Bow and Arrow

Chapter 526: Chapter 524 — Unrest

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There were 5 points that the new list of offers, gifts or greeting presents, however it could be called, were shown to the Inhabitants of those small settlements. While on the other hand, the smallish settlements that were briefly visited by the Scouts was of a 'yes' or 'no' to joining their other fellow smallish settlements, and depending on their answer, the Scouts told them a whole different thing.

If said yes, where the Inhabitants would then sign up and then become The Order's smallish settlement, the Scout would quickly deal with matter regarding the transaction of 'contribution' from the Inhabitants' resources before being paid in gold coins or even other resources to either get some Minimal Growing Elixirs and Basic-Universal Fertilizer Panacea.

Afterwards, the Scouts would then finally leave for the next one or so on. But, if said no and all Inhabitants unanimously decided to remain as the Precious Chrysoberyl’s ‘resistance force’, then the Scouts were free to even arrest said Inhabitants in their own houses and stores, forbidding them of any aid towards the incoming days and basically forcing them to sign a contract of remaining in their ‘prisons’ while in exchange, they wouldn’t be indiscriminately killed by The Order when ‘time passed by’.

Naturally, those system’s contracts were for the sake of both parties. The smallish settlements have all the right to refuse, but this wasn’t a happy event, but damn war; war. Since they chose to remain stubborn, it was already an act of actual kindness that The Order just placed them under house arrest and did not kill or kidnap them or something.

Then, there were the offers and conditions set by The Order to the small settlements:

System’s Contract:

1.- All inhabitants of the small settlement will be teached the following arts, Gardener, Tailor, Blacksmith, Smith, Caretaker, Craftsman, Builder and Architect, Trade Merchant, Chef and Manager for free; there will be no forced studies but all Inhabitants must go through tests so as to give them the opportunity to learn as much as they can. All ages and no gender limitation.

2.- All Inhabitants (one batch per family) will be granted a total of 100 Basic-Universal Fertilizer Panacea each month, besides that, a total of 50 (maximum) Low-Universal Fertilizer Panacea will be available for each family each month. The necessary contribution made and resources and/or gold coins required to exchange for the latter will be be specifically of…

3.- All Inhabitants (one batch per family) will be granted a total of 35 Minimal Growing Elixir each month, besides that, a total of 10 (maximum) Small Growing Elixir will be available to exchange according to one’s contributions and/or resources or gold coins.

4.- Abysmal Creatures can be bought from The Order once the warring period of the Wonder Region has finished, where each of them will be costly but slightly more available to small settlements than smallish settlements. In the same manner, all Inhabitants will be allowed to join in the army of The Order as citizen of The Order already once one’s contributions have reached the requirements. NOTE: Taming methods and caretaking will be teached correspondingly.

5.- Small settlements will be given a new hierarchy and be completely freed from any lower status, all citizens of The Order will never again be oppressed by the leadership positions of nor management nor the army. The Heads of the small settlements are no longer required to show cooperation for the surrendering of small settlements or higher sized settlements.

Right below point #2 and point #3 were the descriptions of both the Basic-Universal Fertilizer Panacea and Low-Universal Fertilizer Panacea and both the Minimal Growing Elixir and Small Growing Elixir respectively. As for the Abysmal Creatures, since nobody would be signing it right away, and to avoid any kind of espionage, it obviously held no information about them whatsoever.

Naturally, the Low-Universal Fertilizer Panacea, the Small Growing Elixir and their lower or higher graded versions were extremely groundbreaking, but nowhere near as factor changing on the war as it is with the Abysmal Creatures. Besides, the former ones didn’t nor couldn’t be dropped, they had their creations be from the Lord of The Order and from the Forge and Create Sub-Class branch; it would be a joke if such a thing was to even be possible.

Though not all Inhabitants perfectly knew of the ‘arts’ that were to be teached freely by The Order to all Inhabitants, their simple and not at all complex names made it easy for even the skeptical Inhabitants to understand, more or less, what it meant. Though some thought those to be unimportant, since they were being freely teached and so on, they were soon placated and changed their point of view when seeing the below points.

