Bow and Arrow

Chapter 528: Chapter 526 — Grandparents Meet Their Grandson

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Grandparents Meet Their Grandson




"Nom, nom, nom!" Cyn deliciously devoured the sardine like fish, its wings and tail weren't hard to chew at all as they even began melting a little when they entered her mouth, dripping some of that juice coming off of it down her chin, Yun Beishang closed his mouth to hers and with the angle of their 'camera' only catching the back of his head 'violating' Cyn.

"Lick, lick, lick." Yun Beishang spared no effort to make Cyn giggle who in return of being in a video call with people who should be considered her closest kin, care not for them at all and didn't even show some, any, kind of expression, emotion, reaction nor did she at least appeared to be thoughtful.

“H-he-hey? Excuse… excuse me!!” The old man from before that had already spoken ‘too many’ words began to chatter once again, this time with his impatience put aside and his dignified self not comprehending how could he, an important asset of the Founding Flick Clan, be ignored even for a single glare of his!

“EXCUSE ME ALREADY, YOU TWO!!” With raised eyebrows, Yun Beishang slowly turned his head around to meet the old man’s eyes, his lips and nose covered with the juicy liquid that came from the sardine like prepared side dish, his eyes were innocent as they looked at the bad man who yelled at him and his wife just now.

“Ahem, sir? What is it now? Can you afford to yell? At your age, I sure don’t think that getting this riled up won’t do you any good, sir. Hey, why don’t you try a method from my grandaunt? She said that, in times of the ancient Earth, people used ginger tea to calm themselves down and that it was also good for one’s health in certain aspects. She also said that you can even add sugar if you want to enjoy it furthermore, but being a purist in this case doesn’t harm you anyway-”

“Enough!!! Enough, I’ve said!!” The old man actually jumped for about four times before letting his old feet rest on the nice ground, sweat covering his bald head as his old eyes looked at the screen in silence, this awkwardness that arrived from nowhere as the old man kept on looking at them as if he wasn’t being seen back remained for a while; unknowingly.

Cyn was tugging at her husband’s right arm, which was hidden by his own body from the angle of the ‘camera’, her face was a bit meaningful but it carried not an imploring for behaving better nor to be careful for the sake of not offending the Flick Clan. Instead, she was simply coyly tugging at his sleeves while a small but so fantastical grin appeared on her creamy brownish lips.

Closing in her mouth to his right ear while the old man observed them weirdly and awkwardly and as the brave Yun Beishang was completely unfazed by this scrutiny, she adorably whispered. “My looove~, you’re being so bad, but it’s time to defend your wife or else she may be taken away from you and be used as a trinket for good status, position and wealth; by others.”

Even though her words weren’t nice considering the situation that Cyn was dragged once again into his kind of ‘world’, Yun Beishang didn’t appear perturbed nor worried in the slightest as, he turned his head back to her and the playful demeanor from before long gone, he smooched her lips without a care for the old fuck looking at them and then said with his hot lips close to her skin that his hot breathe scalded her mind off.

“I know. My Cyn, chu, my Cyn will never have to deal with those people; anymore.” Saying that, Yun Beishang then turned his head with his lips having made a mess of her own, their meat and creaminess turning a bit red as they were obviously played with just now but was in truth from a mere peck.

“You… can’t do that! How dare you savage Cyn like that, do you know who she is?!” Just as Yun Beishang was turning his head around to meet the old man’s face and the few others who were silent, he looked at the screen only to see the oldie flailing his head around as his strict words came out right away and ruthlessness appeared in his eyes.

‘Hmm, this reminds me so much of… some old but now dead people from the Yun Clan… funny.’ While the old man considered Yun Beishang to have turned like a scared little sheep from his silence and noncommittal appearance, Yun Beishang was instead derisively thinking of the old man as he glanced at the other men and women from the Flick Clan just once before opening his mouth.

“I would like to tel-”

“Shut it! Don’t you even dare to try and speak in my presence anymore, boy! Cyn, did you know she was the daughter-ahem, she is the daughter of the deceased singer Carin? Indeed! She was the Flick Clan until a ploy where your own clan was involved in a tragic assassination! What then, hm? What now, do you now understand where you should lay off, boy?!”

