Bow and Arrow

Chapter 513: Chapter 511 — …The Start Of The War

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...The Start Of The War




"...mpp-choo! Aiyoh~..." After getting dizzy for who knows how long, Helrra finally had the chance to wake up from the clutches of Yun Beishang and to relax from the sensation of not breathing for so long. It was not that it was a problem, but the fact that the reason for it was getting all over her head and making her dumb nonetheless.

"Hmm..." Biting at his lips and licking them after sending them a bit into his mouth while holding them with his teeth, Yun Beishang exclaimed as he the traced Helrra's lips with his right thumb before sending that one naughty thumb into his mouth and cleaning it from her own saliva all too temptingly for the already waking and sobering up Helrra.

“Mmmh! Yun Beishang…” Helrra acted coy, sending her left palm onto his sternum while her right thigh went high up to his waist and her left thigh into the middle of his legs, her mouth kissing his chin lightly once, she then leaned over her head onto his left shoulder with her nostrils aiming right at the skin of his neck right at his jugular. “You can go, just let me be for a bit more of time, you don’t have to be afraid of what I want. It’s not like I’m suddenly going to ask you to grant me a family or so, ehehehee.”

Her voice, like twinkling bells that incessantly lured his heart and skin, her lips were moving tenderly slowly as she had her eyes closed and bathed in the innate warmth directly given to her by this body of her man.

Rustle, ruffle~.

After a bit of time, Helrra separated from Yun Beishang, freeing him from her clutches of the body to body contact but not from the heart to heart connection between themselves. As her clothes and hands moved away from his, they created a sound with her hands joining in to caress his shoulders, back and then chest in an affectionate but ultimately lusty demeanor.

In exchange, Yun Beishang ruffled the naughty aunty’s hair and then cupped her cheeks, his hands below her jaw as he propped up that devilishly wonderful face up towards him and planted a sincere but so brief pecking of her pouty, flower lips before drawing his head away and merely restraining himself to locking his gaze onto hers.


“...” None said a thing for a good while, and only their eyes ‘talking’ with each other was all that was happening around these moments, Helrra acted peaceful for once while Yun Beishang no longer even thought of his children who were probably still awake at these hours back at the mothership and just focused himself on those pretty pair of reddish eyes that looked back at him with equal devotion.

“...Okay, I won’t make you stay that much longer, mwah.” Helrra said as she smiled at him and behaved like a woman her age—what age?—, and after plating his lips a tender peck, she did the same to his chest, back of both his hands and then forehead, only then did she felt that it was enough as she was logging off and just as she was about to disappear and Yun Beishang could only give her a half a smile from the left corners of his lips and waving his left hand at her, she spoke one last time before flashing away from Rising Essence. “Another time, I would like to come and visit you, your children, wives and my family too. See you tomorrow, Beishang.”

“...” Yun Beishang didn’t even try to say something as he already felt thankful enough for having someone like Helrra choose him in the end. He wasn’t really the best candidate for being every woman’s man, but he at least tried it, yet he would go after any that he wished to be with or even if it started as a simple want to fuck kind of ideal.

Oh well, he was trying, but at the same time couldn’t help himself. At least Yun Beishang no longer wonders whether he is or not a man slut or something, only focusing on those who chose him and naturally, in his born and unborn children… After all, Irllytia’s current life could be called sad while Rasa is from time to time very silent even when playing with Rosey still and Lioness.

Yun Beishang didn’t leave right away, using his senses like the god-like motherfucker that he is, he could tell that his children were still very wide awake and kicking, so he took a bit to take in the sun that has lasted for the second day already in Main Kingdom, just another one of those days. And then, after glancing at his status window, he finally logged off…


Character: Tongqiu

Race: Human (Evil God and Unparalleled Bloodline) — Innate Race Talents: Unparalleled Bloodline, Evil God Law, Adaptability, Racial Reproductive Wonder and Warmonger — Race Ability: Union and Evil God Metamorphosis

