Bow and Arrow

Chapter 473: Chapter 471 — Matters To Deal With

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Matters To Deal With




"Yes, I have... what is this, eh... little one?" Yun Beishang said somewhat absentmindedly, he was trying his best not to become too overly shocked from the sight of the 'Lil' Gold's' true body, he walked a bit forward until he was able to place his hands right below he little object. Not turning to look back up, yet still seeing a large portion of the Responsive Dragon's lower part of his face.

"This... is my daughter, she is the youngest of them all. But... a... tragedy befell on her at the time she was hatched. When her mother was still alive, she and I tried to... fix this situation, to heal our daughter up, but it was not possible no matter how nor what we tried." The Responsive Dragon said, the rotation of his draconic eyeballs made turmoils appear inside Yun Beishang's mind, but he ignored it as he glanced at the dull and even somewhat flaccid  tiny egg.

The Responsive Dragon's voice was also slow, but also as if wanting to get over with explaining the situation right away, sounding melancholic, so hurt and forlorn. Yun Beishang tried to then hold the tiny egg on the palms of his hands, but a soft and gentle barrier allowed him not to. At that time, hearing nothing still, he saw a tail of a dragon sweep from his right towards the tiny dragon, taking it with it as it was placed all the way to the front of the Responsive Dragon's true body's head.

The tail was fully formed of star energy, and it had a cosmos-like energy as well within it, it was completely tiny and thin in comparison with the true body of the Responsive Dragon. As the tiny egg was swept towards the huge ass dragon's head, the Responsive Dragon's majestic and thundering but peaceful, "I can't have just anyone touch her, not even you, Evil God."

While Katia had pout on her pretty luscious lips, Yun Beishang finally glanced upwards with his arms to his sides and as the others behind him chose to remain quiet, he opened his mouth to speak with an inquisitive but rare gentle tone. "What did you brought me here for? Could've just told me a message or send some other of your daughters to give it, as well as their hand, hm~."

The Responsive Dragon: “...”

The Responsive Dragon chose to remain silent to that, cleverly. He then made a slight pause as his entire ginormous head looked upwards, at the same time, Yun Beishang felt like doing so too so he did. The opaque light skies were opened up as if they were initially made from wind and as an object that was almost the entire size of skies went through it, opening a large hole that reached almost the entirety of it.

But there was no sound, only one inside one’s head as they watched this happened. And as it opened, it revealed a sight full of stars and encompassing the cosmos. Seeing this somehow really calmed the already relaxed and at ease Yun Beishang, as well as those behind him. The Responsive Dragon’s voice then began sounding out once again, “But I can entrust her to you with ease, Yun Beishang. The fight we had, the fight against that one maddened God Race’s clansmen and the extermination of the entire Demon Race… you’ve more than proven enough yourself to me, I can rest easy if I give her the… chance to live if it’s from your hands.”

Before Yun Beishang could raise his head up to the point he felt like he was breaking his neck and then ask him what he was referring to, the Responsive Dragon continued, his head still facing the stars but his eyes rotating to glance at him, granting him another set of endless shocking and overwhelming waves with that action alone. “As you Journeyers arrived, that voice also granted us some kind of hope. Only with the… ‘contract’ of a master and servant with a Journeyer would our… child be rid of this awful fate.”

‘Oh, he means having this egg as my Pet?’ Thought Yun Beishang, but the following words were a bit more clearer as the Responsive Dragon had already well thought out all possible thinking that the other party could make now. The Responsive Dragon said in a voice that Yun Beishang himself now could understand very well; fatherly. “If this happens, and she becomes yours from now on, I may not be able to see her nor even raise her like I would’ve… but she would at least not lie dormant forever.”

“Her mother, my wife from back then, died a few months after your people came to this last Kingdom. Watching you grow, she became ecstatic. She said, ‘if there was a worthy Journeyer to be given this chance and fortune, it had to be him!’ but I…sigh~~...” The Responsive Dragon finished by so heavily sighing out his heart out and not leaving even a tiny trace of it hidden deep inside.

