Bow and Arrow

Chapter 419: Chapter 417 — The Moon

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The Moon




Yun Beishang was about to respond when his eyes suddenly closed in a light manner, but as the girl watching him from inside the game waited and got no response after almost a minute, she rather became a bit worried than even impatient as she confusedly asked. "Tongqiu, um... is everything alright on your side?"

"...Ah, mh." It was only after a while that he, Yun Beishang, opened his eyes and responded with a small, soft exclamation that he then followed up with a few coherent words at last. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. Was too enchanted by your beauty, eh."

"..." Not saying anything in return, while instead twisting her shoulder as she wished she could hide her entire face inside her chest, a blushing Little Duck cutely avoiding his gaze in a pretty blatant way. Only after a few seconds of Little Duck trying to compose herself as Yun Beishang's breathing returned to normal did she rose her head back up to look at him through the screen," Thank you, there was no need for that, though."

Yun Beishang smirked with the left corner of his mouth as he seemingly became much more well-behaved and had no thought of playing around, simply speaking at the holoscreen with a barely passable serious tone. "Miss... Duck? Well, why don't yo tell me what kind-"

"Uhh, I guess there is no point to not say it. Forgive me for not having told you earlier, I guess it escaped my mind to tell it to you." But before Yun Beishang could continue and as Little Duck flinched, then pouted her lips and turned her eyes upturned, he was then interrupted as she seemed to make some sort of decision. "My Uncle is the current Clan Head of the Jones Clan, I am from his late wife's family, which is why I can also have the 'Jones' surname..."

"!!" Yun Beishang became really surprised at the hearing of this, his thoughts went back to not only Jones Clem but to also in the way in which how they both got twins. It was just too dumb, unneeded to even think of as a thing in common that simply, but he still did it anyways. At the same time, he more or less wondered if Jones Clem's wife's family was really that amazing, as this Little Duck, though not the most beautiful being in the world; had already captivated his heart and aroused his interest with her own way of being. That was amazing, would that also be how Jones Clem came to be so infatuated with his wife?

"Sigh, I see..." Seemingly being able to understand his thoughts, Little Duck made a smallish but sweetest of smirks with her lips before uttering out teasingly; almost. "Hehe, are you getting curious? But oh well, we can't deviate from business right now, Mr Tongqiu, Mr Beishang and Mr my Uncle's benefactor."

"Oh, right." Yun Beishang was indeed tempted to ask a few personal questions but, being denied so flatly by such a gentle and sweet being, even his devil and bestial self wasn't capable of enduring such a counter. Clasping his hands, Yun Beishang looked at the holoscreen once more before continuing his 'business' talk, "So what is it really that you need?"

"Mostly, I want protection." Little Duck said as she also turned a little more serious herself, even then, the way in which she behaved remained gentle and... 'docile'. "Because my Forgotten Flask League is not made to make profit, unlike my Uncle's Association, as I instead intend to spend the time to have fun and bond with my family and... possibly with 'something' else, too? Hmm..."

Not trying to hide it at all, Little Duck pursed her lips after saying some of her reasons as she turned to look at Yun Beishang with her eyes upturned. Naturally, if Yun Beishang could not figure out that she was flirting with him, he was not worthy of having a ton of women ready to spend time talking about life anytime with himself, as such, he lightly returned the gesture.

"Oh, business partner meetings? Cool, I also think that must be really fun!" As Little Duck facepalmed herself mentally, the real-virtual her took in a deep breath while blinking a bit too much as she then placed her left hand to hover above her left chest and as her fingertips touched all around where her heart was. "My name is Jones Selva and I, from my auntie's family, severely thank Yun Beishang for saving my little cousins. They are the, sniff, the most beautiful little things in the world that I've ever seen, sniff."

Before Yun Beishang could once again say anything, he was impressed by the next words not because of their contents, but because of how they managed to undoubtedly warm him up deep inside as Jones Selva spoke them ever so softly. "Hehe, I've also heard that Little Miryia liked you lots and that you also liked her back, hehehe. And that even though Clem Jr didn't show it, he also liked you quite. You know, ever since you carried him back then, Uncle doesn't stop saying how much the clothes and demeanor of his son has changed, it makes him sooo jealous~. Hahahaha..."

Twinkling laughter, wonderful words; Yun Beishang was naturally lightly smiling in the most tenderest of ways without even knowing any of it. Only being able to wake up and turn his eyes back at Jones Selva once she called out to him, "Yun Beishang, that smile. Hmm, you look so cute with it, keep it and never forsake it, okay?"

"..." Blinking in response, as if his whole being was insulted and kicked in the dust... but becoming embarrassed instead; Yun Beishang flustered as he changed the subject right away. "Protection can be guaranteed, but young lady, using these sorts of tricks won't get you far with me. You'll have to show not only obedience but also great willingness, otherwise, we'll also barely show any real help. Also..."

