Bow and Arrow

Chapter 512: Chapter 510 — The Night Before…

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The Night Before...




Yun Beishang's sudden, paused but loudest of the loudest bellows weren't as 'affecting' as the one that the oldest man previously made, but there were already people vomiting blood as soon as his furiously enlarged eyes turned like the bloodshot eyes of a demonic monster in the old man's eyes. Eyes, who were slowly beginning to lose their light as the fingers from Yun Beishang's right hand began trembling excessively!



"How, h-h-o-w, could he?!"

"...shut it! ..."

Yun Beishang's sudden actions made even those that were in the middle of vomiting their 'precious' blood to become even more shocked and were now additionally getting incensed at the sight of their 'Leader' getting murdered so brainlessly. Yet, before any other word could be echoed from their throats inside out, Yun Beishang snapped his fingers and got himself away from the table as more of those crushing sounds came to be thrice before he started to speak once again but in a mildly satisfied tone.


“You see, I am a bit of a bad person.” Yun Beishang grinned so widely that his grin directly turned into a smile, and with his canines showing, he continued after taking a little glance at his back at Helrra. Looking to his front once more, he looked at the eyes of the army leader with similarities to the siblings in front of him before continuing with that grin converted into a smile and an honest-like feeling in his voice.

“And even though I requested, for you all to be here, I was merely trying to catch you all off guard. You see, you guys have a great, extremely large army and, since the event of the extermination of the Demon Race… you guys were nowhere to be seen. Haeh-, now, that makes me wonder. What use are you all, then? Ey, you guys over there were talking a lot just now, where did your balls go, mm? Oh, there’s 2 ladies among you, my bad?”

“Anyway, pfwaha,” Yun Beishang laughed to his own tasteless joke, then continued in the same manner while keeping his head moving around predatorily to search for all those who were talking so very well before. “Why don’t you just give me those soldiers all to me? I can make use of what the word ‘soldier’ really does asks to be used for, not just a simple fun numerical value to see every day you lot wake up to a beautiful morning and more.”


“Aaah, there we go, it’s starting.” Yun Beishang waved his hand, making the old man who just now stood up to shut up instantly, it was only after he began falling backwards with his body while his head did not that those who wanted to follow up like a chain reaction were awestruck and as if rooted on the spot.

“You see, I have no time for shit. I would rather be a bad person and make this speed up, the final result will be the same, I either take most of the heads in this room out of their bodies or they bow to me… perhaps.” Yun Beishang said, then picked up the token that he left on the top of the table, before sitting on the table directly in between 2 seats with his left thigh up and his hands supported on top of it.

“W-w-well…” a mildly brave voice came out from another old man, this one was being pressured to not say anything else by the 2 old ladies and 1 young lady beside him but he still continued as his balls could weight 10 times more than all of those who were inside the room altogether. “Mr-err, Lord. It seems that you have… ‘convinced’, most of us to listen to you but, err…”

“Go on, the fact that you are hesitating is the thing that irritates me, come on.” Yun Beishang encouraged the fearful but brave old man to speak, his words weren’t annoying but his attitude, and Yun Beishang was feeling restless every millisecond he spent here and wasted instead of being with his baby darlings.

“Oh-oh yes! Ahem, you see… my… Lord? Ahem, even though we were once the most powerful forces of the Regions, it was before we were suddenly betrayed by our own people, to which we’ve made enough clearing for now but are still not sure if there has been enough of… ‘that’.”

The old man gulped down a few times, trying to clear his throat without being a nuisance, but seeing Yun Beishang roll his eyes at the 5th gulp he was making, the old man’s eyes widened as he exclaimed harshly and then continued. “AHurmpgh! Ah, eh… But even if our people were fully cleared out from all ‘harm’, then the value that our soldiers and officers see will have to be… demonstrated.”

“Oh, that I gotta prove myself, burp, is that it?” Yun Beishang was becoming less and less patience as he skipped a few steps from the script, then the old man nodded like a chick pecking on rice before saying in a mildly less fearful tone. “Indeed! Our soldiers have been dormant in their actions for more than a decade, we are naturally the same as we haven’t seen the bloodshed and conflict that once formed these Regional Forces, we-”

“Enough, I get it. Well, let me just say, to everyone.” Yun Beishang waved at the old man, not killing him of course, and then directed himself towards everyone else as he looked right and left before continuing in an emotionless voice. “That I understand and, it just so happens that my Order is looking for a ‘demonstration’ very, very soon.”