The old man’s words brought speechlessness to Cyn and Yun Beishang, for once, the latter already knew of Cyn’s mother but wasn’t something that Cyn herself talked about proudly all the time, with her only speaking things of her past once a few months or so. While Cyn, on the other hand, was already raging and about to burst out in enraged tears from the lies and deception of this still foul and ill-hearted ‘clan’.

“No-ah ah, Cyn, keep quiet and listen to me.” The old man stopped Cyn before even Yun Beishang could take a hold of the tumultuous Cyn’s body, then continued once he saw Yun Beishang so ‘afraid’ of him and even stopped Cyn from raising her voice, which he mostly hated whenever it happened. “Right now, your mother and your father’s anniversary is coming again and I would like for you to come home, and give us yourself back as a gift to the Founding Flick Clan that they so much were loyal to, and-”

“Larky.” Yun Beishang suddenly said, his voice somber, his bum well placed on the red sofa and Cyn gripping his hands which, in the case he wasn’t himself, anyone’s hands would’ve deteriorated from the inside already. On the other hand, the old man was taken aback quite and, as he jolted his neck back and showed his ugly fat even though he was slender and spoke, a shadow appeared behind him without the image—or rather, outline—of a normal person.

“What’s that? The h-what are you intending to say, Yun?”

“Oh, that’s right. You fools don’t know shit, okay, okay. Ahem!” Yun Beishang jumped around on his seat, his demeanor causing Cyn to forcefully placate herself at the absurdity of the situation but obviously without blaming him, as her husband then continued while she kept herself sadly silent. “What you want to know is about Cyn’s Bloodline, isn’t that right? You retarded bunch have barely gotten wind of this from ‘some’ sources, I know, yes; I know.”

Emphasizing on words that shocked everyone inside the other side’s room, Yun Beishang gave not a single care towards them nor their reactions as he even felt bothersome to look at the eyes of the old man as he continued. “Cyn is the first from all of the Flicks to ever have this kind of change in herself, am I right? But, do you really think that I wouldn’t know of the current tests your laboratories had results with?”

“Bl-Bloodline, what… is that? Hmph, do you even know what you’re speaking, you ki-”

“Uggh, no.” Yun Beishang directly cut off the old man, who was already going for the bait to ‘infuriate’ him so that he could tell more to everyone in the Flicks’ side about it. But Yun Beishang was too lazy and responded without life as he then added in a bored tone, “Old one, I’ll tell you, there is nothing that you could even do with this basic information after all.”

“Hell, not even the Fosks are capable of knowing what to do with this information, let alone you lot who do not even know what those results meant. In fact, taking into consideration that among all the so-called ‘founding’ Clans of New Earth, the Fosks are the ones with the highest advanced knowledge on these things even before I teached them some, yet you are thinking of you lot being able to perfectly handle it; aren’t you all laughable and dumb as fuck?”

“In fact, among all of those such ‘founding’ Clans, you are only second to the Yuns, who don’t even know the possibility of having a Bloodline, even if it is nothing compared to my own. Hmph.” Yun Beishang snorted disdainfully, raising his chin a bit and with down eyes, looking at the old man before continuing in the same demeanor, “Oh, pitiful, but don’t worry about Cyn. She will embark in the journey, her path, to find the results and answers to her own Bloodline; hers.”

“Not a single bit of her is yours, let alone hailing from the Flicks, not anymore. She is my wife, woman, and future mother of my children now. Not a ‘flick’. As for you, I’ll finish my words with a bit more of a shocker to you. The strongest family in this world without taking into consideration the Crestfallen Clan, is the Black Lotus.”

“As for the Larky that I called out and whom you can’t see behind you even with the preview of your own camera on the screen, those behind you were able to see it very clearly…” To Yun Beishang’s sudden words, as the old man who was just now lost in his thoughts of ‘conquest’ and ‘revolution’ with this newly stolen information then woke up to the strange meaning behind the boy’s words, he turned around only to see not a single shadow that he spoke of but all of the women and men of old and middle aged with their throats sliced so clean that their heads went down to the floor the next instant like soccer balls; while Yun Beishang’s words were added to finalize at last. “ their own bodies began to be slowly, and one by one, taken down by Murky.”

