Bow and Arrow

Chapter 525: Chapter 523 — Warnings

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At a certain campsite established all around the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Divisional City, second day of the war and 1st year, 8th month and 2nd day since the release of the 'game'; Rising Essence. 5 am and inside the largest tent on the northern side of the campsite around the City.


"We have to make sure to have them group all together, how is it going on your side?" A lithe clothed man said with his back bent and his knuckles against the table that was right in the middle of the large tent's insides, his face was energized but obvious signs of forcing himself to wake up were obvious on his eyes as those bags weren't for show even inside the game; ah.

A young woman with even harder bags hung below her eyes which seemed not that energized as the lithe clothed man barely was able to react to his question by shaking her head after 2 seconds as he looked at her, she had brown curly hair and loose black robes revealing her small cleavage. And while the lithe clothed man was having fun playing ‘to war’, the other few in the tent were the only ones who arrived on time at the early meeting scheduled since yesterday’s night. A typical sort of irresponsibility from the fickle or so.

“Oh… yes, yes. A ton of players are already waiting while some others are still moving in-between, at most, some get their borrowed mounts or something from certain settlements and there are also not many of those mounts to be borrowed from. We aren’t like those invaders, having all that bunch of doggies that seem to be so incredible…”

“Ah, yes yes, their mounts are so good, can they be stolen? If they can, I want 30% and…” To these words of ‘talking about profit’ and what not, the small group of leaders was quickly incensed and slowly woke up. The lithe clothed man wanted to let it happen as it could help in sobering those other ‘less serious’ and ‘leaders’ than him sooner, but he also thought, ‘Hmf, if they could be stolen, this wouldn’t be a damn game, you idiot!’.

“Well, what do you know about those mounts?” But then, the clothed lithe man thought of the ‘intelligence’ that was always necessary and of vital importance in the movies and shows, so he asked the lot of lazy leaders that were definitely not like himself; not as serious. “What did the dumb players that died too early say?”

“Oh yeah, some said that they were strong and that they had the same strength that a Heavenly graded BOSS, but because they were too low level, they couldn't see any of the riders nor the mounts’ information. After the first day ended, not even the healers or ranged classes with the highest DEX and WIS were able to get any information from them.” Responded a sleepy large bearded red haired male player with his left hand below his chin on top of the table.

“Yup, they must be of a high grade, both the mounts and the riders and-”

“Shut up! Are you seriously… seriously telling me that we only got peasants and slaves while they got BOSS NPCs as an entire army? And with those mounts being extremely fast each, enough to fucking conquer all fo the wild lands? Seriously?!” The lithe clothed man was enraged at ‘his people’ not knowing how great they were praising their enemy, their invaded; and still thinking of this as a movie they were having great fun watching at.

“We… we might have weaker troops but we have a greater number, and combined, a raid of LV120 or more of players can deal with a LV135 Lord BOSS, we should be able to get rid of their army if we join them all together and create a formation consisting of an entire raid to deal with a rider.”

“After all, we have to defend these lands that belong to us~! We cannot let this ‘The Order’ to take it just because they found the way to cross through Regional Borders and we couldn’t be aided by the other Regions. The NPCs and small animals of the forest count on us, and we can’t let them just die for nothing, but in a war of honor!”

The lithe clothed man said, his words were utterly nonsense, there was no honor nor pride to even speak of, and the ‘people’ they were protecting were their workers and not their citizens. But even though as everyone else knew perfectly of these things, they nodded and were already agreeing with the ‘emboldening’ words that the lithe clothed man spoke.

“Wait, they are ‘Inhaaabitants’, not NPCs anymore, remember? Everyone accepted it well because of the humanization of the game, did you all really forget all of this??” A man with short black hair and dark blue leather armor clothing said as he placed his left arm on top and on the back of the chair, turning his head to look all around as he asked in confusion.

“...Agh, yes… the-ahem, Inhabitants, not NPCs. Okay… well then,” the lithe clothed man felt a rage building up inside himself as the other few people around turned to look at the dark blue leather armor clothed man in schadenfreude, resisting the urge to lash out for losing face as he was preparing to continue on with the ‘reports’ when suddenly, an honest looking ‘NPC’ came into the tent.” My kings and queens, there is bad news, the scouts from The Order have sent to all small and even medium sized settlements all kinds of letters! They’ve been doing so for almost 2 hours already, we only got a notice of it due to the fastest magical crow that was used by the ‘fake’ Royal families from before.”

“What?! What did they say, are they recruiting our own people?!” The lithe clothed man had his face directly fall off, his jaw making an ugly and comical expression at his cheeks and mouth as he asked with the horrible feelings of betrayal and getting one’s things taken away directly from under your noses.

“N-no, my king. Those letters are personally sent by those scouts, and their contents are nothing more but a clear warning to… to my kings and queens and a proposition to all the Inhabitants of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division. We’ve also received the other few magical crows from the South, West and East with the same contents…”

“Let me see…” The lithe clothed man, with nothing but fear and a child’s terror, read through the letters that were sent and the ‘points’ that were given as an offer to the ‘Inhabitants’; not ‘NPCs’. “WHAT?!”



