Bow and Arrow

Chapter 410: Chapter 408 — Passing Time And Being Responsible

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Passing Time And Being Responsible




"As such, please allow me to give everyone a warm welcome to all Journeyers from the part of all Royal families of Main Kingdom, and to the masters which are the Guiding Voices. Always leading us to the right path and to the one for salvation, if there is someone we can owe, it can only be them."

"Well then, let me tell you the procedures. Listen well, for as from now on, military discipline will be employed and these explanations won't be repeated..." And so on, the hated NPC began explaining various points, all from which were related to the ongoing happenings that are to be taken as quests; some daily, some weekly which meant that it was only to be done twice and some unique instances as well.

As he spoke, though not at all in detail and rather doing so ever so slightly; the hated 'NPC' did not entirely mentioned facts like players now being able to reach LV110, which was the case ever since the day of the 'announcement' of the 'space' where everyone was now needed to amass resources was given.

While the NPC was going at it like a priest preaching on the poor, Yun Beishang and Sylda and the rest went towards a little corner to wait until the show was over. As Sylda and Kay were basically glued to Yun Beishang, they begun talking while the heart-bleeding Kalen was doing his best to remain calm and composed as the father out of this situation.

"I heard some things," Sylda said, her eyes growing concerned as they melted Yun Beishang's with a simple, mere single glance alone as she continued with Kay remaining silent. "Are you okay? You couldn't even come and pick my family up eh, when I heard that strange announcement from the Crestfallen Industry's KC himself, I was a bit worried."

"A bit, indeed. She almost made a fuss to build a spaceship pod that lead her to you no matter what. If it wasn't because of an actual few uniformed people from the Crestfallen Industry, she probably would've ran off to where the spaceship was last seen, and probably in danger from what we learned after as well."

"Sylda..." Hearing Kay's remark, Yun Beishang turned his face from melted to berating, as his tone also went a few volumes lower. As Sylda pouted lightly and in a wronged fashion, Yun Beishang continued with a few more words just enough to surprise and make her look blankly at him, "Actually, my fault. I could've have made those spaceships also bring you up, but I was... mm, doing some other important matter at that time. I'm sorry, Sylda. I'll go back down as soon as I can, okay?"

"Mm-mm," Sylda shook her head, bumped her nose on her chin once, lightly, before saying some of her heart out herself. "I will complete my new studies and be promoted to the max I can as a student under the Crestfallen Industry, I will then bring my family up with you so that you don't have to put everyone else in danger as well. I promise, okay?"

"...Sylda." Yun Beishang could only do so much as to mutter her name, bring his right hand to her face and caress it tenderly.

"...Mn." Sylda, restraining herself from uttering out his name instead, she chose to nod her head to appear obedient so as to appease the dumb man of hers.

"Me..." Kay bluntly spoke out, her forehead bumping against Yun Beishang's back as she had let go of his arm. Right after, a cough was heard from the side as the three idiots separated from each other as they woke up. Then, Hoyi said as he pulled Hita slightly forward with his hand holding hers, "Brother-in-law, uhm... it has been some time since we last saw you, eheh. We'll be counting on you for the next two weeks, I guess."

"..." Not saying anything, Yun Beishang gave a nod in return as he then went over to a wall to wait for the 'NPC' to finish speaking, with a clingy Kay following them and a smiley Sylda, causing all of the players' eyes around themselves to be filled entirely with jealousy, hatred and pain.

"The heavens are blind..."

"Why did this happen..."

"Even Little Goddess Kay was taken away from us, life makes no sense anymore..."

Such were the crushed hearts and mind of not a few players upon witnessing this scene, as for why Kay was so adamantly clingy and Sylda all well encompassing of her involvement in their relationship? Naturally, nor Sylda nor Yun Beishang minded; especially Yun Beishang, he was more than glad to have Kay who always seemed a tad bit more joyful whenever he went to dinner inside Sylda's new home back then.

Especially; Yun Beishang wouldn't create some more unnecessary misunderstanding, passiveness and drama with a person who he was definitely not rejecting. And Sylda was, well, she was understanding and even somewhat supportive, but there were limits she placed upon Kay that were not needed to even be spoken; temporarily.

"... ... ... ..."

"Alright, Journeyers. Thank you everyone, for listening to his old servant of the Guiding Voices. Now, allow me to open up the portal to the new space created by the minds of us, inhabitant of Main Kingdom, but thanks to the guidance and connection between each other that was settled by the precious Guiding Voices."

As the 'especial' monk-like person finished saying so, he turned towards the core of the teleportation device as he then raised both his arms before yelling out loudly. "Now! Activate the wonderful portal and bring these heroes of Main Kingdom to their fated destination!"



At once, the two legs of the teleportation device brightened up with a fluorescent sky-blue color as the mass of accumulated energy at the center of the teleportation device began to rotate at high speeds from the get go. Before long, the entire cylindrical shape turned into a rectangular one as it then expanded to be 3 meters wide and 5 meters tall.

