Bow and Arrow

Chapter 418: Chapter 416 — Prelude To The First Battle

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Prelude To The First Battle




"Eh... ahem, Miss Yinlan, please rest assured. Yao Yao is more than healthy and safe and sound. In fact, she is even having a good time around the KATARINA-1, she woke up more than 2 months ago as well. As for what happened to her, err... she's already been treated by me." As Yun Beishang said so with a straight face, without knowing why, Fosk Yao both blushed and sneezed at the same time right at this moment.

"KATARINA-1? Is that the... spacecraft you are in? I, well, Mr Crestfallen only allowed me to know a bit of it once I signed confidentiality for that matter. Huuu... haaa. Yun Beishang, how are you?" Grinning a little and blinking a couple of times to Fosk Yinlan as she tried to calm herself by breathing in a lot of air into her lungs, Yun Beishang gave it a moment before responding.

"She is well. If you'd like to meet her, and tell her, that can happen. Nothing wrong with that, hmhm. It's just, that she shouldn't be directly told away such a thing without preparation. I'd have to be the one to truly tell her, and then you can meet her."

"Mn, mn. That seems great, that seems great." Fosk Yinlan nodded twice as she agreed at once with his proposal, it wasn't like something bad would happen if she wasn't the one to tell her little Yao'er the news. And besides, Yun Beishang was no stranger or just a known from her, he was her man so... who else to trust but to him rather than in a person from a high elevated status on New Earth suddenly saying, 'hey, I'm actually your family, isn't that nuts?!'?

"Then, when can you do that?" Yun Beishang looked into her eyes for less than a second before casually blurting out, "After Warmonger's events, I have tons of stuff to do and preparations to make worth. Then, either amidst a break or after the entire thing is done, you can meet your granddaughter and no longer just 'Fosk Yao'."

Fosk Yinlan nodded once more, her youthful face seemingly oozing off the immense wisdom that someone her age should very well be capable of having as she spoke out again while seemingly becoming relaxed after so much time in anxiousness. "Okay, okay... then... I guess I just need, need to... find her parents before anything else could ever happen to them. Am I right?"

"...Oh. About that, there is no need." But Yun Beishang's words in response made her eyes' pupils constrict, she frowned in confusion before asking in bafflement, "What do you mean, have you met with them already?"

"..." Yun Beishang cringed his neck a little bit as his eyes rolled upwardly left and right as he looked skywards before he took enough air into his lungs to calm himself down, as he answered her in a comforting tone. "They should be fine, yes. But I'm not too sure of their condition, they were addicts, addicts, you know? When I found them, it was quite a complicated day for Yao Yao."

"...I-I see..." Fosk Yinlan might have had just said two words, but her voice was so broken that anyone seeing her at this moment could practically see her entire body trembling and her eyes crumbling to grief. "Oh hoh, no... what have I done..."

"Yan'er, my Yan'er... our Yan'er...!"

"Darling, it's okay... breathe, breathe... breathe..." From the holoscreen, Yun Beishang couldn't see it but he heard Fosk Deter speak at this moment, Fosk Yinlan's husband. It was at this moment that Yun Beishang wondered if he could defy common sense and 'see' around where Fosk Yinlan was to see what was going on, as a pair of hands were placed atop Fosk Yinlan's shoulders.

Naturally, he couldn't... yet, he tried but could only amplify the sounds he could hear coming from wherever that Fosk Yinlan was at. But maybe it wasn't for the best, as Yun Beishang could hear endless murmurs of Fosk Yinlan, such as 'Yan'er' and 'Yao'er' as if she was a broken record; inundated by grief and bearing self-blame to no end.

"Well, grandfather and grandmother-in-law... I gotta say, though your children are safe and sound as well as your granddaughter. They would most likely not be the same after treatment, even with the All-Mending Misery, it does not treat what has been gone or deteriorated for more than a decade. I'll leave you to yourselves, I'll have Yona send you a few videos and photos of Fosk Yao, you'll see she is more than well. Her Sisters and Big Sisters are so lovable and she is also becoming really strong herself, even the Head Maid of her group is teaching her how to lead and so on, stuff like those."

