Bow and Arrow

Chapter 449: Chapter 447 — The Shocking Truths

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The Shocking Truths




"Ha-aaa-AA-aa-AA-aah!" Miriam felt like the world was failing her, as if the meaning of life was truly absurd and as if reality itself was about to be overwritten and lorded over by none other but her man, as his fingertips ran through her own upper thighs while his members eloquently had a talk about life itself with her beautiful hidden flower core and as it expanded all the 'road' through it.

“Beishan????…!” Miriam couldn’t hold herself any longer as she could only utter under her breath, raggedly and naturally lusting for more even as she felt she couldn’t or shouldn’t take any more; even as he had barely started a few seconds ago. “How-h-hoo-ho-ho-how?! It feels different, like your body, ah, Beishang…like your body is much more stronger, ah, solid, ah, magnificeeeeent~!”

Feeling overly excited and aroused as the last word spoken by the kitten below him, bent over the sink, in a very dragged on manner and in a tone that made it obvious that right now she had her tongue  constantly coming out to give herself some licks on her lips. But he could only respond with more bestial movements from his hip while his hands, on the other hand, were gently, tenderly and affectionately running through her thighs and bottom endlessly.

Miriam had tears in her eyes, blissful and overly thankful ones as she began jolting every now and then her head, in a manner that it very much indicated than even though she wasn’t going from earth—or space—to heaven, she was being sent really strong bouts of pleasure from her everywhere down below directly to her brain and then to her whole body. “Beishaaaang…????…I-I still have to clean all the dishes, we can’t be here long… ahhng????????????~.”

Yun Beishang, however, knew she only had on plate left to clean, so as she said those words and began to cease cleaning the plate over; he grinned wildly before lowering his mouth over to her right ear. Passing his chin and left cheek through her curly, chestnut hair, he breathed in and out with his nostrils lightly before uttering out in an almost whispering tone, “Wash them. Once you are done with them, I’ll let you go…”

“...????????~!” As soon as his words were finished being spoken, Yun Beishang literally glued his nose to her right ear and breathed roughly out while naughtily in as he nuzzled her ear softly, all while never stopping his movement from below and growing either more brutish or flexible in his ins and outs. Miriam, on the other hand, could only become more of an animal as she heard the intrusive breathing right into her right ear, getting her waist and hips to twist in such a twisty manner that it genuinely made her desperate to have all of him inside of her; everywhere.

“UGAAaah-gyah! Mmmff-gah! Oooh, uuuh, mmmhaahh~!” Miriam felt so much bliss that her mouth was constantly being taken over by her man’s before being left alone so that it could give out sounds of any kind while her strong back endured all of his trusts in mostly the same pose for over a long time. But it was so damn worthy, for as her hungry greedy flower pot was being fed so nastily deliciously that even if she had to be carried around tomorrow, it would be worth it.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa… PAAAAH~!!

“EEEEEEEEEH!!” Letting out a most cute, girly and high pitched of shrieks out as Yun Beishang from behind herself made a sudden last thrust, creating a crispy slap, shocking her flesh, bones, organs and brain into a completely ecstatic state. She felt so much more and like never before to the point that she felt like fainting a couple of times for a bit, which she actually did but as Yun Beishang was holding her by also being impaled into her tender body.

In the same manner, Yun Beishang himself felt as incomparably in tune with Miriam as they both gave each other’s intimate parts their own ‘juices’ of passion like a pair of torrents going against one another. Meanwhile though, Miriam’s mouth was clamping on his Overly Satiated Dragon, it bit and bit on it lovingly and constantly, endlessly asking, begging and imploring to be given more and more nectar until the ends of times; successfully being fed even more than thought possible.

“AAgghh~... Miriam, you little squeezy wonderful thing…”

“Pfft-puchi!” Towards his spoken words as he left her body, while sending her hands and some other object to her crotch so that the nectar wouldn’t escape the hungry mouth, Miriam couldn’t help but be barely able of stifling her laughter. With her weakened, flaccid-like body turning around and seating on the sink after placing the more than clean plate that she had to actually clean over and over again because of her mouth dripping saliva, Miriam then tiredly looked at her man so endearingly that he felt his world dazzle and go around in circles at once.

