Bow and Arrow

Chapter 474: Chapter 472 — The Strong Responsive Dragon And The Sexual Ways

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The Strong Responsive Dragon And The Sexual Ways




"Well, what?" Yun Beishang asked again, his voice now a bit dominant, which made Rosey give up all sorts of avoiding and dodging the matter for now. With a face that indicated a young girl's in love face, though her current body was that of a 4-5 year old, she took a last look at Yun Beishang, her big brother, before sharply breathing in and filling her cheeks with air for a few seconds as she also closed her eyes and remained like this for a little while.

Pat-pat, pat-pat, pat-pat pat-pat...

She patted her inflated cheeks with her fingers for quite a lot of time with that face and air retained in her cheeks before then letting it all out, coincidentally on her big brother's face who did not seem to mind as there were instead the extremely nice scent of flora and even beauty itself within her breath, strange but nice indeed.

“I actually lied to Big Brother yet again, bleeh~!” Rosey said in an extremely fast paced manner, her words humiliating the most amazing and godly rappers in the actual modernity of New Earth to that, she then looked at her big bro with lovely eyes as if asking for forgiveness, but Yun Beishang remained stern as he awaited her continuation to which she could only obediently comply.

GAAAAAAAASP, okay my fault, okay? I could already become an Universal ‘grade’ Little Rosey of yours… but that was only if it was really… ‘of yours’...” Rosey now really appeared extremely cute and totally as well as overly embarrassed, shameful and shy to levels and ends never before seen nor by Krayeke himself nor Yun Beishang, the one with her the most for the last year and a half more or less.

Yun Beishang: o(●⍥●)o !!!!

“Th-d-don’t tell me…” Yun Beishang had all the right to be eye wided, alright? This was a little girl they were talking about, it was impossible no matter what! But Rosey, becoming ten thousands times more of the previously mentioned, hurriedly said while shaking ‘no’s’ with her little palms on his face. “No, nononono!! It’s not like that, Big Brother, ah… mou????.”

‘Ah!!! You’ve even copied my women’s expressions! ROSEY!’ Yun Beishang was even more shocked but still feeling praise inside his squirming heart, he then heard the rest of Rosey’s explanation as he held her with his right arm and hand while the tiny egg was on the left one.

“Okay, okay… Huuuu-I could actually become my strongest self already, but for that… I had to be done by my Big Brother, and furthermore for that, I could go back to my adult form but that is… only a one-time opportunity and, and, and-”

“IIII get it now, “ interrupting her by pressing his forehead on her little forehead, Yun Beishang spoke very ever so gently with his eyes locking her little crimson little flames in her little eyes, calming her and then continuing himself with the same tone in his voice. “So my Rosey wanted to make sure I was okay with… ‘being with her’ too, right?”

“...” Rosey nodded, not uttering the slightest of sounds as she looked upturned at her dearest beloved person ever. Then, Yun Beishang continued with his hand holding her tighter and his face pressing against her for a while, separating after a little and then continuing once again. “And Rosey has to sacrifice a lot of herself to do this, right?”

“Mhm,” this time, Rosey finally responded with an oh so meekly agreeing hum, booping the bridge of her little nose with her big brother’s tip of his nose. Then, Yun Beishang’s following words made Rosey so much better with herself and even become proud a bit as well. “Then I’m glad, I’m very and really, really glad that my Rosey remembered my words and no longer put herself in any danger. I would never be able to forgive Rosey if she did not…”

Then, as if thinking of something as he separated their faces and his eyes went over her petals on top of her little head while Rosey looked at him a bit confused, Yun Beishang then placed his nose right beside her and as if exchanging vows, he said while their foreheads fully connected. “I would’ve never forgiven myself if something were to happen to my dearest Rosey.”

“Brrrr-other?” Asked a concerned Rosey who felt that this could go both ways, one that she wanted, one that would totally break her.

“But are you sure of this, Rosey? After all, you are my Little Sister a-”

“Bullshit!” Without waiting for him to even continue, and not realizing the smug glints on Yun Beishang’s eyes, Rosey went suddenly full Rosey mode as her terrifying form came out, her fangs, claws and terrific scrunch on her nose showed as she said in a loud and even raging but rationalizing voice. “You fuck your real Little Sister all day, impregnating her with your cum all damn day and night long and even force her sometimes to bloat her tummy from her mouth. Why can you fuck me as well, HUH?! And that Yun Feixue, your cousin, there is so much sexual tension between you two but none of you make a move, even I get tired of it, alright?!”

