Bow and Arrow

Chapter 519: Chapter 517 — First Day Of The War

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First Day Of The War




"Fwhoo! Fwhoo!" The minotaur Inhabitant who got their best friend Journeyer of their Cave Abode instantly destroyed and annihilated by the 'enemy' huffed out strongly from his nostrils, twice, as he remained still for as not even 10 of him would be able to do what this Blue Elf just did within the first 3 attacks or so. It was simply scary thinking that he was so brazenly attacking this monstrosity of a Blue Elf right now already…

“My name is Palili, I am an Army Colonel from the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, I didn’t come here to conquer and plunder nor did my army. We are all here only to take under the wings of The Order the settlements from all over the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division without the need of mindless struggle and death!”

“If possible, I would like to tell all of the Cave Abode’s people to lower your weapons and surrender! We do not wish to enslave, let alone kill any of you and we will only be taking down those Journeyers not associated with The Order in this war!!” Palili said, his right hand raising his long saber horizontally as he saw the supposed Cave Head of this Cave Abode’s look in hesitation towards him and his long saber.

Elves were already taller than most humanoid Races, and with Palili being one that has grown spectacularly well and so strong, he was even taller than the most grown up, matured elves even without his heavy armor; let alone now since he was currently wearing it. As for his long saber, it was half as long as his body and it carried an ímpetu so wild yet decent at the same time that it made any who looked at it to become apprehensive; more docile.

“Now, if you would all align together in front of the Cave Head’s building, please…” Once Palili saw the calming and quelling of the crowd who was just now fighting to their ultimate deaths without any real reason, believing their time to have come, with only a couple of accidental deaths pertaining the Cave Abode’s cavemen and cavewomen, he lowered his long saber and signaled for those of his army to follow up with the procedures.

Forming a line in front, and not against the one formed by the cavepeople, The Order’s forces then slowly waited until Palili deemed it to be the best time as he took out a mildly long scroll from his Master’s Bag and showed it to the cavepeople, making sure that the lights from the nearby torches reflected its contents well.

“Everyone, this is only the first few ‘gifts’ that our Lord, who has worked for a long time to create for you all, is presenting to you now through his Order. The Order’s conquering of the Wonder Region, not just of its Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, is but a matter of time. As for the necessary killing and instilling fear to your people; we would like to avoid that… but only if possible!”

With his face turning more serious and even more respectful, Palili continue after breathing in a lot of air into his lungs, “These conditions can be met with the simplest of methods, you just have to sign it and the immediate ‘gifts’ will be directly obtainable furthermore, I will give you some of these items as a test for you to prove.”

“In this way, you will see that our Lord does not want to eradicate the old and make the new prosper even amongst the bloodshed of the old, but merely to show you the way in which he shows you all that he is much more capable and resourceful from the get go than any other of those who have previously slaved you!!”

“In the same manner, you will see that with these first few conditions, not only will you be able to plant and harvest anything that you can find and that your farmers can deal with, but even if you still like the limited amount of flora that can only grow inside a cave or near unfertile lands, you will have copious amounts of all of what you desire.”

“Even the possibility of not just joining our army, but even forming part of it without needing to fight directly will be possible in the future, not so far from now even. This is not only to you, or to other Cave Abodes, but to all other settlements of all sizes! Random shacks built within the wilderness, villages, towns, cities, rafts, mountains… all sorts of people from Main Kingdom will no longer have to endure it any more with certain Journeyers’ parties, and can from then on live on their own without being subjected to abuse.”

“Those who do not see these visions as our Lord does, they will not be directly executed, unless they are adamantly refusing cooperation and even inciting others or just themselves. They will be, instead, taken as prisoners of war and be dealt with according to the rules of The Order; you can ask about them once the signing of all ‘current’ cavepeople have signed the contract and allow it to turn into The Order’s Cave Abode…”

Palili continued his speech, the soldiers all around him now more tranquil than what they originally were. After all, they got inside the cave with some darkness still in their eyes for those who weren’t used to these livelihoods or that were simply naturally not the best in obscure scenarios; suddenly being attacked and to the death with such even more sudden hatred incensed them as anyone else would be.

