Bow and Arrow

Chapter 433: Chapter 431 — Second Battle: Sacrificial Ashed Grounds (2)

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Second Battle: Sacrificial Ashed Grounds (2)





Step, step, step.

Yun Beishang was somewhat impulsed forwards as he had to step several times in quick succession as soon as he crossed over the portal, for as this time it was no longer them all being sent from up in the sky but directly appearing on the ground with their feet on it and their balance found at once.

This was quite the technique, Yun Beishang must say, as all his previous ones were basically just someone's body being blasted the fuck away some lots. But this one 'upgraded' portal in its uses had become much more perfect to go through, and it showed as all previous Journeyers that were rushing towards the portal appeared back at the floor of blood they've seen so many times on the screens or TV.

With each of them being impulsed in the same kind of boost and with the same speed, a plethora of seas of Journeyers' heads appeared moving forth in quick succession as if in an already predetermined formation in a sole but hugely spread out group. And this Journeyer group was directly behind an even more immense plethora of soldiers armed to their teeth.

Naturally, those soldiers were the inhabitants of Main Kingdom, and they were at least about that of 5 times larger in size than the Journeyers. Everyone was positioned in a type of ring formation surrounding the entire perimeter of what was thought to be the headquarters of the Demon Race.

All around it, inhabitants of Main Kingdom made a ring with only a dozen meters separating the first line of soldiers with the extremely tall and bulky trees that left not a single spot to see through. Behind them, for about 200 meters away and on their backs, was the newly incoming Journeyer group that was basically signaling for the beginning of this gruesome battle.

As Journeyers appeared on their backs, some inhabitants turned around to greet them with either waves of their hands and broad smiles or nodding respectfully at the lot of them, before then turning around and going back to their position.

The Journeyers were pretty surprised to see this at first, but just as their eyes got in the sight of everything around them and how it seemed much more cruel, crude, raw and gory in 'person'; their sense of smell kicked in as a huge fuss was thrown by most players at once while other Journeyers kept on appearing one after the other in the same ring-like formation.

Splash, splash, splash, splash splash splash...!

"Uuoof-grwaaaaachk! What is that damn smell? Holy... Holy fuck!"


"Ahwk-aw shit, cover your noses!"

"UUUWG-gulp... AH, SHIT!!"

Numerous players, from the 10 billion in total and active inside the Warmonger expansion, were belching and having little dances in their throats so badly that the feeling went up to their noses as ticklishness got the better of their nasal cavities and began making most of them scrunch up their faces out of the weirdness of the situation.


"How did Tongqiu and The Order managed to deal with this? Holy cow."

"My man... yeah, no wonder only he could remain sane at this."

"Yeah, it's such a good fortune that we didn't had to experience this for so, damn, long..."

"..." While many more and more bloating people were having a moment, Yun Beishang and his Order was calmly looking at their surroundings, the latter ones only relaxing their tensed muscles only when seeing the former relax his shoulders down.

At this time, as if trying to calm down all the retching players, an old voice that surely belonged to a general resounded towards all directions around the outer perimeter of the Demon Race's headquarters. "Attention, soldiers!!!"

"Today is the day we eliminate this incurable threat; I will give you a short and brief introduction to the following steps to follow. Don't worry, they are easy, only a pig wouldn't be able to tell what to do." The old voice sounded out very humane, and it even mocked the insecure people a bit before continuing in the same tone, "See that barrier, those trees? They will send you to the inner place that is within this place, at the mere touch of even your armor or your weapon, even an arrow or bomb's explosion debris; you will be dragged into the pocket dimension that it is guarding."

"The Inhabitant army groups will be entering it first, followed up by you, Journeyers. This is sure to be done in 3 minutes, give or take, one single error or disorder will result in heavy punishment as well as getting cast out of the entire war! Once you are inside, the Inhabitant army groups will make their valuable bodies and heroic blood the wall to allow you, Journeyers, to quickly build a defense and formation for an immediate defense to then enter into a destruction mode."

"Remember! The initial stage is all that matters, to fail in creating a terrain for our own advantage is to fail the entire war, our forces will face extinction and it will only be a matter of time before that happen to the civilians, chickens and even plants!!  A single sighting of insubordination will be dealt without prior warning and be executed right away!"

"Now, move, move, move, move!!!" At the very end of his words, and very damn suddenly, the old voice turned very heated as anyone hearing it could imagine the old man's face turning red from the intense courage that he was saying those last few words with. And unlike before, when it was first experienced, it didn't take long before all Journeyers got up to their senses even though the sound and command to march was way too sudden and even almost random.

Step, step, step. STEP-STOMPSTOMPSTOMP-RUMBLE~~~~~!!!



"Get in position, everyone ready out, don't forget your positions!"

"...ENOUGH!!" Without needing the old man to speak again, this time it was Yun Beishang who instantly befuddled all players and even Inhabitants army groups and even generals of the Main Kingdom Vanguard's entire army. He sounded bestial but imperative, harsh but commanding, brief but shocking and it left everyone in incredulity but also in veneration towards him; even if just a little tiny bit.