“So why wouldn’t you be able to make me your wife as well? Huh? Even Kara is allow-”

“Okay-cough-okay, that’s enough, Rosey.” Yun Beishang spoke with a soft tone to calm her down, but that was obviously never going to be enough; it wasn’t before and it was not going to be the case now. So, he also placed his right hand on her mouth as she finally shut up, he then looked up secretly while thinking whether this bastardly worm was relishing upon seeing existences that are supposedly higher than itself be so taken over by just a few words.

“We’ll talk later of this, okay?”

“MMKMAYM.” Responded Rosey, her little head nodding as she went back to a completely stunned Xiao Ruo, not noticing that Yun Beishang was lost in his thoughts, even less so noticing that his thoughts were exactly those of Rosey’s adult form from back when he was dueling her in her own ‘little’ cage. A bit lewd, a bit nostalgic, but most definitely proud of himself; the fucker.

‘Sigh… my little Rosey, all grown up… ready to be harvested by me, heh heh heh heh!’ While Yun Beishang evilly thought, the Responsive Dragon felt a murderous aura around him, making him feel sure that his days were counted. That was when the knowledge of the Ancient One being birthed at the Universal level kicked in, this time fully and much more vividly than before. So before Yun Beishang could utter his farewell, the Responsive Dragon hurriedly spoke again.

“Ah, this, young Evil God. I see that you have met my eldest daughter as well? Haha, you see, I’ve been in this place for so many years by now, using my entire power and being to grant my little one the best she could have to survive in this phase of her life. Life that you will now bring to her, hahahaha!” As the evil Responsive Dragon spoke, the meanings and connotations were obvious but Yun Beishang still took them as he kept on hearing the old worm say.

“Since Wafey has been already conquered by the young Evil God, how about I also tell you on the method to awaken my sweet, sweet youngest daughter, aha?” The immensely huge dragon head nodded, crooked his neck towards them and made such motions as he talked, his appearance one of definitely selling his daughters for the greatest benefit. But with his thick skin and scales, the Responsive Dragon continued as he felt the murderous aura around himself make him quiver even more.

“To awaken my little one, you have to pour your primal yang’s essence onto her for 3 consecutive days. She is to be coated in it with at least 7 layers of 10 centimeters thick of such, and they have to be made from the coitus of the Evil God, along your broken Bloodline as well as with the integration of having this ‘ceremony’ done with the Ancient One. Only with such remedy will my daughter be fully born into the world, though I beg you to do so in your own world and not this one, for safe purposes; naturally.”

Yun Beishang: (゚ペ) ……………………………………

Rosey, Xiao Ruo and Cang Qing as well as even Katia: (・ω・`)………..

The Responsive Dragon: (╭☞'ω')╭☞

The Tiny Egg? : “...”

“I…” Yun Beishang exasperatedly said ‘I’, and nothing else but a pause of utter silence as well as overly speechless, as it was all he could say before his brian turned off entirely. Only after a while and with his hands going to his knees with his back bent over did Yun Beishang recover as he then looked up, more ceremoniously than anything, and said with a choking voice. “O–okay… I get it, eh… oh right, you said something ab-about… you using your full powers to keep your youngest daughter alive?”

“Oh… oh, oh! Indeed, ever since her mother hatched her, she was taken care of by me in this semi-Space of mine. I’ve been using all of myself to keep her at bay, and with this, I’ve been stuck at the Kingdom’s End level for so long. As soon as I can get out of here, knowing that my youngest daughter will be safe, I can successfully even start cultivating for the Universal level, hahaha! You won’t have to worry by then, Yun Beishang, this father-in-law of yours will take care of a few things before leaving for the world, heh heh.”

“...” Yun Beishang could only nod at these words, he couldn’t care less to what he was going to do later on, but it was indeed somewhat nice to have those thoughts and notions inside his head. When he conquered Main Kingdom, he could have a strong father-in-law that'd keep things safe while he would be having a ton of fun around New Earth’s space and who knows, maybe by then he and his family would already be back on New Earth itself.