Suddenly, Yun Beishang had many paper sheets and the sounds of so many of them rustling in the air towards the seat of each person in the room… alive… on top of the table. And once everyone had a 3 second period of time to read through as much as their muddled minds could afford them to, Yun Beishang once again spoke, but in a somber yet cold tone this time.

“These are contracts, obviously~. I intend to make everyone here sign them up, you can have a minute to read through it to see whether you agree or not, all of what is in there is truthful and nothing else. But there is no negotiating, I don’t like your way of doing things and I’m basically taking ownership of this large army that goes across all over Main Kingdom. Stronger, larger and at least disciplined than the Sub-Divisional and Divisional armies altogether.”

As soon as Yun Beishang finished speaking and absurdly began climbing on top of the table to stand on top of it, a voice came from the direction that he was moving to. Helrra followed in his steps as she directly leaped instead of climbing it like her silly Yun Beishang did. “It seems like you’ve made a lot of homework, have you planned something like this from long ago, or is it just made in the moment?”

“Oh, well, aha…” Yun Beishang somewhat embarrassingly responded by scratching the back of his head lightly, but his steps never stopped moving forward, Helrra took his sleeves from the back and behaved like a shy girl so that it wouldn’t disturb him while ‘working’ with how immensely sensual she is. Then Yun Beishang said with a light tone in consideration of the siblings and the old man beside the middle-aged man who spoke just now.

“I at first wanted to just sweep in with the Ancient One, kill enough to break the rest and then take the survivors into my army. I have good generals to command them but too few, so I would’ve kidnapped some of them prior to the attack and then work in ways to wash their brains… oh! But a couple of my wives convinced me otherwise, hehe.” As the image of Naty, Yona and Diana popped inside his head as well as that of Itnia while playfully ‘convincing’ him as well, Yun Beishang smiled and even let a giggle escape his manly lips.

“Oh, I see. So this is the man, the Journeyer, that my son and daughter has talked about for the past few months?” Looking at his left, the middle aged man still had his intertwined hands in front of his face as he raised his left eyebrow to indirectly question his own offspring.

“Ahaheh, daddy~! It was for a reason, you see? He even avoided targeting us with the previous att-” Faouzia was directly leaning over her father as she acted coy and tender, nothing like the demoness, tigress and scary female that she always is, but was then valiantly interrupted by her brother as he said with some perspiration going down his head and shoulders. “Ahem, what my dear Sister wanted to say was that Mr Tongqiu is clearly a great Leader to follow, Father. And you shouldn’t worry about us being treated poorly, his assassins have given us some previous intel on-”

“Okay, okay. Enough~!” The middle aged and tired father said, his expression one of tiredness as he looked back in front, to which his sight suddenly changed to that of Yun Beishang’s shoes and hairy legs with those shorts. Because, of course Yun Beishang would change his clothes after they were destroyed by Helrra, as the latter pouted and looked to the side to avoid all bad trouble and to make Yun Beishang more angry so that he would punish her even more badly later on.

And while the middle aged man was sighing from the absurdity of the situations he was getting himself involved in more and more, Yun Beishang himself was asking himself whether or not this would be the him in the future. Having to worry about his daughters so much, what sons? Cough cough.

“Ahem, Lord?” The middle aged man didn’t use the ‘Mr Tongqiu’ but the ‘Lord’ that they were witness to before when they were being led into this building and meeting room, unlike his son who was seemingly already ‘familiarized’ with Yun Beishang. “Mm? Ah yes, sorry, was thinking. What?”

The middle aged man blinked several times in quick succession before letting his stern and aged appearance down and humorously laughing through his nostrils for a bit, as even a smile was forming at his lips. Meanwhile, Yun Beishang was nodding to himself slowly and nonstop to the thought that he was much more resilient than most, and that these scenarios are impossible to be played for him!

“Ahem, Lord!”

“Oh right, people, ahem…” Yun Beishang woke up, now willingly from his stupor and then cleared his throat before climbing down the table like a… gentleman—?—looking cool and fresh, while Helrra simply shrugged her shoulders and leaped down once again to stand behind Yun Beishang while acting shy yet again with her head lowered.