Step, step, step, step, step... stomp stomp stomp stomp.

"..." The old man silently thanked Yun Beishang before blurting out loud as the sounds of an entire huge, immense and nonsensical large army moved once again forth. "Now, even though everyone is moving in different directions, this will only affect ourselves outside the pocket dimension. For as once we enter it, we will all be transported to a one sole point, that is why you must never stop moving unless you want to be trampled by your own fellow warriors' feet and knees!! Get on with the moving!!"

Sounding even a tad sharp and harsh with that last sentence, the old man's voice disappeared as everyone more or less understood that the time for chatter was over, and only the need for action was all that was left. At this time, not only Yun Beishang but also the rest of The Order began yelling out commands that went from their own locations towards all ears of the players outside the perimeter of the tree barrier.

"Make rows of 2 from the front to the back, do not separate more than a shoulder's length from each other and keep on moving forward!"

"Don't look down at your feet, maintain your head high up and never stop moving! Keep moving~!!"

"Each double row will move with a space of 2 feet separating each other, from each row, 100 buffers will be in charge of getting the overall total Movement Speed to 185%, no more, no less~!!!"

"Do not worry about the order of class distribution, once we are over to the other side we will start positioning ourselves, keep moving!"

It was really a simple task, or it looked like it, as Yun Beishang only needed to give a single order himself before his Order complemented the rest. Players were no longer so fucked up from their sense of smell that much, and with the instructions from The Order, their marching was no longer chaotic and messy as fuck.

In fact, their marching speed, consistency, cooperativeness and even flow went from weak and below mediocre to completely stable and unbreakable in just 20 seconds! What the fuck! For real this time, for The Order to manage a whole ton of 10 billion players to behave so damn well, them being not even 200 people in total themselves, it had to be such a real craziness to be able to believe such a thing!

But not only was The Order not giving a fuck whether their commands were heard or not, they were even moving fast as hell towards the tree barrier, not leaving room for a single chance of an irregularity nor variable. Also avoiding any scheming party getting anxious to make a move, heh.

"For Main Kingdom!"

"For the poor NPCs!"

"For the destruction of the Demon Race, for this world's peace, woohoooooo~!!"

And indeed, even if there were some people trying to buy off some others at this moment, the simple act of just a few cheering up, roleplaying and getting into their role very well were enough to incite the huge and massive amounts of players to do just the same.


"Wooo-woo-woo-woo woo wooo~!"

"Hyaaaaa~! Chaaarge~!"

"Let's gooo! Get their asses and win this war, hahahaha!"

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"Defend this world and its fucking beauty, come one!!" Some really knew how to have fun, even if it would usually become really cringy, they managed to voice out their held in thoughts with a voice that made it so only the admiration for that person's enthusiasm and immersion connected to others' hearts in an instant, no less.

But, nor The Order nor those ally Associations had any type of happy expression, besides some random players smirking at the sounds of the cheering and then yelling out loud themselves in response to the stimulation, everyone else was then just looking up to the front. And those close to The Order were having glanced over to them over and over again, somewhat grim.


The sound of billions marching, if it wasn't because their every step was already so deafening as it is blinding to look at the sky on a bright and cloudless day for a dozen minutes, then the rumbling sounds that they all made altogether on the ground would've have already instantly scared them stiff, as it was more than similar towards that of a huge earthquake!

It didn't take any longer, as Yun Beishang was right behind his Order, he saw the first person of it enter the barrier after having witnessed the last soldier of the Inhabitant army group disappearing into the barrier and with their body flashing a platinum and white glow before going up the trees; then disappearing from his Mental Power at last.

Naturally, Yun Beishang could not penetrate the barrier with his Mental Power, just like Zyv wasn't capable of crossing over Space, Dimensions, Pocket Dimensions and Kingdom's barriers long ago. Yun Beishang longed for the time he evolved so much, his Mental Power would allow him to penetrate through such barriers.

Nevertheless, he couldn't presence anything else as he saw Romina disappear from his senses and eyesight with her chestnut bright orange long smooth hair disappear last from the rest of her body, as the first Journeyer and person from his Order to cross it at last after the inhabitants.

Naturally, it was only a few seconds before Yun Beishang and his Order could do it, with Yun Beishang being the last one of them all. Their allies and the rest of the Journeyers following right after to an almost impossible speed and at the same time.


Yun Beishang did not felt any dizziness, but he might as well do, for as even though he could swear to have his eyes opened, no matter where he looked and how he thought he moved his body to observe himself or his surroundings; it was always the same with the sight of white, grey, platinum, dull white, grayed white simply moving in unknown speeds by unknown forces from back and forth to forth and back as his body fell floating so terribly authentic and 'free'.

. . .


On the other side. Where the ground was free of any blood, any river made of blood, that is.