In return, Little Duck-ah no, Jones Selva; nodded fully and once every few words spoken by him, not letting a single few set of words 'unnodded'. As Yun Beishang spoke and mentioned so many 'rules' and conditions, once he finished, Jones Selva recited them like a religious fanatic and in full devotion before making some of her own.

Even then, she seemed to always complement fully to Yun Beishang's ideas and views even though some of them were pretty harsh, like she not being able to have any 'boyfriends' when working with him, the Peaceful Rain Household and the League of The Order. Pretty weird, huh? She nonetheless agreed to it like it was her own creed; no questions needed.

Even while showing clear signs of being a 'yes woman' to anything that Yun Beishang said, for as absurd as it seemed, Jones Selva still had a dignified and virtuous demeanor to herself so deeply natural thorough their entire small conversation.

. . .


" was really nice to finally meet you, Yun Beishang. I hope you have an amazing time with your family on space, hehe, such a weird thought. Well then, I'm off, my own family has been looking at me talk to you for too long already and I'm too embarrassed now, ugh. Bu-bye!" Waving her hand, Jones Selva bid farewell to Yun Beishang as she heard his own farewell while smiling wonderfully back at her, making her heartbeat quicken and her eyes to brighten furthermore as a blush unnoticeably to her alone appeared on her goldish creamy cheeks.

"...Mm, take care then, sigh, don't tell me your family has been there all the t-"


"..." With half a smile and her lips pursed, Jones Selva was looking at where Yun Beishang's face was previously at, her cheeks burning intensely now as she finally noticed the red on her face herself without having to look at it at all. Having forcefully closed the video call before he finished, she felt bad, but she would've feel even worse if she was to be seen with her family, right?

"Aiyo, Lil' Sis, shy? Bwahahahaha, you finally stopped talking for so long, don't you feel tired? Want me to ask mommy to make you some warm milk?" Her shoulders being slapped by a tall young man, Jones Selva pouted before she then couldn't resist it anymore and lashed out with her hands and 'claws' thrown at his face, "Gaah! Warm milk is delicious, and it helps my body, get off of me or I'll tell Uncle that you bullied me about f-about my-no, eh-ah, oww..."

"Bwahahaha!" Seeing the little duck become flustered even more, the tall young man speechlessly looked at her without blinking before bursting out in laughter. Soon after, everyone around in their previous farming zone logged off the game after leaving the place and going back to their own Forgotten Flask's territory.

As for at Yun Beishang's side, just as he was a bit baffled but more or less understanding of her 'situation', he only rolled his eyes once and tilted his head almost like a nod to his right when he suddenly heard a clearly sped up and even somewhat impatient systematical voice.

"Would Chief like to watch KC's video call message now? I'll put it on display as soon as Chief confirms it. Would you like to watch it?"

'Ugh, I really can't be bothered.' This time, Yun Beishang rolled his eyes twice and harder as he waved his right hand in the air, powerlessly. "Ah, whatever, just do it and show me the old face from that 'Kay-cee'." Already feeling tired from so much social 'work' today, Yun Beishang reclined his body with his back all vulgarly against the cushions while the holoscreen adjusted itself so that he wouldn't eat his chin into his neck.

"Hello, Yun boy."

'Ugh, I knew it.' Yun Beishang's eyes rolled yet again but he didn't behave too badly after having gone through some nice time today, and so, as KC appeared on the holoscreen in the same office and on his tall brown cushioned chair with his forearms on his thighs and his back bent he also continued to speak.

"You probably are now getting tired of me calling you that, at least I would, heh heh. Ah, do not mind that. I have made this video call message for you only to give you a bit of a mind-clearing session, nothing more. It's also about you knowing and finally being revealed to the truth. Don't worry, things will go as they must, you only have to be there and... do your thing."

KC fell silent for a while, really silent as he looked at the floor for a good while before turning to look at the recording device. And with a smacking of his lips, he continued in a patient tone, "I have been called cruel before, it is no different now. It... also doesn't mean I don't feel from this, but some things... aren't to be 'overcome' or solved. Sometimes it is really... just do or die, no matter who you are or how many of you there are."

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"Sigh, in any case... well, I am just going to give you a little heads up now." KC seemed rather wasted and spent, but only for a moment, as in the next, his eyes turned somewhat insurmountably wise and ancient as he said in an imperative voice. "Do you even know what your Pure's Essence is? You have no idea at all, and you never could, of how precious that one is. I'm fully impressed on the fact that you got that one, that one indeed; do you know of its wonders and the things that one would do just to have it?"

"Yet, nobody knows how to obtain it, yet here you are. Not only do you have it, but you even have several more which I have seen before but have never seen together before. And from what Ellie has told me, you seem to not even feel a slight discomfort if any at all, you are completely fine even after so long. No side effects, no limitations... is as if you could get yourself to know as many Essences as you want."

"But Yun boy, let me warn you. You are nothing; the power that you hold, even with your First Form, against even one of those yo just faced recently, you are completely useless even if that 'one' you faced was extremely young and weak. Sigh, I will only allow you and any of your people to either go up or down, once you've completed your Third Form at the very least. That's it."

