Bow and Arrow

Chapter 477: Chapter 475 — Spark, Spark

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Spark, Spark




The next day, Rising Essence, at a random place where the Azure Dragon City once existed and from which the completely destroyed and overturned lands of itself and all around it had already been majorly healed to an acceptable degree by the effort of Adorevia from back then.

A small but very attractive and humble looking hut made of black, obscure brown logs of wood with a height of no more than 3 meters and a width of about 6 meters along with a very fragile looking door made of the same wood and with small windows to the left side of the door, as the door was placed on the right to the 'front' of the hut. All in all, it was an inconspicuous hut in the middle of the barren dull azure land of healing.

Inside of it, Yun Beishang and a maid were talking energetically, the former was eating from a bowl at high speeds while he would stop at times to speak to the maid on his left as he leaned his upper back on the back wall of the hut. Meanwhile, the maid would be looking up at him with squinting eyes of bliss, as she saw her Master and even hubby eat her well thought out and prepared meal for him.

Munch, munch, munch… Um, and then Kara towld mwe, munch munch, ‘you are our toyboy’, and I was like, ‘uh, mm I know’. I nodded and all, nomnomnom, oh waw, this one is good you cutey. And then she said, and it was her own words eh, she said ‘that I should never worry about anything nor anyone because we will always be there for each other, that she knew I could do anything’... because I had the ‘protagonist halo’.”

The maid on his left with curly orange short hair and ashy brown eyes had her lips form a sudden grin as she turned her head to face the wall and covered her mouth to hide her appearance of about to burst out giggling from her Master. Yun Beishang more than obviously saw this but made no comment about it as he made a casual side glance at the maid before turning his eyes back to the cereal-like meal he was having.

The bowl had milk, a very different one to any from New Earth, as this was one from the magical cows of most villages and had a texture very slimy-looking but was in truth just as normal as any milk from New Earth. It did had obvious differences from one another though, as the ‘magical’ cow milk had some kind of condiment in it which made it seem as if it could turn slightly black whenever it was being quickly moved around by a spoon or in any other manner for that matter.

Besides the milk, it was all filled up with tiny dried up autumn leaf-like things inside as the main product, while it also had an unique type of item called raisin-chestnut which was very similar to a new species from New Earth as well. Though Yun Beishang’s spoon was little, as the maid was afraid he wouldn’t like it, he still took about 3 full mouthfuls into his mouth every second or so.

After keeping on eating from the bowl, Yun Beishang glanced back up to the side at the maid who was now composed and continued, his mouth kinda full but the maid couldn’t be more content from it instead of disgusted or offended. “And then I was like, oh yeah! So I said, mm, true’, then we had another set of passionate meat slapping, could you believe it? Holy crap, Kara has so much experience and hence, stamina; I can’t wait to toy with all the new maids, Katia told me that they were know in the past of Main Kingdom for being the most strongest sexual Race from all of the Universe. Crazy.”

The maid was a bit flushed when she heard the words ‘meat slapping’ and ‘session’ right before them, she bit her lip lightly but peaced out her own self and of her own hunger as she limited herself, today, to watching her Master enjoy her meal only. And when she heard about the female dragon maids, she then became rather silent and star eyed as her mind drifted for a bit. Indeed, the image of her Master dominating another Race all on his own… was exhilarating!

“Katia said; that before, and this was all known by anyone to be clear. A female dragon from the Responsive Dragon before her ‘adulthood’ which is around the first hundred thousand of years and with the body of a 16 year old or something, would be able to endure a few rounds with 10 strong studs from the human race that had reached the Mythical grade, or level of being, every day before falling unconscious. Let alone those that reached adulthood.”

“Yet, not only did a few dozen fell flat on my bed the first few hours, but even their eldest and most powerful sister was also rendered into utter weakness before me, siigh~. It is so lonely to stand at the peak…” Yun Beishang lamented as the last spoon of milk and raisin-chestnut was on it with nothing left at the bowl below it, he even shook his head and had a pair of eyes that exposed his melancholy. Almost making the maid touched.

“Puchi…!” And of course, as an old driver from being the first few batch of Yun Beishang’s maids, this one maid was very used to his naughtiness and sexual monster ways. As such, she wasn’t affected at all, well maybe just a little at the beginning, as she then only ceremonially held her laughter while letting out a few obvious giggling and stifled sounds from her lips.

