Bow and Arrow

Chapter 516: Chapter 514 — Charge, Yell, Surrender!

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Charge, Yell, Surrender!




"Fuck! Troops, those are troops, and what the hell are they riding on?!" Irving was flabbergasted and then terrified by what he was seeing, a ton of suddenly heavy cavalry troops were moving towards them while all of them were riding on a dog-like creature whose looks were of a dark, murky and even 'evil' and obscure violet or purple color; one or the other.

Some of those dog-like creatures had snouts, some didn’t, most of them were 3.5 meters long and 2 meters tall, while those at the further back and at the center that were being surrounded had those dog-like creatures going for a size of 1.5 meters tall and 2 meters long. Nor he nor Rick could ever know what kind of monstrosity were those, but they did know that there was an incredibly great possibility that this was indeed; an invasion!

“Rick, let’s get out of here, I can’t even count how many there are, it’s in the hundreds, we can’t do nothing to them!!” Irving said and then took out an item from his Novice Bag and then directly threw it against the ground before doing just the same and taking out another item from his Novice bag to throw it up into the sky.

Rick wasn’t sure of what he was hearing, there has been some other ‘raids’ from Journeyers that intended to conquer this and other settlements all the same but, there was never a day where Irving, the manly and dumbfuck of a neighbor of his has had gotten so badly scared from just using his binoculars to check on the situation coming at them; and quite the situation was coming at them indeed.

“Are you nuts? And what about my daughters, no! I don’t want them to be taken away like that, those debtors and whatnot damned Journeye-” Rick was getting on to it again as he was beginning to fling his arms and hands around in hatred and disgust, not caring anymore about the sounding stomping sounds in the distance.

“Shut up you damned fool!” Irving exasperatedly yelled out loud and in outrage as he directly jumped off the huge 2 meters tall fences and got to Rick, holding his shoulders, he continued to yell about with fully opened eyes as his fear was now much more visible to Rick himself. “Listen to me well, you idiot! If you’re alive, who can protect them? I’ve even seen some Journeyers talking in private to your wife, do you not understand?!”

“Ah!!!” Rick was now finally getting into reason and, as he saw this good pal of his dragging around his own farming piece of land, mildly destroying an utmost tiny proportion of his hard work together, he didn’t get angry and instead was about to say something… when a sudden penetratingly deafening whistling sound accompanied by fast forwarded stomps were heard out by all!

Whissssssssssstleee~~~!! Stompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstomp!!

Fjshwump~~! Kckreee~...

“... …” Both Rick and Irving were suddenly rooted on the spot, their bodies fully stiffened as they slowly turned their heads to look at above their own heads, instantly a dwarf clad in medium weight armor riding on top of a 2 meters tall and 2 meters long dog-like alien creature was surveying everything around him.

He was observing everything around him with a pair of sunglasses that were so obviously out of this era, and after just a few seconds of doing so, he nodded towards the four directions as other whistling and fast forwarded stomping sounds were heard far in the distance. The dwarf then observed the 2 farmers that he almost rolled over the mud and opened his mouth to…


After screaming to the utter dismay of those who heard him in a few hundreds of meters large area, the dwarf then so skillfully moved sat on the back of his Mount companion and it turned around with its forelimbs barely missing the heads of the 2 farmers right next to it. After looking at them with unconcealed  mercilessness, the dog-like alien creature harrumphed humanely once before departing away in the same manner that it came to step on their farming lands.

Whisssssssssssstleee~~~!! STOMPSTOMPSTOMPstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstompstomp…

Seeing the dwarf leave and go back to the front of the incoming military Echelon, then joining to the sides of the group as it never stopped even once when charging straight towards them, Irving and Rick turned their heads to look at each other as they saw incredibility in their eyes. Holding each other’s arms with their hands, they slowly came to square down as they felt it impossible for them to stand up after kneeling in their current state but without even talking nor saying anything about it, it was as if shocking fear had taken over their any stupidity, which would have proven to save their lives in just a bit.

“Run! They must be bluffing, get away and warn the Journeyers, hurry!!” A voice from so far away came to most people’s ears, and as it did, the sounds of many others’ footsteps began tor resound over and over again.

“He’s right, hurry up, even if they try to kill us, they can’t kill us all! Save yourselves~!” A young woman’s voice was now heard, she screeched her throat out for all to hear and even encompassed with her screech an area much larger than that of the young man from before, the footsteps of other farmers began increasing and, for sure, they were about half of all of the farmers of the northern section of their huge farming lands.

“Gooo! For your families, run and warn th-kghwlll!” Another voice was about just popping out from someone’s throat when something got in the middle of his throat and the words he was about to yell out in bravery, his body ‘thumping’ against the ground really hard as almost silent whistles went out and a ton of farmers had their lives directly stolen from their bodies as they began dying the farming lands a bit of red and organs’ matter.

Whis… whis whis… whis whis whis… whis… whis…!

