Bow and Arrow

Chapter 472: Chapter 470 — A Lion’s… Egg?

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A Lion's... Egg?




Rising Essence, Heavenly Citadel.


On the roads of a seemingly endless city that could very well already be called a second Region-sized City, whose entire colors from above were of a pure golden color and of an incredibly majestic hue of the same, but from which such appearance was just like so when looking from above at this Citadel. As there were houses from incredible width and length as their foundations, let alone the additional gardens, farms, workshops, stores and some even having a landing point on top of their houses.

Yun Beishang, Xiao Ruo, Rosey and Cang Qing were walking on the sad but calming light blue roads where only people could walk on; to their right and left, and in the air at that, were many disks flying back and forth without a sense of being a one way road. Of course, those flying disks were used like skateboards and were not flying spaceships, they were also many times smaller and less advanced that the ones Yun Beishang and company had seen by a lot.

It was like comparing the still typical but somehow advanced cars of New Earth, with the incredibly advanced technology of the Jones Clan from the same, not on the same level nor close to each other even remotely.

There wasn’t a house that was the same as another house, at least not by much, for as each house was made in the way that the citizen wanted it to be and however said citizen spent right away to make it happen. Though they could still change it later on when having more to spend, the foundations are, as always, the basic.

Yun Beishang could deduce all of this with a simple glance, he was that perfect, no questions asked and he did not even need any Hidden Stat for that; p-e-r-f-e-c-t. And as he walked along with Rosey and Xiao Ruo with each of them holding his right and left hand respectively, they marveled at the even then, still so exquisite and brand new design of each of them.

They weren’t designed modernly, but theirs was a kind of appearance that seemed fantastical even for a videogame of virtual reality that was just a second life at this point. Beyond that, most houses had a kind of gate made of colorful brick, even though it was indeed colorful and had many and almost all colors, pink, yellow and orange-red were the ones highlighted from such a brick-made gate.

Houses had marble pink color, pitch black with green colors to even gray transparent-like color but that was, very obviously, not transparent at all and from which such appearance was just that; appearance. Being a magical world, this wasn’t hard to take, but Yun Beishang now really became interested in such designs and the way the materials were used instead of what they were, he was to make similar stuff already after all.

Over time, Yun Beishang then reached a teleportation point and found it to be a cylindrical structure, very much like the one at the Eternal Silhouette Region for the Ruined Temple. But this one was complete and was slightly similar to a very ancient structure from greece, indeed. It had a lot of columns and no roof but it still had a kind of ceiling designed only for the use of what it was worth for, teleportation.

When in the middle of such teleportation point, Yun Beishang and the rest saw how some king of balck and violet energy went from the top of each columns into the ceiling which was basically a few enlarged triangular constructions on top that all had their end surrounding a circular metal-like structure about 10 meters above the center of the teleportation point.

They then emitted a red glow in the middle that was not too strongly nor too low, as it then formed a sudden darkest blue bolt from the red glow inside that circular metal-like structure. As soon as it formed, it went and reached down instantly, covering an already ‘disappeared’ Yun Beishang and the rest from the center of the teleportation point, sent to their selected destination before the naked eye could notice.

Right after, Yun Beishang and company arrived at one of the many and still many times larger than even a Sub-Divisional City itself; market. This was one of the lots of types of trading places that one could reach, and there were even Trade Markets all around that would allow Journeyers to use in the future, long ass future of course.

As soon as the group arrived there and without even stepping out of the teleportation point structure—so free and better than even the most vip service by the way—, Yun Beishang was instantly astounded by the amount of yet orderly but endless chattering and noise all around him, making him lift his eyebrows exaggeratedly and to even close his eyes  with his eyelids being extended by the previous motion of his eyebrows.

After adapting, while the others were fine from the beginning and merely waited for Yun Beishang to scout everything ahead of them, Yun Beishang took Xiao Ruo’s right hand with his left hand and Cang Qing’s left hand with his right one. As for Rosey, she was extremely content to ride her big brother’s neck on top of her  shoulders so she remained quiet. Not for long though, as she began bouncing a bit and raising both her little fists up at the same time.