“Mm, here you beauty, I think this one was well done. Though the milk wasn’t great along with the raisins, maybe you should’ve used some magical orange juice or beast blood, ah?” Yun Beishang said with a warm smile as he passed over the bowl to the maid on his left with his left hand, also ‘teaching’ a bit to this considerate wifey maiden that took her time to make him such a meal while waiting for a troublesome matter.

“Ah! …Master thought so too?! I wanted to do that initially, but an Older Sister told me that cereal doesn’t really work like that. Uwaaah, I should’ve listened to my heart!” The maid them exclaimed in not a mild but strong surprise with her hands bringing the yet empty bowl right onto her chest as it connected with her heart, so because of her flat chest; obviously.

“Oh, not anybody’s fault. Maybe she just wanted to help, eh, listen more to your heart then, it is also mine in any case.” Giving the maid a wink, Yun Beishang also made her body melt as she swiftly stored the bowl in her hands into her own Master’s Bag and fell onto Yun Beishang’s body like a good little kitten.

“...” Saying nothing while looking at one another, one from below, one from above; their eyes were more than enough to speak for themselves with the unbreakable bond between their hearts and minds. Yun Beishang then clasped the maid’s head from the back and dived in, the latter closing her eyes wholeheartedly willingly as she allowed her pretty orange lips to be tarnished and entered without abandon by her husband and Master.

“Okay, go then, ask Naty, Diana, Cyn and even Miriam as well as Yun Yun if you want to learn more, silly. Don’t you know they are the head chefs, hm?”

“Hehe, okay Master. Will do, take care annnndd-mwwwwAHH! Tehee~!”


Finished giving the Master another sudden, extended and meaty as well as smelling of her own unique scent of her mouth and lips, the maid ran away from the back of the building to Yun Beishang’s right, magically disappearing into it and seemingly entering into some space or secret compartment. From the outside, not a single soul came out from the hut, while two figures were instead entering it 3 seconds after the maid left and as Yun Beishang finished relishing upon the cereal’s flavor.


First opening the fragile door slowly and in uncertainty, a long blond haired handsome and noble looking man then directly opened the door fully with his left hand as his right one was holding the hand of a 21 year old woman with short cute mushroom bright brown hair and light blue eyes. She was only curiously trying to look in, when the blond noble looking man stepped forwards and brought her in with a light tug.

Step, step, step-step step!

“Oh, Tongqiu? Oh! You are here, indeed, phew~.” Raoundozia said right away as he finally confirmed that the was not being pranked, but also, he felt a bit comical at this kind of edgy and attention seeking behavior from Yun Beishang. After speaking his words, he jolted his neck however, and right after he cordially spoke in a manly voice. “Or should I call you Mr Beishang?”

“Oh, whatever is fine,” Yun Beishang stopped lazily leaning against the wall and, with a few steps as well as with a flash from his Master’s Bag, took out 3 chairs, placing 2 of them in front of him and facing him while he sat on one reversely and crossed his arms on top of the top rail. “Really, whatever is fine, umm, seat? So that we can talk and make it fast, too.”

Raoundozia was a bit surprised, but not that much as he and others have already experienced what Yun Beishang is like and how he is as well, so after 2 seconds of surprise he and Phetsia sat down on the chairs that were about 2 meters in front of Yun Beishang. A bit awkward, as this was the first time they were having a serious meeting in-game in this manner, and with such a character as well.

“I’ve heard that Tongqiu was settling the base of operations of his League of The Order at the Azure Dragon Sub-Division, so I wanted to meet you. But there is basically nothing around here, is it really your base of operations?” Raoundozia might have just now spoken perfunctory words, but he was sincerely cordial as he opened his mouth and even Phetsia was looking at Yun Beishang with her big eyes clear and serene.

“Uhhh, of course not. Why would I be stupid enough of that? Not that it is I nor my Order who is afraid, but why would I really just say it out loud with a big smile and expect for a beautiful future? Even less so with what I’m planning next, though…” Yun Beishang casually responded with a wave from his left hand on the right side of his face.

