Bow and Arrow

Chapter 517: Chapter 515 — War’s Gains

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War's Gains




"Indeed, do listen to me, you all!" Pallenio, the Blue Elf who seemed to lead the current small Echelon of The Order's army somewhat repeated the words of the Village Head with his hands behind his hips and his chest out, he then took out a mildly long scroll from his Master's Bag instead of a sword to the relieving sighs of the villagers as he then unfolded it and showed it to the villagers and Village Head at the same time.

The villagers and farmers who were much far away from where their boss and the 'invader' were, had no troubles at all to perfectly read what was on the mildly long scroll shown to them by this invader. First of all, it had golden embroidery at the corners, its main body was of an almost indiscernible gray and a spotless white, while the words written on it were of a powerful silver ink-like color. And second of all, the contents of the mildly long scroll…

System’s Contract - Settlement Acquisition

With the signing of this contract by all of the current personnel from a settlement of any size and purpose, this settlement passes on to be from the League of The Order as well as its Inhabitants. All of those who wish to join The Order may do so in the future, while the Inhabitants will be granted immediate rewards for surrendering to form part of The Order. The following are just a first piece of what The Order will offer:

1.- [Basic-Universal Fertilizer Panacea]: Type: Potion, Grade: Resplendent, Usage: Use one smallest-twinkling star to allow for any item below the Spiritual grade to produce itself in greater speed and even quantities! Droplets: 7/7. —Unlimited, a certain status between the citizenship of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel as well as coins will be needed for the exchange of the same.

2.- [Low-Universal Fertilizer Panacea]: Type: Potion, Grade: King’s, Usage: Use one smallest-twinkling star to allow for any item below the Seven Sins grade to produce itself in greater speed and even quantities! Droplets: 11/11. —3, this product will only be given once in the beginning, with an extra item but with only a single droplet remaining.

3.- [Minimal Growing Elixir]: Type: Potion, Grade: Luxurious, Usage: Use 1 droplet to effectively allow a rapidly decaying or wasted item to grow and heal back indefinitely, this cannot work with Spiritual grade or higher items. Remaining Droplets: 10/10. —Avaibility of this product will be of 2 items per family each half a month ith the same restrictions to buy it from The Order’s store as with the Basic-Universal Fertilizer Panacea.

4.- [Small Growing Elixir]: Type: Potion, Grade: Resplendent, Usage: Use 1 droplet to effectively allow a rapidly decaying or wasted item to grow and heal back indefinitely, this cannot work with Seven Sins grade or higher items. Remaining Droplets: 17/17. —1 single product of this item will be given to each family each month, more will come to those who contribute to The Order efficiently and have achieved a greater status; the more Inhabitants have a greater status or contributions points, the more the quantity received each month per family.

5.- Abysmal Creatures and the rearing methods to tame them properly (they will be already domesticated but one still needs to connect with them) with the aid of a Taming Master who will come from The Order, as well as the breeding methods and even the possibility of buying higher species of Abysmal Creatures from The Order depending on one’s status and contributions as well as in exchange for items and coins.

“As you can see!” Elf Blue Pallenio exclaimed as soon as he felt that everyone took a good reading of it, he didn’t have to worry about things like them not knowing how to read, those dumb things were done from eras ago after all. The Royal families might have been the utmost greediest and obnoxious lords of Main Kingdom, but their vision of the future of the same wasn’t that stretch. “This is what my Lord and The Order can give you right away and in the future as long as every single one of you swear your loyalty, this one contract doesn’t require you to pay any contribution immediately nor through time at any given moment. But if you want to proceed in this new era of The Order!! Then you must show consideration and loyalty, devotion and belief!”

“The reason of why there is no explicit conditions for you to turn as ‘loyal’ and ‘contributing’ like you have signed with other Journeyers is precisely because you are not to be our puppets, but our people for our own future together, not as slaves nor workers but as I just said; as people!!!” Blue Elf Pallenio even got himself going a bit louder and louder, as he finished his words with his arms holding the mildly long scroll starting to tremble.