Thud, thud, thudthud, thud-thud-thud, thud, thud, thud, thud, thud…

“!!!” Rick and Irving never felt more alive, never felt more like having escaped death and so real at that, it was as if they wanted to shit themselves but could not no matter how hard they tried. Their shock was so real that the even more thunderous stomping sounds escaped their ears and senses with only their crazily opened eyes looking at each other were all that was left besides an eerie silence.


“You over there, good boys, now get up and bring us to your settlement. Do not worry about others’, they are already being taken care of, do what you’re told now, GO!!” A strong, large and minotaur-like tall man atop a 1.5 meters tall dog-like alien creature but that was wearing a mage’s robes said, quickly making Rick and Irving and a few others around him to follow him right away.

This time, there wasn’t any bravery from the young hearted souls of others or from their hot-blooded youth, only silence and fear for their deaths as well as grief for the dead. Meanwhile, the entire Echelon that arrived at their farming lands quickly covered all of them and not just the northern section, Irving and Rick even saw the dwarf from before leading a dozen of other farmers or so on another section for about a few kilometers away.

“Keep those binoculars away already! If I see you using them again, you’re over!!” The minotaur mage said, his horns flashing a dark green and flaming red, before turning his head to look at the direction they were being led to. It wasn’t that the forces from The Order didn’t know where the settlements were, but rather, that they were marching with the scared ones to create a sort of an impact; nothing more.

“... …” Irving and Rick, just like anyone else, said nothing as they had their shoulders slumped and long faces, they could easily see and know that these weren’t Journeyers, but Inhabitants. They didn’t know if they would murder, but they at least knew that there wouldn’t be awful raping thanks to the strange ‘laws’ of their world that were naturally so well thanked for since decades ago.

“There they are, charge!!” From so far away, a voice came to be that instantly revived the spirits of those farmers who feared extermination for greed or to simply be the example of ‘those who do not follow’ the so-called 'The Order’.

Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stom-CLASSH-PUAKPAKPAPAHK-Bvreee-Vwlsht~~!



“Can’t be, this can’t be…!” As the farmers who were watching the incoming, familiar and racist Journeyers reach their farming lands, and naturally should be for their aid and liberation, their hopes and racing hearts suddenly took a cold turn for the worst as they saw a few Journeyers riding on those Horses Borrowed Easily of the Common grade that each settlement can lend were charged against to by the invaders.

The charging was okay, it could be seen that the horses were unwilling, as they were cheap, and basically useless horses only meant for traveling and whose deaths would be sad but not unavoidable. And those strange dog-like creatures used as a mount by the others were moving at the same speed as the former while hopping with their long legs like a dog or a cheetah would.

Yet, the moment of the clash, the collision between the two cavalries were so damn obviously different. As everyone, every single farmer and other Journeyers who were a few hundreds of meters behind the leading ones saw… the dog-like creatures tear apart the horses and their riders in just half a second and also as they were already taking care of the second rider and mount and finished them by the end of the second.

As sharp as their minds have become since the ‘self-restoration’ period of Main Kingdom that smallish villagers not all knew about, and only their leaders did; 1 whole second of the clash happening wasn’t enough for them to react but indeed it was enough time for their eyes to understand…

To understand that, they were doomed.


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“Shiiit! Everyone join in, max speed, hurry uuuup!”

“Aaaagh, tell the Unions to call the others, fuck!! Follow me!”

PAKPUAK-Bvreee-Vwlsht-CAKASH! Boom Bang! BOOM BOOM BOOM…!!

Journeyers that were ‘charging in for the rescue of the farmers’ from a direct quest that popped out in their retinas right after the strange successive bout of global system announcements popped up as well, were instantly killed and sent to the nearest ‘large’ settlement nearby, as the smallish settlements were already set on the ‘in war’ status and were naturally no longer able to have their respawn points available.

Even medium-sized settlements were no longer possible to respawn or teleport to since it was now in war times, yet not many Journeyers had the time to even care about the global system announcements because of the heavily rewarding sudden system’s quest that appeared out of nowhere for themselves. Let alone the leading parties from the Journeyers’ part of the Wonder Region, who were only about panicky and unsure for these moments rather than planning on how to deal with this sudden war situation.

“... …” In just a minute, hundreds of players whose level ranged between LV120 and LV129 were fully exterminated by even less than half a dozen of heavy cavalry and mages mounting their own Abysmal Creatures. At first, there was 1 scout that quickly made a spear-shaped opening in the Journeyers’ side, and then there were 3 Heavy Cavalry units that joined the fray, followed by another 2 mages that were mounting their Abysmal Creatures who then began mercilessly exterminating them all.

As for the other 300 of people from The Order or so, they stopped on their tracks and waited until the situation was taken care of before resuming their mildly slow marching towards the nearest settlement, the farmers had their shoulders even more slumped as their backs were bent a little, such was the way they walked back to their homes.