With her left hand going up to reach his right cheek, his jaw being held by her small fingertips as she traced them thoroughly lovingly, she said in a light tone with her lips barely opening. “Dear, my dear. I’m so content, my family is safe and sound and even started studying once again, they are learning many things but they are mainly doing so to enhance their baking skills, heh heh.”

With her small smile showering Yun Beishang in mirth as he expressionlessly kept on staring at her with a pair of dilating pupils, she continued after pecking lightly on the tip of his nose. “It’s okay to break apart when you are with us, you know? So…but, tonight, I have a date with Sash and Yao’er. So no going back to my room! You can go ahead and visit Naty instead, she must be dying to tell you about so many things, and, and, and you have been absent for too long! Go ahead, shoo shoo, mwah.”

Miriam then ushered Yun Beishang to go away, her hands turning him around by tapping on his shoulders as the latter speechlessly complied with his sweet lover, all while she was naked from head to toes and he was only pantless instead. But then, just as Yun Beishang began to take his first step forward, Miriam reached her hands out to directly embrace him from behind, kissing his shoulders tons of times before saying in a hushed manner.

“I am so grateful to have been able to be with you once again and… forever, Beishang.”

Holding her wrists with his right hand as she remained with her head resting on his back, Yun Beishang closed his eyes and enjoyed this silence as well as its warmth while experiencing it with Miriam, until she forcefully woke herself up and hurried away so that she wouldn’t be too late for the date. With a pair of smiles, both lovebirds bid each other farewell for the night and went each their way.

. . .


KATARINA-1, 8 pm, Tonkia’s bedroom.


Because of Natalia’s more than late pregnancy, since she got herself as such 6 months from the time that Rising Essence came out, and whose baby was just as late coming as Tonkia’s was. She moved into Tonkia’s room as it had an expert in giving birth already, at least from the part of Yun Beishang’s women and lovers, as well as having some other babies would be able to make the ‘hidden baby’ inside auntie’s belly to feel better; such were Yun Rang’s words.


In any case, as Yun Beishang opened the door to the bedroom, he saw a warmly lit bed far away with a tired, excited and even more so all smiling Natalia as Tonkia had Yun Rang on her right arm and carried her away to take something from a shelf that was a few meters away.

At the same time that this happened, Yun Beishang saw Natalia and the latter naturally saw the former, with her smile growing so radiant and blinding to the eyes of even the most purest of beings. Yun Beishang could only dazedly look at his woman like an idiot as he unconsciously walked over to her bed while Tonkia smiled as she looked through a shelf a bit far away.

“You came.” Smiled Natalia as Yun Beishang sat on the edge of the bed, his hands looking for her left hand as she tilted her hand to the left. She looked tired alright, with that big ol’ belly of hers, how could she not? But to Yun Beishang, she couldn’t look any more wonderfully perfect. As he grabbed his hands, said nothing and practically made both of them wait until Tonkia came back with a feeding bottle.

“Mn.” Without nodding, Yun Beishang hummed in response at last while Tonkia passed the feeding bottle over to Natalia and said to the two of them one after the other. “Yes, you came, you absent father of 3 children, hmph. Natalia, Queen, this one’s Yun Rang, she specifically made me wait and did not allowed me to feed her so that… you could practice.”

Giggling first at the mention of herself as a ‘queen’ from Tonkia’s lips, Natalia had her eyes go fully into a crescent moon such that her crimson-blood red eyebrows and eyelashes became incredibly beautiful. But then, as she heard the latter parts of Tonkia’s words directed at her, she looked upwards at Yun Rang, only to see her with both her little arms already extended out and with her hand even closing and opening over and over again in her direction.

“Ow…Y-Rang’er…” Natalia broke into tears, even if just a little and few of them, as she soundlessly sniffed a couple of times while watching the little baby want to be embraced already by her own arms. Not being able to say any more, Natalia extended out her hands timidly, trying her best to convey her intentions to which Tonkia cutely looked down at her and passed the clingy Yun Ran onto Natalia’s arms.

While passing the little thing over, Tonkia placed the feeding bottle in Natalia’s right hand. And as Natalia felt the inexistent bony waist of the little thing, she smiled so stupidly that it made even Yun Beishang laugh it out a ton, while Tonkia only smiling as largely as possible at the sight of such reaction.

