Bow and Arrow

Chapter 478: Chapter 476 — The Flames Of War

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The Flames Of War




After a round of casual explanation but without any hidden notions, Yun Beishang cleared the 2 now retarded people's minds slowly and with ease, they becoming a bit aware to what kind of monster he, Mr Tongqiu is. His Order is, and now, his Peaceful Rain Corporation is along with the support of daddy and some other 'nice' Founding Clans; really is. A whole new bucket of cold sweat was on their backs as they could finally relax from the initial shock and mindfuck they were given just now.

“Mhm, so that will be all. Don’t take it too much to heart, this would’ve been revealed a couple of years later from now on, nothing too damn important for sure. Anyway, my Order will be placing their Castle at a certain place in the Bright Sunset Region in a while and you are both invited to attend the ceremony as well, you are now my Ally after all.” With his arms stretched sideways and his palms open up towards them, Yun Beishang said at last.

“Mm! You actually have made a Castle yourself? The most advanced right now is at the 3rd stage and that is from Baston, ours is just about to reach that stage though, while the closest ones before us is midway through to the 3rd stage. Which one is the one your Order made?” Raoundozia didn’t noticed at first, but his question made Yun Beishang a bit awkward, more than even themselves.

But Phetsia did; however, just as she wanted to speak up a little, Yun Beishang had already begun saying in a avoiding tone. “Anyways, I am too lazy to make every single person from your Association and alliance make a contract, so only you two are invited, the personal contracts from the system will be sent to you by my secretaries. So let your people get to signed them up before the day after tomorrow.”


“Ahh…” Yun Beishang exclaimed softly while standing up, he gave them another glance, this time more satisfied as if he was glad that the talking was done and proceeded to say in a light tone. “Well, as my second batch of Associations joining my Order, I expect to see you 2 at The Order’s Castle ceremony and all that. Have a nice day! Keep the chairs as gifts if you will it.”

Screech, tshin~!

Yun Beishang stood up immediately straight up and took the chair into his Master’s Bag after dragging it slightly on the ground. He then nodded at them and was just about to leave when Phetsi spoke in a timid voice, “Second ones? Who were the first ones?”

Yun Beishang turned around not expecting this confusion, after glazing around the hut for a while, he said with some of his own confusion as well. “Well, the Frozen Maiden Sect, the Forgotten Flask League and the House Asami, of course. They were the first ones to reach out to me and to also sign up these contracts as well, why, you all really never knew of that?”

“Eh, no.” Phetsia responded somewhat embarrassingly as she shook her head, Raoundozia took it from here as he added up somewhat speechless as well, “Before you ask, we do have a chat where we communicate with one another, you know, where all the big names of Rising Essence have a few words whenever it is necessary or the like. Mostly a snobby thing for those that are ‘higher ups’ in New Earth as well; real life.”

“But even then,” Raoundozia continued with a face which he didn’t know if to face Tongqiu or not, “That doesn’t mean they will tell us every single little thing they do, especially if it’s as big as joining a new Alliance or the formation of one. But… I believe that since we are joining the Order’s Alliance, we may enter into better contacting terms with each other.”

“Oh… I see.” Yun Beishang vacantly responded, feeling left out but not caring in the least, as he concluded their meeting with a few tiredly spoken words. “No need to overwork yourselves on this, but do make sure to familiarize with each other going to raids or dungeons together, to better yet understand each other’s teamwork. The ‘war’ we fought was too deliberately anxious and fast paced, the one for the future of… Rising Essence will be real warring periods. See you later, you have before the next expansion comes out.”

Step, step step step-vvwish~~!

“Ah… he just, ah?” Raoundozia was standing up, planning to take the chair with him for as awkward as that was and bid farewell, when he suddenly saw Yun Beishang disappear into the wall. Meanwhile, Phetsia beat him to that as she was already standing at the door respectfully, “Mhm, let’s go, Randy. I need a little break from this, alright?”

Left with no other choice, Raoundozia silently gave up in life as he turned around and walked to his fiancee, his arm seeked her shoulders as they walked out of the hut together and gave the entire barren but healing azure lands another glance. He opened his mouth to peacefully say, “It’s a good thing that it wasn’t made here, this is a bit respectful to the NPC-aerr, Inhabitants that have already died. As not even the other Sub-Divisions are getting rebuilt.”