"The game, huh? I thought it wouldn't be that important for others other than because of money...Eh, wait," Fosk Yinlan calmed down fully at last as she heard Yun Beishang's words of her granddaughter's everyday life nowadays, and then she turned slightly confused as she slowly uncovered the hidden meaning behind a few words and mentions.


At this moment of embarrassment, Yun Beishang instantly sent the command to end the video call with his mind, rending even himself speechless besides KATARINA-1 as he couldn't believe he just hung up to them so randomly. Followed by the thought of how could he even care about hanging up on someone at all, and then simply facepalming himself under KATARINA-1's systematical thoughts; speechless as well.

But then, KATRINA-1's systematical voice resounded, almost even sounding impatient as it made Yun Beishang look in front of himself with helpless and squinted eyes, "Would Chief now like to watch KC's video ca-"

"Agh, can't be bothered with it...' Yun Beishang thought as his eyes rolled left and right upwardly before then responding with an annoyed and uncaring tone, "Nah, just let me watch Silha's video call message and then put me on line with Little Duck."

Obeying his command sent by his mind alone, KATARINA-1 then proceeded to start loading Silha's video call at once. On the other hand, Yun Beishang only rose his head once the sound of another 'beep' sounded out and as Silha's appearance and voice was seen and heard by his eyes and ears.

Meanwhile though, it wasn't only KATARINA-1 who received his mental message, as he also gave another one at the same time. "Katia? Not a word to anyone, understood? To nobody!"

"Tehehe... well~, I don't know~. Tonkia is being soooo nice to me lately, I may be persuaded after being seduced by her~, bwahahahaha!" Almost showing a girly side to herself, Katia still managed to speak out bravely and uproariously as if she wasn't speaking of obscenities, teasing Yun Beishang to no damn ends. Making even Yun Beishang helpless as he could only think to himself, 'Wah... these two, getting so flirty with one another without me, ugh.'

Feeling left out, Yun Beishang could only focus on the message left by Silha with a poker face. However, his eyes brightened when he saw her appearance. She was all of a strong and pristine azure color, be it at her hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, side whiskers, her entire eyes' colors and even her fingernails.

This wasn't in-game, but back at  New Earth. Even among the varying and already seen unique characteristics of some families or some people single handedly, she was ultimately a first. And this was with Yun Beishang's knowledge that was even beyond what New Earth could ever get to, considering he's been studying what the Black Lotus knew about ever since its foundation.

As for her sizes, oh well, he couldn't know but he could at least see. She wasn't a table, alright, and she was also not that delicate looking as she instead appeared strong and with a clear determination that oozed off of her naturally.

"Tongqiu? Hiii~, ahem, I am Silha, the Sect Master of the Frozen Maiden Sect. Hehe, sounds silly when I'm not inside the game. Mm, I'm sorry for having contacted you without having previously asked yourself for your contact. It was Sylda who gave it to me. and don't worry, she didn't told me anything about you, even when I tried my best to figure out a little. She only told me the method to contact your ID in the Rising Essence's forums, that of TongTongTong... hehehe."

Though Silha appeared professional, strict and even detached at the beginning, once she spent like half a second in front of the device recording her on this video call message, she became more like a girl as she spoke to the device. Then, whenever she giggled from her own words, sonorous bells twinkled cutely into Yun Beishang's ears as he kept on hearing her introductory start.

"Ahem, the thing is..." Turning back to the strict Silha as she also sat up straight and hardened her face, she continued, "...the reason why Sylda gave me the method to contact you was because I was very willing to follow you, even to let my Frozen Maiden Sect become your vassal, too."

"There is nothing much to explain about why I have seen on you, Tongqiu. For as, even though I don't know you, at all. I can still see, with blatant obviousness, that you aren't a guy like that of Yun Lao, that bastardly piece of utter crap... haaa."

After taking a deep breath in as she became agitated when mentioning someone he was really 'familiar' with, Yun Beishang then saw Silha continue while being a bit more composed. "Maybe you don't know this, maybe yo do though. But my Frozen Maiden Sect is as weak as that Hundred Flowers Hall from that incompetent Rilu; on its own, that is."

