Bow and Arrow

Chapter 432: Chapter 430 — Second Battle: Sacrificial Ashed Grounds (1)

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Second Battle: Sacrificial Ashed Grounds (1)




There was a reward for having participated simply as a single Journeyer, giving everyone a whole LV+1, as well as another LV+1 for having participated as a member of an Association. At this point in time, if someone didn't comprehend the importance of having an Association to rely on and cooperate as well as to work and develop with, one was dumb as hell.

But those were only the 'compensating' rewards, of course; because naturally, there were more other rewards that would be given besides the LV+2. First, in case one didn't die, they could ask for any item they wanted below the Luxurious grade, the quantity would vary depending on which item and grade was being asked for. Be it materials, items, equipment, weapons or even accessories.

Second, rewards for the first reward was the choice to either select levelling up a rank in the Main Kingdom Vanguard or to gain Main Kingdom Vanguard reputation and a random item and skill book. The second reward was that of 10,000 gold coins and a token that granted them enormous privileges among the Main Kingdom Vanguard's territory, most likely for future interactions, nevertheless it was really the one that player went for.

It could, however, be exchanged with other players for any item, except reputation of course, that was never tradeable in the first place. Which was basically what The Order did in its entirety. To its allies, it seemed as if even the tons and tons of items they gave to them instead of to the Main Kingdom Vanguard wasn't enough, or that it was still being stored for a purpose; purpose which intrigued their hearts fully.

And of course, they couldn't even fathom what they were looking for nor what they were planning for the future, or even if there was any at all. After all, one could simply ask the Unions to sell them the stuff, they were noticeably the biggest holders of the items of any kind and grade in all of the game, it would be weird not to do it.

And though the Unions nowadays were really arrogant, sometimes even bullying other Associations for no reason, be it at the cities or in levelling, farming zones. They were still not totally black hearted as though they did not sell cheap anymore, they at least did not put their goods for sale pricey.

On the other hand, while the 2 weeks of a break were going by, Main Kingdom Vanguard would send many hundreds of millions of players to get rid of the blood around the Azure-Drake Forest, as well as even starting to contract Journeyers to craft and build items or structures. It was a first since it didn't happened before, but thanks ot the Guiding Voices, all was well and everyone cooperated willingly and friendly.

Besides, getting more rewards, especially Main Kingdom Vanguard reputation; was the biggest goal of all players in the game right now. As there was a shop that allowed them to buy things cheaper than even in the Divisional Cities, to which they had increased ever since the appearance of the shadowy-like portals, a good trend indeed.

Among the time that Yun Beishang had spent within these 2 weeks, he's been going out—or rather, around—in dates with all of his maids and women. Even Xiao Ruo got an 'alone time' with him as they visited the vip section of the mothership spacecraft, nothing too passionate happened except a few experimental touches from Xiao Ruo as she could definitely just ignore the bulge down there sometimes, ah?

Besides that and kissing, Yun Beishang treated her like a-no, like the precious jewel that she is. And only went as far as to guide her lightly onto how warm his Dragon felt over clothing, nothing else, as he was worried she would be tainted by his horniness. Xiao Ruo. Must. Be. Protected!

Besides her and a few others he didn't take to bed... or to an 'improvised' bed, Yun Beishang roughed up all his maids and women that he has bedded before in every date after having given them extremely fabulous food, dressed them excruciatingly beautifully and treated them like princess and as the most important aspects of his life that they are.

The maids might not have much knowledge about what or why was this happening, but they all tenderly loved it anyways, how could they not when their Master would basically pop it out his trousers and enter them swiftly in the middle of making food, cleaning, showering, sleeping even and roleplaying with so many roles.

Never did he gave them such unique and attentive attention, ah. So they were much more than just glad and thankful to their Master, they were so willing to simply be their Master's everything right away...

His women and other certain maids like the Head of his Maids, Itnia and others like Estel, Cyn, Xiao Ruo and so on, knew though. And even though they didn't told the rest the surprise, so many rumors could be maid amongst themselves. Of course, most did not even dared to think more than twice of such a result, daily, as they feared it was not their opportune chance to do so in their lifetime...

It was similar to how players were having so many thoughts of Tongqiu, there were finally some rumors of him being the same person that 'saved' everyone from a terrible accident that would've been hundreds of times more devastating than what it would've been back then at the Nascent Herb City should it not have been 'that' person's sacrifice made.

And since basically a ton of people from certain Regions of New Earth saw a huge object fly from one point to another, and some others saw several smaller ships fly to that object back then, it only took a few minutes of pondering to get the real deal out in the open.

As such, there were now rumors going around that Tongqiu, was indeed, Yun Beishang!

How strangely convincing, but neither Little Star, who gave everyone else a hint on that with her interview to Tongqiu, nor Yun Beishang and his Order cared about it. Even though Yun Beishang avoided going into personal matters and even changed his plans of advertising his Peaceful Rain Corporation so as to maintain his privacy just a bit more of time, it was already being suspected that it was so!