“The one that was just behind you and now right in front of you, whom you can’t see, that is Larky. And just as you are looking at your people die…” the old man felt his throat grabbed at, realization struck him as tears of pain went out his lacrimals while also trying to figure out where the face of his assassin was but could find it no matter what. Yun Beishang’s voice then resounded to once more finish his words as his neck was being slowly sliced effortlessly as if there wasn’t any muscle within it. “ will also experience their own deaths on your own. This, is the Black Lotus.”

Without even really needing to be cleared about it, the old man was more than clear who these people were, the mere mention of that ‘Black Lotus’, as soon as it was spoken of, the old man felt weird and looked around only to have seen the scene from before. And now, as he felt half his neck easily cut through like a hot knife through butter, regret assailed him with his knees giving in but his head remaining on the same spot.

Thud! Thus thud thud thud thud thud… roll roll roll roll roll roll roll… Thud! Roll~...

The old man, whose head’s eyes were already brought to the back of the same and whose eyelids were also now fully closed, had his body fall down entirely on its knees and then like a ragdoll all around on the spot. While the head, who was hovering in midair, was then revealed to be held by a obscure blue colored large glove from a man, whose closed fist was right below where the neck of the bodiless head should be.

Ultimately, the old man’s head was the last one to fall on the ground and roll on the same, coming to a stop, and as comically coincidentally as it could ever be, with its jaw adhered close to its own headless body. Looking as if the man had his neck twisted horrendously with the body laying on its stomach and the head’s nose pointing 30 degrees skywards.

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“...hummm~.” Exhaling through her nostrils, Cyn watched all of this happen with a clear and steeled mind. Within her soul, thoughts of praying to her mother and father for vendetta were seemingly being answered, and her heart soon soothed itself as she then looked at the back of the man who wholly changed her life so fast and so flawlessly; so perfectly better.

“Beish-” Before she could speak anymore, she found her mouth covered by his lips, telling her ‘no, no’, while his eyes were calmly penetrating into her soul from her own eyes.

“It’s done, it’s over… one day, make sure to speak more about them, for me and… our children.”

Cyn had no words to speak of, with just her face tearing up slightly since the strength inside her heart was so adamantly boundless, mere sobbing but also clear and audible words came out of her grimacing lips. “Beishang… ????…”

“...emm, Master?” Suddenly an awkward voice came from the screen once more, turning around and having his passionate kissing taken away from his own lips just now, Yun Beishang looked back at the screen with red borders and plainly said. “What, you lot still here? What?  Just go already, the job is done.”

“Ahem… Master, should we then… send Finy towards the Clan Head?” With a bit of a high pitch tone, Larky asked with a bit of fear since… well… they were cock-blocking their master… that wasn’t good in any possible way, you know. Larky was a male Black Lotus member, caucasian, very tall, slender, feeble looking, black hair and eyes.

“Oh right, sure. Make sure to not get in her way, she told me that you are a bit annoying with her whenever you are sent to a mission together, understood?” Hearing him talk, both Larky and Murky, in their assassination obscure clothing, blushed as they felt increasingly embarrassed and shameful at Finy’s betrayal on talking about their lovey dovey matters; ah.

“Y-yes, Master.” Said Murky with respect and awe, even if the Black Lotus Master’s words were lightly spoken and light themselves, his innermost self was always to be felt and understood by all of the Black Lotus. So how could they not know of his totally being strict even as he spoke those embarrassing words for them both Larky and Murky?

“Mm, piss off now then.” Said Yun Beishang with his eyes blinking, both exasperated and impatient for the devouring of his precious Cyn, who needed oh so much comforting right now and whose willingness to be comforted were beyond the charts; ah.