While Rosey played around, Xiao Ruo leaned lovingly over her Master and Cang Qing was walking shoulder to shoulder, almost hugging her husband’s shoulder; Yun Beishang brought them around to all the places she could find something that they would become interested in, like a lot and be curious about. For as there was so many things that, even though they look ‘normal’ and are also seen down there on Main Kingdom, were so exquisitely differently made that it was worth their time being wasted to enjoy together.

Xiao Ruo was still the shy Xiao Ruo, as such, though she saw so many things that she wanted to get close to and observe, she ended not doing so and only looked from afar with pitiful eyes and a slightly pouting mouth. Of course, Yun Beishang was Yun Beishang, and as such, he brought this adorable small thing to those stalls, workshops and stores for her too look at directly.

Being graced with such grace; indeed, Xiao Ruo cleverly used her charm to ‘convince’—the already convinced—Yun Beishang to buy almost all of the things she wanted. As she did not dare to ask for everything because of both, not taking too much advantage of the evil Master and Husband and because she was taught as such by Cyn.

And, yet again, since Yun Beishang was still Yun Beishang, he ended up buying those things secretly while Xiao Ruo wasn’t looking with the help of Rosey. Who could go through all things and was able to disappear from time to time for the sake of her big brother. Naturally, Cang Qing also helped by distracting the BIG BOSS that Xiao Ruo was as the latter tenderly hopped around and smirked in mirth through the entire time.

From toys, very simple and silly ones, to even girly, small bikinis and unique dresses. Xiao Ruo also brought miniature Berserker class heroes and heroines, which were sold at great prices and with a great popularity to boot, making Xiao Ruo’s eyes already shining to become a pair of miniature suns.

Later on, Yun Beishang and the rest hopped onto a dark golden disk from a little maid that appeared out from his White Space, as all his little dragonic maids were already inside his White Space as they were naturally all his from now on. It did not matter that their father bled, Yun Beishang still took each of them for himself already, marked them and told them about the spacecraft he was living in right now.

It was a surprise but, these little maids were not surprised at the mention of spacecraft nor of that of space itself. It would have been natural back in the Main Kingdom from millions of years ago but, right now, there were only flying disks that were used as scooters or skateboards. No planes nor flying ships to speak of at all!

Nevertheless, Yun Beishang gave his maid the fee, a smooch and a tender long hug, before departing and watching her going back into his White Space to play with Rasa, who was itchy for learning more dragonfly skills. Rosey, on the other hand, was having too much fun on his back to want to get back into his White Space as well to train with the new girls; all older physically than her.

Arriving at the high end part of the market, Yun Beishang brought a sparkling eyed Cang Qing around as he grinned stupidly, handsomely stupidly in all three girls’ eyes present. Taking the first steps forwards, Cang Qing was giggling silly and covering her mouth as she entered the first store, and came out with about a thousand new outfits, the second one was exited with there being a few hundreds new accessories for her as well.

When they passed over a bikini and a lingerie store, Yun Beishang dragged her in whether she wanted or not, and when they passed over small ‘beings’ clothing, Xiao Ruo was dragged inside to those boring places. Meanwhile though, Rosey was studying her big bro’s and his wife’s all smiley and silly faces as they touched here, there, around and so on; feeling somewhat understanding a huge secret of the world from the adults!

Getting out of the high end district of the market, Yun Beishang and the rest arrived at a ‘natural’ area where, naturally, there were tons of stores and stalls selling all kinds of flora and fauna. None were for the killing of animals, as that district was far away instead.

After giving the next maid a few smooches and her well deserved long hug, Yun Beishang brought an overly excited and beyond joyful Rosey into the largest garden area first, paying a fee of nothing since he was the goddamn big ol’ Evil God and entered it swiftly. If anything, it was an honor form the people working there to have the Evil God enter their place of work at this timely hour of the day.

