Bow and Arrow

Chapter 511: Chapter 509 — Strong Forces, Fearful Hearts

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Strong Forces, Fearful Hearts




"...mhm, and who would've thought that these people would actually be lurking around in the Citrine Sub-Division. I spent a couple of months traveling with your sweet wifey Miriam, I even had to strongly resist the urge to molest her a little, aiyo????~." Helrra said with a slightly pinkish face, but with new clothes and clothes that this time were not skimpy in the slightest.

She was now wearing 'normal' clothing, some Useless graded items he's crafted for his people when in boredom while doing another few dozen things whenever he is hard at work with his Sub-Classes every day or so. She was looking weird, indeed, as Yun Beishang has only seen this demoness in her lusty form when she is wielding a whip and clothes that elicit any person to do anything to her.

But, since this was Yun Beishang's request, the newly recruited and responsible wife couldn't say no to the big bad husband, eh. As such, the horny and sex machines duo ended their copulation some time ago and were finally headed towards the meeting room from within the building they had entered since hours ago...

And right now, Helrra was saying some of her own experience when working on the job that Yun Beishang granted her to find these mofos, to which she then continued in a slight of an aggravated and pouty expression. "Who would've thought? I was looking all over Main Kingdom, doing some circles all over it over, and over, and over and over again. Only for them to have been at the Citrine Sub-Division all this time."

"Bohoo~, at the end, I did nothing and wasted time, as well as that precious wifey of yours' time. I am, so sorry, my Lord. Please, make sure to punish me and make me understand better, okay? Don't be gentle with me, after the 13th round, my body can easily take you in and out constantly, eheheheh????????~~!" Helrra finalized her 'professional' words with a lot of lewdness and perverseness, making Yun Beishang think on whether to feel moved by her sincerity or speechless by her sluttiness for him, eh.

“Mm mm, I understand,” Yun Beishang lowered his head to let his breath reach into her ears, spoke gently and so softly that for a moment, it definitely did not look like she was dealing with the authentic Yun Beishang. But, before she could wake up and try to take a good look at this false god-no, false Yun Beishang, he had already gone back to standing straight up and gazing at the door before them which was the one from the meeting room.

After many hours, the guests must’ve become rather impatient and of a greatly worse first impression than ever, but Yun Beishang not only did not care, he even liked it that way; the fucker.

“Oh! Also, eheheh~, I don’t know if I should say this, oh my~...” Helrra suddenly spoke again, her tone changing into a light, but still passionate and heart-numbing one as she then continued all the same. “The oldie that you asked me to found, he is now the army leader of the Bright Sunset Region’s established Regional Forces, while those siblings climbed up the ladder quite a bit, eheheh… they also smelled ‘nice’... if you know what I meaa-eown????????????~.”

“Oh…” Yun Beishang had his eyes raised at these mentions and ‘hidden’ meanings behind her words, one thing was their current rank among the Regional Forces and the status they held, another one was the strange sensation that such mentions gave him from the look she was giving him, those damned reddish eyes were basically begging to be disciplined; ay!

“Okay, okay, don’t purr anymore. You are no longer a single Succubus, you will be my wife so you better behave accordingly, m’kay? It’s okay if I see you throwing flirty glances at other women, but only if they are single too. Understood, my fiancee?” Yun Beishang held the purring Succubus’ left hand and then made the dummy kitty stop acting like one, making her look at him with her eyes fully open in relaxation before smiling and lowering her own head in dear contemplation.

“Oh right! Those siblings seemed to have made their father trust you blindly, which is obviously a taboo among secretive organizations, so you better be the most assertive, undeniable and powerful Leader they can find, my fiance????~.” Helrra lowered her back a little and superficially dragged Yun Beishang's left arm down for a bit, her head raised up as she granted her fiance a clear sight of her bright smile and flashing eyes.