As for the 5th point, it was naturally due to the poor image that Yun Beishang had of the Heads from all the small, medium, large and supreme settlements. When he was in the Novice Village, such Head would only give information about the game, its grading system, the workings of the world, requirements for Lv to select a class and whatnot.

Even if they had bad personalities or a foul mood, they weren’t leading the ‘quest giving’ capital so adamantly, and were instead there to fulfill their purpose to the Journeyers, who have left their own world to become immortal beings in the world of the Inhabitants themselves. But, on the ‘regular’ other settlements that weren’t Novice Villages, it was just not the same case.

When traveling with Zyv, on their long ass date, Yun Beishang didn’t even need to get to experience it himself as Zyv was already explaining to him to be more lenient to the ‘foolish ones’ that would make him want to do bad things. Some were even lewd, and a tad bit smarter, trying to buy some female—and naturally—male Journeyers as whore for a ‘some fun time together’.

While others… well, those, not even Zyv stopped Yun Beishang from ‘cleaning the streets’, as when Yun Beishang found some fellows who even were as ‘smart’ as to give whoring quests to his dear Little Zyv back then were already infamous among their own settlements. When he got rid of them, he easily got a lot of reputation instead of being abhorred, contrary to the Journeyers’ point of view whenever killing even criminal scum ‘NPCs’.

It wasn’t even one third of all the settlements that they visited, but form Zyv’s little dainty mouth, he heard many other things that she either saw or was ‘proposed’ to do. She saw many young ones being offered some ‘mild’ prostitution at the very beginning of the game, only to find out that everything was as if it was their own body and so on…

She was also offered multiple times certain ‘quests’ which she naturally responded by clawing everything around, it wasn’t always that the Inhabitants would applaud such doing of ‘liberation’, but it was for at least most of the times. As for others who were just greedy and would even contradict other actually worrisome quests from the ‘lesser’ villagers, cavepeople and so on; those were hugely abundant instead.

In any case, Yun Beishang had made these little things even months before starting this war against the Wonder Region, whereas the Generals were just to pass it among the settlements while the war was to be ongoing. Powlniu could add some things and even request for changing some other things, but that was not happening anytime sooner from how the looks of this war were going.

The ‘notice’ from letters that the medium settlements and large settlements received were 2, one from the Lord of The Order and another from the General in charge of the war; in this case, namely, Powlniu of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region.

The Lord’s letter, practically, said: “To the Head of this trifling medium settlement, I, as the Lord of The Order, am fucking threatening that if you dare to send troops to stop my own from conquering the lands of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division; will allow my army to directly engage in violent conquer to your settlement. Act careful, or be destroyed.”

Pretty neat, to be honest, Yun Beishang was too bored to care about diplomacy, politics and even less of the emotions of the Heads of settlements who were just not cooperative. And he also wouldn't just give some extra time for these parties to ‘think about it’. The important ones here were the ‘commoners’ and not the slightly ‘higher commoner’ instead.

As for General Powlniu’s letter, this one was even more simpler, but also cold and cruel. “When the time comes for your medium settlement to be brought under the care and power of The Order, violence or ceremonies will depend on the path you’ve chosen for your people. Sincerely, General Powlniu of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region.”

Though both Yun Beishang and Powlniu were not as convincing and peaceful as their forces seemed to make themselves of by not directly forcing the smallish settlements into a fight to the death, their capabilities of both their armies of The Order and of their own selves as beings were obviously shown indeed.

And besides that, there was a last warning that came directly from the mouth of the Scouts that went to each smallish settlement, medium settlement and large settlement; ‘In 3 or 2 days, after enough time to think was given to the people from the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, The Order will resume its operations in this war!’; said the Scouts before remaining on the spot without showing any signs of running away after being ‘bold’ and then slowly leaving before speeding up to another medium settlement or so.

Besides those, each small settlement was told that if they didn’t have enough time thinking by the end of those 3 or 2 days, they would be all directly imprisoned at best. ‘At best’, since, all those who were just not willing to be under house arrest will be directly cleansed off the small settlements while those others who were ‘compliant’ will be spared but still imprisoned nonetheless.

No second chances, no extra time, and being utterly ruthless and decisive.