This time, however, not only was their return back home from a daily day of hard work shortened after just 3 or 4 hours of hard work, but even the farmers returning felt that the sky wasn’t scorching and impossible to endure without equipment. But they even felt as if there was no color at all, as if it was all gray and dull, only blood could paint this day and only screams of deep terror at their owner’s own deaths would make this day feel alive; if any at all.


Step, step-step… step, step, step, step… step, step, step… step, step… step…

And they kept on walking, after some light thuds from the riders with their legs or their dog-like alien creature’s forelimbs waking up the farmers from time to time, they swiftly departed for the nearest settlements while in a quirky mood…

. . .


20 minutes later, at a village which had about 2 dozens of families living in it, yet it was still smallish, not even small, compared to most other villages all around Main Kingdom.


“Is it here? They are waiting already, hmph.” One human with the same heavy armor of his companions rode his Abysmal Creature mount and companion to a stop right behind a line of farmers, he talked to one who held a larger mount than the rest of them all; with a length of 5 meters and a height of 3.5 meters.

They all had the same kind of blueish, metallic gray colored armor, even the robes and leather armor. Furthermore, their insignias on their armor and/or robes was a reverse heart-shaped emblem with the half of a blue heart on its left with a blackish background and on its right was a bright metallic gray canvas with some part of the Lord’s Residence building on it!

The man riding on the 5 meters long and 3.5 meters tall Abysmal Creature Mount was not a Human, anthropomorphic Beast Race, Nightborn nor a Blueblood… but an Elf! A blue-skinned elf who bore the emblem on his left, on his heart, with pride and contentment as he looked at the sun for one last time with a broad smile before lowering his head and turning to gaze at the villagers up ahead with raised but weak shoulders and holding forks, torches and whatnot when seeing their husbands, wives, sons and daughters and siblings ‘held hostage’ by his Echelon.

“Mother is not willing to see people like this, not even from the other Races… we, the Myriad Races, still treat each other like dogs meeting other dogs. That, is not good. Hm, I’ll go first, let my dear friend stay here. Treat her well, alright?” The Blue Elf man said as he dismounted his Abysmal Creature Mount, patted it below its eyes and then spoke to the man who spoke to him previously.

“All of you, come with me.” The Blue Elf said, his head only turning half towards the farmers they ‘caught’ and then kept on walking forward without caring about the farmers nor if they were following him or not. He was seemingly holding anything, but his armor was enough to inspire the deepest of respect and apprehension for even these villagers.

From the side of the villagers who were weakly standing on their front, a woman was scared silly at seeing the shiny armor flashing black gold from time to time on his back and on his emblem of the Blue Elf who was now leading their own family members back home.

“Father-ah, no, Village Head, isn’t that Resplendent armor?! What are we gonna do? We will all die, bohooo~!!” The young woman wasn’t the only one to turn like this, even as she saw those farmers safe and sound with only haggard appearances from having their spirits crushed, she was still someone who feared extermination and sudden destruction. Who wouldn’t?

“Ca-calm down, daughter, he is coming… so, gulp, just let me speak first. Follow 3 meters behind me, alright? Do not move without my orders… there are not even half of them remaining, so please be careful!” The tall and burly man called ‘Father’ said, his long white beard yet brown and gray hair had a pirate-like hat on top as he walked away from the crowd and advanced with them right after.

“Sir, please calm down and come here for a moment, I have things to say. Additionally,” the Blue Elf yelled out as he then made a dramatic pause, looked at the villagers holding their own improvised ‘weaponry’ and then finalized his words. “Lower your weapons at once! If you do not, my army will take this as if you are adamantly declaring us as enemies!”

“Aah, ah… this…”

“But, we don-we just don’t want to die, why…? Why do we have t-”

“Eno-e-e-enoguh! All of you! Lower them already!!” The Village Head said as he turned around and threw a berating glance at his villagers, his left hand making a ‘calming down’ position with his left palm pointing at the ground. Seeing his hand, the Inhabitant villagers then saw, at last, the hand of the Blue Elf begin to reach out for his Master’s Bag.

Clank-thudthudthud-pa pam pam…

Shortly after, the villagers all dropped their ‘weapons’ and felt even more weak by the moment as they then could only glance at their Village Head get way too close to the ‘enemy’ and even being told in hushed words many unknown things as the farmers behind the Blue Elf man dared not move past him.

Swish, swish.

At some point, the Village Head no longer looked as anxious as before, but still deathly worried, as he then pointed and frowned at the farmers in a rather vague manner. And to the villagers and farmers’ surprise, the old man was suddenly content yet stiff on his facial expressions as he then saw the Blue Elf direct with his left hand to the farmers behind, whom he basically ‘allowed’ to move back to their families but to not get away from here.

Right away, the farmers went back to their families, with 2 of them joining the biggest groups consisting of only sons for 1 of the 2 and of only daughters for the other besides the wife for each group.

“Everyone, this Blue Elf named Pallenio has things to say to you all, please hear him out.” The Village Head said, almost imploringly even as he really paid no need to act with hints or the like, simply laying out his words and worries at the same time in different ways each.



V6: #1 4/10.

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