“Mm, I got it, thank you; Helrra.” Yun Beishang did not need to even ponder for a little, as the motherfucker expertly moved his hand holding hers a little bit backwards and his head lowered as he said those words in sincerity. Though his eyes weren’t visible with her own since she was currently stiff at the sudden situation in which her heart found itself crazily beating endlessly, her senses were instead able to catch the sight of them, making her dazzled as he looked at the top of her head with teasing but so affectionate pair of eyes.

Purr, I see, then! How about another ki-”


“No time!” Yun Beishang interrupted Helrra’s words as he said right after abruptly opening the door to the room, instantly, he and Helrra saw a gigantic room with a table that took well over 70 meters in diameter and in which quite a few dozen figures were seated.


All of those dozens of peoples’ head turned to look at them duo finally entering the room, the meeting that was supposed to happen a few hours ago had already been converted into a sorts of typical, scheduled meeting of sorts of their own with each of them speaking their part from their own Regional Forces and military groups and so on.

“... … …” Quickly taking an instantaneous glance at everyone around, as it couldn’t be any faster since it was instantaneous. Then, Yun Beishang immediately took into account that each seated person had 3 others accompanying them, they could be those army leaders per Region acting as a Marshall or something from what he could take from Helrra’s previous mentions.

At one point, Yun Beishang naturally saw the 3 people that welcomed him into this world, never having thought that he would see them again as only the image of Tornyllia was to continuously pop in his head from time to time and not these other 3 whom he still unconsciously thought as NPCs.

It was one old male adult person, one young man and a young woman. To which the old man was seated to the right of the supposed army leader from the Myriad Beasts Division or the entire Bright Sunset Region’s Regional Forces for that matter. On the left of the army leader were the other 2 young people, while they all were seated right to the front of the doorstep where Yun Beishang was standing on and a little to his left furthermore.

“... … …Is that the so-called Lord of those forces who gained a hold of the precious Ruined Temple?” After another long bout of silence, an old voice spoke to Yun Beishang’s right, causing the horny duo to look at the owner of the voice and all they saw was a group of 4 oldest people in the room that were not looking really friendly; at all.

“Hmm, I am. And, ‘precious Ruined Temple’, you say?” Yun Beishang spoke casually but not rudely, directing his face and words towards the ‘curious’ man. As for the meaning of his words, the old fuck over there naturally took them perfectly as he then nodded after making a dramatic pause of 5 seconds, then said in a bit of an imperative tone. “Indeed, as it is. That Ruined Temple is really not something that can just be taken by you Journeyers.”

Though the oldest fucker in the room didn’t yelled out, the emphasis and strength as well as emotion put into that one last word spoken with such hate and disdain was…pretty much to clear out what kind of thoughts he had. The oldest one of the room continued still in the same tone though, “We are thankful that you’ve aided us in the conquering of the Ruined Temple, indeed, but now you should just give it up to us, young man. Do what is best for yourself, you may be immortal but, you are not untouchable!”

‘Ah, an ignorant one. And to think I considered them to have great intel since they hid so well during the Warmonger expansion’s war, ehh~.’ Yun Beishang had his arms crossed as he gave no damn fucks about the old one’s words, merely giving himself all the time in the world to think as he already figured out so many ways to quickly end this dumb scenario. Just, since he was so influenced by dear Naty, he was having trouble deciding which one was to end better than worst.


“The Ruined Temple-” at this time, the old one from Yun Beishang’s knowns suddenly stood up slowly and then tried to pacify the situation with some wise words. But alas, he was immediately interrupted by an old fatso from the old one’s side, “Shut up Alexys! The words of the Highest in Command are not something like a trivial Sub-Divisional army General Chief in Command like you can get into!!”

“What Highest in Command? Ever since the death of the child of our previous Highest in Command, there hasn’t been any elections for him or her yet, what Highest in Command, where? How come I can’t see him or her? Are you just retarded then? Don’t forget you are also a mere Sub-Divisional General Chief in Command you fattened worm!” The young woman to the left of the army leader of a Divisional Regional Force army spoke right away, defending the one that was called Alexys.