Kwish! BPLACK! KOWN! Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht!!!

'Huh?!' As soon as Yun Beishang stepped strongly against the ground, he only heard so many, several thousands of sounds akin to those of huge, sharp objects flying, tons of blades flying through the air, incredibly bulky and blunt objects also coming their way and even some sounds of cries filled with fear and newfound terror into his ears.




It was too loud, so loud that even the whistling of one's ears when being really hit on the weakest against their sense of hearing wasn't audible at all, with even Yun Beishang turning wide eyed and paralyzed for a few seconds before finally moving his eyeballs again before being followed by the rest of his body parts, and thoughts.

"Get on the floor, rush to any angle and duck your bodies!! Do not run with your backs straight and- !!!" Just as Yun Beishang took out his Mind-Sensory and as it was transforming into a huge pavise shield on his right and a long scimitar on his left, Yun Beishang turned incredibly sensitive as his pupils turned into needles as he turned his head, ever so slowly, to his left only to see Romina's entire body be grabbed by the hair as an axe's blade directly tore apart her body in two from her right trapezius muscle to her left hips.

"!!!!!!!!" Not even caring of the few thousands of inhabitant soldiers that he was about to save with a Tongqiu's Rain Destruction with his well thought combination of weapons in hand, Yun Beishang directly threw his Mind-Sensory towards the air in Romina's dying body direction as he moved to his full 265% Movement Speed.



Pushing away any ally, Journeyer or Inhabitant, Yun Beishang stomped so ruthlessly against the ground that he sent each and every single one of the away and directly into the surrounding and more than well so prepared Demons around who ended up oneshoting any who 'gladly' came their way.

With some Journeyers only feeling the pain, their faces contorted awfully, their eyes turned hateful as they tried to gaze at the one who pushed them to their nearing death. Only to see a blurring shadow that moved towards a certain area, only a train of thought remained on their heads, 'Is that Tongqiu??! Why...'.

While on the other hand, the Inhabitants looked hopelessly as they felt their bodies fly away and as some of their limbs broke apart directly, their faces also having a similar but quite the clear, different train of thought as they gazed at the shadow blurring away in the distance while they felt their bodies be destroyed at once. 'Why are you doing this to us!?'...

But by then, Yun Beishang who was oh-oh-oh so infuriated had already sent all his strength towards his legs, crouched his body and exploded in a pair of kicks against the ground as he jumped more than a hundred meters high up into the sky and in which his Mind-Sensory had already arrived besides Romina's falling corpse as she began to glow away in pixels.

Omnipresent Cosmo Epsilon Shot!

Total Combustion!

Tongqiu's Rain Destruction!



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CRAAAAACK!!! Rumble rumble rumble rumble...!!

With each of his Tongqiu's Rain Destruction's shadows encompassing Romina's mangled corpse as it fell to the ground with an inaudible thud and pitifully to the extremes as her sniper rifle fell directly on her back as most of her body laid on its left side; they were then all shot towards any and all directions without a care while his old pals quickly turned back to him with an inaudible sound of the use of his Unparalleled Manipulation skill being activated.

"Romina, go get some rest, I'll get you compensation for your lost level... I am sorry..." Sending this one message via his Mental Power and their link, Yun Beishang fell straight downwards as his old pals went to his left and right, his body bulging once and veins appearing incredibly well exposed as a tinge of reddish aura began to emanate from his body acting as a perimeter.

Total Combustion, deactivated!

Transcended Divine Burst!

Corporeal Ignition!

With his heart feeling the aching pain, even though he knew Romina was all but fine, and even then, he would do his all to save her otherwise. Yun Beishang still had his entire face contorted by inexplicable fury as it was definitely not directed just at the enemy nor just at the Main Kingdom Vanguard, and definitely not to just himself but in so much more, so many different ways.

With his speed increasing to an impossible degree of 1265% Movement Speed, without even bothering to try and move his arms at the Action Speed of 265% still, his left handed old pal was extended out fully to his left with his strong arm being manly encompassed by his Great Petals of Destruction Armor Suit dark and purple and veiny-roots, his right handed old pal was instead held weirdly by his hand as it was directly in front of his chest and pointing at his 12'o clock.



Without Yun Beishang caring, and his people already warned as well as with his incredibly vast Mental Power already encompassing his entire self, Yun Beishang gave no qualms about the disastrous and calamitous breaking of space, laws and stability he was making almost 1.3 kilometers all around him with just his body moving, let alone with his old pals that were a quasi-artifact as they basically created colorless blades of nothingness that cracked into nothingness itself everything it touched, including ally Journeyers and Inhabitants. Let alone the entire terrain as even the underground was visible in the most horrid of ways.

A yell came from an old and bulky general who was just now glad that their enemies got instantly cleared out, only to witness the savagery of the situation. "TONGQIU!!!!!"




Let It Rain's Note: So chaotic! Aiyoooo~!

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