“Okay, well,” with a much more calm and no longer choking voice, Yun Beishang spoke to the ‘strong father-in-law’ as he began to step backwards, the tiny egg already sent into his White Space. Before joining his wives however, he stopped for a little and then said in a somewhat confirming and sure tone, “I will indeed marry your daughters, in the future. And perhaps put babies in their tummies, but… I’m just saying, I will try to let them see their grandpa before leaving.”

Nodding after saying that, Yun Beishang then finally left for the gate that just now lightly appeared behind his wives’ back and stepped into it. Meanwhile, the Responsive Dragon said nothing in response, but his ginormous head arched a little up, his eyes squinting a bit before letting out a heavy but also somehow light sigh.

“Many of my daughters refused to marry, as there was no one worthy enough for them to even consider marrying, merely having ‘breeding partners’ that had never given them any results. And while some others at least did marry, they gave up after just a bit over tens of years, becoming the former or the other half of my offspring, single.”

“If nothing comes out for the next 6 months… I guess I’ll give them all to the boy, sigh…”

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“Oh cool, thanks. They taste great, so I was wondering if I could get them all since some of them didn’t seem satisfied with their husbands and the others were just not even looking at such ‘partners’. Just send them to me 2 months later, no need to wait so much.”

“Yeah! My husband is their future for them to be with, so stop procrastinating and send them next week, how about it? HM?!”

First came Yun Beishang’s voice, which eternally shocked, scared and startled the Responsive Dragon. The young Evil God’s words alone were also more than enough to send him into a rage and to destroy a few Regions at once, but then came Katia’s voice, the real deal kind of Evil God. And all the fury that he wanted to unleash at Yun Beishang when he came back to Main Kingdom were swiftly thrown away; as he remained rooted on the spot in silence.

“... … … … … … … … … …… … … …… …”

“DAAAAAAMN BRAAAAT!! INNNCREDIBLE!!! HOW DARE HE SPEAK OF MY SWEET DAUGHTERS LIKE THIS?! VERY WELL, VERY WELL. HMPH! Since he wants them, then I’ll send them over! But once their beloved father shows them how hurt he is, hum hum, we’ll see how they treat you from now on. Never underestimate a father’s position in the hearts of his daughters. Damnable, abominable, scum!!”

The Responsive Dragon roared out loud and made his own semi-Space shake and rumble nonstop, but right after though, as his rage subsided; he said in a mild tone and was even more aware of his—scaredly?—surroundings. “These Evil Gods, they are… truly something not to be trifled with, how did they even? This is MY Space! They can’t do that! That’s impossible! How…”

For as much the Responsive Dragon wanted to believe, the actual happening of such two Evil God’s conscience getting into his own semi-Space built by none other but himself was all he needed to become utterly cautious. But the act of sending off his daughters to the devil with the warning of becoming evil wives was still there, there was no way he was going to let this go, he even gave his precious youngest sick daughter!!

Next week, next week for sure, he was going to show him who the real ‘daddy’ here is!

. . .


Back to the Heavenly Citadel, before the gates leading to the Responsive Dragon’s semi-Space.


Creeeeaak~... THUD-THUD!

Step, step, step, step.

Coming out from the stairs room, the gates closed heavily on their backs as Xiao Ruo jumped, her legs flailing in midair and her eyes about to leave their eye sockets. But was then caught by her hubby who then kept on carrying her like a bag of potatoes with his left hand and arm while the right one was still holding onto his sweet Little Rosey. Both little endearing ones greeted each other and then became dolls around his arms.

“Hmm, I didn’t expect the Responsive Dragon of this era to be so strong… no wonder he went over the God Devourer level and reached the Kingdom’s End level of being. Yun Beishang, no matter what, you must make sure to make that tiny egg hatch completely. It must be a being that is either almost or directly at the same level as the Anci-as Rosey.”

Hearing her words inside his head, endearingly, Yun Beishang lowered his head with his two dolls under each of his armpits as they remained still and nodded while sending a message to Katia himself, “Mn, I know. But the method is actuall-”

Before Yun Beishang could finish his words, even if they were to be dragged on, Katia interrupted him and said in a very serious and responsible demeanor. “No ‘buts’, my husband. As a Dragon and half Heavenly Lion, wherever that Race is from, her body is far from being a human’s. Besides, she has been in that tiny egg for many years, possibly from a hundred thousand years or even more. It is older than even Little Nora, and you’ve even defiled that much younger Little Yao and Little Zi Fei, what’s it to you if she is only hatched now?”