Level: 129

Class: Evil God - Passive Class: Godly-Masked Instrumental Body

Basic attributes: STR: 1,935, DEX: 1,935, LCK: 1,935, REC: 1,935, WIS: 1,935, INT: 1,935, DET: 1,935, Luck: 100, Charm: 100

Association: The Order (League), Money: 130,480,212, Fame: 1,416,667

HP: 178,060, MP: 197,350, Stamina: 197,450

Physical Power: 47,730, Magical Power: 59,340

Physical Defense: 12,641, Magical Defense: 12,641, MP Regeneration+10%, Stamina Regeneration+10%, Lifesteal+5%

Hit Rate: ∞, Dodge Rate: 100%

Critical Hit Rate: ∞, Pierce Rate: ∞, Critical Hit Damage: 100%

Attack Speed: 304%, Movement Speed:304%

Core Elemental Resistance: Fire: 200%, Water: 200%, Earth: 200%, Wind: 200%, Lightning: 200%, Light: 200% and Darkness: 200%.

AP: 0, SP: 178,392,340

*PING*’s Mental Power hidden stat is of 143,525, Intent hidden stat is of 143,341, Heart Connection is of 143,341 and Will hidden stat is of 526. Essence: 109,612,169


In addition to his Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set, his accessories now granted him a whole new Will hidden stat points, for a total of 396 from his 130 Will points from simply leveling up. While the Mental Power hidden stats increased by the ‘main’ Enhancement Effect was now that of 561 Mental Power in total.

Though those numbers were so small compared to the huge amount of almost a hundred thousand and a half of those numbers, their effect was stronger than those hundred thousand plus hidden stat points could do. And going by the nature of the Enhancement Effects, it is more than clear that should there be a new upgrade to this system, it should be able to make another Hidden Stat to be increased just like the Will hidden stat of now to a +22 while the Will hidden stat would probably be at +29 at that time.

Naturally, his damage increased a ‘bit’ more, and with the unique effect that his Mind-Sensory Divine Gladius Artifacts gave him, he could do much more damage with the number of attacks that he could ‘replicate’ along with all of his Hidden Stats. Besides, though Yun Beishang was new to this brand new Will hidden stat, he wasn’t a dumbfuck who couldn’t learn from his previous Hidden Stats.

Will might not have been fully explored by Yun Beishang, which is also one of the reasons that he hasn’t used his stolen or stored Essence to upgrade it, but its ‘use’ was rather similar to that of the Mental Power. It was just that Will was more of an aggressive, hand to hand manipulative strength of his that he could use as a method to attack or even move.

Similar to how his Unparalleled Manipulation worked, but not to the point of commanding his weapons to even cross through Dimensions and Regional borders and Godly barriers. Still, just like before, when he had those 4 people from the oldest group inside the meeting room from before brought to his side right away.

In that scenario, Yun Beishang only used Will to bring those mofos right towards him, as for the cutting of one or two other people’s heads and/or necks, he used Will as the ‘main factor’, Mental Power as the ‘guiding factor’, Intent as the ‘attacking factor’ and Heart Connection as the ‘factor’ that allowed all of his Hidden Stats to work together and seamlessly without any kind of repelling to each other.

Though Hidden Stats weren’t like elements and as hostile to one another as the latter were to each other, they were each so unique and ‘real’ that treating them as any lesser than Elements or even Core Elements themselves was stupidity, and treating them higher than those wasn’t that erroneous.

As for his sudden decrease of Essence, he gave each of his maids 500,000 Essence so that they could get the ‘stamina’ for 500,000 Hidden Stat points for whichever was their preferred Hidden Stat. The result, outside the game, pleasantly surprised dear ol’ Yun Beishang who directly felt the strength of their tightening, sucking, gripping and stamina increase as time passed. They were now even capable of standing side to side in bed with the female dragon maids!

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As for having more accessories, Yun Beishang was already thinking of that, indeed, and he had already created a few but he just needed to Enhance them so that they would give his Hidden Stats another few boosts, the Ornaments for his Essential Armament were there but he still lacked a few more spots of accessories with the amount of resources that he now had overall.