This was the decision made by The Order himself towards his General, Colonel Generals and all of his subjects to obey in this and future, already planned; wars. If it wasn't like so, as obvious and blatant yet as bloody and cruel, then this one war against the Wonder Region would even take up to months and not just the accorded 1 month instead.

All in all, who could stop Yun Beishang even if he was being too much, too cruel, too shameless or too ambitious? Who told him to become the Evil God, in the first place, ah? Yet, Yun Beishang could never find this on himself to be a ‘victim’ and, instead, even chose to do so with gladness. Not for just the sake of sovereignty, at all, but for the future of his own people.

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Selfish, incredulously, even childish; but also so very true to himself. From the small young man—boy—that hesitated to kill human NPCs in this gaming world to… becoming the Lord of Main Kingdom.

Nevertheless, it was at the smallish and medium settlements that there were a lot of bad and tragic, unnecessary developments.

On one smallish settlement, a very young man at his early 18’s stood up for his people in hot-bloodedness, and was put down by a pike from the Scout as he directly acted as he was supposed to. Yet, such action directly gave the settlement’s Inhabitants a lot of rage and grief, they couldn’t be blamed for feeling; but their following actions were too rash.

Putting their chests out and heads high with their eyes turning ferocious, ganging up on the Scout that kept on yelling to back down, squat or kneel as he retreated with his Abysmal Creature Mount that was so ready to protect its rider… a small riot became a carnival of flesh and screams of pain that ended as soon s they started.

It wasn’t just one, or two, or just a few dozen. Many of the medium and smallish settlements, though the latter was more than the former, there were more of these tragic events that were at the end… used as an example without even wanting to nor planning to. While the former, being less than the latter, had many more people hurt and killed, while all of the rest of their people were directly imprisoned under house arrest.

And this, oh ho, this was only at the first early morning of the 2nd day of the war, what could the following day or 2 days bring them? Yet, this did not really brought trouble to the Scouts, unless there was a misinformation and a Scout lied on how the events transpired. Then, as the Inspectors or even Army Colonels arrived to the scene of the happenings and looked through the records that The Lord has built inside the hearts of his people and their equipment; were the truth would come to life.

Fortunately, or not, no Scout was found lying after an investigation was brought up. Yet, almost a third of the entire small and medium settlements of the outer ring of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division were reached in just these 3 hours of such operations taking place. While those Scouts who had to be the ones to ‘qualm’ such events were sent to take a rest without punishments and merely some warning and a pat on the wrist, the accorded time for the 3rd day of the war early morning’s operation was to be enlarged to meet the Lord’s requirements.



KATARINA-1, Yun Beishang’s bedroom. Around that of 10 am.


On top of his bed, Yun Beishang was looking at the ceiling after having rested barely 3 hours. His eyes were fully opened and, as his darkest and gray colored broken glass eyes glanced skywards, the tender body to his left that had her back towards him slowly turned around as a peaceful and gentle smile was already plastered on her face.

“What is it, Yun Beishang my husband?” Natalia brought her arms to hug his neck, and with her mouth pecking and speaking towards his face, she smooched his left jaw a couple of times before her eyes remained silently locked on his profile face, then closed them in before blinking them as her eyelashes poked his neck.

“I felt you waking up earlier but, it was just for a little moment before letting yourself drift to sleep once again. Yet, you are now fully awaken, what is it, my love?” Natalia began to now pass her full nose on his left cheek from left to right, or from below to up, with Yun Beishang breathing in a lot of air as he took a hold of the slim arms holding his neck.

“Oh, it’s nothing, just thinking of some thing I… just felt, hmph~.” Snorting involuntarily in a cheery manner after speaking, Yun Beishang gave his dear Naty a light and hearty smile as he turned his head towards her. On his right, a pair of slender but powerful arms were sent to rest at his sternum, right after being followed by Diana’s voice. “What is it? Tell us.”

Not waiting for any of the two parties’ response, Diana directly stole Yun Beishang’s chin and turned his head towards his right, where a pair of so wholeheartedly willing lips met his own. With a peck being easily turning into a perverted invasion of her lips into his mouth, Diana let go of him when he was beginning to take over the situation.