At 3 am, when the troops had rested well while their mounts were perfectly fine and were even used as beds by their beloved riders, lazy and smelly but still beloved, the Army Colonels began a meeting with their lower officials in the largest tent. It was pretty simple and fast, not being a meeting larger than even 2 minutes, as the officials and the Army Colonels were already awake even before that time came.

Right after the meeting with the Army Colonel, the lower officials went out on their way to meet the already prepared and fully awakened Scouts with their tall mounts also ready for movement, having finished eating their meal and defecating a bit which was then taken by some other soldiers for the sake of fertilizer for later on…

From 3:05 am to all the way up to 6:00 am, there were Scouts from The Order’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region moving all over the outer ring’ inside the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division’s territory, which could be considered to be the house of a very few amount of large settlements, quite some medium settlements and with an endless amount of small settlements where smallish settlements were almost as rare as the largest sized settlements indeed in this ‘outer ring’.

The distance from settlement to settlement, no matter the size, was pretty large and it could be even ⅓ of an entire Region from New Earth before one could find one settlement after another depending on their size and current age. Naturally, with times passing and coming, Main Kingdom’s smallest forces were slowly growing up and, naturally, to swallow one another.

The large or even the supreme settlements nowadays that can be considered only weaker than the Sub-Divisional Cities, yet severely weaker each; were not just built from scratch. In the few thousands of years of history of Main Kingdom which all settlements from any size could have their time to learn, conquering ‘peacefully’ or by ‘brute force’ were already so well known even amongst these settlements; what less from between the growth of a Sub-Divisional City.

And it was even more so for the Divisional Cities, but for the last two, they were naturally hidden from the public for fearful and panicky reasons from the Royal families that have at most a history of over 10,000 years in Main Kingdom. Even then, these settlements that have been able to rise to the supreme or the large size, be it big towns and small cities to even some being half-castles, half-citadels; they are still quite backwater compared to the Sub-Divisional and Divisional Cities.

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Not only do the settlements have some of the poorest management, but they even have not really much opportunity to get their own food to feed themselves without needing to hunt. They were, indeed, forced to either buy from the Sub-Divisions who were then forced to get those resources from the Divisional Cities’ Royal families storage.

And from then, the Royal families will even be paid a large, hefty sum of the gold coins or items and resources they got from the other settlements in return for food. It was only like that the settlements were actually allowed to exist, and the reason why there weren't any other Sub-Divisional Cities and even less so—Divisional Cities.

Because, in the far past of Main Kingdom, there is a rumor that goes from some of the largely most ancient books that are easily passed around from settlement to settlement, from which they were actually banned from being so many thousands of years ago but from which some Head of these settlements managed to perfectly remember each word, line and image from those books and kept on passing them around themselves for the fun of prohibition… or maybe other reasons too.

In those books, there weren’t any records, any truthful events nor even at the very least, a single complete sentence of truth pertaining the veracity of certain ‘words’. Because, in fact, those books were used more to spread rumors, rumors that talked about the unimaginable way before the current era of Main Kingdom.

But ultimately, rumors that no longer are of importance in the current era of Main Kingdom, nor the previous one, as Adorevia’s sacrifice and the calamity naturally marked the end of those a bit more than 10,000 years where the Royal families were birthed. Those rumors were simple, and too unimportant nowadays that the Inhabitants of Main Kingdom no longer gave them any care; anymore.

They talked, gave knowledge of… an ancient Main Kingdom, so ancient that even trillions of Royal families couldn’t be compared up to, where it wasn’t just a few Sub-Divisions surrounding a Division. Because, in the first place, it wasn’t just one Division per Region that existed and naturally; the population from yore was endless times bigger than nowadays even before the calamity.

With each Region from before holding 7 Divisions within, 4 at each cardinal point and 2 surrounding the strongest and largest Division that would act as the Leader of the Region and under the Overlord’s rule. With each Region also holding many more Sub-Divisions, compared to the 5 from nowadays, it would be about an endless amount of Sub-Divisions from all over Main Kingdom!

It was a simple rumor that talked of the current knowns from today, but of a much bigger scale, it was also very easy to simply just take it as a baseless rumor since it was so damn easy to fabricate and make use of its readers. But it still maintained its spot in the hearts of the ‘peasants’ and ‘slaves’ that were already a kind of a commodity for the previous era.

Many eras ago, Main Kingdom was supposed to be like that, and ‘an era ago’, it was many times weaker and… corrupted. As for this nameless era that nothing was known of, every settlement was afraid of the future for as that was the most instinctual, natural reaction from any single being of Main Kingdom and not just its humanoid Inhabitants.

This, and much more, was not just easily known to Yun Beishang but to his forces as well. Rather, it was from all of the Factions that his Order swallowed up, along with the aid of the convincing Powlniu and her goddess-like daughter Pawya, that he and his Order came to know of the past historical rumors of Main Kingdom; from its own people.