“Mm, who would’ve thought. From our plans of having our own force made slowly to the top and then gaining power in real life… to this. I think… I’m glad that Mr Tongqiu is there, that he exists for our House to hug his thigh.” Phetsia said while leaning her head over to his right shoulder, her heart at ease and tranquil looking at the saddening sight of many from all over Main Kingdom.

“Okay, let’s go. I don’t know much of why he said some stuff, but it is better to do become prepared for what’s to come. He could destroy Sub-Divisional Cities before, I don’t even want to know what he’s planning next. And he doesn’t even seem that affected by being one of the most sinners of the war like the rest of us, I can tell he is not an awful, petty person but I still cannot really figure out this man.”

“Okay, okay. That’s enough. If you keep this up and talk about other men in front of me, I’ll get jealous, you know?” Phetsia patted her fiance’s chest while still leaning on his shoulder, her tone very petty and coquettish at the same time, eliciting a very warm smile from his lips. But then she blushed deeply at his following words, “I could say the same for when I saw you and Yin Xiong kiss for the first time last night…”

“...Eh?” But after just a few tens of seconds of enjoying the scenery and trying to hide her flushed face in his neck, smelling the aroma that always makes her so crazy but so at peace as well. She suddenly became, as if aware of something, and then right after questioning her fiance with a still slightly flushed face. “What do you mean by, ‘for the first time’, eeeeeh?”

“...” Raoundozia didn’t respond to that, either because he did not dare or because he was too shy; the motherfucker. And only smiled, grinned and smirked naughtily at once to her reaction, which was a rare case indeed.

“...” A beautiful sight of an unwilling woman coming to accept her man’s mouth into her own then unfolded in this saddening scenery with barely any sunlight coming down to meet the barren ground.



A few days later, at KATARINA-1 in a certain living room.


“...” With a stern, serious and strict face, Yun Beishang was sitting cross legged on a one-seater sofa with his hands placed below at the point in which both his feets’ ankles met each other. He had his fingers intertwined but not fully as his fingertips were touching the start of his palms all except for the thumb. While the latter were touching one another sideways as their fingerprints were against the side of their index finger each.

There was a lot of what Yun Beishang had learned ever since the formation of his Second Form, and as he fought it out with the Responsive Dragon’s clone, he became more aware of his own capabilities one that he has gone to be halfway there before completing the training method that Krayeke left for him.

One of the things that he could discern perfectly after these success of events as well as with the help of the system from inside the game, as he was now aware of the immense amount of Essence points one could use for the adding to one’s Hidden Stats, Yun Beishang could tell that even though he could try and put as many as he could from now on and even more so with his current amount of Essence; it would hardly do anything else but to grant him ‘stamina’ or ‘energy’.

Which is to say, that if Yun Beishang continues on putting points into all his Hidden Stats brainlessly, he would at most only have a bit more of an ‘unique’ stamina or energy to make good use of such capabilities of his. If it was another person, it would be the same and no effects would be given additionally to what that person has grown to be at the moment.

Which is, once again, to say that the potential of one’s Hidden Stats and their current growth of their own persons were all that mattered when it came to Hidden Stats. So even if many did quests to add up to their Hidden Stats instead of their main basic stats, they would only have more chances to make use of them without growing them in prowess.

For example, Yun Beishang had now formed his Second Form, and he had amassed on his own about that of 30k points in his Mental Power stat, more or less. If he continued to spend more and more Essence to add even more points to his Hidden Stats, it would be basically a waste as Yun Beishang could now determine the average growth of an ordinary person for their ‘Hidden Stats’ for both reality and the game to be around 500. With that being the best that they could get with moderate training.

On the other hand, the highest peak that an ordinary person could reach with such ‘Hidden Stats’, would be that of 750 points; so as to say. On the other hand, most of his maids had about 800 points in their main Hidden Stat more than 6 months ago, and their current amount was around that of 5,000. But in truth, their growth for such could only be brought up to about 1,000 more or less.

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The main reason of why they had so much, was not because of the Essence gained, as only Yun Beishang in the entire game was the one to have an Essential Weaponry, and only he could steal such from his enemies that are of at least at the Heavenly grade with a rate of .1 per level.