“Mmf!” Yet, just as she wanted to instantly bobble her head back, a slim hand caught the top of her head and forced her down on his face yet again, as if she was being forced to suck their man’s dick, ah. Opening her eyes in surprise and surrender as a frown so desperately enticing to Yun Beishang was formed at her perfect eyebrows, all her eyes could take in was a naughty widely grinning Big Sister Natalia with her eyes wholly pitch-black gazing back at her in lust.

“Mmf, mwlaaah~... mmmwhmw-chu…mwchuchuchumwah????.” Diana was, after a long 20 minutes, freed from the clutches of the devil husband of hers and the devil big sister of hers, her face a bit sweaty as her warm brown chestnut eyes turned clearer and golden-like under her own sweat just like the first time and subsequent times that Yun Beishang has been with her and with water on her skin involved. Hell, it even began to work with his own sperm…

Hubby…” Diana tomboy acted coy, her head tilted with her neck twisted to the right, directly striking a critical and super effective hit against Yun Beishang as he became dumb Yun Beishang for a whole minute. In that minute, he was defiled in so many ways that once he recovered his cool he no longer could live on with it.

His lips were traced by the two female devilish wives’ fingers of his, his chest was encircled so many times by their fingers too and even his neck and strong arms, pectorals, abdomen, neck and shoulders were pervertedly touched and grabbed and pinched hard at him in worship.

His skin being wetted from them devilish wives’ tongues, spraying their sweet and addictive saliva to their innocent husband and to each other from his beloved and flawless harem; ah. Not even his own erasers were spared, and he even felt his entire neck the moist part as them devils spent a lot of time tainting him right there.

But even as all of that happened in excess, it was his entire face being lovingly, infatuatedly, devotedly and gently kissed, smooched, pecked at; that Yun Beishang felt the most during his entire trance while watching that flawless frown on Diana’s bronze yet still white skin with a touch of golden.

“Oh no, the evil husband will kill us now!” Diana proclaimed in self-guilt as Yun Beishang jolt his head slightly and then his eyes recovered their non-retardedness once more, her face also jolting back as she placed her fingers on her mouth that had gone ‘0’ and with ‘surprised’ eyes! Only to be followed by Natalia who placed her forearm on her forehead, arched her head and neck backwards along her head and exclaimed in pledging for forgiveness-like tone.

“Oh myyy, what have we done?! He will sentence us to death by crushing our pussies into mush with his Black Dragon and inundate it with the Black Dragon’s worms, aaaah!”

Yun Beishang: “...”

“I…” seeing them so fun of teasing him, even to the point of making him, the great and greatest teasing evil man to ever be, to be speechless. Yun Beishang shook his head and then continued, his expression unreadable as he hugged the backs of the two wonderful beauties in his harem and kissed each’s forehead with the deepest of tender cares.

“I think I saw just saw some of my Scouts moving around, also… Powlniu was reading through some records of what happened at Main Kingdom. I also saw some of my maids whose emotions and feelings of shock and surprise to the yet another evolution of the Ruined Temple… I even know what that Ruined Temple has evolved to once again.. I… think I am close for my Third Form.”

Gasp!! Really? Beishang~!! Oh, Beishang????!” Natalia hopped on the bed, eliciting growls from Zyv as her utterly flawless freckled naked body jumped on the left of his chest with his torso feeling her warmth directly, her erasers too as they gently hid themselves between the two’s skin.

“What?? Tell me-us, more about it!!” Diana did the same, but in a more broad manner, her almost identical small breasts proudly for their erasers to be fully embedded onto his right shoulder and collarbone, her lips kissing the top of his head a couple of times as Yun Yun massive chest appeared behind her, hugging the flat chested Diana in comparison before voicing out as well. “Brother, I want to know as well, it is my kitty that helps you with your meditation after all, tell us! Maybe I can find a way to make my other-hehe, ‘little sisters and sisters’ to aid you in that as well. I think I’ve already comprehended some of the method you’ve given me????.”



Let It Rain's Note: A ton of things have to happen for this and the next volume, culminating the end of the second arc of the novel. And oh boy, trust me, the really crazy things are just about to come when the third arc comes.

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