"Yun Beishang... Pure's Essence... is not something that should've even have been seen. What you give, to use it, it is not something even a being can deal with."

"Just remember this; you may find yourself nostalgic when your moment comes, young boy." With his face suddenly growing extremely warm, KC's aggrieved self that inundated Yun Beishang in confusion slowly darkened as the entire holoscreen turned off swiftly. But right as it was about to do so, a few words appeared on the screen before finally turning off and having that 'beeping' sound go off.

Also, don't have so many children so early. And definitely try to leave Ellie's, Nora's and Cinders's pregnancy to when you've gotten your Fourth Form formed fully. Or I'll cut your balls.

Yun Beishang: "?????????"


"...aghck, I won't even bother." Totally exasperated and but without nothing to go with, a more than speechless Yun Beishang swiftly left the room after giving Baan and a few other female subordinates of his a few good rubbing and squeezing, while only Baan got herself a few kisses and smooches around her face and mouth.

It was so close, Yun Beishang was utterly calm, and not with a throbbing heart at all as well as not even feeling the slightest bit of troubled. But as he returned to the residential area, his very important thing to do was finally being done by him, as he held both his Yun Rang and Yun Shi in his arms.

Standing up, looking down at his precious daughter and son, he couldn't feel more at ease; more calm, more satisfied, more connected, more real, more human... more emotions, than ever.



KATARINA-1, moon gazing area of the pocked dimension, vip area of the mothership. At 4 am.


"... ... ... ... ..." Yun Beishang could be seen, topless, sitting on grass with his bum fully impaled onto the ground and his thighs and knees high up, with the left sole of his foot against the ground and his right foot laying sideways close to the left foot. His neck was extended out as he blankly looked up at the actual moon up in the sky, which was so dark and starry it could almost rival the plethora of moons around New Earth.

Even though it was only one, it was magnificent. Even though it was as pure and beautiful as the extremes of each, it was lonely. Even though it seemed so high up, it felt tragic. And even though only the word 'beauty' could come into mind when observing it, it wouldn't steal anybody's souls from a simple glance and instead, grant them a sight that one could only sit to think afterwards; and nothing else.

"Bluurrrrggh!" Once more; once more vomiting a few strands of blood from his mouth and nostrils at the same time, Yun Beishang also felt tickling in his ears as cold blood came out from them to dye his earlobes. With his back suddenly bending and his face facing the ground with immediate motions, Yun Beishang looked so pathetic as even a few strands of small rivers of blood came out from the middle of his eyes.

As the blood coming out from his eyes streamed down even as his nose was pointing at the ground, a few soft footsteps noises sounded to his left. With his left eye looking at Zyv's naked figure with only her top nightgown on and her sleepy countenance, Zyv instead saw the disheveled Yun Beishang as his unthinkably tired eyes glanced back at her.

Even though he looked like a miserable fuck, he instead gave her so much of an enticing feeling. But then, as she was still sleepy, Zyv yawned out cutely as if her man wasn't bleeding extremely unnaturally at all in the first place. "Waaaaaah-mn-nom-nom-nom."

Swish! Step, step step step~... Step. Step, step, step, step. Step-step!

Zyv then suddenly disappeared as she dashed away from the pocked dimension with her still half-closed sleepy eyes closing down in irritation at not being able to sleep well. As her footsteps were the only 'thing' left from her as they sounded from the distance, just a few seconds later, she came back but with a not sleepy at all Yun Yun who was wearing her delicate full-body nightgown that looked more like a pajamas than anything else.

Unlike Zyv, Yun Yun wasn't sleepy, but anyone could see that she was sleeping just now and that she was probably even brought by Zyv without her even knowing what was going on. Yun Yun had her hair rustled and disordered, her nightgown a bit weird as it showed some of her tummy, side of her torso and shins, a bit lifted up.

But her eyes, countenance and aura were all more than fully awake. And when she saw Yun Beishang kneeling on the ground, she became even more aroused at once as she glanced at him while sleepy Zyv still held onto her left wrist. "Ther...ree... I'll leave you to it, Big Sis, have fun~...zzzz..."


Once again, Zyv disappeared, and she did it right as she stopped mumbling out in such a soft voice. Naturally, she went back to their bed to sleep, she wouldn't have any problem doing so, since their bed would always smell of them. Even if it was unnoticeable for a human's nose, for Zyv, as long as they even fully clothed by 3-4 layers of sets of clothes, their smell would be impregnated tremendously onto their bed.

As such, when a Little Zyv threw herself to land flat on the bed, her nose moved incessantly even after she began sleeping and furthermore.

Back at the vip pocket dimension, Yun Yun was slowly walking forth with her feet bare but her face was worried as she so gently asked her lover and brother, "Is it flaring up... again?"

Yun Beishang couldn't bring himself to say 'yes', he only smiled in a bittersweet demeanor in return before proceeding to throw up some more of his own blood; cold.




V5: #1 7/10.

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