But as Palili kept on speaking, his words calmed them, reminded them of their goals and purposes and eased their erratic brains, turning their hearts to that of The Order once again and its ‘wishes’.

As for the cavepeople, the simple, mere act of him brutally ending a Journeyer and then shouting out loud his ‘hopeful’ words for no more conflict and the stopping of the same along with his expression of caressing that strange dog-like alien creature’s back with care made their conflicted and warring hearts to turn calmer and neutral once again.

But that wasn’t all that one needed to deal with such a situation ‘perfectly’, Palili was just lucky that there weren’t any stubborn fellows that were just ready to get into the war for no reason or from the influence that the Journeyers and their immortality had inflicted blow upon mental blow upon themselves.

Palili, naturally, knew this as well, as he had obviously seen and been witness to the almost outburst of rebellion that could’ve brought a few certain smallish settlements to at least half extermination. Though at those times, just a few hours before reaching this Cave Abode, there were still nonetheless a few deaths per each smallish settlement he went to.

The thought of it lingered in his heart but, considering how everyone had been stationed already a couple of hours from all over the borders of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division’s outskirts, the oh so heavy weight of responsibility made him think of his own duties first; and of his siblings’ duties second.

There were 3 sons of Powlniu, General of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region sent towards the North and South of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, another 2 to the West and lastly, Pawya was sent to the East. As the only daughter of Powlniu as well as the strongest of them all, even stronger than Powlniu herself, the dearest daughter Colonel General was in charge of a sole cardinal point on her own.

And not just for the beginning, oh no, this phase was all the Elf Blue-Hunch Region’s, it was all theirs to take and not just show to The Order and their Lord what they could do, but the power of the same towards the entire world of Main Kingdom and that of the Journeyers; to create an impact on their own that they won’t be expecting the second phase of this war… and struck them thunderously as they less expect it!

Thinking of such, Palili, the eldest son of General Powlniu, steeled his heart that had already grown strong and imperturbable from way before the Demons attacked the Sub-Divisions where the Abysmal Creatures and some other enemies from the wild or even seemingly another Dimension were easily hunting off everyone in the Azure Dragon Sub-Division.

With the new obstacle on his heart being slowly overcome as he spent the next few hours repeating the same, the army of the entire Elf Blue-Hunch Region that consisted of about that of 11,000,000 so quickly took care of all the smallish settlements that were outside of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division’s territory and even those who were within it.

For smallish settlements, there were barely any inside a Sub-Division’s territory, and wherever they were, they were surely to be surrounded by a plethora of small settlements as well as some medium settlements. Yet, The Order went on its own way to easily capture and conquer all of those smallish settlements while the other settlements watched it happen and did absolutely nothing to the cause.

Which was something to be glad about, after all, even if those other small and medium sized settlements were to even make a small move, The Order would have to put them down directly. But this was not desired as, if they didn’t act at all in the first place, which is exactly what happened; then the smallish settlements that were either brand new or affected by previous calamities would then have much less of a chance to even raise a finger.

As such, feeling like a cat surrounded by tigers, only for a big bad dragon to come in and take them under their wings, the smallish settlements inside of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division were the easiest and smoothest to conquer upon by The Order with clear difference and without any exception nor error unlike those outside of it.

Either because they are so dependent on peace, on the other settlements for a living and or because of the complete annihilation of all Royal families in just about all Regions of Main Kingdom; those inside the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division were so much more timid and basically useless against an invading enemy than even the farmers were of those outside.

By the end of the first day when, the darkest of the night enshrouded all of Main Kingdom, all and any of the outskirts’ territories of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division had all been taken away by The Order after more than 15 hours of the most arduous, repetitive yet safe methods of killing, scaring, comforting, threatening—basically—and rewarding.