The food in the previous era was already a completely obvious and shameless steal and scam of the Royal families towards ‘their’ own ‘citizens’, making each settlement as weak and retarded as they could, with the latter receiving next to no education on to how to properly manage a territory and even less so of how to train soldiers. Let alone raise a military strength, and those recent rumors of each time a new ‘Leader’ appeared, yet disappearing in the next few days…

In the same manner, during the last 2,500 years of Main Kingdom before the end of the Era of the Royals, news of many settlements suddenly disappearing were constantly being heard by Main Kingdom’s Inhabitants from each Region and even outside the Sub-Divisional territories.

It was like so that Factions like that of Powlniu were formed, though Powlniu’s Faction, now The Order’s army Region, were so newly formed right as the Journeyers were invited in by the Mother of Main Kingdom. Yet it was one of the strongest and best disciplined ones ever, which was a reason of why Yun Beishang doubted not even once to put them on the hard task of conquering the first Sub-Division of the Wonder Region along with its outskirts all on their own with the simple aid of Journeyers.

Naturally, Journeyers from his to-be Vassals like those from the Forgotten Flask League and the Frozen Maiden Sect were the ones to join in, while those self-named Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces Faction were in the waiting for the end results. Similarly, Raoundozia’s House of the Knights of Raoundozia, Selina’s House Sunbreaker, Oco’s Glorious Gods Sect, Yin Xiong’s Dark Immortal Sect, Tong Tao’s Trinity Hall and even the Historical League from Cobra were put in waiting as already contracted Allies of The Order by the system itself.

Others such as the Imperishable Guild of Sylda and the Eviscerate League of Kalen were already set on certain other… fields, and this was well known to all Allies of The Order, with not a single intention of hiding anything from anyone. And as they laid in waiting, the rest of the Factions swallowed up and given a home to actually finally call it their own permanent home were also leading those other fields, or planning as they took in reports and data from the Elf Blue-Hunch Region from The Order itself. Self-learning can be monstrous after all.

As for the settlements and their ‘armies’, well, they can at best be called militia with a disorganized and unclear train of thought. Only the large and supreme sized settlements had an ‘army’ to speak of; a militia. And in this militia, it was as big as possibly only a few hundreds for a large settlement while a supreme settlement will have no more than 10,000 in their militia.

AS for their weapons? Armor? Strategy? Logistics… or at least management of the same for miscellaneous matters? Utterly clueless, most supreme settlements had at most 5,000 soldiers in their militia, only a very few from all over Main Kingdom were able to have a full 10,000 soldiers without their settlement going bankrupt or having starved to death somehow.

Normal wooden, stone and even bamboo and other similarly types of self-made weapons that weren’t even graded were all that those large and supreme settlements had as weapons; with their armors being of the same caliber and their leather and light clothed types being nothing more than as useful as a normal peasant’s clothing.

That was their ‘militia’, and they could naturally never be a damage for the Sub-Divisional Cities even if those from all over Main Kingdom ganged up to invade a single Sub-Divisional City, even to the weakest ones of the latter. Let alone towards the Divisions

And now, from 3 am to 6 am, the Scout arrived at each smallish and small settlement inside this ‘outer circle’, as well as went to some of the nearest medium sized settlements to the small settlements. Lastly, there were Scouts who went on their own, alone, to bravely sent another few letters to the largest—large sized—settlements of the entirety of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division.

From the Scouts that arrived at the smallish settlements before departing and moving on to other smallish settlements before finally being able to start with the small settlements; they first gave the same list of contents and conditions from the offers that their Order’s Lord had for those villages, cavepeople, treepeople and what the fuck not.

As for the small settlements, their conditions and offers were a bit different, but the intention of The Order was the same of taking them under their wing and giving them the livelihoods that they should’ve always have had. 

At the same time, the Scouts moving to the medium sized settlements didn’t bring a list nor words of peace to them, the Scout weren’t even looking for a real meeting with the Inhabitants of the medium settlements, much to their despairing distress and curiosity being trampled over by being ignored.

Instead, what those medium sized and large sized settlements got from the Scouts of The Order was simply a warning, a very clear and ample threat as well, that so transparently ‘asked’ for these settlements to not listen to any other but their own hearts. Because, even if The Order wanted them to not become the Journeyers’ ‘cannon fodder’, their current Head might have already pledged loyalty to them.

Hence, the Scouts made a lot of people angry, towards which some ‘insiders’ from the medium and few large settlements tried to cause some commotion. Only to end up being either sacrificed for momentary pause, directly found by the Scouts without even knowing why and then killed and made an example of in the exact same manner as they were found out.

As for the Heads of those settlements that the Scouts could easily deduce that they were in cahoots with the enemy Journeyers, only the thought of them being gang leaders and not worth any future offer was raised in their heads. There wasn’t a need to do nor even think of taking out such so mildly troublesome people, they could be so easily taken care of after all at any moment.


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