“I’ve watched you kill that, err… ‘cousin’ of mine first, the Azure Dragon, which is also coincidentally the father of your wife Tornyllia, hm hm. Did you know? The Azure Dragon made a few last visits all around the Bright Sunset Region and began leaving his Essence around all of its Regional borders? It was also his visits to the other Sacred Beasts where… he got caught by the Forced Fallen Fate from the God Race.”

Yun Beishang: “!!!”

The Responsive Dragon saw Yun Beishang’s shock and even some strong heartache appear from his reaction, but he gave the poor young man no rest nor time to think as he continued, “But he took it, all of it. When he died in your hands, Pure sensed it, when you named your impossible to achieve or attain Essence, Pure also felt herself staying with you; even if it was just a tiny bit of it herself.”

It was with the death of the Azure Dragon that I… began to see you as my daughter’s protector. And it was with the addition of you naming that one Essence with his wife’s name that I saw myself in you. Though I can’t even achieve my own Essence and cannot name it as my late wife, I can at least give her… our, daughter the chance to break off from this cage and… look for the rest of her family. As she had spent too much time in one place with her old family and now needs to find the rest of it in another Existence.”

Yun Beishang: “!!!”

Yet indeed these words were an even stronger convulsion appearing inside his head, Yun Beishang felt like he could now understand these kinds of words, whether he liked it or not and whether he believed in them in the first place or never at all. As such, it only took our dear ol’ Yun Beishang a few seconds to recompose himself with his hands going to the top of his head for only a moment as he spoke himself at last.

“So, is that to say that, this youngest daughter of yours… her mother comes from another Existence? And that… with only someone like ‘me’, would she ever be or at least get the chance to… ‘revive’? From this situation?” Hearing the young Evil God’s words, the Responsive Dragon could feel the incredulity but also understanding at the same time from him, and nodding ever so lightly yet almost moving to the size that the previous Earth would take to make in a whole year, forced Yun Beishang into taking even more sharper and longer breaths of air into his lungs.

But Yun Beishang then said nothing else, and merely looked back up at the Responsive Dragon’s head and eyes as he intended to motion the latter to continue. Which the latter did, and he spoke with some rare gentleness as well, his eyes turning to look at the tiny egg that was now being redirected back to stand atop of the young Evil God’s hands. “I can pacify myself knowing that you aren’t a useless moron with power, you won’t stay stagnant and you might even conquer other Universes just by passing by after you leave this one and your own.”

‘Well, well. Let’s better not get ahead of ourselves, ‘kay?’ Yun Beishang thought while his hands prepared to actually very caringly take the tiny egg back above his palms as if it was now a precious treasure, his lips also licking each other and his lips being sent into his mouth lightly, showing the dumb concentration that he had right now towards this unborn child.

Twiiiiin~ sheeen-poof~~.


Yun Beishang was once again feeling the barrier around the egg above the palm of his hands, tickling him as if trying to gently and softly avert his skin and touch once again. But then the barrier began having gaps and obvious signs of letting him ‘in’, but once more, right as he was about to reach halfway into the invisible barrier and touch the tiny egg, the barrier abruptly came back.


The tiny egg was bounced back and upwards, hovering right in front of his face and with it remaining separated from his slightly ugly nose as the barrier was right in between to separate them. At the very exact moment of this, the Responsive Dragon’s head zoomed in uncontrollably as it arrived genuinely right before Yun Beishang’s face and the egg’s barrier. Only a few inches remained from the Responsive Dragon’s nose and his own with this time, the tiny egg being the only one in between.

This was the tip of the nose from the Responsive Dragon, and no matter how he nor those behind him looked up, his eyes were impossible to see as it wasn’t millions of kilometers away like before just now. Only Yun Beishang and Rosey as well as Katia were capable of ‘seeing’ all of the Responsive Dragon’s face and entirety of his head as well as some of his neck, as the res of his body was still ‘under’ the platform that they were on.

“But, young Evil God. If I entrust this youngest daughter of mine to you, I will do so with promise that you’ll take all of Main Kingdom under your shadow, and that you’ll bring any enemy of yours without a difference their being from their origin completely down and exterminated, not leaving any traces and consuming all of their foundations. This is the pact that ever since that myth was created, we higher existences use to promise one another. Would you. Like to. Accept?”