Before long, and in a rapid but so utterly thorough care, Natalia positioned Yun Rang perfectly in the pose to feed her with the feeding bottle. She then looked at her man’s first daughter’s big eyes that looked hungrily at the feeding bottle and then pleadingly at herself before proceeding to feed the little thing with melting and heart softening care.

“Oh, that’s right,” Natalia was so self-absorbed in watching Yun Rang be fed from the feeding bottle without any problems and in a greedy manner that it even scared her, when she suddenly jolted in realization. But before opening her mouth to speak, she hurriedly stilled her body and looked down to make sure the little thing was still drinking and eating to her heart’s content, with now the only discrepancy being that she was looking up at Natalia without a meaning of it.

Natalia then turned her head back up after speechlessly blinking at the most cutest acts that not even the cutest Xiao Ruo could compare to, and continued as she looked at Yun Beishang with watery, calm and loving eyes to no end. “I’m giving birth at the end of this month, or the end of the next one…Well, even I can’t figure out what kind of sperm you’ve put in us, our love.”

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Saying ‘our’ instead of ‘my’ made Tonkia smile in earnest infatuation as she looked at Natalia and then Yun Beishang, her blonde hair sweeping slowly and beautifully as she felt warmer when seeing his expression turn so lost and affectionate in response to Natalia’s words.

“As for Irllytia, I believe she would need another few months, possible until the end of this year. Crazy, isn’t it? Sigh, my first son and child, yet my fiance is still getting other girls to bear his children left and right, how irresponsible; ah.” Yun Beishang rolled his eyes a bit to her teasing, he pinched her nose and then told her with a heavy tone.

“Don’t worry, after I get a few more like that, I’ll stop doing it so recklessly, for a year or two. Then I’ll get a lottery and-”


“Bwahaha!” With Natalia slapping his chest and restraining her laughter and Tonkia letting it all out uproariously, Yun Beishang was embarrassed a ton as he even saw Yun Rang looked up at him with laughing eyes. Feeling provoked, the father attacked the daughter’s nose as he softly caressed it in a massage while ‘threatening’ in an also soft manner. “What you laughin’ at, young missus? Do you know who am I? I’ll have you pay for thiws, grrr~.”

Falling into silence, as they watched Yun Rang drink and drink from the feeding bottle while using her right tiny hand to slap away her evil father, and as the evil father held the feeding bottle for Natalia as the latter began to pat the tiny thing’s back and head. They spent the rest of the night in this warmhearted sensation until all five fell asleep at last on Tonkia’s bed.



KATARINA-1, inside a room for communications with New Earth. Around 5 am.


“...” Sitting on the black sofa and with the button that would come up from underneath already starting to go down, Yun Beishang had his whole front body illuminated by the holoscreen in front of himself. His eyes were baggy and mouth was basically hanging lazily. He looked haggard as fuck, tired and exhausted in many ways as well.

On the other side of the room, at the holoscreen, KC could be seen in a professional and upright stance while seated on his office’s chair. In contrast, Yun Beishang had his left leg over his right knee, his arms to the sides of the cushions on his back and his neck a bit bent forward. The latter looked at the former with uncaring eyes, and with an unknown meaning across them.

“Are you angry?” KC asked without any courtesy, this was the first few words spoken between each other ever since the video call commenced, as they had been starting at one another for almost half a minute in total silence and without a single emotion on their expressions.

“No, KC-oh, maybe I should call you… Krayeke, instead?” Yun Beishang remarked a bit derisively, his lips forming an obnoxious grin before suddenly jolting his head purposely backwards and then added in an obnoxious tone this time. “Or rather, would you prefer to be called ‘Leader’ of Main Kingdom, hm?”

“Sigh…” Krayeke leaned back on his chair rather heavily and with an attitude of giving up on all pretenses, he threw his head back as well, hitting it against the back of his chair. Letting out another sigh in a heavy manner but much more smoothly this time, KC then lowered his head to meet Yun Beishang’s gaze with his own. His eyes no longer those of the most successful man of New Earth and instead, being those of an unknown but majestic being.

“What would you like to know?”