“Yes, Master!” - “Yes, Mas-”


“Ugh…” Yun Beishang rolled his eyes, having to forcefully turn off all communication and connection with his Intent as he was way too annoyed, feeling way too frustrated to speak as well as he directly unbuttoned Cyn’s top and her magumbos pair of bunnies dance about in the air for their already erected erasers at the ready for his eating invited him for some wanton desire.

“Hmm~~! Nomnomnomnom,” with Cyn sending her head backwards, closing her eyes and letting her mouth slightly agape, she began to be comforted for another half a day. As she was being brutally ‘tortured’ with her breasts changing shape faster than air could flow, his hands amassing them forcefully and with great heaviness, she heard him speak with a full mouth.

“Mmfh, mffmh, I’m gonna put another baby in your belly right now!”

“Ah, anhh… but you can’t?” Cyn dumbly asked or said in return to his nonsensical words but, just as she spoke them, Yun Beishang immediately went, “GRRRRRRRRRR…”

“...okay, put more babies in my belly then.” Those were not only the last exasperated words spoken before the ‘magic’ began to happen, their talk about life beginning with her obvious tummy being carefully positioned in so many different places and angles… but also, the last time she could even speak any more words before she was then only moaning like a beast and enjoying like an animal for hours and hours to no end.

. . .


Four days later, Yun Beishang was once again at the Communications Center Module.


This time, however, Yun Beishang was carrying Yun Darcel on his arms while Natalia was walking all around the father and son duo, checking their hair, clothes and if there was even the slightest and smallest speck of dust on their bodies or clothes; let alone dirt or filth.

Yun Beishang had much less hair than before, having already been cut by Xie Ling and stylized by Estel in a manner that he looked so clean, but still as devious and horny sex monster that he is. Basically, his traits weren’t hidden nor even tried to be and they definitely weren’t lowered with this ‘purer’ appearance.

Though Yun Beishang wanted none of this, he still complied and let his women play around with his hair all they wanted, sigh. As for his tiny sweet Darcel, he was even smaller than Yun Rang and Yun Shi, so the hair on top of his head had yet to grow, while his half-siblings already had a strand of blonde and blonde hair respectively on their own; giving twinkling smiles to Tonkia’s blonde self ah.

Baan was walking towards Yun Beishang as she held a large clipboard, it didn’t had any paper though, and only ‘energy paper’ that could be moved almost like paper but was still not a physical object and was merely a projection, image or even another type of holographic images and interactions that one could do with it with their own bodies and without the need of commands.

The ‘energy papers’ were of a gray-dull and sad dark blue, while the letters were of a strong black color; as Baan arrived before him and took Yun Beishang’s left side to stand shoulder to shoulder. She openly welcomed the man that makes her have a necessary vacation everytime she was held by the waist and then the rest was history.

“Welcome, boss. Here are the reports from the past week, Main Kingdom hasn’t seen this kind of bloodshed in about decades, more or less. Nora made sure that everything was in order and that all the corners of both the Bright Sunset Region and the Wonder Region were cleanly looked after for any apparition.” Her voice was small but crisply, intending so deviously to form a great image of herself to the son of her man and boss; ah.

“Mm, I see. Read it for me.” Yun Beishang said after taking the clipboard with his left hand but without letting go of his precious Yun Darcel while Natalia still kept on moving around with top notch focus and seriousness, yet doing cutesy notions to them like licking her thumb and then accommodating her pair of dumbos’ hair and cleaning their skin.

“Eh… but, I-”

“If you do not want to,” Yun Beishang got really close into her ears and spouted out without even trying to whisper, her legs trembling as Yun Darcel was being pulled of his cheeks by her mother who eskimo kissed him tenderly with half-closed eyes as Yun Beishang was being the cheating bad and evil husband of the ages. “Then, for the next few weeks, I won’t be visit-”


Before Yun Beishang could even think of anything, the clipboard in his left hand was taken away from his grasp, a sweet and tender voice lip-servicing him and his ears as Natalia shook her head while beginning to check herself up at last. Since she was already over with checking the dumbest men to be alive, though one of them was a baby, and her son; though the other one was her husband, so…


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