While Yun Beishang felt his heart being covered by an unknown shadow, one that was all so present, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and all everlasting. His throat was all good though, and he very well knew that this was the match point that decided all of the previous and already trust put in himself from the Responsive Dragon’s part to take form, failure or success was all depending not on just words or a promise; but in his heart.

“I-ah-I, I accept.” Just as Yun Beishang accepted this promise, he heard a system notification pop out without the previous one of being requested before, granting him an even newest understanding from this world and the system as he became much more sober and aware of Krayeke’s unknown but unimaginably vast powers… that could do so much with the him right now being just a clone.

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*PING*'ve accepted the  quest: [Corrupted Overlords]: Kill all the Overlords of the current Main Kingdom, or at least free their Regions from the leftovers from the war millions of years ago. Quest type: Special Main Character Storyline, Quest time limit: Before the arrival of the final battle, Quest reward: Portal Stonex1 and Guided Ascension Scrollx3, Quest punishment upon failure: None.

*PING* have been bestowed with the offspring between the Responsive Dragon and the unknown deceased Heavenly Lion by the Responsive Dragon, would you like to form a contract for when it is born?

“...Yes.” Thinking of responding inside his head, as always, Yun Beishang gave it another thought and looked upward—though it was completely unnecessary—and responded out loud, softly, with his mouth instead. The Responsive Dragon not only grinned to this action but even squinted his eyes as they became filled with unconcealable joy, which in turn somehow gave Yun Beishang some warm inside his heart as well, he smirked and glanced ‘down’ at the tiny egg right in front of his face.

“HAHAHA, very well. Since you’ve chosen this, and have shown me yet again and again after endless events that you’ve gone through, let me kindly give you these few things that I’m sure will aid you a lot when you encounter strong enemies outside of Main Kingdom, hahahaha.” As the Responsive Dragon roared up, his tone was all too impossible to conceal the mirth within it as another set of system’s prompts appeared inside Yun Beishang’s head.

*PING*’ve been bestowed with the following ‘one–time’ skills from the Responsive Dragon(half–step into the Galaxy Eater grade): ‘Heavenly Lion’s Last Bolt of Heavenly Lightning’ x2, ‘Killing Spree of the Responsive Dragon’ x1 and ‘Responsive Dragon’s Unhindered Shadow’ x4.

[Heavenly Lion’s Last Bolt of Heavenly Lightning]: Type: One-time Activation, Cost: 50% of your total MP and 80% of your total Stamina as well as Mental Power-100,000 for 10 hours, Uses left: 2/2. From deep within the Responsive Dragon’s body, a last speck of energy was left inside of him for the protection of the same from his wife’s part so that he could safely ascend into a Godly gra-???-being. Deals your total damage (effects from Critical Hit Rate and Pierce Rate can be useful if successful)x100,000 towards a single enemy and leaves them impossible to move or think for a total of 10 minutes straight, also leaving an AOE of dealing 100,000,000 True Damage per second in a diameter of one’s choice which can range from 1 cm around the affected area or enemy to a maximum of 100,000,000 kilometers around the same.

[Killing Spree of the Responsive Dragon]: Type: One-time Activation, Cost: 99% of all your total HP, total MP and total Stamina as well as logging you off the game as soon as you are in a safe zone and without any enemies nearby at all, Uses left: 1/1. Select anything inside your head to create chaos and wreak destruction to, any structure that isn’t at the level of a Godly being and any being that isn’t at the same level will be pulverized and utterly annihilated.

[Responsive Dragon’s Unhindered Shadow]: Type: One-time Summon, Cost: None, Uses left: 4/4. Summon the shadow of the Responsive Dragon with the full strength of a God Devourer grade for the first three times and with the full strength of a Kingdom’s End grade for the fourth and last time. When these shadows die, drops items equivalent to their grade as well as give the equivalent Experience, SP and Fame. The Responsive Dragon has left this small gift to fight for you for a reason.

At the same time that they appeared, a long an orangish trace of ethereal energy went from the Responsive Dragon’s neck towards Yun Beishang’s forehead, penetrating deep inside his glabella and giving the latter an instantaneous and barely noticeable by even himself trace of warmth go through his entire body as if he went from floating skywards on slightly warm water to submerging below it.