But, there seemed not to be everyone who could comprehend what the Evil God could bring about with just the name being spoken, as one draconic humanoid tried to flirt with Xiao Ruo right under Yun Beishang’s nose, clearly not caring about his status. There was one less true dragon in the world from then on, which wasn’t a heavy sentence, for as the Responsive Dragon would’ve directly exterminated all those related to the ‘daring’ felled son of his should he had been present instead.

That moment, Xiao Ruo understood what it means to flick one’s enemies into gore with a finger. She swore that, in the future, she would be able to do the same with a flick of her mecha-gauntlets at her enemies without mercy!

Afterwards, Rosey was having her mouth wide open and exclaiming out the cutest of sounds over and over again as they passed through the entire garden, her eyes were never so big, but the obvious bliss in them could melt even rocks into lava in less than even half an instant. After 2 hours of going over all the natural district, Rosey was satisfied as she began walking out with a few hundreds of flora related items on her arms, swaying from side to side endlessly.

Though she had such amount of flora on her arms as she walked with her 4-5 year old little girl’s body, in reality, she had hundreds of times that amount in Yun Beishang’s space, while the ones that Yun Beishang cultivated himself and gifted her were still in her own space instead. After walking like that for a few minutes, Rosey was lifted into his chest and as she looked back, she saw a warm gaze from her big bro.

Pouting only her lower lip rolling outwardly, Rosey rubbed her face against him before keeping the ‘small’ amount of her new collection into his White Space and then ‘forced’ the innocent Yun Beishang to carry her baby style on his arms as she actually and genuinely slept while he and the rest were still moving around.

With Xiao Ruo not feeling any kind nor level of envy but instead, having overly shining eyes when she looked at Rosey sleeping so cutely, Yun Beishang then called out another maid and then were brought over to the most luxurious district. Namely, the Dragon district, in which he could buy many, many things.

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For instance, gifts and memoirs that his new—little—maids will enjoy later on so that they could miss but not terribly miss their old home, as from now on, their home was where Yun Beishang was; and such was Yun Beishang’s home, wherever they were. Naturally, buying these kind of stuff were only a start, and there was a lot to be done for them to naturally connect with his other maids.

Nonetheless, a few hours later, Yun Beishang and company finished having their tour around the Heavenly Citadel, it was very short and covered barely any terrain from the entire citadel. But even then, they were so content and joyful from it, Yun Beishang felt much more relaxed and the sounds of the dying ones from all ages were muffled now, his mental capacity no longer as strained as before and he even felt inspiration as well as courage to build and craft and so on new and more things with his Sub-Classes.

Then, Yun Beishang was called over to attend a last meeting with the Responsive Dragon as, this very same day, he would be departing from the Heavenly Citadel. Naturally, Yun Beishang still had a quest to accept, as before, it was only like an introduction and in gaming terms, anticipation and marketing for the next ‘phase’.

Of course, this one ‘thing’ was not related to the Warmonger expansion, and though it was indeed related to Main Kingdom and the game Rising Essence as a whole, it was mainly for him than anything else.

. . .


Heavenly Citadel, Responsive Dragon territory.


Yun Beishang and the rest were standing in front of an extremely tall gate, going for about 200 to 220 meters long and with a simple width of 5 meters for each wing of the gate. The wall holding that gate was all of a very pale and whitish golden wall with decorations and edges from the top and bottom being of a dark and dull golden color.

Swish~! Swish~! Swish~! Swish~! Swish~! Swish~! Swish~!

Yun Beishang felt and heard, just as everyone close enough to the gate could, the heavy and quick sound of energy flowing. This one wasn’t like the energy made from the God Race’s methods, but of a simpleton and pure origin. It also flowed from unknown parts of the entire Heavenly Citadel into the room that he and the rest were about to enter.

Step, step step!

As they were about to get in, with the gate showing signs of about to open, the sounds of footsteps resounded from a tall and powerful being that Yun Beishang could discern from right away. As soon as his ears picked up on the huge bosom of this female dragon in human form, Yun Beishang also heard her irritating voice out, “So you are that Evil Dragon? And you also took many of my sisters already? Hum! You even killed one of our brothers, being that Evil God surely is high end, eh!”