“...” The Village Head, unlike the other villagers and farmers, was utterly silent not just in confusion but mostly in contemplation and shock. That’s fucking damn right, shock! Because, from what they’ve been suffering through their new lives, though they got more to eat from or with and had many more ways to earn their living, it was still in an oppressive manner.

“Is… is this true?” The Village Head asked Pallenio and, as he did this question, so did others started their own questioning in full fear, confusion but also excitement and… hope. “Is this all true, sir, is it really true?!” - “We don’t wish to be slaves, we don’t wish to!!” - “No, no, this must be a trick… a… trick?! C-c-could you please prove it to us…?”

Pallenio frowned, not because of being annoyed thought, but because he felt that these fellow Inhabitants of Main Kingdom  were… much worse than he thought, have they suffered this much? What the hell man…

“Here you go, catch…” Pallenio looked at the man who beggingly asked if this could be proved, sending out a couple of items as they landed on the villager’s hands as the latter had trouble to use his legs to maintain his weight; a few other farmers went to help him, exclaiming in surprise right after as they felt some kind of inherent, innate passion.

“The fertilizers of the scroll!” - “From the scroll, haha, you idiot!” - “Hush! L-let’s try it, do not waste the army’s time, hurry hurry.” As the few farmers directly acted with quick-wittedness even if not with great intelligence, which was completely fine, Pallenio blinked at their silly demeanor as they finally decided to plant it on the village right away after a minute of deciding and awkwardness.

Tuk! Cree-...

The farmers began working like they would usually do, at this moment, the scouts that were on this Echelon were now paying great attention as they seemingly were comparing with their own eyes what was on their memories. Once the farmers began using the Low-Universal Fertilizer Panacea and then the Small Growing Elixir so well and only by instinct since they were true country bumpkins when sing such stuff, they arrived beside Pallenio as they whispered words towards him; making Pallenio nod and have a satisfied, easygoing smile on his face.

“Ooooh, it works!” One of the farmers who were looking at one of the sections from the small place of soil they just worked out suddenly exclaimed, making the other 3 farmers who were looking with dear attention at other sections turn their heads to see ‘it’ and then their eyes went wide and their hearts thumped! The crowd of villagers and other farmers similarly reacted, “Gaaasp~~!!”

“It’s working?” - “It is-AH! The others too, just one droplet from the two, yet it works? Ah! It’s not even stopping, hurry!” -  “Th-t-t-th-they are still growing even after… harvesting? Magic! Ahahaha, magic, I’m a mage!” While some words of the farmers made not only The Order’s army and Pallenio to at least facepalm mentally, but also their own family members and fellow villagers and farmers, the Village Head had a few tears collapse from his lacrimals as he smiled like a doofus and walked with open arms towards his daughter amongst the crowd.

“Hahahaha, this is good!!” He exclaimed as he hugged his daughter that kept on comforting him in tears of her own, saying things like ‘yes, father, is good…’ and ‘good, mhm, good good!’. Seeing this, The Order’s army quickly looked at each other in some apprehension, their weapons were ready to be used in any case, and the sight of the villagers’ being so alive and passionate made their backs to sweat coldly despite the scorching morning sun.

“Si-s-sir! If we may ask your precious name and… army as well as rank, we would deeply adore engraving it onto our minds.” The Village Head said, his hands extended out with his palms facing skywards, obviously waiting to be given something. Pallenio grinned, nodded towards him and then looked at a few Heavy Armored Infantry before nodding once again as he then walked a bit forwards.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step.


While Pallenio took a stance 1 meter before the crowd of villagers and what not, the Heavy Infantry soldiers moved towards each of them and gave them all one mildly long scroll, naturally with it being the same as the system’s contract from before, while the one in the Pallenio’s hands was taken by a Heavy Infantry and then delivered to the Village Head.

Pallenio opened his mouth as he placed his hands on his waist, then began speaking loudly for all to speak even among the low chatter going on within the villagers’ side. “If you have another question, I can answer it, but there is not that much time left, in less than 3 minutes, all of you must take the system’s contract and sign it; because those who do not will be taken as prisoners of war and not as citizens of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel. Those who resist, death will be given! This is a war, do not believe that you can take any chances to haggle any conditions, for we have direct orders to put down all those who resist without a care for their status!!”