But instead, it was due to the fact that Yun Beishang had been sleeping with them, mating even. For as much as he wasn’t entirely, fully willing to believe it, his own ‘broken’ Bloodline was now one indeed that had a lot of potential for sexual partners. Yun Beishang had become a best incubator for any female to grow strong with, and their incredible development and evolution as they—once again; his maids—could take his ravishing and unordinary bedding was also the same reason as to why they had high Hidden Stats points.

Just like how Yun Beishang had managed to unseal his Godhood, his women all managed to get their unique abilities, skills; to no longer do them that much harm anymore. For example, Miriam’s Evil God-related skill, the ‘Incomplete Evil Light Creation’. It previously had a cost of 50% of her HP, MP and stamina being limited to that amount for a whole day and could only be used twice.

Now, it could be used thrice and with the limitation having decreased to only 10% of her total HP, MP and Stamina being taken ‘hostage’ by the system for half a day. The same had happened with Yun Beishang’s other wives and maids, even Xiao Ruo had a different ‘future’ skill when Yun Beishang glanced at her with his Unusual Space in the working. And Cyn had indeed gotten the one that he saw back then.

The maids, however, didn’t receive that much of a change, as each of them weren’t all as capable of getting to own such skill like Miriam’s or Natalia’s and so on, they still got for their own amazing passive skills to complement for their own Evil God-related skill being slightly weaker than their Madams or other like Cyn, Itnia and so on.

Though their skills were of a slightly lower quality in certain terms, their upgrading of the skill when Yun Beishang unsealed his Evil God class was much more beneficial as they got either more uses, less restrictions and more effects as well. Almost about to be comparable to Natalia’s and the rest’s Evil God-related skills.

So, even if Yun Beishang were to give them each 5,000,000 Essence, which he still hadn’t tested yet, they would at most gain some kind of stamina for the continued use of such and not improve at all their capabilities. To this, naturally, Yun Beishang chose to train them himself so that they could not only be stronger and have much more chances of ‘unimaginable’ things he wanted for them in the future compared to even Specialists.

But he even wanted to make them experts, extremely well experienced people on their own main Hidden Stat. And even though Yun Beishang knew not much of the other tons of Hidden Stats himself, with his overall all-encompassing and knowing Mental Power as well as his ‘broken’ Bloodline, he was pretty damn confident in aiding them all the same.

As such, Yun Beishang would give at most, enough so that each of them have 500,000 points in their Hidden Stats. And since all maids have about 3 in total, with most of them taking some time to develop the second one without counting the one given to them by Yun Beishang; Mental Power. And others who had Mental Power as their main Hidden Stat and hence, less amount of Hidden Stats.

Even then though, Mental Power was one of the rarest Hidden Stats that anyone could find in the playerbase of Rising Essence, and Yun Beishang took notice of this as only 2% of his current maids had it. Of course, maids and little maids from New Earth, as the others didn’t had the same privileges as them.

As for the Evil God-related skill that Yun Beishang could give all Inhabitants, it naturally was also upgraded the moment that he unsealed his Evil God class. But for Yun Beishang to really know about it, he wanted to see Powlniu again and confirm it with none other than her, she has been living in his White Space for quite a while already and he was too shy to bring her onto a bed yet. But that was soon to change.

In the same manner, since Yun Beishang had decided to only get his women with enough Essence each, he had to find a way to get many more of the same for the continuous need of it as their number could obviously only keep on increasing. For that, Yun Beishang had an idea of sorts that involved his Unusual Space, but he was going to take care of that later on as the Last Chapter he had merged it with his Forge and Create branch Sub-Class.

Now, there was the point in which how Yun Beishang’s Mental Power and his Intent as well as his Heart Connection hiddens stats changed, transformed and improvised along with his Forms being fully drawn and condensed.

That was, each of them grew stronger in all possible aspects, when he used his Mental Power before, when he still didn’t know that it was in fact Mental Power. Yun Beishang could only ‘see’ and ‘understand’ anything he set his sight on, be it a person, thing or even something such as air itself or stuff like emotions and memories of success happening through the passing of time as one’s structure changed.

It was a mess, but Yun Beishang could perfectly understand it and even felt as if he knew it all as long as he placed his full capabilities on the visualization of each. When his First Form was fully condensed after being drawn, that only intensified whenever he ‘saw’ and ‘understood’, as did his other Hidden Stats; they became more obvious for him to connect with and manipulate to endless new degrees.

