Bow and Arrow

Chapter 446: Chapter 444 — Sinners Of Main Kingdom, Sinners Of The World

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Sinners Of Main Kingdom, Sinners Of The World




As Yun Beishang lost himself to this prospect alone, he saw—and everyone else, including his other women that had all already seen her before—her holding an extremely long bow on her right, with her left hand hanging almost limply and with her body being fully relaxed, while blood trickled from her back, neck, back, top and in front of her head as well as even from her fingers and her whole hands…

For as right in front, and all around her from a distance that Yun Beishang himself was incapable of even thinking of at all, there was only blood, golden and shining on some spots and with their vitality fully showing but more deader than dead while Katia herself looked too exhausted to even flutter her eyelashes but managed to blink occasionally.

“...” Seeing her like this, Yun Beishang became so silently grieving even though that was long in the past and even though Katia wasn’t even suffering right now to begin with. His eyes were, however, turned back into the extremely fierce and extremely calm stance in the same manner that endless fury absorbed his mind when he got to rescue at last his dear Little Rosey.

And towards the same people as well…

But unlike any space that was shown before, all around Katia was like an endless amount of spirals that were all gray and even white-is, they were as if a destroyed and ruined painting portrait that thad a lot of spots discolored completely from an overly harsh stroke. From those spirals that looked like a ton of congregated nebula, all kinds of non attained Essence could be seen as only Yun Beishang was able to see many smallish globes all around.

Meanwhile, however, he could also see Katia’s swampy green, pitch black and gray-metallic very well condensed and formed globes were all being disintegrated as time passed. With not even signs of of her Destruction Essence being still around, judging from the space all around her and how it was just too insanely vast, it must have been ‘used up’ already.

To this, Yun Beishang could only scoff out some air from his lungs and feel even more pained, only he could understand, more or less, what it would feel like to use one’s body and being like this. But even if that was so, it was incomparable to Katia herself who directly sacrificed all of her Essence and was almost Extinguished.

With these images being imprinted deeply into anyone’s hearts and minds, the scene slowly went darkened once again, with Katia’s body beginning to turn translucent as a sudden pair of eyes could be ‘felt’ by even the people without strong instincts, let alone those who did had strong ones even if they weren’t as ‘especial’ as Yun Beishang himself.

With the next scene still being fully dark and on a deep night as it slowly but also very fast turned into a dawn, Adorevia’s words came into everyone’s ears once again like the preaching of a goddess, one that wasn’t bellic and unreasonable like the ones they’ve seen just now. And furthermore, with endless guilt emanating from them, as even regret appeared on the players’ hearts and intrigue in the bystanders’ heads.

“Millions of years passed, went by; and although not entirely hostile, all Races grew distant from each other, all drunk sorrow.” Adorevia seemed to no longer be able to talk, to speak, to be… as she seemingly prepared herself, even breathing in noiselessly in all hearts and ears as she then finalized; while dawn began and as a field of grass yellows and meadows began shining brightly.

“With such benefit loss, and after such vain invasion, the Gods were angry. Even more with Katia, the Evil God, and her massacre on the other half of the Universe, AND destroying the other half of the Universe, they were even more helpless. Naturally, they had to repose from their injuries, and resupply…”

…With such last few words spoken, the last one single word of ‘resupply’ being uttered so feebly like never before, as all players and non players had experienced it themselves more than enough already…it all ended, as the scene blinked to show up a Yun Beishang with his legs firmly standing on the now completely barren and brown-gray soil and with not a single tree nearby by at least tens of thousands of kilometers.

. . .


It was peaceful, so much that the sight of the Demon Adorevia shining an intense translucent light green and light red a few hundreds of meters away from Yun Beishang while kneeling on the floor still just as Yun Beishang ‘saw’ her before, appeared to be extremely peaceful; at ease.

But, it did not last long as there was no more pretense anymore… Adorevia had already given the blind, the sinners; the opportunity to see the truth before her ultimately undeniable death. She opened the world for them, to see; just to see

“HAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA~!!” An incredibly piercing, shrieking guffawing howl sounded out, seemingly form the skies as it descended brutally onto Yun Beishang’s body and the ground, making it tremble and fidgety.

“TEE-heeksks-hee-ks-heeksks! So pitiful, ah, aahh, aawaaaaah-KEHEEYYTKTKSKTKSTKS!” Such creepy laughter emanates from the skies like the most absurd of situations and incrediblest of jokes. But… that was only the beginning of the crackling, shrieking and piercing laughter of many more to come.




