Bow and Arrow

Chapter 409: Chapter 407 — A 2 Weeks Preparation

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A 2 Weeks Preparation




Step, step, step, step!

Step, step!

"Well?" As soon as Raoundozia came up from the stairs and the trapdoor, Yun Beishang didn't even turned around as he calmly kept on gazing at the core of the teleportation device. As he said only one word, Raoundozia dragged a Phetsia who wasn't feeling too well by the hand and who seemed to be quite downcast from the previous sightings.

"How long were you down there?" Asked Yun Beishang, he turned only his head around, slightly, as the sides of his eyes landed on the other 2. Raoundozia hugged once more the slightly distressed young woman before turning his head to look at Yun Beishang directly and saying, "Just a bit of over 20 minutes, I've counted 150 of those people being... 'sentenced'."

"Mm." Yun Beishang nodded once and quickly in return, turned his body to face them and then turned around once again to only face the core of the teleportation device. Raoundozia calmed down as well a little, and after he felt Phetsia calming down as well, he stared at the same core of the teleportation device that he sometimes saw Tongqiu frown at and asked. "Tongqiu, that from before... do you know any of it? I did kinda see a different expression and reaction from others who came later on."

"Oh." After 'responding' to his query, Yun Beishang made a slight pause, relaxing his face and placing his hands in his pockets as he really seemed chill before then finally saying in a lackadaisical manner. "No, it's just... a bit of a bad taste, hm. By the way, how did you get into it, and why were you down there for so long?"

"Oh, that, yeah..." Raoundozia seemingly became much more friendly and casual towards Tongqiu as he shook his head lightly, while being a bit embarrassed from this fact. After smiling a little and tightening once his hug over Phetsia's shoulders and back once in comfort, he said while embarrassed, "I wanted to see more, it was the system that hinted at me to go and search on my own. Otherwise, I would've stayed on a spot with Phetsia to wait for my people to come, heh."

"Mmm." Yun Beishang 'responded', before falling into silence once again. Once he already confirmed his suspicions, no need to do anything else, why bother, why bother.

But then, Yun Beishang flinched as he threw his head and neck backwards a little bit, he then turned his head to look at Raoundozia, who in return looked back at him and then waited for a word to be spoken. This time, he wasn't disappointed but nonplussed instead from the following words of Tongqiu.

"Hm, say, uh... Are you willing to follow around my orders in the upcoming war? Hm?" Yun Beishang titled his head suggestively as he looked at Raoundozia with an unknown meaning; meaning, which gave Raoundozia himself a sense of unknown leadership.

. . .


Almost 35 minutes went by, when Yun Beishang was already away in a corner and as Raoundozia and Phetsia were about a few tens of meters away from him. After such a long time of doing nothing, and as Yun Beishang spent his time instead peeking on the mischievousness of his maids and women while inside his White Space, there was finally a big movement outside the cathedral-like building.

With quite the uncountable amount of pair of footsteps resounding, the single door to the room was opened, and a plethora of players came in right after. Some moved in huge groups of tens to even hundreds of people, from such there was the Knights of Raoundozia players who ran up to their leader fast.

Naturally, there wasn't enough space for that much more than 1,000 players, so most of the players that had already arrived today were still waiting inside the cathedral-like building from above and outside of it. Raoundozia only came to know of more or less how many players from any Association were outside, while Yun Beishang already knew there were more than 200,000 that arrived today and were taking the portal.

Yun Beishang noticed, long ago as he was traveling around the Divisional City, that there were more than half the playerbase of the Bright Sunset Region inside the city, and all were moving quickly and efficiently in different ways but in a coordinated and even rhythmical manner. They were naturally getting some questing done, and were quite good at it at that, a simple check on the forums would allow anyone to see a mini-guide to the gaining of qualifications to cross the portal. Basically, the chain quest needed to go through it.

Naturally, dear ol Yun Beishang did not needed to go through such meddlesome stuff, let alone his people, since they were cheating their way in and there was nothing that could be done against it. It wasn't the same for the House of the Knights of Raoundozia though, they were fucked and had to do tons of things before being able to amass a large chunk of their people into the space.

As for other people, it was naturally the same, and just as people were getting in; a few yelling a commotion began to occur from the single door as from the sea of people, it was possible to see some being pushed away few by few.


"Goddamn it, it's been so long, can't you just fucking wait?!"

"Stop her already! She's being a bitch, kill her off or something!"

"!!!" It was at that time that Yun Beishang, whose face was slightly grinning, suddenly turned impossibly furious!



Whoosh!! PAK!!

The players, as they were being pushed around and some still yelling around, went instantly motionless as they barely saw a shadow past by themselves before a well damn heavenly slap fell on somebody's face and then was sent flying pretty far away from the single door to the other side of the room.