“So, I was thinking of getting into the hearts of our soldiers.” Yun Beishang said, but the middle aged man asked right away once he heard Yun Beishang’s words, “Our?”

Seeing the middle aged man’s frown, Yun Beishang merely shrugged his shoulders and then made a sideways glance so quick it was barely noticeable before replying in lackadaisical demeanor. “Uncle, I’ll tell you of this right now, I’m actually planning on conquering all of Main Kingdom.”

The middle aged man was already breathing badly and with his heart leaping all angles inside his thorax, when he suddenly saw Yun Beishang’s innocent look and his head nodding with a thump appearing on the left side of his head. Those hushed words and that innocent follow up… tha fawck?

Just as the middle aged man was going to burst out in craziness, as he felt the situation go over the scope of what his brain could take on. Alexys, the old man, seated to his right stood up and spoke for Yun Beishang who was behind the army leader’s seat in the rescue of the latter.

“Lord, if what you are saying is true, please let us have as much knowledge as possible, we would like to know of the records of the Lord and his Order as well…” To the end of his words, Alexys no longer appeared so stern, strict and even vulgar somehow with his way of addressing those in lower status than himself out of instinct, not because of disdain but because of ‘training’.

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“Oh, it’s okay. Just speak up, I kinda respect you, old man and those siblings since they were the only ones I’ve seen in power who are genuine and not too dumb.” Yun Beishang said, waving his right hand from below to upwards casually and without a care, his back bending a little while feeling so much time wasted in cringe worthiness.

The genuine and not so dumb siblings and old man: ( ´・_・` ) Σ( ̄ロ ̄lll) ∩︵∩

Yun Beishang then signaled for Alexys to finally continue, as he did and with a bit of an embarrassed tone after clearing his throat. “Oh-ahem! Since Lord’s Order is making a demonstration for our soldiers indeed, do you intend to do so… in the middle of a war’s battle?”

“Oh, yeah, I am.” Yun Beishang said in a very dull manner, then, as if feeling like all important things were over with, he took Helrra’s hand and planned to leave already. But Faouzia caught his hand as he was turning around without saying goodbye like an idiot, an inconsiderate idiot and making Yun Beishang tilt his head in wonderment.

“Eh… yes?”

To Yun Beishang’s perplexed reactions, more than natural coming from this situation, Faouzia smiled charmingly without any awkwardness and inhibitions. “My Loooord, can I bother you to come to my chambers at any moment that you see fit? Midday, any day, that is when ‘things’ that I want our Lord to see and witness will be happening, ehehe.”

“Sister…?” Heliss said with an awkward face as the middle aged man was taking in deep breath of air and Alexys had a deadpan expression, Faouzia only exclaimed slightly a few utterly light ‘hahas’ before letting go of Yun Beishang. But, before he turned his head around or even said his goodbyes at the very least, she winked at him before stepping back and close to her brother.

“Ahem, goodbye then, mhm~...” Yun Beishang said as he turned around, but at the moment that he began making a detour around the 70 meters in diameter-big table, those army leaders and groups that were already standing up and not signing upon the system’s contract finally saw a chance of weakness as they spoke out loudly.

“Eh, Mister Tongqiu, about these agreements… we did not really agreed to any of this, shouldn’t we talk some more about them?”

“‘Lord’, how about we discuss these terms, eh? There are things but mostly, only good things for yourself whil-”


Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht Bvreee-Vwlsht~~~...

“UCLKG-powl!” Only one of the 3 dozens of people who had stood up and accompanied those speaking up was able to exclaim some inhumane ‘words’ before falling onto the ground while holding her neck for dear life. Yet, her neck was gone and so was her neck as the flash that everyone saw glint across the room a few times in just a moment finally stopped in the center of the table, hovering 50 cm above it and pointing at the ceiling.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

More and more bodies followed the first one as a bit of a tempo was even made, somewhat complementing Yun Beishang’s soundless footstep as he walked out of the meeting room with a ‘shy’ and hopping Helrra right behind him holding the upper edge of his trousers.


“My Lord!”

“Never before better said than now…” One voice sarcastically claimed, with sweat going down his face to his chest, just adding a little bit more from the already damped area of his torso. Just now, this mofo was still hesitating on whether to sign it and comply or look for more benefits and manpower as well as resources.