Yun Beishang said nothing, not even appearing expressionless as he calmly gazed back at her eyes, directly and not even lowering them to her towering slender breasts which rivaled Cyn’s at the E cup already, firm and begging to be eaten by him as they were ignored instead. He said in a voice so calm it sent shivers from her ears, “What is it that you would want from me?”

“I-I would like to see what you can even do! Are you capable? Show it then! My name is Wafey and as my Father’s eldest daughter, I’ll show this puny title of ‘God’ that a True Dragon can be their real terror!!” Wafey’s eyes were shining pink golden, and her curly medium long hair of a darkest golden color thrown to the back of her head made her look even more savage than how she acted, as well as fiercer.

Her nostrils scrunched up, she looked like a wolf retracting their nose without the ugly fangs and insides showing; extremely tantalizing. Just seeing this, Yun Beishang blinked a bit baffled, feeling almost spellbound to her charm unknown to herself. Smirking, he then lifted his left hand at the 2.21 meters tall female dragon and even tip toed to get her lips for his own enjoyment.

Wafey didn’t even react when her nape was grabbed at, and even as Yun Beishang blatantly closed his face on hers, she remained immobile. When their lips met she acted tough and tried to respond to him valiantly but ended up being overtaken right away as her body trembled and became hot by the seconds. When Yun Beishang separated his mouth from hers, she was salivating all over and sending her extremely long tongue out to pick all that up, mostly from Yun Beishang himself.

“There,” Yun Beishang slapped her bum as he went past her and adored her square shaped small buttocks, then added in a dominating voice, “Go and wait at the entrance, I’ll bring you with me. That way, you can take care of your little sisters all you want, by the way, how old are you more or less?”

With narrowed, pleased eyes, the well behaving, obedient Wafey said in an informative voice. “About a few tens of thousands of years old, hmm. I’ll be waiting then, do not disappoint me, Evil God.”

Step, step, step step step.

Step step, step.

As the two groups parted ways, Yun Beishang rose his eyebrows and pouted his lower lip a little, that was… such a fine conquest, ah.

Crossing over the gate, Yun Beishang and the rest were met with stairs that had light and small steps upwards, leading to a small dark as night and fluctuating like ink water portal with an oval shape but with the upper part of the portal being much more thin than at the base and almost like an inverted teardrop.

Yun Beishang led the way as his women followed right after, the steps of the stairs were soundless as if they were mere motions one made in the water to walk forward, but the feeling of each of them was strong and even all mighty. Soon, they went over the portal to appear at a whole different place, one that was always in movement!



*PING* have been teleported to a semi-Space, unknown location of the Heavenly Citadel.

As soon as Yun Beishang went through the portal and received, and as he also made sure everyone else was okay with the teleporting even though—from experience—he could tell this one was more than perfect, Yun Beishang first noticed not the system’s notification but the object right in front of him that was as tiny as one of his… well, Dragon Balls.

“Young Evil God, you have arrived…” At the moment Yun Beishang was entranced looking at the small little thing and noticed a sickness to it, he then heard the Responsive Dragon’s voice as it reverberated from several thousands of kilometers around him and then landed in his ears. Using Mental Power to support his wives behind him, Yun Beishang then looked back up to the little stone and before he could read its information… a huge head appeared millions of kilometers away from him.

“... … … … … … … … … … …” As there was no sound whatsoever, no existing motion from the apparition of this enormous dragon head in the far, far, far, far, far, far and farthest away distance; Yun Beishang felt his entire being shiver from the truly unimaginable size that the Responsive Dragon was finally showing to him. For as… the sight before him was not of there being so much terrain between each other, but it was as if Yun Beishang was in front of a cinema’s screen.

Yet, this screen was about a thousand times bigger than even the biggest of them all, and also was extremely well defined with not a trace of shadow ruining the brightness of the dark gold skin and scales on the head and the tiny bit of the visible neck.

Only after a long while, Yun Beishang cleared his mind from the mind breaking sight of the Responsive Dragon and looked back at the little object to read its attributes.

[Egg of the Responsive Dragon]: Type: Half-Dragon/Half- Lion, Grade: Universal, Properties: ???.


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