“Ahem, what my Sister meant to say is,” the young man beside the young woman stood up, as the latter didn’t even bother to do so and then said in a placating and easing voice. “There isn’t a Leader to follow yet, so why be so hasty in our moves? Haven’t we been traveling all around Main Kingdom to choose a well enough candidate for that? One that didn’t already belong to any-”

“What the hell is that?!”

“Who are you to talk, youngling?!”

“Let the leaders speak for themselves, stop those damn idiots for speaking their foolest minds out!”

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“Calm down, calm down… everyone, everyone has to calm down, haish…”

Instantly, as the young man was speaking, chaos erupted all over in the form of so many babbling old idiots and hot-blooded selfish dumbfacks. But none forgot to be a great bootlicker of the Universal grade towards the oldest group from inside the room, the latter being all pleased with satisfied expressions on their faces while Yun Beishang and Helrra were seemingly ‘intimidated’.

“Enoooough~!” The oldest man in the room suddenly howled out with his right hand raised fully up into the air, his voice reverberated all around and even made some slight waves for as ridiculous as that could ever be since he wasn’t even a graded BOSS at all.

“A-a-ahem!” The old mofo then cleared his throat as everyone else turned into little kitties and well behaved ones at that, calming the fuck down as the old mofo then once again directed his words towards Yun Beishang. “Now, as I was saying, so-called ‘Lord’, the special utilizations from and for the Ruined Temple are not meant for Journeyers…”

Unfortunately, Yun Beishang was yet again not paying any attention to the old one as he instead looked directly at the trio who he knew from just in appearance after given the former a sideways glance.

There were those 2 siblings he had seen before, and that old man who seemed to be an experienced military man of sorts. The old man, called Alexys Forchirch, with a stern and strict appearance and whose position was just as strong as in the past, while it also seemed that those other 2 younger ones have become as important as him.

The young man, a pretty boy of sorts with some beard on his chin and a flawless hairstyle, a slender figure and with feminine characteristics but not too much of it. But even then, if it wasn’t because of the legendary adam’s apple, the muscular chest yet still being so slim and the posture that allowed the ‘parts’ to be breathing with ease were the greatest exposing fact that he wasn’t a tomboy instead.

His name, Heliss Dirnn, and he was the genuine brother of the other young woman. While Heliss was determined, resolute, of extreme decency and emanating strength via the aura around him, Faouzia Dirnn, the sister; was charming instead. She also still had that insanely dangerous sensation that she used to give the others when Yun Beishang first met her that time long ago.

Red haired with modest bosom and childbearing perfectly shaped waist, with big eyes of the darkest gray color and lips which were quite soft yet elastic with a pale-pink touch on them. She was just as charming and tempting as before, she may not look as feminine as her own brother in certain dumb areas, but she was nonetheless that provocative still.

“Hi, we met long ago.” Yun Beishang, the antisocial fuck, said as he waved slightly at them with a light tone. In return, Faouzia blinked strongly once before giving him a bright and wide smile, while Heliss only looked back at him with a lost glint in his eyes while old man Alexys had a look of mildly enjoyable surprise all over his face.

In contrast, the man that they had in the ‘middle’ had Heliss’s black hair, Faouzia’s big eyes and temperament of danger towards those who were naturally weaker than them, was simply gazing at him with his hands intertwining fingers between each other and doing both; covering and supporting his chin as his elbows rested on the huge table and away from Yun Beishang.

“Hello, Tongqiu, nice to see you again eh!” Faouzia spoke after smiling, followed by her brother who stood up and gave Yun Beishang a bow before speaking in the stead of others. “I, as the General Chief in Command of the Bright Sunset Region, speak for the Myriad Beasts Division’s Regional Forces to greet you. Though we haven’t had the chance to speak face to face since our previous one and only meeting, we’ve heard of you every now and then from other Journeyers… thank you for avenging the previous Highest in Command of our people.”