And now, Yun Beishang and the rest of Rising Essence's playerbase was calmly waiting for their generals to speak of the following event, the one where Journeyers could at last and once again come back into the field to fight for Main Kingdom again!

After watching Yun Beishang go at it with his Order, and even more so when he defeated an entire sea of Demons with just his bow and arrows being shot nonstop at them, and with seemingly endless resources, that was so motivating for the felled players who swore to protect this game world with their utmost capabilities.

They no longer wanted to just participate and gain rewards, along with their beloved Guiding Voices, now they also wanted to protect this planet and avoid the sight from such an incredibly vast army never seen before on New Earth to be 'spent' so mercilessly by this war. It was a kind of sensation in which a tiny, tiniest of a bit of guilt was born inside their hearts and fell uncomfortable over having it, hence wanting to get rid of it.

In any case, as basically most players popped up back into the game and entered the Main Kingdom Vanguard's base of operation to where the posts before the huge portal were standing at, the time came where their generals finally emitted their voice from their throats and communicated once again with more than 10 billion Journeyers since quite some time ago.

"Journeyers!! I am so glad to see you again," on Yun Beishang's post section, the old and bulky man was solemn but also visibly more tired and aged, seemingly as if about to faint from old life. "We have been battling against the Demon Race for a long time, each time, our every battle, every soldier of Main Kingdom Vanguard battling 1 on 1 against an enemy and every felled comrade that we had to see disappear into the endless rivers of blood. We shook the earth and made the skies tremble! We gave not a single moment of surrendering to our enemies and instead, mercilessly marched unto our own deaths and molded the ground with our every blood, flesh and tears!"

"We have suffered, but not enough, we are more than resilient and we can keep going and going, until our beloved Main Kingdom can not only free itself from the ultimate disaster and culmination of its life, but to also rise again to beyond!!"

"Journeyers, as you can see, this place is devoid of any inhabitant of Main Kingdom. That is, because every single soldier, recruit and even scout or attendant has gone to the other said, armed to the teeth with the glorious armament and weaponry you've made for us with your hearts on it. Though there is little skill and a lot to fear for, every single one of our people decided to shove their valuable and important lives away for the sake of what remained of their family back home, we ask and implore you Journeyers, to not hesitate and use our bodies to exterminate this horrendous enemy!!"

"Right now, all of our remaining 50 billion soldiers, inhabitants of Main Kingdom are stationed right outside the Demon Race's headquarters. There is only one step left, and our Guiding Voices had already gone around its perimeter inside the Azure-Drake Forest to ensure any unfortunate development."

"We are now sure and confident that there won't be any problems in this last move against the evil of this world! But even then, we have a method to ensure our civilians' future and sadness to be well repaid..." The old and bulky man took a moment as he closed his eyes and slightly lowered his chin, taking a deep breath in, he opened his eyes back again as his voice turned much more stern but dignified.

"First, we will have our inhabitant army groups lead the vanguard and all frontline on the upcoming battle, using our best capabilities to grant you Journeyers the time to kill off all enemies. Do not be merciful to those who turned against their own kind and whose heart and mind have rotten black and green, with maybe some purple too and had sided with the despicable Demon Race!"

"And while our heroes die on the frontlines, Journeyers will be entrusted with the task of sweeping with the enemy from any angle and any way possible. This is so as to not let the Demon Race nor its allies to gain any advantage and to be taken off guard even as they've been expecting us since 2 weeks ago."

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"That is because..." the old bulky man made a dramatic pause, his aged and stern eyes slowly going from the left to the right as he visualized each and every single Journeyer without one missing. "We have found out that the trees that mark the Demon Race's headquarter's is but a portal that will instantly take in anyone that is from the Demon Race or its allies."

"Naturally, the Guiding Voices had already teached us the way to control the portal for a few minutes, enough for all almost 61 billion of our entire army to get into their pocket dimension and to destroy them all with our tactics and methods. We are even capable of sending every single one of you into a formation with the inhabitants at the front, protecting the Journeyers with our backs against a wall."

"It will be to do or die, failure here means failure forever. Once we are inside their headquarters, all we have to do then is to asses the entire terrain of it, before beginning to destroy it all in the most efficient way possible. For this matter, we've chosen Journeyer Tongqiu to be the one leading the Journeyer troops with his Association."

At this moment, an interface similar to their Association raiding system popped to the view of all players, which showed many, many names in big sizes and different colors while all in a tree-like pyramid. With Tongqiu's name on top of the pyramid, followed below by first those Associations' leaders that have been rumored to be working with him, and then secondly by other known but also very strong and incredible Associations.

It was so detailed that even the weakest, smallest and brand new Associations found their names and ranks easily on the new interface. This was, however, but a temporary interface that was unique to Warmonger, and everyone could tell as it didn't even had a name. But maybe it will be available in the future, rousing many players already.

