Bow and Arrow

Chapter 445: Chapter 443 — The God Race, The Calamity And The Last Kingdom

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The God Race, The Calamity And The Last Kingdom




All around this one 'galaxy' there were several objects moving in erratic or ordered orbits, some had the size of half a transporting ship like the ones from the KATARINA-1 mothership, while some others were as big, almost as big or even larger than the KATARINA-1 mothership itself. It even seemed that it was completely infested in this way by those things, but they also gave off an astronomical strong sensation as well as danger from them alone.

Some had such an unique appearance that they even looked like stars, able of creating some strong shimmering as it then kept on moving, maybe as a sensor or as a kind of warning towards any possible visitant or intruder; as if it didn’t matter which was which at all. There were also some protrusions coming from each object orbiting around as well as from the whole spacecrafts and their base where countless buildings and several different but important looking structures could be easily seen even from afar.

It all seemed so peaceful and quiet, there wasn’t a single movement going on in about anywhere, not even at the previous galaxy shown and even less at this one that clearly differed itself from the rest. When suddenly, however…


A completely breathtaking, shocking and soul stirring sound went out, exactly from the very middle of the planet-less or rather, Kingdom-less galaxy as a huge mushroom of pure smoke, so dense it could negate any source of light and even remain in space for as long as it was left unattended; appeared as there was a sudden completely unexpected and astounding explosion which elevated a whole base up into space.

What exploded was an immense manor, whose entire size might be ten times larger than Yun Beishang’s previous Peaceful Rain Villa and whose main building was about thousands of meters tall with high walls and columns that it appeared to be as imposing as a real, true dragon back on New Earth standing still.

Yet, the very same entire territory of the manor was blown up all at once, whose sound echoed through all of the Universe to hear, be alarmed, warned and woken up to the tickling bomb finally going off. The possibility of a certain occurrence happening at last and one that they could only fear about before, but had to deal with from now on, for as long as it could be.

On that they’d have to fight with their lives. With. Every. Single. One. Of. Their. Lives. So that others wouldn’t have to, and that was even in the best case of any other scenarios, for as the rest of the Universe that wasn’t part from this one especial galaxy could only hope for at least some of their own Kingdom’s people to survive.

Yet, it came too fast and at the same time, too slow.


Coming out from the explosion and huge smoke area, a mothership 3 times KATARINA-1’s size and another several tens of thousands smaller ships came out flying at an insane but still ‘manageable’ and ‘slow’ speed for it to be a hurried and panicked escape.

And it was so, because the fleet didn’t seem to be one that was of low standards, but that was being restrained instead. And from the several smaller spaceships around the mothership, there could be seen people of many sizes but all from a definitely handsomer or beautier appearance than any ordinary other person from any other Race.

They also had yellowish-golden skin, that could go from being a bit too obvious and blatant but still making the any person who had it dazzling, even for those with a shadowier color that made them even look somewhat ill. To those who had the palest of shining golden as their skin color and whose eyes were the most beautiful sparkling green to even non reflective black.

There were also some people that could be seen from the few windows of the mothership, from them, an ordinary human could be seen griefly holding in his arms a most palest, beautiful lady with her golden color going to utter discolor instead of even a healthy one, like her natural pale golden skin color that made anyone who watched her now understand how similar to a human’s that woman’s skin color could be come.

Yet, the lady that was being held by the man couldn’t be any more dead than possible, and it was easy to show it through just a small fraction of 2 seconds and a small, circular window on a hallway of the mothership.

“!!!” As Yun Beishang saw this, he remembered back to where a certain Fallen Summoner was one of his first 2 dozen BOSSes he ever got to fight alone and that were unique too, he was already expecting something like this but… but… but the mere act of truly seeing it was nothing just so much more impacting than imagining it.

But the happenings on the screens, or in Yun Beishang’s retinas, did not end there at all as there were now several huge weapons, armaments all around the spatial bases and other ships and spacecrafts of all kinds aiming at the fleeing fleet. As their shooting began and as dozens of small ships went down after a couple of hits, showing how spectacular those smaller things were, the sound muted out and a soulless voice emerged in its stead.

Pfeeww, pfeeww, pfeeww, pfeeww, pfeeww, pfeeww, pfeeww… KA-PU-.

“Long ago, the Gods decided to forfeit all life in the Universe, ending it themselves. The first outburst of this attack was the culmination of many Kingdoms, and even some from their own Clan as they had a short civila going on, but… that did not last even a fraction of the war that followed from the first day of conflict.”

As Adorevia’s most beautiful voice sounded out so lifelessly, the sight of all the tens of thousands of smaller ships were destroyed swiftly by their own Clan as they protected the bigger, more resistant and much more powerful mothership ever so bizarrely. They gave their butts to their enemies as they turned into space charcoal and integrated with it right after.