Raoundozia’s eyes and eyebrows picked up on this as his eyebrows rose and he raised his right index finger to point at Tongqiu as he asked in an intrigued tone, “That’s right, Tongqiu! We’ve come here to speak about once again becoming your Order’s allies, but this time not just me but our own vassals and allies as well, we seek to form an alliance with you and this time; for good.”

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It was Yun Beishang's time to raise his eyebrows now, as he looked at both people with the meaning to let them continue, which they naturally picked up quite fast. Phetsia sat straight up and accommodated herself as she opened her womanly meaty lips and began saying, “Indeed, Mr Tongqiu. We have seen your Order move around nonstop, but while it is the case for casual players, spying players and affiliated players with their own Association already from all over the Bright Sunset Region; it is only us and a very few more who had discovered what these movements have been doing the past few months.”

Without appearing surprised and being very calm, Yun Beishang tilted his head to the right after bouncing it up and down once slightly, looking at Phetsia who spoke that much at once, still waiting for her to continue.

“Previously, we were amazed by the means of The Order at the Global Tournament and, a little later, it was even more amazing as they showcased their true might without resorting to such means in the… in that foolish war and yet still managing to gain so much recognition from the NPCs-sorry, Inhabitants. That alone is many time’s worth from what our House of the Knights of Raoundozia could ever do.”

Phetsia nodded slightly after finishing those words, took her right hand to her sternum and breathed in deeply a bit, before continuing with the same informative and respectful tone as before all while Raoundozia calmly watched this unfold. “Then, now… as we’ve caught The Order moving around, seeing them recruit so many forces that were even hidden from not just the Journeyers’, us, eyes but also from the Inhabitants themselves such as the no longer existent Royals!”

“Well then, I’ve got to say, that we not only saw your Order do just that but even ‘clear out’ a few who were seemingly in cahoots with other Journeyers and who denied joining or rather, capitulating into your Order. But, after witnessing this ‘accidentally’ a few times… it made us wander, ‘Lord’. Was your Order… your plans… purposely made so that they would be shown to a few parties, besides us that is?”

“...! …!” Phetsia and Raondozia were finally surprised at last, as they finally saw a reaction from Yun Beishang’s face and one that wasn’t a restrained one, as he grinned a bit too naturally wide and without appearing ugly. He was already wearing simple black robes and no helm nor mask on, but they were ready for that since it was a meeting that Yun Beishang himself planned after hearing from their intent on contacting him.

“Oh well…” Not really admitting wasn’t necessary, Yun Beishang wasn’t planning on being sneaky in the first time since he only seeked to get the smart ones under his wing and the proud ones to be trampled beneath his feet. He simply shrugged his shoulders casually, but also gently, and squinted his eyes slowly at their faces.

“Oh, I see.” Phetsia formed a charming little smile along with a blink, she didn’t even look at Raoundozia before knowing with what to continue with, “Then Mr tongqiu, if you don’t mind, would you like to hear out our terms for becoming ‘perpetual’ allies with you and your Order?”

“Ooooh, are you sure? Right now, if I take just a spare glance at the forums, I’m being hella hated, you know? Are you sure you would like to continue with such an intention, even despite the already colossal counter force that is being formed against me and only me at these moments, are you really willing to take that side, hm?” Yun Beishang’s tone was quiet, but his eyes were already indifferently glancing at the 2 in front of him.

“Err, this…” Phetsia became a bit shy from being responded in such a manner, not that she minded but, it was a bit too much of a change in an instant. On the other hand, Raoundozia genially smiled lightly with his lips forming a thin grin from the right corner of his mouth, “Mr Tongqiu, if we weren’t sure or if we weren’t aware, we never would have had come here in the first place.”

“Okay then, let’s discuss…” Yun Beishang then casually started an amazing alliance of a large scale through all of Main Kingdom, for as the House of the Knights of Raoundozia wasn’t a simple Association and also, their reputation worldwide inside the game was astronomical. Even more than Yun Beishang, as naturally, Yun Beishang and his League were being boycotted endlessly by many parties from the shadows unlike them who were free and carefree, though it may not be so after a while from now on.

Yun Beishang’s ‘discussion’, was simple, it was merely the mention of a contract here and there. One for the Ally, which was them, and another 2 for their vassals and allies. At the same time, the Ally will have a generous store allowed to be used to exchange skills, equipment, accessories, tailor made gear, weapons and even saddles as well as armor for all pets and mounts that aren’t too high of a grade.