The speed of the shadows was really too much even by Raoundozia as he watched it happen, right after though, the speed at which some player was sent flying was even faster and stronger as swirls of wind were formed nonstop until the player's body was stuck on the wall at the other side of the room.

"... ..." As silence prevailed and nothing else for a good while, and as the NPCs around began sweating profusely, afraid to show even the tiniest of movements in fear that they were taken as busybodies as they remained on their spot and played blind.

Naturally, the player disappeared swiftly from the wall and turned back to the respawning point of the city. However, the people of the cathedral-like building had to be dumb if they allowed that very same player to come back...

"Be-aeh-Tongqiu! It's you? It's you! I've found you! Hee~!" Suddenly, from the momentarily paused and tranquil crowd that no longer had someone pushing tons of people away every step, a young woman in great, valiant black armor came out from the small river of people and became excited when seeing the Eccentric Wolf Mask wearing man standing with his left palm bloodied.

"Oh, you've found me." With his Eccentric Wolf Mask revealing his mouth, a wide and similarly excited smile appeared on his lips as he 'coolly' and calmly responded to the wild Sylda who had been pushing people away left and right.

Step, step, step, step, step... thud.

"Hmph~." With another grin, Sylda stepped forward as she then lightly threw herself at his chest and to which Yun Beishang caught her, her chest meeting below his ribs but her face still directed at his all along.

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Looking down at her, as she even looked like a little girl whose puppy was found after it stupidly ran away and got itself lost, Yun Beishang smiled a bit in delight as he booped her nose with his wolf mask's and then casually asked her. "How was your time these few weeks? Were you okay? Ah, did you struggle a lot with getting to here? You should've told me, why want to give me a surprise like this, hm?"

"Eh?" Sylda became surprised, she was even a bit dumbfounded as she pondered for a moment before asking, "Eh, you knew?"

"Mhm." Yun Beishang nodded, then silently looked at her, Sylda silently looked back at him in return. Then, with a few bashful motions, she tiptoed and pecked his exposed lips lightly, sending heartbreaking scenes to the retinas of anyone present. Too cruel!

"Hm." Satisfied, Yun Beishang kept looking at her as he grinned cheekily before asking her with a nod, "How is your people then? Were all able to come at this thing, the portal?"

Sylda shook her head, it would be a few days before all of her dozens upon dozens of Imperishable Guild players were able to get in themselves, she then spoke out as she straightened her back and stood up at once while separating their bodies a bit. "My Foster Father' Eviscerate League is also a bit slow, we may take a whole week before we are able to get all the boys and girls in."

"Oh... hey, you!" As soon as Yun Beishang heard those words, he began nodding slowly, then slightly faster, until he was actually nodding like a chicken pecking on golden rice. He then extended out his right into the sky and yelled towards a monk-like person, instantly making him almost kneel down in fear, but he was able to compose a tiny bit of his mental as he then extremely trembling responded.

"Y-y-y-y-yes, sir sir-s-s-ssir?!" Yun Beishang only looked slightly perplexedly at this man as he was trembling and even sweating bullets all over, before saying in a milder tone with his right arm embracing Sylda's waist. "To all the people from the Imperishable Guild and Eviscerate League Association, grant them the possibility of entering right away."

"Eh, again? Eh?! B-b-but sir, the previous Knights of Raoundozia and even thought they barely took it, that was already our limit, w-w-we-we can't do any more or-" And, naturally, an annoyed Yun Beishang tilted his head quite to the right and then said with a very childish but obscure voice. "What. Or what. You can't do something you say, so if I force you to do so... what?"

"Yyep! Understood, Venerable Tongqiu, right away!" The monk, as he lost his mind, he turned around and spoke with a screeching tone but in a casual manner as he then walked away from him and went through the single door like a robot, like a true NPC. Even if he was being like this, there was no player who'd dare to touch the monk since they wouldn't want to sacrifice all that time questing into for nothing.

Yun Beishang nodded once and in a gratifying manner, as if a subordinate had turned over a new, better leaf at last. Sylda blinked to this scene numerous times before slowly letting her head rest on his chest once again, as her eyelashes fluttered nonstop, they made some tickling to Yun Beishang who was wearing casual clothes at the moment.

"Sylda? Sylda?!" Suddenly, Kalen's voice came from within the crowd, and as soon as Yun Beishang heard his voice all a bit anxious and even helpless; he felt guilty as he quickly separated the already warmly smiling Sylda.


"There you are! Oh, you girl... huff, so many troubles. Ah, Tongqiu, you are here. I'm glad, otherwi-" As Sylda retained her face in a confused and asking expression, Kalen's voice woke her up and just as she was about to teasingly glance at her man's embarrassed and avoiding eyes, she became even more embarrassed hearing her foster father's words.