Yun Beishang: (‘◇’)(◎0◎)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ ⊂(゜Д゜⊂џ(ºДºџ) (∩゚д゚)(◯Δ ◯ ∥)

“BWAHAHAHA!! How is it? Do you like? Mheheheheh, if you’d like, I can give you more if that’s what you want, bwahahahaha!”

“...Eh-ah, ahem.” Yun Beishang had his mouth still wide open as the Responsive Dragon could only see the former stare blankly and awestruck at the empty void below himself, but still managed to find out he now knew what kind of ‘gifts’ he was bestowed with. In the same manner, Yun Beishang then shook his head right after as, even if he was fool enough to idiotically nod his head several times at the Responsive Dragon’s words, he understood the need to restrain oneself from these kind of stuff.

After all, he could never forget that these were not his powers, but the skills granted to him by another party, and even though he wouldn’t be shy of using them at the slightest need to do it, he wasn’t going to depend on them like the crazy motherfucker he was before he began playing Rising Essence and all those angels and demons granted him the peace he deserved.

In any case, he wasn’t too greedy. Seeing the response naturally made the Responsive Dragon want to try pouting, having desired to give his son-in-law from many of his daughters a good beating with a good excuse, but was now utterly gone…

“!” Thinking of such, the Responsive Dragon, as if he had a light bulb turned on above his ginormous head, looked down below and glanced at Yun Beishang who was now beginning and about to touch that tiny egg of his.

While the Responsive Dragon was having a good time thinking how to troll him, Yun Beishang was wide eyed as he looked with the clearest of anticipations at the tiny egg that really looked like an overused football covered in dust that it appeared to be of a dark and dull color. His hands felt the barrier disappear, this time swiftly, and as they did, his skin turned softer as the damned tiny egg finally fell on his palms at last.


“Brrr?!” At this time, Rosey appeared over his right shoulder with her little right hand clutching at his right arm, her head popped from his back on top of his shoulder as her eyes became utterly warm and soft looking at the tiny egg. Yun Beishang looked back and saw Rosey mimic the glint that he himself and Tonkia as well as Natlaia had when their children were born and then grinned gently in a doting manner as he said in the same demeanor.

“Look, Rosey. This is going to be your partner as my… pet? Anyways, you’ll have to teach her a lot of stuff err…” Yun Beishang suddenly thought of something as soon as he said the word ‘stuff’ and looked up in vigilance, before looking back down at Rosey and continuing with the same tone of his voice, “Like how to run away, when the time is needed. And also how to behave, I don’t know how she will be, but I’m sure a Little Rosey such as you can help her up. Can you?”

“Brrrrrother! But of course! Rosey will help, Rosey will teach, Rosey will have a Little Sister at last!!” Rosey threw her arms up, Rosey spoke in a loud voice, Rosey knew the father of the tiny egg was too scared to even look down at herself so Rosey was very bold!

Yun Beishang grinned lovingly at this dumb adopted little sister of his, and just as Xiao Ruo and Cang Qing were smiling lightly at this scene from their backs, the Responsive Dragon’s words rooted on the spot both naughty fellows. “Mm, since you’ve become the Evil God, Yun Beishang. Why have you not brought the Ancient One to her full peak? I see her still stagnant at the Mythical ‘grade’, are you too shy or… did the Ancient One choose not to tell you out of consideration? Hmm…”

Yun Beishang: “???”

Redhanded Rosey: “!!!”

“Eh? Little… Rosey? What is that about, hm?” Yun Beishang thought a bit, and once half an instant went out, he turned his head to look at Rosey from seeing the egg on his hands. His tone was curious but also not trying to appear peaceful at all as his face even became slightly like that of a big bro when their little sister did something naughty while they were defending her.

Rosey held her own hands and played with her fingers while her shoulder rose and her neck went inside her body, looking left and right, embarrassed and feeling like this little worm has his own cunning ways, she extended her fingers and pushed them backwards as with a little voice, she said timidly. “Well…




Let It Rain from the future: (・Θ・;) |´∀`●).

V5: #3 1/10.

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