“Mm, no problem. Now, I wanted to make sure that you guys would get my message, it seems that…” Yun Beishang looked around while bobbing his head as soon as he finished speaking, not feeling any sort of shy at all nor intimidated, then continued with his left hand flashing as a little thing came to be on top of his palm. “ all got it right, good then.”

Fwish-tilin-clank cank~.

The little token that the Responsive Dragon gifted Yun Beishang with, which was by now useless due to the knowing of teleportation structures already by Yun Beishang as well as the fact that he had Yovilnnia to accompany him every now and then. Which, previously, it was him only learning from her but, since some time ago already, it has been Yun Beishang and Yovilnnia learning more about these structures each day nowadays.

“Hmm, oh! Is… from the legends!!” One random Regional Force army leader said, but nobody gave him any attention as they were all wide eyed, looking at the thing rolling on the center of the table with incredulity and amazing shock! Especially Yun Beishang, as he was instead watching the obviously family member of Heliss and Faouzia whose eyes turned more excited than shocked or even surprised as he looked down at the thing too and then up and Yun Beishang who wore an emotionless gaze.

“Hah!” The oldest man in the room once again spoke, his wrinkles visibly trembling excitedly as everyone immediately turned to look around with Yun Beishang taking his sweet time to turn his head while Helrra, on the other hand, kept playing with her long nails. The old miserable shit continued as his disdain and greed, were so easily showing.

“Maybe I can forgive you for interrupting me earlier, young man, aha. But this kind of token, this only makes us capable of believing in ‘this’... urrgh, if you could show us now those legendary ‘Pets’ of yours then mayb-”


“... … … …” Suddenly, all of time stopped and then continued on, but at an incredibly slowed and indiscernible speed to any of those who were inside this room with the exception of dear ol' Yun Beishang and his newly recruited wifey, Helrra.

Because, at the moment that Yun Beishang let out a regularly audible sigh in hoarseness directly from his throat, his hands and body were directly smashing against the table! In the next moment, Yun Beishang had made the table to fly all around the room with pieces the size of a baby’s forearm flying around everywhere.

Instantly, some old faces were beginning to be scratched, cut and injured by those pieces of wood and other materials such as stones, rocks and even metals. While others were not so as they fortunately began protecting themselves the moment they heard the old one speak, specifically, the ones that had known of Yun Beishang before.

Pfoowl fwu fwu fwu fwu fwu fwu fwu!

Splash, bang bang cang! Bang! Ka-ka-ka-ka-ka! Pam pam pam!

“... … … … …”

Everyone suddenly stilled, then jumped on their seats and finally reacted by wearing scared expressions on their faces. Especially those closer to the oldest group around, from the 4 that were forming such a group, all of them had at least 7 cuts all around their bodies and bleeding profusely from them.

Most others had a few couple of such cuts with multiple scratches, nowhere near as hurt as them. But! Just as they were going to have some drama occurring and as Helrra was hoping to her left and right, making those magumbos in her long-sleeved and formal t-shirt jump around wildly yet still somewhat reservedly, Yun Beishang swung his right arm and aimed his palm at the old man’s face.


The old man’s face was utterly gripped by the right hand of Yun Beishang, who only needed to tighten his grip and a crushing sound would emerge followed by an explosion of brain matter, juices and probably some blood as well.

Yun Beishang did not, yet, planned to do that. As such, his face that was already looking at the ceiling with upturned eyes went back to gaze at the old man’s.

Swish, swish, swish…!

At the same instants, the bodies from the other 3 dumbfacks of his group were brought to be positioned right behind the old man as Yun Beishang slowly set his eyes on the totally pale and gutless face of the old man, his words began as they sounded tenebrous. “See my ‘Pets’? Retarded old thing, you are not even worth my saliva to be spat around, what makes you. THINK. YOU. CAN. DEMAND FROM ME?!”


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