Smallish settlement after smallish settlement; they all ‘fell’ under The Order’s claws and became part of it, some of them directly going back to farm while most others staying home and in worry as they hoped for all those horrible sounds of stomping and flesh being teared, devoured by the strange dog-like alien creatures now known as the Abysmal Creatures and more to go away from where their houses and very own settlements were located at.

Those who went out to farm were monitored by a full Team of Scouts, which 12 were enough to take care of 4 smallish settlements’ farming lands on their own, the riders had the speediest and most agile but still incredibly well resistant and armored Abysmal Creatures available. That, coupled with the special equipment that every Scout has to survey anything in a wide span of about 100 square kilometers allowed to do just that perfectly.

As such, even though a few hundred of Teams of Scouts were out and kept on the behind for the safekeeping of such farmers as well as to prevent any actual act of rebellion like running off to some Journeyers that happened to appear nearby out of curiosity, the Elf Blue-Hunch Region was still so easily able to conquer each smallish settlement like it was nothing.

Besides, it wasn’t just Inhabitants that were there, but even though Journeyers were indeed participating as well that were from The Order’s forces too, they were all under Powlniu’s command. And once things got much more stable the next day, she would send those Scouts back to the frontlines to do well in avoiding any unnecessary disaster while letting those Journeyers keep the farmers and their safety in check.

It was monotonous, a first day for a war, this might not be that rare, but it was the first real war that Powlniu’s faction has ever faced and participated in. If it wasn’t for her Master’s words and convincing, she would’ve joined with some other factions and ended up having her entire forces massacred by their own foolishness.

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But now that she was not just in one but leading it, for real since she was the one to initiate it as Yun Beishang observed and ‘thought’, she was the one to do every single planning along with some strategist. Even though many helped to the entire plan’s forming and development, she was the one to call the shots and she wasn’t shy of it, even sometimes denying Yona or Xie Ling’s thoughts directly.

Of course, Powlniu wasn’t made of metal and circuits, so she would need her fair share of reality to be pulled back down with her feet on the earth. For that, Yun Beishang’s body was all for her to cherish later on, which was also serving as a huge motivator for dear Powlniu as she slowly made her way from the Regional Borders at the North to the borders of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division once the day was over and night had fallen onto the warring lands of Main Kingdom.



At the reconstructed Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division whose walls were already almost fully reconstructed and from which buildings were barely starting being so. Inside a large building mildly close to the northern gate of the same. Nightfall.



“We must do something!! We cannot hesitate, this is war, a real war!” One man with lithe clothes but not transparent, fortunately, stomped his fist against the table and had redness come straight up at his knuckles and the back of his fingers in the middle. He then continue as he broke the silence and the few dozens of seats looked at his ‘infuriated’ face, “We can’t let that Yun Beishang whatever the fuck take this Region, it shouldn’t even have been possible in the first place, he must have used something that surely tired or weakened out his troops-”

“What is your name?” A sudden voice, very familiar to anyone, especially from the recent half a year, sounded out as everyone turned their heads towards this seemingly low and feeble voice that did not need any strong force to attract so many pairs of eyes. The man with lithe clothing, appearing to be from a magical profession sweated for a second before responding in respectful bravery… fake bravery. “My name is-”

“Oh, I don’t care. I will, ahem,” The person from the voice was a young man with curly, orange colored hair. And as he stood up from his position that had his hood covering his eyes, nose and cheeks along with his intertwined hands in front of his face, a beautiful young woman followed him up and even tidied up his hood from behind as he took it out to reveal his face. “I will only say this, to all of you. Surrender to The Order as soon as you can, the more you do so, the less you will suffer and you may even gain. Let’s go, dear.”