Of course, it was also due to having given his Maidens and Ladies accessories nonstop that were so incredible and useful, which did not allow him to focus on himself for that matter… until now.



KATARINA-1, 12:02 am, at Tonkia’s bedroom.


“Ehehe! Little Rang Rang is so fast! Your big aunty can’t catch you no matter what, wahh!”

“Yiyiyaya, Little Ran can now run, aunties cannot catch Little Rang anymore, bwhehehehehh!”

A maid and a little baby were playing with each other, and it wasn’t just those two doing so, as there were another two little baby boys ‘defeated’ and playing dead on the ground with their tummies up and one of their hands on top of their stomach while the other hand was sprawled on the extremely clean and healthy floor as the maid and little baby girl ran.

Yun Rang was an outstanding baby, ever since she was born, she even gave Yun Beishang the feeling that her little twin brother, Yun Shi, was being led by her even at their first seconds of being born!

Later on, she was the first to tire herself out to show daddy how she could talk, followed by Yun Shi who then was all too happy to do the same along with his big sister. Then, when Yun Darcel was born, the poor lil’ fella fell into the Yun Rang’s Worshipers Sect and began to follow her every whim around, whether it be to take the teat first or the last to be put to sleep after taking care of the the other two; Yun Rang was the one to simply benefit herself first and to enjoy ‘maturity’ unlike the others.

Whenever Yun Beishang came out of his bed after playing Rising Essence, he would ‘see’ so many colors all around this little baby girl of his turn so effervescent and brighten up, and whenever he came close to her, she emitted the sensations of wanting to be hugged forever by her daddy that ‘came back from work’ and to never let the bad daddy go out again!

But daddy would always go back there after a while, she wasn’t jealous… of the game… since she was naturally aware that it could be dangerous. And even if not, being cautious was such a good virtue, which she made sure to let the other two little brothers of hers know very well and even gave them ‘homework’ and exercises so they wouldn’t be restless.

Little Yun Ran was truly an angel, being so considerate like her father, saving the work of so many maids yet not taking their time together for the latter to spend with the three babies. Some of the maids were even in charge of feeding them, and each time it happened as Tonkia’s, Cyn’s or even Natalia’s breast milk were being chewed fully down their throats from their feeding bottles, those maids would have such instinctive motherly smiles…

Yun Beishang could never get tired of seeing them whenever he played Rising Essence or when working on his Sub-Classes and getting bored from creating so many King’s graded items, sigh.

And now, as a maid whose looks were ordinary but whose smile endlessly tenderized and warmed Yun Beishang’s heart instantly with a mere half a look, played with them children of her Master with Yun Rang being the only ‘survivor’ remaining after a whole 10 minutes play of monster and heroes; Yun Rang hurriedly moved around and wobbled nonstop with her small feet slightly chubby made her look incredibly cute.

She had some teeth already grown, about their first 20 already, way earlier than any other baby would by at least 5 or 6 times. She had a much more powerful voice and skilled tongue to speak, able to say any sentence as long as it doesn’t have any tongue twister in it. But still gets easily tired after saying a full 4 paragraphs according to his maids’ test results.

She was better than Yun Shi in this, as he would get tired at the 3rd paragraph and in the middle of it, while Yun Darcel was still a tiny thing that could only walk around with Yun Rang and Yun Shi’s help. Which is the reason of why he was the first to ‘die’ since he was abandoned by the awful and cruel siblings of his, but he still took it as a hero and delayed for the ‘monster’ who is now hunting Yun Rang only to survive for so long.

If he wasn’t a hero, who could ever call himself or herself a hero, ah?!

And, right now, Yun Beishang was right at the doorstep of Tonkia’s bedroom while Tonkia, Cyn, Natalia, Irllytia and Yona were sleeping together in peacefulness and a bit tired from having spent most of their day in full joy as they played and talked with these awful little demons and monsters.