"Now, Journeyers! The portal to the new space has opened, please take a step forward!" The monk-like person yelled out again, his hands extending towards the portal as it sent some shivers towards quite a large portion of the nearby players, it didn't take long for there to be some excited players leading the charge to finally go through portals withing Regions! Even if it was very limited still at that.


"Move, move, move! Everyone get on the move~!!"

"Let's goooo! I will became the goddamn MVP of the entire expansion, fuck all those players!"

"I will restore my Goddess's reputation and make her single again with the power that my heart grants me!"

"Ouch! Who stepped on my foot-ah~! Who grabbed my ass? Fuck! Just because I'm a male..."


There wasn't much need of putting on order in-between the players, as there were already a few NPCs making a small pathway towards the portal that shined brightly and almost blindingly at the center of the entire room. Once again, nobody would dare to touch them, and even if there were thousands of players getting inside one after the other and at their full running speed, it would still be doable due to the size of the portal as it was more than enough as long as it didn't grew out of control too much.

"Let's go." Yun Beishang said after a few hundreds of people went into the portal, Raoundozia and Kalen were still waiting around him. Once he said so, even though he was only looking at Sylda and Kay, everyone nodded as they seemed to exchange words with their own people in and out of the room before moving towards the portal at once.

"Mn, ah, is everyone else in the White Space? I haven't been there for long, but I'd like to meet Miriam again as well as your Little Sister. Unfortunately, I'd have to wait until my people and I cross the portal, let's go, let's go!" Though girly, Sylda also appeared quite straightforward at these moments before she then began dragging Yun Beishang and Kay towards the portal.

Her long black ash hair jumped up and down even though it was more like a cascade from how beautiful it was, as it jumped on her lower back, bum and upper thighs from the back as well.  Watching Yun Beishang go first, Raoundozia silently seeped in a large amount of air through his nostrils before letting it all out in slight exasperation; never did he imagined that after so long, he would've instead turned into following someone else; even if it was by doing so temporarily.

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Utmost center of the Ancient Forest Region, on a newly created base of operations in which another huge portal of a sky-blue color with a height of about 20 meters and a width of more than 100 meters could be seen in the very center of such a base of operations.


Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A few silhouettes emerged from another portal though, a portal that was the same size of the one at the room where Yun Beishang and company where at before and that was to the farthest west of the base of operations. From it, Yun Beishang, Kay and Sylda came out as two little orangutans entangled with a big orangutan.

Though their own height wasn't bad, and even as Yun Beishang 'compressed' his body to a much better one but that was quite shorter, he still appeared rather big and imposing when being together with Kay and Sylda at shoulder to shoulder. At this time, Kay tripped forward but didn't fall, as she instead dragged the other two forward as well before coming to a stop.

"Waahh! That was amazing, no dizziness and no quirky feelings as if I'm suddenly being cut into several different pieces... such good quality portal!" Yun Beishang looked at Kay who had a surprised face being overcome by an excited one as she looked behind him, at the portal. Grinning a little, he broke her views on the 'better portal wins' mentality as he said in a devious tone.

"That's because you haven't seen what they used to make the portal stable and work, so many human bodies and of other ally races were used up, you know?"

"Eggh... er... wak!" Kay, for as impressive as she was and for as strong as she wanted to become since little, almost blurted out her virtual meal from before as she then coincidentally 'fainted' in Yun Beishang's direction.

"Brr?" At this time, as Kay fell on his chest, Rosey came out from his White Space via her own linked teleportation, not making any sound. She sat on his left shoulder and once again appeared to be a little but cute and adorable parrot with wonderful bright red, rosy and pale-silver skin color. She gazed down at the mirthful and slightly mischievous smile on Kay's face with her eyes closed as she 'unnoticeably' rubbed her skin against his clothed chest. Rosey then thought to herself with her left index fingertip touching at her lower lip, 'Dafuq? Am I being replaced? Have I just been challenged by this newbie?'.

"Ahem, cough, let's go." As if realizing of Rosey's very own thoughts, Yun Beishang patted her head with his left hand that was now free as he hugged his Sylda's waist with his right arm once again before starting to walk forward.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!...

From behind him, as he seemingly 'fled' from the scene, Kalen and Hoyi and Hita came out from the portal before being followed up by Raoundozia and Phetsia. Even further behind them, their own people also began to come out from the portal among another few tens of random players from other Associations or lonely ones nonstop.

As they looked at Yun Beishang's back and as Sylda was walking to his right, while sometimes seeing a few thinner legs between his legs whose toes were facing them instead of the front, Raoundozia blinked, Hoyi mentally and exasperatedly sighed out while Hita and Phetsia looked at one another, blushing a bit before shaking their heads while grinning just a little bit.

Sigh, men. Even if they do can have so many women, how is it that they'd be able to 'give' them as much as their own man gives to them? Stamina is so important, substance as well. Definitely; this Tongqiu/Yun Beishang was definitely bitten off more than he could chew.