“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! What are you without your precious dead shit Leader?! HAHAKHKAHKAKHAKAWGWAAA, pitiful mourning worms, detestable tiny ants! What Guiding Voices, what belooooooved, keahahahahaw! You will all perish morally under your own doings, kwaaaag-teehyahyahyahooo! How does it feel ey, this humillia-”

“But let me, for one last time…”

As soon as an even crazier, probably craziest and utterly gone mad voice spoke while in also the creepiest of laughter, the Demon Adorevia’s voice went out again as she sat with her back somewhat bent forward and hunched; before then sitting straight up and glancing serenely at the sky.

Her soullessness gone, only deepest earnest remained on her fanatical eyes, as the same craziness that Yun Beishang saw from the Responsive Dragon back then appeared on her own!

At the same time, a silence so powerful emanated from nowhere but to everywhere at the same time… so powerful that it rendered useless the ‘Guiding Voices’ and the players alike.

“ you!”


Snap. As if a single dot connecting all lines, broke off at once with a fanatical smile appearing on her still beautiful face, but from which Adorevia’s appearance appeared in the left side of the face, while the right one was still taken by her lover.

“Since I have opened the world… for you to see, then I will also…”

An even crazier silence resounded through all creation as Main Kingdom became mute at once, and as the players could finally see once again the plethora of all other angles from ‘cameras’ from all around Main Kingdom.

“ the gates…”

“!!!!” Yun Beishang’s eyes widened as suddenly, he himself and everyone else in Main Kingdom, be it Inhabitants of the same or players inside Rising Essence, could abruptly ‘see’ all of Main Kingdom at once!

The gates that he had been spoken of, barely but still, and the one which he had the chance to see when meeting Fiornyo and Yovilnnia; they were all the true source from all the trembling from all over Main Kingdom!

But then, it didn’t last long at all, not more than a whole second, while Yun Beishang was the only one to still have that feeling from all over his body… it seemed so familiar as well, but before he could remember from where, a pair of eyes appeared inside the deepest pits of his mind.

“Well, go ahead and do your thing…new Evil God!” With a teasing tone, Adorevia’s words reached his heart as Yun Beishang felt his whole body recuperating from having exerted himself when ‘killing’ the Demon Adorevia. While, at the same time, her entire Sacrificial Demon Puppet’s body began to be surrounded with boundless light green and light red globes that were just brand new formed and solid.

“...Rising Essence…” With a pair of eyes that gave nothing else but thoughts of caring and peacefulness, Adorevia uttered these words lovingly, as if she was gazing at her lover’s gaze and slowly closed her eyes right after.





As if something has just broken down at once, the Demon Adorevia’s whole body disintegrated at an impossible speed, her eyelids being the first to disappear as she refused to look at ‘them’ and instead side glanced at Yun Beishang who was seemingly having a hard time ‘containing’ something.

Feeling as if it was too boring to just let her huge puppet body disappear without doing anything, she uttered a few last words to him, her meaning; obscure.


“!!!” With his eyes opening widely, Yun Beishang was in time just to see how the chewing Gods and Goddesses were beginning to destroy the Defense Against the Gods Tower at once and hurriedly, but also deeply fearful and even panicked; anxious.


The Defense Against the Gods Tower was no more, and as soon as it broke apart, all life from Main Kingdom in the form as a resource and non intelligent being was taken fully away from Main Kingdom itself, with not a tiniest bit of it being left behind. It happened in such over-godly way that not even sound nor reason were capable of explaining it, hence, no words were worth enough for the villagers and overall Inhabitants of Main Kingdom to understand.

But soon, they would find that it wouldn’t matter whether they understood or not…

Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew! Pfew…

You are reading story Bow and Arrow at

Yun Beishang, and anyone else who was watching all the available streaming features along with some live streams from none other than players themselves then suddenly saw as endless amounts of beams with a contrail that extended for hundreds of thousands of kilometers all began to rain out from where the destroyed body of the Defense Against the Gods Tower was located at, where only a brownish, rotten colored glowing ball remained was all that remained now.

Each of them had a diameter of about 50 meters, while their true body was as large as more than a dozen meters. They looked like meteorites as they traveled and were shoot from the very center of what was previously known as the White Snake Forest towards all angles and direction on Main Kingdom.


‘Destruction…’ It was all but the last thought and word that Yun Beishang could utter, as he slowly sank to his knees, the sound of them hitting and burying themselves a few inches into the more than hardened than a Mortal’s Lethal grade item soil seemingly as soft as tofu against his own body.

And right then, as he knelt and took the pose that the Demon Adorevia had before ‘opening the world’ to the blind; the sinners. His eyes closed once more, as the sight of all villagers, caves, underground settlements and so much more began to appear all at once inside his mind.

“Powlniu, come to me.” As Yun Beishang ‘spoke’ towards a certain blue elf woman, tons and tons of white glows were then completely sent into his White Space in a mere existence. And as soon as he knew that his little maid was fully safe now, he began.

‘For your sorrow… my sorrow will take upon yours.’

. . .


In a village, with about only 7 houses and with the smallest of backyards for farming and raising a tiny amount of livestock.