After all, being already a 17 year old big girl, who wouldn't feel embarrassed so badly in this manner? Anyone would, but of course! As such, the terrific young woman quickly turned around, protected her man with her butt on his pelvis, back arched a little and her hands holding his wrists from behind herself as she quickly barked out in a low voice.

"Foster-Father! What are you trying to say? He is so good to me, it is only right that I want to see him sooner, don't be like that... or I'll tell Kay!" Sylda still went easy on Kalen, as her eyes softened when looking at the beard on his face and his 'angry' eyes, but that backfired as Kalen only glanced at her indifferently instead. So she used her secret weapon instead; and sure enough, Kalen became troubled as he cringed at once to her last few words spoken.

"Hm, someone calling me? Oh, but if it is Sylda, my dearest Sister Sylda, she should be using me instead... could I be right?"

"..." Suddenly, once more, a voice came from the crowd as a beautiful young girl with similarities with Kalen appeared with two others of such appearance right behind herself, as she walked, the long golden bow behind her left shoulder was completely still and perfectly combined with her aura. It was as if that long golden bow was just a part of her body all the same, Yun Beishang approved.

"Woah, seeing your face, I must be right. And you," Kay first 'greeted' Sylda with a fake surprised expression on her face with her lips also agape, before then turning her head over to Yun Beishang and pointing at him with her right hand and then continued 'berating'. "Even though you've been dating my Sister so much, you barely brought any gifts, merely some more GTs than we already had."

"Furthermore," Kay straightened her back, lowered her arms and then crossed them over lady-like before continuing along with her waist twisting slightly. "Whenever we had dinner together inside our house, you would just simply eat quickly, not talk and then would directly get out. I mean! Grrr~!"

With her pose, and with her tone growing jealous and even wronged, she looked nothing of evil, petty nor ugly but of cute, tempting and even seductive instead. Yun Beishang gave the girl a few strong glimpses here and there, not being stinky with them as he equally gave each small proportion a good caring.

"Ey, ey ey! Eyes all the way over here, boy. Remember whose father is right in the same place from the daughter you're looking at, understand?" Kalen's voice suddenly emerged from Yun Beishang's right as the latter turned to look blatantly uncaring at Kalen, showing his determination to bring both beauties away from the father if provoked.

"..." Which, naturally, silenced the father.

"..." On the other hand, a few tens of meters away, Raoundozia was looking at the scene with a frigid, stiff smile while Phetsia blushed slightly and looked back at her man with upturned eyes, making him sweat and sigh in relief at the same time; nonplussed as to why.

"Ahem, anyways. Let's just get in, alright? We can think of anything else later, also, since Little Sister Kay is so adamant in me being cooperative. How about we group for these questing on the other side of the portal, eh? How about it?" At this time, Yun Beishang employed his tactics of ceasing the fire and slowly planting seeds to sow later on. Well, basically, he was simply trying to unite all the forces of his Bright Sunset Region that he knew of.

"Hehe, alright. I forgive you then... eeh, Big Brother B-Tongqiu, do you mind if I want to mimic my Sister a little bit? We always do so many things together, and your arm seems so strong and huggable, I want to try as well!" Smiling in surprise, real and authentic surprise, Kay then shamelessly but still shyly—which made it even more shameless—walked up to the two lovebirds already close together as she stole the right arm of her sister's boyfriend.

Meanwhile, ever since Kay started to speak her response, she had a small grin that ended up turning into a light but broad smile as her pitch-black eyes smiled as well, though they seemed to do so naughtily instead.

"..." At the side, Kalen was more than speechless as he also became dispirited. The hurting of having one's daughters married off and sent away, even if it had to happen someday, why so soon? Fortunately, however, his shoulders were patted by 2 different left hands as the pair of twins he still had close to him were there to support their father and to give him back the father's pride.

. . .


Soon, time passed and only about a few minutes after, a person wearing very distinctive long and loose robes compared to those of any other NPC appeared at the single door. Once he did, all players had either eyes of annoyance, irritation, a bit of respect to even desire for murder. Ignoring all of that though, the 'NPC' clapped his hands once, attracting everyone's eyes before starting to speak 'valiantly'.

"Everyone, Journeyers. Thank you for coming here so soon after the announcement was made, the help that a Region can provide will be equal to the distributed rewards after the war is over and Main Kingdom is saved once and for all."

'...You're kidding? We took a damn month to move all the way here since someone decided to break off direct relations with the Royal family as players, for fuck's sake!' Such were the thoughts of almost all present players as soon as they heard the NPC's words, but remained silent and obedient as they allowed peace and for everyone to hear the stupid NPC speak.

"Our Guiding Voices are wise, and they have not rudely chose to listen to our hasty decisions to make war immediately. In a 2 week period, we will do our best, all inhabitants and Journeyers of Main Kingdom, to prepare best for the upcoming battles and to leave the Demon Race not a chance by swiftly defeating them in the shortest amount of time possible and effectively."



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