On the other hand, as Yun Beishang walked along with his beauties in each-no, one in his right arm's embrace and the other being spoiled on his front as she thought her 'little' movements went unnoticed; and as a Little Rosey constantly looked down at Kay with narrowed eyes and lightly pouting from her little lips. Yun Beishang was expanding his senses as he scanned all of the base of operations at once and furthermore as well.

It was a lot of flat land, mainly mechanized actually, not like the previous obvious medieval but with magic properties. As there was dark grey all over as flooring that spanned for tens of kilometers of free space alone, naturally, without counting the space taken by buildings, structures and so on.

Though the buildings and structures were more like Main Kingdom and less of the 'mechanized', it still looked totally incredible by the way in which, in the distance, groups of hundreds of soldiers of Main Kingdom could be seen marching from one point to another. There were also several huge beasts of all kinds that not even the wild New Earth has ever seen, or even think of apparently; this was after all, still a magical world when compared to the New Earth that Tonkia and company 'barely' felt something from.

"Mmm... mmm... mmm, mmm. Mm! Alright, I'm done setting my people, I'm going in. See you later, Beishang, mwaaah~~. Have fun????~!" Sylda seemed to be humming a lot in just a few seconds before she suddenly turned her body towards Yun Beishang, stopped their walking and almost yelled out before passionately but quickly kissing his lips in front of her widely eyed sister Kay, as she then went right into his own White Space.

"Hmm... can I do it too?" Kay said once a few seconds went by, and as Kalen and the rest were still far behind and taking their time to walk up to them as they were constantly seemingly communicating with their Association and giving orders and the like. But Yun Beishang turned his face towards her, lowered his head and allowed their faces to be only at a slight distance of about 3 centimeters before interrupting her.

"Don't even think about it, do you think she can't 'detect' me if I were to touch you? Even inside the game, I know, I know. Besides, you are still too fleeing. You haven't even vowed to the heavens that you will willingly spend your entire lif-mmmwf?" As Yun Beishang talked, Kay went from an obedient girl listening to a quickly blinking bad wolf, as she suddenly pecked his lips and before Yun Beishang could do anything, she similarly disappeared into his own White Space at once...

'...Man, I should cry... so many evil women take advantage of me, how can I ever live with dignity in the future?' Yun Beishang lamented for himself a good while with his head lowered and sad, as he watched Sylda scold 'angrily' at Kay while pulling her ear, but as Kay's face blushed and even as she dared to lick her lips wantonly as if she had just gotten the taste of her life, Sylda merely blushed a little too while finally deciding to let her off once she thought about it a little more.


Yun Beishang let out a long sigh before grinning obnoxiously, if any player that saw their goddess be lost to this fiend were to see his face at this moment, they would exchange their souls for incinerating Yun Beishang in hell for an eternity. Meanwhile though, behind Yun Beishang, Raoundozia, Hoyi and Kalen were suspiciously looking at him; wondering if he indeed had 'that' problem from too much material to care after.

. . .


A few hours passed, and Yun Beishang had finally stopped moving around, seemingly aimlessly as many players identified him and either fangirl/fanboy-ed him nonstop or berated him inside their hearts or once they thought he was out of range from their conversation. Which was, obviously and naturally; not.

Yun Beishang headed towards a plaza-like place, where a ton of players were watching and then approaching once they seemingly talked with their communication's Association features and system. From which, another lots of players would come to only to listen to a certain monk NPC speak a few words towards anyone who was nearby.

This monk NPC was a quest giver, and since it wasn't necessary to follow a strict path for the chain quest to start or continue, players could just go towards any other such plaza-like places or any such opportunities were NPCs would give quests; to begin with aiding in the preparations for the upcoming war.

At this moment, Yun Beishang smirked with an unknown intention as his eyes went from bored and soulless to vivid and slightly brightened up. Hearing the monk NPC talk, he quickly accepted it silently as the system brought it to his quest interface.

"Greetings, newly coming in Journeyers! Welcome to the 'Main Kingdom Vanguard' base of operations! Today, I have brought great news to all, listen to me carefully! I have received orders that the most necessary item required by our forces are those of metal, we need for about a few millions of tons by the end of the week so that we can get ready before the 2 weeks period is gone. Anyone can accept this quest, as long as you bring any metal that weighs 100kg at the very last, you will be rewarded as well as marked in our list as an honorable helper."

"Now, there is a limit of ten million metal by the end of this 1st week, once that limit is reached, any metal given will be taken in. No matter its grade or quantity. There will be another similar task like this one for the 2nd week, but the Guiding Voices are administrating our resources like none of us could before, so once they've calculated which resource we need the most once we get all the necessary metal, they will tell us!"

*PING*'ve accepted the quest: [Main Kingdom Vanguard's need for resources]: Bring in a total amount of 100kg of metal-related items at the very least before the time runs out. Quest type: Event, Quest time limit: 7 days, Quest reward: Main Kingdom Vanguard reputation+500, Quest punishment upon failure: Main Kingdom Vanguard reputation-2,500.



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