His sudden words made the entire ‘lively’ atmosphere turn much more like that of the poor people being suddenly involved in a war, standing more serious as they signed the contract… well, mostly.

“Excuse me! I am not giving up on my own free will just for some rewards, we’ve seen it all, what can those Journeyers do not do? Look at them! They are even working for them now even though we are all the same, their brains must be-eh? Aah, stop!” One oldish man suddenly spoke out at this moment, just the mere feeling of everyone’s eyes on him made him emboldened as he spoke for ‘justice’ of his own people unlike what the Village Head did not ‘do’.

“Put him down!” One nearby Heavy Infantry quickly reacted, letting the man speak first before charging at him and scaring the oldish man the hell out of his head, then tackling the oldish man against the ground and breaking one of his legs before dragging him by the back of his collar back to where The Order’s army side was at, both their figures disappearing among the army.

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“...” Some who seemed closely connected to the oldish man were trembling with some outrage but mostly of fear from what could happen to him, at this time, Pallenio was the bad good man as he moved in closer to the former group as he gestures with his left arm elegantly before ‘comforting’. “Do not worry, as long as your grandfather does not adamantly resists, due to this incapacitation at the moment of conflict, which might have given him enough of a scare; he can be given back to you guys after imploring to the nearest by established settlement by The Order with great authority in the future. That is, once the war ends.”

“Ahoo!” In quite some despair from Pallenio’s words, one woman from the family members of the oldish man exclaimed before slowly clutching at her stomach, everyone knew what prisoners would suffer after all. But then, Pallenio finished with some other words of his which somewhat eased them up. “Fear not as well, your father will not be treated inhumanely, will be given 2 very basic meals per day and some time to exercise or some other passive activities. But no ‘visits’ will be permitted until the time that the war is over, any questions now or now?!”

Pallenio was, after all, a Colonel Army and not just a simple soldier or Captain, Sergeant or the like, and though his methods were efficient nonetheless, his way of presenting himself to others must be much more severe than what others ever could. This, was but the qualities a leader must have, and it was even more so for a military one, let alone that he was the third at command along with his other 7 brothers.

“A-ah-ah-ah… me, sir… I-I-” One man spoke out, he seemed feeble and weak as it seemed like it took him great efforts to stand out amongst the crowd of villagers and farmers.

“Speak up! Your voice will be heard, but you must make it be heard as well!” Pallenio berated the feeble man that seemed to be around his 30’s, the man then gulped down twice, dryly, before conveying his words with great intelligence towards Pallenio and as he looked at the ‘mounts’ that were taking a momentary rest way behind Pallenio’s back.

“These, err… beauties, are the Abysmal Creatures? The ones that Th… The Order has for their soldiers to use?” The feeble man pointed at the Abysmal Creatures Mounts that were either playing with their riders or resting unnecessarily on the ground with their flat bellies against it, they didn’t need any rest since they could run for months at their max speed and not be tired even with a huge minotaur—which were the largest and heaviest from the Beast clan—being their rider, so.

“Mhm, Las! They are the Abysmal Creatures reared by our Lord and some other Caretakers, Journeyers to be specific, they are also given some special products for rearing as well as equipment, but this settlement is way too behind for it to have any use nor proper efficiency of those so they won’t be offered any time sooner to you all. Well, that depends.”

Pallenio first yelled out loud, making the 5 meters long and 3.5 meters tall Abysmal Creature of his, this one had some tentacles-like feelers on their necks and under their collarbone, her exquisite, smooth and leather-like but also watery dark violet skin with darkest of blues colored lines all over her body dancing beautifully as she meekly made her way towards Pallenio, getting away from the human who was taking care of her with an extra and sudden fright.

And as he talked of The Order’s offer when talking about their Abysmal Creatures, he seemed proud as well as grateful as he carefully and lovingly caressed the shortened, cut off-like natural snout of ‘Las’. Pallenio then motioned for the feeble man to come closer as he added, “This is Las, she is one of the third batch that the Lord especially helped grow up, she adores him but she has been with me for a couple of months already and she is like this, they are amazing creatures.”