Haa-Okay, ask.” Krayeke said with a peaceful countenance, not minding at all Yun Beishang’s attitude and instead appearing to be compliant. Yun Beishang, on the other hand, felt insulted at by the way in which he was being talked to, after so long of the same shit from ‘you shouldn’t know until you should’. As such, he rolled his eyes in annoyance but in seriousness at the same time, before sitting straight up and then going back to his vulgar sitting position again.

“Okay, first. Is the reason why I can now have Rosey cross over from Main Kingdom to New Earth due to the new… ‘barrier’? That was set up by that Adorevia and her Demon lover?” Yun Beishang chose that, for this ‘Q&A’ with KC ‘tonight’, he would only speak in a sharp and inquisitive tone, holding no regard for the other party. Just to scratch that itch a little bit, he wouldn’t go far against his future father-in-law after all.

“Yes, that is one created by an entity that had just become a being, and whose Essence was then immediately ignited at the most shining brilliance of its attainment towards another level. Not even a being would be able to make a light crack or cross over it in a weakened state, let alone those fools whose strongest person isn’t even at the apex of Main Kingdom’s past.”

“Well, that is for the past, Main Kingdom of now is so trash that even I could randomly destroy it…” Yun Beishang remarked obnoxiously once again, his eyes squinting lightly even, KC only protruded his lower lip out and nodded with a tilt of his head.

“I know, that is why I left it. No place nor living being can be pure of lowly corruption out of nowhere, there had to be a purge at some point. But the God Clan did not do things in a reasonable manner, I knew they would someday go crazy at last and launch a massive attack.”

“So you are the Leader of Main Kingdom, or were; actually.”

“Yes, I am.” KC nodded once again, closing his eyes as he did to either show a bit of guilt or acquiescence; or both. He then looked up as if to remind himself of something and, without needing  for Yun Beishang to ask, he himself spoke again in an informative voice. “Was, indeed. And I assume you’ve seen Ellie too in one of those images? She is also indeed, the Leader’s daughter. Hmm, I hope you do not mind so much that she is so old…”

“About that,” Yun Beishang felt the impulse to smack a table, the pitch black sofa he was sitting on or even his thigh hard when he heart those ‘teasing’ words. But as he resisted it and instead rolled his eyes in annoyance, he asked again. “So, are you both from Main Kingdom? Why come here, New Earth, and how were you able to… do that. A game from your own world and-”

“No, let me stop you.” KC wave his hands and spoke, interrupting Yun Beishang in a calm but seemingly serious tone. After a full 2 seconds of silence, KC smacked his lips and sucked in a lot of air before continuing, “I am not from Main Kingdom, and my daughter was conceived in nowhere, it’s a, uh… like a space between the universe and where nothing lives. Anyway, you don’t have to understand those things, nor where do I come from. It does not matter.”

“As for how I made Main Kingdom, and its Universe, a game? Well, you must know that, at first, Main Kingdom was just a little planet that couldn’t even be called a planet and from which even civilization living in moons or asteroids would bully it like it was a slave planet to have fun with.”

“When I arrived first, Main Kingdom was already a servant of the Ancient Lineage Kingdom, where all of the Beast Clan, the anthropomorphous Race. A Kingdom which, along with the Rock Spirit Kingdom, led by Dwarves. Lightevil Kingdom, led by the Nightborn, Rune Kingdom led by the Elves. Are the ones whom your Journeyers’ Races can be played in Rising Essence.”

“Besides them, are the Races that I… couldn’t save from the strongest ones back then. The Essence Gathering Kingdom, from the Spirit Race. The Table of Power Kingdom, from the Giant Race, they were all always a bunch of weirdos in those matters, heh. The Colossal Kingdom, from the Titan Race and te Terra Kingdom, from the Aspect Race.”

“Well… there is or was another one.” KC suddenly lowered his head once again, going back to his bent forward sitting position before turning his eyes upturned to glance at Yun Beishang’s face. To which the latter expressionlessly guessed out softly, “The Demon Race. Hmh, what was the name of their Kingdom?”




Let It Rain: "My race is the cliff-hanger Race!"

Yun Beishang: ( -`︿ ´- ✿) (∩`-´ )⊃━☆゚.*・ 。゚ (; ⌣̀_⌣́) (´≖ ‸ ≖) ⸨◺_◿⸩ (`д´)ゝ

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