As he saw Yun Beishang begin to walk and heard some others with the same ideas as him, he instinctively signed up the document as the rare voice from the ‘world’ confirmed to him in his head the signing up of the contract. Right after, he felt a breeze leave the right side of his neck and left side of his head as a chilling ‘thing’ tenderly tapped his neck. Right after, he saw this scene unfold as all of those who hadn’t signed it yet were ultimately felled.

‘My lord indeed…’ He reverberated inside his head before sitting down in a slump, making the Luxurious grade chair hurt his bum as he and the members from his group were barely spared from dying unnecessarily. “Phew…”

Meanwhile, as the army leader, father of Heliss and Faouzia whose name wasn’t even asked by their Lord, were looking all around at some whose faces were ugly as if they had just shat themselves very ‘cordially’. Oh well, less work to do; Yun Beishang still had to show to them and their people what he had that others didn’t, as for looking for a ‘proper’ candidate… no one will try to say no to Yun Beishang so easily from now on; ah.

. . .


Outside the meeting room that was just now used from the building that it was in which held thousands of small, large and extremely large meeting rooms.


Hundreds of meters away from the room, Helrra had her voluptuous bunnies hugging Yun Beishang’s right arm as she pouted while walking with her torso blatantly leaning on him with quite some strength. Though she was pouting, her demeanor was lovable instead as she enjoyed so much this weird warmth coming from this ‘human’ of hers that has now chained her to himself.

Step, step, step… step.

“Well then,” arriving at the door that lead outside the building, Yun Beishang stopped on his tracks but Helrra kept on dreaming with eyes open. And as he looked to his right and below, he saw the flaming red and black hair look so cute as he couldn’t help but caress it in deep curiosity.

Ruffle, ruffle~.

“Mmfh, feels good but… now you have to go, right? No more coochie coochie… so don’t tempt me to steal you away from your precious children, or else, we’ll have a lot to talk about until the morning of New Earth’s time zone.” Having said that, Helrra opened the large and wide doors that would allow for 8 people to enter or exit at the same time, revealing a large mount of Black Lotus’ people waiting at his command.

“Go and see our guests out of our unnamed Castle, they can enter when they bring back their forces and without a single one of them missing; no exceptions.” Said Yun Beishang as he then saw all Black Lotus’ members disappear, he then turned to Helrra and stuck his body way too tight against hers, his hands already grasping that overbearingly breedable waist.

“You take care too, then.” Helrra did not react to his words and kept on glancing at him with a certain kind of schadenfreude, she then parted her lips to eat out his chin for a while. After having her feel of his skin and body, she separated her mouth from his skin melancholically and then said in soft spoken words. “Only a Godly being would be able to travel from the game with their virtual body back to where you are at, so if you want to do the same, then you should first reach such a level to be able to do that to others with your White Space, my love????~.”

“Other than that, Ellie, Cinders and even my Little Nora, the only being in this universe currently, are also capable of directly entering the game without a Gaming Tool and leaving it however they please. That is only because they are at New Earth and have Lord Fallen’s permission though, and I’m guessing that oldie won’t give you permission, which will mean that you’d have to get to do those sort of things on your own.”

“Ellie and Nora chose not to enter the game via a Gaming Tool simply because they didn’t want to, while Cinders wanted to meet you as soon as possible as well as to help you. Back then, she would bother me on how to treat a man, the silly thing thought that I was experienced, hmph!” Yun Beishang smiled ever so slightly but somewhat in glee when hearing Helrra talk about them with ‘indifference’ and in an informative demeanor but still without being able to hide her thoughts and feelings for them. And she then continued on and on.

“For example, I could go and visit my dear Little Niece and Little Cinders right now, while saying some hi’s from Ellie’s father to herself. And to… mm, I don’t know, maybe create another child or more children for you as well? It doesn’t sound that bad, after all, I am also quite old and I’d lik-mmwoffh… mmh~~.”????

Before she could even begin to finish her words, the man before her that has conquered her already so well sealed her lips, and even her lower lips as she couldn’t help but want to go a few more rounds indeed.



Yun Beishang: ミ(ノ ̄^ ̄)ノ!≡≡≡≡≡━┳━☆() ̄□ ̄)/

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