“Woaah.” - “Pretty!!” - “Mommy, I want one?” - “They are… so amazing!” - “Wueeeeh~.”

As the villagers, especially the child ones, heard Pallenio’s words and saw him pet Las as she returned his caressing with gentle gestures, nothing like what the farmers had seen before as they devoured and instantly destroyed so many powerful Journeyers; the feeble man was also naturally looking at the scene, fascination flashing in glints through his eyes.

“They are… so different to any mount I’ve ever read from before! I-I… can I?” The feeble man almost begged like a little child finding its first puppy for his eyes to admire, his left hand reaching out but then retracting as he became afraid, such a normal occurrence. But Pallenio didn’t deny him as he nodded and blinked as he nodded.


Las was feeling naughty, so she sniffed out from her snout, sending a strong breeze to chill the feeble man’s extended out left hand, making him recoil that arm entirely as if having touched moving magma instead. Pallenio tsked once before slapping lightly the back of Las’s head and then caressed her snout once more before catching the feeble man’s right hand as he was almost about to trip backwards.

Thug! Swish… pat.


“Oh-...hohoh! Ohohoho~!” The feeble man felt his world about to rotate, feeling like he was about to make his last shame out of himself and then die from how weak his body naturally is. But then, as he felt the strong and large hand thickened by the gloves the other party was wearing grab at his arm and then pull him back up into the ‘world of the living’, he was about to express his thanks when a rare, but so intricately wonderful sensation emerged on his right palm.

Right after, he felt such strong but inoffensive trembling from what he was feeling as the same familiar chilling breeze from before somewhat reached at his wrist. Before long, his head went back to being positioned normally and his eyes were locked onto what he was patting with his right hand!

A surprised exclamation was followed by a few inadvertent chuckles, followed by even more of the same but in a cheerful and blatant manner this time. Pallenio looked at Las at this moment as if berating, tenderly, a child while caressing the back of her head, “Don’t be naughty, Las. You’ll scare everyone to death if you do.”

Pallenio then looked up and saw the Village Head, a young woman embracing him in wonderment and the other villagers being astounded and struck silly by this sight. The Village Head misunderstood, and didn’t even remember quite well all of the words that Pallenio just said, “Ah, Sir Pallenio, this one is Timo, he has been an orphan since little and his abilities are basically, err… none. He can’t do well at farming, nor as a soldier or even basic work. Mostly, he spends his time reading any book that came from the nearby cities and towns, even from the Sub-Divisional City.”

“Mm, I see. Mister Timo, are you interested in these Abysmal Creatures much?” Pallenio hummed and then directly asked Timo, who was fascinated as he tried every nice method to pat the snout of Las, who in return felt really damn good at these moments. Timo raised his head and, hesitating a bit as he darted his eyes around, he answered lightly: “Ah… mhm.”

“Mm, well, that-some things can be accommodated to a later date.” Pallenio said as he mounted his Abysmal Creature Mount, Las, and then looked down at Timo for some time, engraving his face, name and ‘future profession’ that his Lord would very much like to take notice of and then possibly recruit once the war was over and then directed his gaze once more at the Village Head before letting it land on all of the villagers as Timo went back to the crowd as well.

“Everyone, my name is Pallenio and I’m a Blue Elf, son of the General of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, Powlniu! Colonel Army of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region and loyal servant of The Order’s Lord and protector of the Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel! The Elf Blue-Hunch Region is just one of the many army Regions under the Lord and his Order from the part of Inhabitants, farewell!”

“Hya!!” Pallenio nodded one last time at the villagers and then some of the scouts nearby took some farmers with them on top of their Abysmal Creature with some restrictions, enough to appear to have them as hostage but barely restraining their movement as they then advanced altogether, behind Pallenio’s Abysmal Creature Mount, towards the south.


And so did one of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region’s Echelons departed from one of the tens of thousands of smallish settlements that were the farthest away from the core center of the Northern section of the Wonder Region and outside the range of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division’s territory, even more outside of the Precious Stone Division’s territory.

Yet, not all of them were as smooth as the one in this smallish settlement village…



V6: #1 5/10.

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