“Mm, mhm! Let’s gooo~...” the young woman responded sweetly, dragging her words as she took the back of his hood into her hands and then followed his every step like a stupid and shy little girl with her dreams having come true. Besides, the look in her eyes revealed that she was a woman who was ‘treated well’ and only she knew what kind of novelties she would be receiving soon after arriving at their virtual home.

After all, one couldn’t get pregnant no matter how many times someone released inside, ah…

“...Hmm…” Seeing the 2 figures leave their meeting room, as shabby and as lacking as it looked, only those 2 showed no real care about it but were also the first ones to leave and with such big words at that. It was weird, indeed… a man wearing black robes looked at this and then raised to his feet to say a few words in a defeated tone, “I can only sympathize with what Mr Rilu has said, we’ve been playing so hard like rich men from the ancients and now… I think it’s time we got what we deserved, sigh…”

“How can you say that? It was surely just them being lucky, they’ve been fighting and killing at the outskirts, the NPCs there are so weak!” The lithe-clothed man said with a disgusted face showing a great disapproval, and was then backed up almost right away.

“That’s right!! Whose side are you on, ehh?” - “If we do something like luring them, ambushing them and the like, we can…” - “You’re saying nonsense, this is our time to fight our war!”

“Sigh,” the black clothed man whose looks were even somewhat ugly and with long hair thrown to the back of his head but rather beautifully pursed his lips in seemingly melancholy. He then walked towards the exit as well as he moved towards the exit just like Mr Rilu did just now as his voice lingered in the air with a tone of manliness. “No matter what, if you all want to play, then go ahead, it is already too late for me and I must sleep so even if I wanted to, I won’t spend time gossiping around with you. Good luck.”

Successfully making the childmen and fickle women who were just all way too deep into getting into a war of their own in which the defending force basically depended on only themselves as the bigger leaders of the strongest Associations of the Wonder Region to have their initiative and morale down, the black-robed man left the recently reconstructed Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division as he began contacting someone in his friendlist…

“Yes Master Fusi, understood.” After just a few seconds of his ‘call’, the black-robed man lazily yawned and crossed over the corner, just as a figure was about to call out for his attention, the black-robed man spoke with a blunt and vague tone in his voice. “Yes, Rilu, the Lord wouldn’t deny you and your Hundred Flowers Hall. Just don’t bite more than you can chew and you’ll be fine, aaaawwh, damn sleepy.”

“...” Rilu was flabbergasted, his entire being was glad, of course, he would get the chance to calm down his awful relationship with his sister in the future for sure. But the way he was being taken so casually and uncaringly still hit his somewhat still childish heart, yet, as he remembered the words of his certain maid, he shrugged his shoulders and took out a way better than the Easily Borrowed Horse that was emanating violet aura to hurry at his virtual home so far away…

At the same time, so suddenly and out of nowhere…

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Hundred Flowers Hall has surrendered to The Order and has become the first to do so, respective rewards or punishments will be granted once the war is over many times enhanced. The Hundred Flowers Hall and its Vassals can no longer be attacked by any party unless they are the first to attack.

And back at the meeting room where the youths and old, bored people were slowly getting enlivened and energized back up…


“Th-th-that should be impossible, was it serious?!” - “OH my fucking god…” - “No way, should we do it too? Should we do it?”

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Powerful Arms Guild…

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Lost Gods Sect…

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Hot Flowers Hall…

“No, no, no!!!!” The lithe clothed man, with his hopes of being a hero being slowly crushed, managed to stop more than half of the current strongest forces of the Region from forfeiting so whimsically and in full nonsense. As he and the others saw not any other such regional announcement rigging out newly, the lithe clothed man then calmed down and said with a voice filled with ‘grandeur’. “I will lead the tr-no, our people to several different places and we will take the fight to The Order, we first make all the Inhabitants…”

And so, the ‘resistance’ against The Order commenced. Even if it was crude, even if it was so basic and elementary, it was the first one nonetheless…



V6: #1 7/10.

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