“Ahem, well… what if she has a baby body?” Yun Beishang responded with some obviousness, awkward obviousness as he felt cold sweat on his back.

“Ah, that…” Katia became aware, damn aware! But before she could grow embarrassed as she was the Evil God who could destroy Sub-Divisions with the blink of one’s eye and had naturally more resistance to embarrassment, she then said as if a light bulb was turned on above her head. “Oh! I know! There are many ways for this, for example, the shadow of the Responsive Dragon that you saw back then, it can be used to grant her a full adult’s body. And with your Unusual Space, you can peek into that little future.”

“Oh, is that so?” Yun Beishang said as he visualized the tiny egg inside his White Space, which was now placed by Ruo Paodan on a bed and covered gently, very considerate and thoughtful of her. But seeing nothing, Yun Beishang frowned a bit and then said in an uncertain tone, “But I don’t see anything yet, must be because she is still in peril? Oh well, I guess I’ll just do the contract now and…”

Yun Beishang then suddenly looked to his right at his Little Rosey who was playing doll in his right arm along with Xiao Ruo in his left, his mental message finalizing. “...and deal with the ‘ceremony’ later.”

“Mm, mm, I know.” Katia responded with a thoughtful look as she looked at the moon and night half of her Space, definitely not looking like the one saying the following words, “I’m so glad you finally get to sleep with Rosey, she has been wanting it so bad since you’ve met. Sigh, you’ve finally managed to get this strong and she can be sure to be ‘saved’ from being so weak. I can’t even remember what it feels like to be that week after being birthed as a Godly being, how awful.”

Yun Beishang: “...”

‘Now that I think about it, so many things leading to sex and… sexual behavior, actions… is everything really related to sex? Ah? Well, I do not finding inconvenient… huh.’ Such were Yun Beishang’s thoughts as he kept on walking forward towards the Responsive Dragon Clan’s exit, as he suddenly stopped and placed Xiao Ruo on the ground with Rosey laughing and giggling in response.

“Bwhahahahahaaha! I won! Again! I get to have my prize as well, hehe!”

“Not fair~! Master placed me down, I’m sure I could’ve continued for another few minutes, more than you can, Rosey!”

As the dummy girls were catfighting, Yun Beishang took out a ton of toys and figurines as he spoke to his Little Ruo affectionately, “Okay enough, my Little Ruo Ruo Ru-o! Here are a few things I got for you, if you are happy, feel free to show me, alright?”

Seeing his amazing, truly very amazing smile, Xiao Ruo was enchanted as a little girl corrupted by an evil old driver as she hugged his neck and tenderly said in a hushed whisper. “Thank you Master, I’ll bring these all away to show to my Older Sisters and Big Sisters alike, and let them all know that Master is going to make me his woman soon, hehe.”

Yun Beishang smiled in embarrassment lightly, while Cang Qing had already gone ahead and spoke to a busty beauty with a large smile plastered on her lips. “Oh, Wafey, hehe, nice name eh. Fitting for your next status, tell me, how many have already experienced a ‘man’ in your family? My hubby has talked with your father and listen, from now on…”

As Cang Qing began promoting his hubby, Wafey became wide eyed as she even felt scared of the stories she was being told, with nothing else but excitement and expectation building up, she responded to Cang Qing as if they were actually sisters themselves. “Ooh, only about 32,000 more or less, the other half a million are not that old, only a few thousands years old so they aren’t even allowed to marry or find a breeding partner if they want to. Also, their bodies are more or less similar to a human coming of age, so their undeveloped bodies barely attract suitors, even for those that just want to depend on my clan…”

And so was the beginning of an immense addition of Yun Beishang’s… harem, maiden personnel? Whatever it was, it became hella big. But it was of no trouble, after all, KATARINA-1 could accommodate a few million people at the same time and the entire mothership would still feel somewhat vacant at any hour of the day and night. The real problem was, though, the offspring that would come out from such immense addition to his harem… the future looked troublesome.

After all, being as naughty as he was, Yun Beishang was more than stubborn and already perfectly and flawlessly decided as well as determined to have 3 sons and 3 daughters with each of his wives at the very least…



V5: #3 2/10.

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