While its allies and vassals, on the other hand, would have a much limited store for them to exchange the same but of a lesser degree. The only similarity among the Ally’s available items in their own store from The Order and that from its allies and vassals was that of those items, limited or not, being exchanged with resources of any kind and grade which will depend their quantity on their quality and the special properties of each if there was such a case.

Besides that, there was the unbreakable contract of all; the Ally and its allies and vassals, to become fully obedient of The Order’s commands and orders. Rules, laws, regulations… all of the like, would be from the moment they accepted these terms, dictated by none other but the League of The Order itself.

Naturally, it wasn’t as if they were puppets now. In terms of managing the daily life and everyday, as well as the commands and strategies made as well as movements in a battle were still determined by themselves, the Ally and its allies and vassals. But they would only be like so however The Order commanded it, person A would go to place S and person S would go to place W if The Order said so; no room for discussion.

After so many Q&A, the duo was finally willing to accept, and even used their role as the leaders of their own Alliance to accept these terms for them so that they wouldn’t have to neither come all the way from their Regions or other Sub-Divisions and Divisions, as well as merely asking them through messages with the Alliance features of the game and then confirming it all once everyone was briefed and in agreement with the terms.

Like this, Yun Beishang contentedly used his own blood to sign the system’s contracts one after the other. There wasn’t a need for both parties, The Order and the Ally, to talk about the contract’s terms when it came to the loyalty and punishment should the contract be breached or the conditions for fining them were met. As such, Yun Beishang nodded to them and was about to stand up from his chair when the duo started acting strange…

“What is it?” Yun Beishang looked at them and, with a casual and single sweep with his senses he was able to tell right away, as such, he rolled his eyes and spoke in a bit of a boorish manner. “Aghh, just ask away, no need to be so cheeky.”

Both Phetsia and Raoundozia had charming smiles on their faces, appearing cheeky but not creepy as they created an amazing image of a couple together. They then looked at Yun Beishang, with Phetsia showing the most turmoil on her appearance of the 2, while Raoundozia merely hid it inside his manly self. Bringing her right hand to her chest where her heart was, and then placing her left hand onto it ever so tenderly and hopeful as she looked with bright, shining eyes at Yun Beishang; she spoke.

Yun Beishang, we are meaning to ask you… are you, that… Yun Beishang, that was reported… death? By their own family?”

“Oh~!” Yun Beishang only became a tiny wee surprised with it showing in his eyes in the form of glints as his eyebrows lightly jumped, before then reacting like a friend trying to surprise another friend after not meeting for so long. He then spoke so casually and sincerely that it shocked them more than the content of his following words. “Yes, I am him, I am him~~! Not a good way to be recognized, I guess, but yes.”

“Oh, aah… eh-kuuh-ahhh…” Phetsia was fine, but Raoundozia became instantly speechless yet with wanting to say a lot of things at the same time, his face reddened worryingly as Phetsia tried calming him down a lot. She then looked at Yun Beishang and spoke apologetically, “I’m sorry, Mr Tongqiu, Randy has gone through a lot from part of the Founding Clans, a thing that we have in common with Baton and a few others from our inner circle in fact.”

“Mmm,” Yun Beishang’s eyes turned a bit solemn, understanding the misunderstanding that Raoundozia might have, so he spoke in a plain but not hostile at all tone. “I’m obviously not in ‘well’ terms with any of them as well, you know. The whole incident of the Yun Clan ‘accidentally’ sending biological weapons, some seemingly detonating previously inside a few of the Founding Clans’ territories, all of that.”

“And yet, the Crestfallen Industry saying all those things… is not that they are afraid of not being able to control the distress that news of such evil conduct, but rather, that they chose to leave that for me to deal with later on. So please, don’t be confused as well by the previous thoughts and words put into everyone’s mind by father-in-law.”

“Huh?! The Crestfallen Industry?! …Hug?!! Leaving you with what?! …HUH?! FATHER-IN-LAW?!!” Both love-dumbfucks-birds spoke at the same time as if connected together along the universe, their eyes and expressions, reactions to his plain words shaking them to the damn and smelly utter core of their whole beings at once.

“Yup.” Responded an even more casual than ever Mr Tongqiu.



V5: #3 5/10.

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