In the same form, with the First Form being formed; Yun Beishang felt as if each point of Hidden Stat had turned so much solid, durable, resistant and utterly eternal. It was as if the foundations placed under a shaky 1,000,000 meters tall building were strengthened and that alone made the building stand as straight as every morning in which he was awoken by an angel and a little wolf cub. Very strong.

With that, it was more than obvious that Yun Beishang’s Hidden Stats were also like his main basic attribute stats, and how they were enhanced to be the double of effective as any other player’s or to that; even Inhabitants of the universe of Rising Essence. But this time, it was not by twice the normal amount, or even five times like so; nope, instead, Yun Beishang felt as if his own each and every Hidden Stat point was enhanced for about 15 times from the get go.

That was how shocking and impactful the First Form, the ‘Knowledgeable Growth’ First Form, was to dear ol’ Yun Beishang as he grew to a point where kinda remembered the time he saved Miriam from one last sneaky assassin all the way 11 years ago.

Naturally, the condensation of his Second Form was even more so impactful, mind blowing and heart stopping for Yun Beishang, let alone if others could feel it; too. That is, ‘if’, because of the fact that ever since the Second Form was formed that he noticed nobody could ever feel his Mental Power, Intent or even Heart Connection whenever he manipulated them. And, this was the case even as it was Rosey the reason why it was now Yun Beishang being the one getting another, an ‘extra’ Hidden Stat from nowhere, yet she could still genuinely not feel it at all.

With Katia, Yun Beishang has even been able to watch this naughty little wife of his turn her own kitty into dust with how she now deeply enjoyed having marathons of her own whenever he was with any woman; wife of his. Never being caught nor being suspected of watching, hell, Katia even began to believe Yun Beishang no longer cast those sneaky glances at her anymore and became jealous all the same, hence why she would furiously ‘torture’ herself more often nowadays than ever before.

Not that Yun Beishang would ever neglect this little wife of his, at all, cough cough.

In any case, with his Second Form, the ‘Resilient Composition’ Second Form, Yun Beishang’s body was so durable and resistant that he felt as if not just the ‘semi-energy’ bullets but even true energy bullets would no longer pose a threat to him when treated individually. Naturally though, this Second Form wasn’t a mere new addition of an effect to his already incredible capabilities.

His Second Form had a growth which would accompany him, from what Yun Beishang felt to be ever. This Second Form also allowed Yun Beishang to bring his full body’s capabilities to the fullest and furthermore, which was already beyond humanity’s reach to start with. This meant that Yun Beishang was so warm if he willed it, whenever, which would make any who touched him susceptible to himself.

At the same time, his thickest donger was immense but still harmless to whenever it was ‘talking about life’ time. Naturally, this was not the only function that this Resilient Composition brought to Yun Beishang’s body, as though it had not become fairer of skin nor beautified that insanely much, it was the most natural aphrodisiac for all of those who have formed the ‘link’ along with his Pure’s Essence.

And now, Yun Beishang had the drawing of the Third Form already outlined and had already expected to fully draw it, condense it and allow it to exist by the time he was finished taking care… of Main Kingdom and New Earth!

But such thoughts were naturally still a bit far away, as such, Yun Beishang opened his eyes and calmed down with an extremely hot breath of air coming out of his mouth before relaxing his body on the one-seater sofa that he has been on for 3 hours straight, soon to be 7 am. ‘Mr Crestfallen is really such a powerful and wise being, able to tell all of my necessities to grow stronger like this with a few glances… well, he had my test results from when I was born and as a child as well. But even then, what kind of crazy power must he have to be… like ‘this’?’

Ph-haaaaa~... thud-...slurrrp!

Just as Yun Beishang relaxed back onto the one-seater sofa, Natalia, whose crimson blood-red loose ponytail was softly and slowly as well as gently going up and down in his crotch began to make a long slurping noise with her blood pre-cum coated lips going from all the way down to all the way up to meet the ‘Eye’ of the Dragon which was trembling uncontrollably right now.

“Yay! My turn~~????!” Natalia said, already anticipating the huge loads and loads of Yun Beishang’s ‘essence’ about to coat her entire body and clothes, the thoughts of eating it raw from all over her clothes and hair made her embarrassed but not unwilling as she felt like clenching it with her kitty instead of her hands as she faced the big monstrously thick monster’s mouth directed right at her face; ready keep her eyes open as she saw it all cover her completely…



V5: #3 6/10.

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