"I may be more or less known by the gaming community, but I only play for fun, mou..." Accidentally showing a much more feminine side of her, Silha acted as if that didn't even happened as she continued, but with her tone having warmed up slightly. "It was ever since I was a child that I entered the world of gaming after discovering my passion for them, and it was all that along with the 'family' that I gained when I was even younger. The very same people that I have met almost since I was a baby, have accompanied me since then, and that's why my Frozen Maiden Sect can barely stand on its own nowadays, with my own team alone."

"Even then, though, that is nowhere near enough to remain strong. We couldn't even enter the 8th or 4th placements of nor the Team vs Team nor the Association vs Association segment, that is to show the incredible weakness of my people. As such, oh wait, I still have to mention another matter. Which is how I think and believe you to be as capable as Sylda mentioned you to be."

"I'm guessing you have some sort of connection with the Black Lotus League? Just a hunch, really. In any case, if you are willing to aid us, my Frozen Maiden Sect, then we would be more than willing to become your Association vassal... whenever a League can have one, that is. As for me discovering it, no need to look too much into it, because I'm also guessing you don't surf around the forums that much, hehe."

"Well, let's wrap i up like this. If you are willing to make my Frozen Maiden Sect strong with your crafts and whatnot, my Association will be yours to command. Be it following your every order, changing whatever you want to change in my Sect and anything else, we'll do as your vassal force."

"Last thing, I guess, since I thought it would be awkward if I didn't say it now. But our first option was me either offering my Frozen Maiden Sect to Baston or Raoundozia, since they were from any Founding Clan as well, but ever since I saw you and your people and then kept on investigating you... I just thought you to be simply the most incredible of them all. Waah, I've talked so much, Big Sis will tease me if she sees me like this so I gotta hang up now-"

"Little Zi~, have you finished? Come and play with your Older Sister for a while~!!"


"Weeh? What are you being such a bitch for? Com'ere! Tickling time, you little brat!"

"Bwa-bww-bwah-bwahwhahh... nyoooo, haaaaalp! Oh shit, wait, it's still on oh no!"

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Suddenly, totally coming from out of nowhere, a damn big girl came out of nowhere with her huge biceps and whatnot other muscles being shown off by the recording device. Silha instantly looked back to see a beautiful tall and strongly muscular woman glance at her from her room's door that was rather spacious and cold with warmth but also with hints of playfulness.

Compared to the 'older sister', Silha herself was also tall, but so much lithe and slim than the muscular and voluminous beautiful woman. Yet, as the former was yelled at strongly by a deeply intoxicatingly blushing Silha, she only became astounded at seeing a face she never saw on her younger sister before as she then laughed off with obscene meanings under her words that were put ever so subtly but still caught on the spot by Silha.

Silha was, however, directly thrown over the big girl's left shoulder and spun for a bit as the hands from the latter attacked the tummy and soles of the feet from the former nonstop. Suddenly though, Silha's voice became terrified to the extremes, but before she could even begin to struggle to get down from her older or big sister, the latter had already caught the recording device and even grinned widely at it.


Before turning it off, of course.

Yun Beishang: "..."

Katia: (´・ω・`)

KATARINA-1: "..."

"Would you like to-"

"I told you to get me on line with Little Duck after Silha's message!"

"...respond to Silha's message?"

"..." Yun Beishang became utterly speechless at experiencing the all too popular and well discussed AI of the mothership that his maids and women have been talking about for so long and so far, it was really, one of a kind ah.

"Uhh, yes... let me tell her myself, just record me as well. Use my Eccentric Wolf Mask from Main Kingdom to cover my face, ready?" Yun Beishang then said after having an apologetic silence prevail all around the communications room. Fortunately, KATARINA-1 seemed not to mind such behavior and even patiently waited for him as she said in return.

"Simulating in-game item... understood. Everything's ready, starting recording in 2 seconds..."

"Thank you..." Yun Beishang said somewhat apologetically, while KATARINA-1 said nothing more but the entire communications room gave off a vibration as a lightest of blue colors glowed for a moment. Somehow, that alone brought a smile to his face.


"Ahem, Silha. Having you as my vassal is a really nice thought, why not? Just know that I won't be doing lots of stuff to aid you in growing powerful until Warmonger's events are over, only then would I be able to deliver to you some stuff. But you know what they say, if you want to gain respect from me, if you're not there before 'I am suddenly rich' then I may not care about you nor your Association. Choose; it's all on you."