The door was closed but, Yun Beishang being the Yun Beishang that he is, took it for himself as he not only hid the sound and movement of the door from the ears, eyes and senses of the four warm family members playing together. But he began doing so ever since he came out of the game and got up from his bed in his bedroom, planning to surprise the ones playing this loving scene that was unfolding right at these moments.

Naturally, Yun Rang was clueless and, as she licked her lips and bit them somewhat, sweat began forming at her forehead and ears as she was too damn concentrated on escaping the monster. Right behind her, a regularly tall maid was with her ‘claws’ stretched out and aiming at her back and sides, making growls and remarks to instill fear into her prey.

‘Sweet.’ But Yun Beishang saw that this maid was sweating as well, because he was able to so easily notice how she had a tinge of a ‘Hidden Stat’ always covering her 10 meters around herself to make sure that whichever accident may happen, she could take care of it. But, this ‘tiny bit and tinge’ of ‘Hidden Stat’ was all of her capabilities being displayed, and with her utter care nonetheless.

“Grrr, come back here, I promise to eat you fast so you won’t suffer. RAWRRR!”

“Kyeeeeh! Nuuuu~! I need daddy to save me, whahaghaghaghagagagaaaaah!” Yun Rang’s face turned panicky, feeling the monster approaching closer and closer to her as her mouth babbled nonsense nonstop, and just as she was going to be eaten by the monster at a speed barely faster than slow for the latter’s enjoyment…

Swish… whoosh- tugtug!

“Ah!! Here you are, you two silly ones, mmmhh…” Yun Beishang came to the rescue of both the little baby and the maid, catching them each with his right and left arm respectively as he suddenly saw the sweaty face of the maid close up, a thing which made him eat out the maid’s lips and inside mouth right after… while Yun Rang blinked and blinked as she felt the familiar, warm and fatherly arm embrace her.

“Yiyi-hahah!! Daddy is here, yaaay! Uwooh, daddy, your baby is sleepy, let’s go sleep…” But Yun Rang instantly felt all the adrenaline leave her body, however, as those biggest eyes turned heavy and her eyelids threatened to put her down instantly. It was good though, since she was so tired and couldn’t even half-use her senses so she couldn’t see what her bad daddy was doing to the monster.

“Mmn… mwnlahmff-????ah!” The maid’s lips were finalized being eaten in any form and way by Yun Beishang, as she dreamily looked up at him and then said with slight sadness as she placed her right fist on his chest, saying as she pouted charmingly and shyly. “It’s true, Master. Your children have been waiting for you for so long, I even saw your boys fall asleep while playing so I made sure that me and Little Rang wouldn’t wake them.”

The maid looked down at the boys, feeling so envious of the two wives that got them at their first try and then looked back at her Master to even more sadly say, but while trying very hard to hide it. “I will depart now, Master. Have sweet dreams, and you three as well, okay?”

“Mm mm, Rang Rang doesn’t want aunty to leave but-waaah~, have… shweet drweems twoo, aunty… zzzz~...” Yun Rang responded, sleepily, as she held onto her father’s right arm like she would a pillow and a cushion to lay on top of to sleep comfortably with.

“Mm no, you come here as well, I am so sleepy too after all that I cannot wait for you to go, too much time wasted. Aiyo…” Yun Beishang said warmly yet in a teasing tone towards the maid, right into her ears, before moving towards the bed where the other beauties were peacefully sleeping with their heavy eyelids closed and resting so very well.

“Ah… Master… Master????…” The maid had no words to speak of, no maid dared to bring themselves to visit their master when he was sleeping with their children, they felt that it was somewhat inappropriate since they were his maids besides being their wives and weren’t the mother of any of those children, so…

…But now, this maid would feel like the luckiest in the world to ever exist, and when she relayed her experience to another, from which they would spread the word more and more… it would be the beginning of how even more maids would come to sleep and aid in the taking care of his children from then on.

Becoming much more warm towards one another, maid and wife of his and his children, to the point each of his maids would be recognized and respected from such and early age. And for Yun Beishang, this couldn’t be any more perfect, they were all going to be the mothers of his children after all…



V6: #1 1/10.

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