, she looked in askance towards Ellie, who friendly blinked her eyes and raised a grin from the left corner of her mouth as Nora then continued in relief. "...was at first only some of my blood. A very important part of me at that. But your body resonated too well with it, so much that, I could only give half of my... 'everything' back then, to you. Oh, but don't worry! I am alright, it's nothing to me, only a bit of time and effort. It could've been faster with your semen but that is of no importance."

"A-ehem. What I'm trying to get here is that, for Yao Yao to wake up, otherwise, as I said, she is fine. What she requires of to do so is your semen, Yun Beishang, as you've completely merged with my blood ever since the day I gave it to you. It's either that, lots of 'that', or you unlocking the Evil God Class completely at last."

Finished saying that, Nora felt as if she had gotten her heart out at least, making her feel so much more at ease as Tonkia suddenly made them all turn down toward her at once, followed up by the even more shocking but ecstatic shout from Natalia.


"Ah! It is time, t-they're coming out already, AH!" Suddenly, as if witnessing something, she turned pale and then excited as she said out loud, "This-I do not know why, but they are really coming out at the same time at last, she will be fine but I have to act at the same time and very fast. Hooo, okay, enough mental preparation. Here I go!"



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