"...Oh, also... nice room, cough."


"...Would you like to call Little Duck now?" KATARINA-1, this time as she has learned her lesson from this new dummy Chief, waited for a few seconds after the recording ended before suggesting the next follow-up action ordered by... well... himself.

"...Yes. Do the same as with the recording." KATARINA-1 didn't took any more seconds for processing as she immediately responded, "Understood, now calling Little Duck inside Rising Essence."


"Is that you, Tongqiu?" A sweet voice came into Yun Beishang's ears as soon as the loading holoscreen finished working, the voice itself immediately stopped him in his tracks even as he was simply seated down on the cushions with uttermost calmest, as a gentleness enveloped him as warmly as Natalia's and Cyn's but also had a new sensation to it like water simply embracing all of his self; warm and tender water that was encompassing his entire inner body tremblingly as if afraid of creating a single unintended ripple.

"Yeah, me..." Incoherent words were all that Yun Beishang could say as he then saw the holoscreen slowly but surely have the dimming effect of lights go away due to the angle and from what was in front of the camera. As within the game, one could just 'summon' out an all-angle camera to follow you and record anything from a close-by perspective; obviously.


"Hm? Oh, hehehehehe!" Before his mind could process the image of the young girl on the holoscreen holding a staff that was entwined by some roots and looked ancient, a few confused sounds were uttered out from the young girl's mouth as she gazed and heard the dazed Yun Beishang. But she then seemingly looked at a corner, in which her eyes then glimmered with realization as she giggled in the most wonderful of ways that even Yun Beishang lost himself to her incredible gentleness.

A flawless, cute small face and an equally breathtaking very long brownish-chestnut smooth hair, her skin a goldish cream-toned color. It sounded ever so simple, but as her innocent brown eyes landed on him, Yun Beishang felt as if he shouldn't be looked at by the sins he's committed so far... And yet to commit.

But at the same time, he was nonplussed for a certain reason; her innocence. She looked so pure but ordinary, fairy-like but a mortal. And for whatever strange 'itch' inside of himself, he felt as if that innocence of hers was laid out for him to see and... take.

"Hello Tongqiu," the young girl's voice awakened his darkening face and drying out throat, sounding so lovable and as gentle as always. Waving her small hand, the cute small face on the holoscreen was lifted as the angle began to reveal her entire body with her lips making a tiny pout.

And while Yun Beishang felt his throat go once more dry at seeing a pair of bulges at the front and back so alluring yet non-corruptible, she continued with her incredibly softening, gentlest voice of hers. "I was waiting here, with some of my maternal family members for your call, I would've called you myself in a bit if you didn't and leave you a message. Right now, I'm farming some materials before the day of tomorrow."

"...Hm, hm♪♪. How have you been, Yun Beishang? My Uncle warned me to look for you if we faced any troubles, but I did not wanted to trouble both my Uncle and to show her my own capabilities and you, for as someone that my Uncle considers to be outstanding is someone anyone would have to look up to in one way or another."

"Well..." From humming in tune a few times before speaking, Little Duck had now become really shy as she uttered out in a mosquito voice before saying in her usual voice like before, " I need your help, I guess. Hehe. You see, I'm a bit of a perceptive person, and I feel a bit... scared; lately. I've been feeling restless and pretty much out of myself... until I met you, today."

"When I saw you, even as you acted sooo unruly and like a blockhead, I still managed to feel at east somewhat. So I thought, what if I follow you? What if I... if I let you protect me? I knoooow~ it sounds really silly, but I don't like at all how I've been feeling and how I am even feeling right now."

"And I feel, that if I don't do this now... well then. I will regret it for life, forever and ever more."

Little Duck then turned her small head towards the camera, her face relaxed and serene as her eyes seemed to indulge themselves into the hidden face of Yun Beishang, as she tenderly said innocently and in dependency. "What do you say?"




Let It Rain's Note: :O Who could this gentle being be from? Maternal family of whom?! Whose uncle is she a niece from and what kind of bedding scenes will they have in the future? Oh my, oh my~!!

V5: #1 6/10.

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