The old and bulky man continued then as his voice turned more systematical in order to brief his troops, "There won't be questions to be asked, no one has the right to even make them, only Tongqiu and his Journeyer Association were able to remain alive and capable enough to help us up so enormously in the last battle that we only had about loses of about 150 billion soldiers!!"

As his voice reverberated everywhere on the platform, as well as on any other platform from other general's part, the Journeyers who even had a flinch of expression turned visibly pale, their fist clenching in deep shame and some fear as they almost blurted out refusals.

"This will be a rapid battle, but I'm afraid that anything can be possible as even though the Guiding Voices can now preside over all of the Azure-Drake Forest, they are not capable still of getting to spy into the Demon Race's headquarters. But fear not, our beloved guides will still be there for us, encouraging us and reminding us for what we dutifully stand for!"

"At the same time, our Guiding Voices will be looking for anywhere that any remnant of the Demon Race may be hiding, no other calamity like the one we are facing today shall ensue in the future of our peaceful and strong Main Kingdom. Heh, even later on once we are over with this heinous Race, we will keep you Journeyers busy with the task of wiping out the remnants of such."

Yun Beishang almost made an unnoticeable change of expression when there was the mention of those Guiding Voices looking for any remnant, living remnant of the Demon Race around all over Main Kingdom. His thoughts rapidly swirled to his encounter with the mysterious person who talked of 'her' and the Overlord of the Myriad Beasts Division; namely, the Responsive Dragon!

'Thank you, Little Goldy.' Yun Beishang closed his eyes and slightly lowered his head, intending to hope that the Responsive Dragon would somehow get this message of his, when Katia's voice suddenly came to him. "He heard you, and so did she. Be strong, my husband, the moment has come for you. Take it and bear with it, carry it with you."

"...?" Though dubious, Yun Beishang did not asked more and simply delivered a kiss to her cheeks via his Mental Power and their unshakable bond, turning Katia into a bashful but silent wife that endured his husband's tricks of flattery. Her little blush was so intoxicating to just look at though, so much that Yun Beishang almost loses the last few words spoken by the old and bulky general.

"Even then, this battle could and can take up to days, but only days at most. As such, much luck, Journeyers. I hope that big and great news can be brought back to Main Kingdom in just a few hours from now, days at most. Because, indeed, we generals are also all to join in on the fun to accompany even the lowest ranked of all of our soldiers to the heroic death they deserve!"

"Lastly, I am rather ashamed to inform that, due to the specialization of our researchers and magicians using all of their capabilities to figure out a way to manipulate this barrier portal. Our resources had been extremely limited, as such, we shamefully inform you that you will only be able to fight for one 'life' in this battle."

"This is to say, Journeyers will no longer able to enter the battle after their first death, I am afraid that there is no way to 'fix' this. As there is too little time and we have spent more than enough of it figuring out a way to penetrate and control this barrier. And even though our beloved Guiding Voices do not voice their discontent out, we don't need it to know we've partially all failed them already."

"Please Journeyers, this is the reason why we must give you all the time needed to get rid of the Demon Race during the new Battle, much luck and we hope for your eloquent development in this war."

"Now, Journeyers! Move on, march towards the portal, towards Main Kingdom's future... march to fight!!" With his right arm extended out and his fist clenched powerfully, the old and bulky general yelled out as he turned around and marched towards the portal himself.


"Take the Demons out!!"

"For Main Kingdom, for beauties and honor, for our pride as Journeyers!"

"Let's fucking kill these bitches and then show the world who's the best at survival!"

It didn't take long, just a few gasps among the confused frowns of everyone who had battled before. After almost all Journeyers died, with a tiny amount having survived the entire ordeal, each life they would be given was so important and much more valuable than before. Yet, they got that cut off before they could even have another chance, this was a bit of a slap to their faces; shame.

"..." But Yun Beishang was unfazed, and as he gazed at his people, everyone nodded back at him lightly with their eyes closing at the same time in tenderness. He then fully turned around and faced the middle of his Order before nodding at them, he then saw them march towards the portal after giving him a light, encouraging smile.

Yun Beishang then moved his gaze to his Order's allied Associations, Baston and Raoundozia were the first ones he set his eyes on, whose faces changed and somewhat began pondering for a few seconds. Before long, Baston and Raoundozia did not nodded back but Yun Beishang did, not giving nor saying anything else before setting his eyes on the rest.

Forgotten Flask League's people, Otherworldly Merchant Guild's people and Frozen Maiden Sect's people nodded at him at once when his eyes were set at them, along with some other randoms as well from his Order's allies. After that, Yun Beishang turned around and began walking towards the huge portal, at first, he seemed slow; but the next few seconds, his body blurred as it then disappeared into the huge light blue portal.

The second event of the Warmonger expansion, had just begun!




Let It Rain's Note: Aaaaaahhhh, welp, time to hammer by brian to get the juice out again.

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