With the scenes being too fast-pacing but so clear and smoothly, the viewers could see the expressions of each of the pilots that died to their unknown cause that would make them turn their backs to their very own clan. The fact that their bodies could be around in space for extremely long periods of time was useless when it came to being bombarded by the weapons of their own Race.

Some died too fast, not even granting themselves the opportunity to make a face, while others had at least an opportunity to see their beloved’s faces, whether those were still at their Clan’s base, perished or in another part of the Universe though… was completely unknown by anyone but themselves.

Soon, tens of thousands of spaceships weren’t enough, and the even smaller transportation devices that could either go to space or to move around the mothership came out under the raging commanders and their unrestrained yelling. Without even giving the commanders any more of a breather, the cargos that held who knew how much explosive materials unknown to even Yun Beishang went out as well, prepared and willing.

Without being able to see those cargos and transportation spaceships be destroyed for the sake of something, a purpose, the only visible angle changed to that of one of the commanders on the center of commands room. It was a male God with his fists sideways against a table in front of himself, his mouth moved as the people around him seemed to yell in deep agitation but also in deep overwhelm.

Just a few seconds later, the entire mothership began to turn little and littler as it then zoomed in the distance incoherently, disappearing from all view. And just as the pursuers were to do just the same, the explosions from the already long gone space cargos seemed to be incensed, detonating their safely guarded materials into a blasting explosion with an initial range of millions of kilometers.

With this Day 1 of death, not only was the allies of Main Kingdom saved from total death at first, but even the incoming invasion of the God Race was stopped momentarily to give as many as possible; the light of survival in their cloudy, terrified eyes.

But even that… was not enough.

Suddenly, and without any sense of correlation nor of telling a story; the angle of the one and only ‘camera’ changed to that of a sole planet, one that was easily very far away from any other and that was a bit medium-small sized from all. Without any sound still, only a muffed sound echoed out as the entire Kingdom crumbled once it was showered by tens of thousands of golden lights.


Right after, another one appeared, and was then utterly destroyed once more, not a single trace of being even able to respond shown by the now felled entire Kingdom. And then, cruelly, the scene changed once more but this time to show 2 Kingdoms at the same time, to which they were mercilessly obliterated as soon as 1 second went by with them on the screen.

Then more, and more, then even more and furthermore; there wasn’t going to be any stopping of it, any sooner too. So much death, did not even leave a single bit of flesh or blood as it all turned into the Universe itself, with some Kingdoms even having a bout of Essence energy raining to all angles aimlessly with their destruction. All of this, while Adorevia’s soulless words continued to echo out…

“After countless years of fading and inactivity, they acted. With the first month after their initial delaying, hundreds of Kingdoms fell flat and turned to the Universe… as they did not dare to believe in the pain that was so close to them… thanks to this hesitation, countless died, countless were sacrificed only for the rest of the Universe to finally act!!”

With Adorevia’s voice continuing to be as lifeless as possible, emotions were not impossible to surge up, as they did and they granted all listeners a hurting pitiness. Fear, remembrance, fury towards all Gods and Goddesses, and sobbing towards the fate of the Universe. Even if she was not a Tree Elf, with the way she existed, showing this type of care wasn’t strange but utterly unique and cherishable to no ends.

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There was also self-guilt as she spoke in high volumes and as she sounded to be in the verge of breaking…

Finally, the angle of the screen was so fast that it was dumb to even try to catch images from it, as it was not only not dizzying, but impossible instead. Only for Yun Beishang, however, was it possible to see something.

Amidst the fastly pacing of the screen, where even color were barely seen, Yun Beishang saw Adorevia’s face as she laid in bed with her lover, that one irresistible and seductive female Demon. And then of how she woke up one day to see her lover command her words out to prepare for an all out war from now on until it took as many years as it was needed.

Before then with her lover turning back and heading over to their bed, as she went under the blankets once again, both beauties smiled at each other while ‘saying’ sorry to each other through their own eyes from their own hearts.

Another went to pass on, and another and another and so on, until there was another where Yun Beishang suddenly saw many familiar people! From which, 2 of them deeply scared him and terrorized him silly, fucked up in his mind and turned him into a complete retard right away!


But that was just one of the images that went by at that moment, and even the technology of New Earth from here to hundreds of thousands of years in the future would not even be able to get even an extremely blurred image from these.

Right after, the scenes of several dozens of Kingdoms being in the middle of a large-scale space battle ensued, with some laser beams coming out from the Kingdoms themselves towards the mobile bases; spacecrafts.

While there were also billions of small spaceships moving around nonstop from one side, while on the other, there were also billions of them but in much more in quantity. Naturally, the side with more personnel to make use of were those form the God Clan; the God Race.