“...” There were villagers that were utterly hopeless; as they gazed at above their skies and saw a few dozen objects that began to come their way while the dawn was brought to a full nightly sky from the tens of thousands of similar ‘objects’ they saw in the distance and that were headed towards the different settlements that they knew of and from which they also knew not where they were headed to as well.

Some screaming, some weeping, some confused, some unbelieving of it… but there were also some others, like a little girl hugging a stuffed bunny so badly worn down and with barely a few months before it could finally be torn apart by time itself even if it was being cared for by the little girl and her family.

She was so silent and non responsive that she wasn’t even seen as dozens of villagers moved about nonstop. Finally, the objects heading their way was about to reach them, some directly ran away, while others remained on their houses and knelt in for their own praying and words directed at none other but themselves and… some sort of savior.


But just as the object brightly lit but with an obscure and sinister orange glow were about to hit the village entirely, a few tens of meters above it, almost reaching up to the 200th meter mark above the tallest house of their village. Some dozens of colorful shadows of arrows made their appearance from seemingly nowhere, the void, as they all then detonated directly above themselves and the village.




“What is…”

“Take cover!”

While the shadows of arrows from different colors did managed to abruptly and fully stop the incoming objects, they also had their range of explosions extend downwards, as it neared and neared the village until the range of explosions finally hit them on the ground.

As the girl was about to tear down, she saw these colorful arrows explode and save them from an ugly fate, but was now about to be reached by the same ‘saviors’ from just then… her eyes, though, were amazed and worshiping as the beauty came to touch her while a mature woman was running frantically towards her…

…to no avail.



Sub-Divisional Cities from all over Main Kingdom were suddenly targeted with a huge amount of incoming projectiles from an unknown source, but just as they were going to be rained upon by tens of thousands of such projectiles and as even hundreds of thousands of such projectiles could be sighted all around each Sub-Divisional City.

Just as the projectiles were about 3,000 meters above the ground level of each Sub-Divisional City, tens of thousands of colorful arrows came to be as they all perfectly and beautifully protected them.

They formed a dome of so many different colors that the panic and chaos about to be fully ensued before the imminent death struck was suddenly changed for silence and stillness. And just as they were crying out of gladness from the bottom of their hearts, the arrows’ explosions extended downwards, and even those who had been running away for tens of kilometers were instantly reached by the rest of the projectiles and the arrows’ explosions as well.

As the Inhabitants saw their doom once again, some rejoiced in hurting, sorrowful tears, while some others were broken directly and fell, slumped to the ground as they glared upwards. The strongest ones, with families or not, gazed upwards only once before closing their eyes, their eyeballs showing their acceptance as they darted around quickly before coming to a stop.

A stop which, perfectly time with their arriving Death taking their bodies away.

All over Main Kingdom, just as so many deaths were to be made and so many lives were to be extinguished all at once, their number was utterly shortened by the timely arrival of shadows from different colors; of arrows that came from nowhere but the void itself.

And only those who died that fateful day, would perfectly remember it.



Back to the White Snake Forest.


Yun Beishang’s body was trembling even harder and rapidly than all of Main Kingdom, his retinas utterly closed, but his self could read through all of the system’s notifications; as he was also starting to be targeted by some crackling thunder above the skies.

*PING* have killed a child NPC, A’Tina, you’ve committed a sin…

*PING* have killed a peaceful NPC, Galus, reputation with the Sunflower Seeds Village…

*PING* have killed a peaceful NPC, Jali, reputation with the Older Wise Tree…

*PING* have killed a child NPC, Ja’Kali, you’ve committed a sin and reputation with the Older Wise Tree…


‘You… too… let me… honor you…’ Yun Beishang thought, for as he couldn’t use any of his body movements, let alone his Hidden Stats, but as it was all directed to none other but Adorevia who has now disappeared into a wonderful and immensely vast beam of light that ascended beyond the skies!

Raising his left arm with excruciating slowness and endless excruciating pain as well, Yun Beishang did just the same with his right arm as he aimed an arrow, his Essential Arrow with his Essential Bow that quickly came to be at last in his hands… right above as he then feebly let go of it.

Whistle… … … swoosh!

…To then catch it once again as it came down, but now, besides its gray-metallic arrowhead and the pitch-black, dark-like abyss shaft and featherless had a light green and light red energy encompassing it fully but in an extremely see thru and translucent state.

With his left hand catching it, Yun Beishang slowly sank to his knees once again, as thunder suddenly rumbled even strongly than ever before in the history of Main Kingdom and Rising Essence itself.

His eyes though, as he bled from them profusely that even light violet blood began to come out from them, still gazed up into the sky as he honored them with this pathetic side of his. A truly weak, unforgivable and derisively him that will now be changed into a true man that he is meant to become; a Leader.


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