But even then, even as so many of the Kingdoms’ spaceships fell one after the other, and as the first Kingdom from the dozens only took a week to be utterly destroyed once its defenses were done with and as they gave out orders to abandon themselves from the soon to be destroyed Kingdom itself; the fury of all Kingdoms and their Spirits was so strong that the destruction of another sibling Kingdom only fueled their beings and granted them unimaginable potential.

Potential, which naturally, was not free to use and so, so… damn pricey to pay.

At this time, Adorevia’s words came out once again, their stance much more firmer but still as soulless as ever. “But they underestimated the Myriad Races, what they thought to be a oneshot plan and scheme of all things, became instead a ‘countless eras and some eons’ of fighting-long war; yet to even finish.”

“The Gods and Goddesses resorted to all and any means, even while internal strife for power was present through time on their own side, which they couldn’t get rid of even if they wanted as the sensation of power was once more ignited in their Bloodline and as they became utterly addicted to it at once…”

Her voice so feeble by the end of her few words, if Adorevia could be seen right now, countless hearts would break and even causing depression wouldn’t be, at all, a strange thing to occur from all over New Earth.


Adorevia’s one word suddenly caused many to flinch, and all to  become nervous as they could only wait for the voice to continue sounding. “The end result was; all and every single life and Kingdom, planet… dying.”

Then, what was shown next was a simple image, each of a Kingdom that could only be down to ⅓ of Main Kingdom’s full size. But what they all had in common to be shown right now after a good long while of showing so many other Kingdom was… that each of them were totally gray, ashy and with such abnormal cracks that even if just the smallest of them were to be placed on New Earth instead, they would directly only leave it with around only 2/10 of all that would remain as of itself.

Each of them was so lifeless… that even the single sound that could ever come from a living Kingdom being destroyed was totally absent, gone forever and to never return.

Then, the screen slowly darkened to full and a whole lots of seconds went by, before Adorevia’s soulless voice was heard once again, “All of course, except for Main Kingdom, managed by Humans. The ‘Legendary Vanguard’ against the gods, ended up sacrificing all of their 100% from their total manpower and resources. But Main Kingdom, which went to being the laughing stock of all Kingdoms as it was by far the weakest than the previously populated asteroids, then became the most strongest and terrifying of all Kingdoms of them all!”

“With their new and only Leader, Humanity; the Human Race, brought itself up to endless heights as even the Ancient Lineage Kingdom where all Beast Clans came from was utterly terrified of them should they go along with their lives on to another expedition across space itself.”

“But, even as the Leader of Main Kingdom ordered a full retreat, the sacrificing of all of Main Kingdom’s manpower and resources, was indeed all part of his plan…” Sounding so sad, Adorevia’s light breathing that could be as feeble as a dying oldest person but as smooth as baby’s grasped at everyone’s hearts, before she continued with a sorrowful, downcast voice instead of the soulless one. “...his Masterplan! The Masterplan from not only Main Kingdom’s Leader but as humanity’s best strategist, rather known through so many eons as the ‘Immortal Mastermind’.”

“None other than Krayeke Crestfallen!!”

“... …!!!!” Now, never as sure with his own thoughts and as his brain turned off while his heart ceased existing, Yun Beishang could barely felt that his breath was taken away from the much more stronger stimulus that the other few sensations caused him. Nonetheless, he felt as if he was moving his hands forwards and supported himself on something, but since he couldn’t even see himself, he couldn’t know what he was really dong.

“Along with Katia, the Evil God, and her doing of the ever so famous, beloved, legendary and everlasting act; the ‘Sacrificing the stars, evaporating godhood and bleeding the universe’!!”

“All of the Universe’s Last Stand was formed, birthed as the ‘Everlasting Blocking Deity’ Masterplan!!”

“As most other Kingdoms, especially the strongest ones as the only ones to have survived as Hollow Kingdoms, all Races having lost their homes in any form; were now cornered to live in the same ‘house’ for endless eras and eons!”

“But the saddest Race of all… was definitely the Human Race.”

Immediately after, the screen changed as it turned into the sight of a large hole right on top of Main Kingdom, that was being guarded by the very few last of the Legendary Vanguard to ever exist! They were none other than Yun Beishang’s past old acquaintances, the Fallen Summoners and the Fallen Legendary Vanguard soldiers!!

There were only a few images from this scene, but that alone was enough to bring Yun Beishang quite a shocker, for as from those, he saw a beautiful young looking girl that wore her garments proudly and uncaring of the blood stained on it as it was even from her own people. With a small but bright smile, she swiftly delivered herself to death at the last minute before her teardrop landed on Main Kingdom and as a hurted sigh sounded out…

Before then, an even more astonishing, impossible and mind-fucking sight directly paralyzed all viewers from New Earth!!!

Yun Beishang could only utter out a single word with the same affection and caring as well as devotion and infatuation as ever, but now, with a tinge of utterly speechlessness and being overwhelmed entirely.




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