Bow and Arrow

Chapter 529: Chapter 527 — Unexpected Familiar Bonds

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Unexpected Familiar Bonds




"Ah-ahem! Over the past 4 days, there has been a total of 6 casualties that were unavoidable and even heroic to some point, from all over the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, only the North of it was heavily defended against from the outer ring towards the army of The Order in the outskirts. About 3 tens of injured soldiers have been confirmed, most of them being magical and some ranged type of soldiers whose ignorance and underestimation have teached themselves a good lesson; General Powlniu's words, not mine."

"About 3 heavily injured soldiers, from which one of the casualties sacrificed himself to save from the death and managed to do so, but... that; sacrificing himself in the process." Baan had a bit of a struggling face, it wasn't like she couldn't take these reports, but that she was just not accustomed herself and the amount of information given in each report wasn't just mere words and events that happened here or there and when.

Yun Beishang then grabbed the left side of Baan’s face and sweetly stroke it with his right handed fingers, he then raised his left hand to move some smallish strand of her hair out of her flawless forehead, being one of her black hair’s natural bangs, she still looked just how a beauty would but playing with her hair like this and then seeing her gray eyes. Mm, this was Yun Beishang’s most cherished little moment whenever he spent time with Baan.

“Okay, go ahead.” Yun Beishang tenderly said, softening the slightly troubled Baan as she took a bit of a deep breath and then lowered her head once again, this time however, she shared the left shoulder with Little Darcel as the latter was in front and against Yun Beishang’s left shoulder while Baand had her head and neck leaned on top of it.

As if sharing something to read with the tiny baby, Yun Darcel looked at the clipboard not knowing what the fuck to do with all those things on the larger thing, while Baan didn’t hide it from him and merely continued reading in a soft and feminine voice that resulted very charming with her small and slender body that was yet only shorter in height than Yun Beishang.

“Over the past 4 days, at least 66…percent of small settlements have been fully converted into The Order, and all of the smallish settlements have been either imprisoned or taken in as well from within the outer circle, Boss. It is very well expected that by the end of the 6th day, the ongoing operations of The Order around the outer ring will be finally completed, according to General Powlniu’s analysts and officials.”

“There have been around 200,000 Journeyers who have died and of whom about a small percent has only lost 3 levels, and most of them lost between 6 to 10 levels. Only about another group of Journeyers consisting of a quarter of the previous group mentioned have lost all 15 levels and have been rendered as ‘Useless’ by the system and are no longer able to fight.”

“This can prove that in just a or two, about a total of 100,000 Journeyers can lose their chance to even fight and give The Order a much easier time to win this war, as the Journeyers had only shown themselves yesterday and these many have already suffered that much. As for the Factions of Inhabitants, they’ve lost about only a few tens of thousands of people, all whom their Factions decided to let the war continue in the inner ring while leaving the settlements in the outer ring to face this war’s disaster on their own.”

“Boss,” Baan looked up at Yun Beishang, his lips so close to her eyes yet they were dilating instead of contracting as she continued in a small, feeble and effeminate voice. “General Powlniu has now confirmed the conquest of the outer ring, with the north being the hardest to be conquered while the south, west and east are instead much easier due to the negligence of the enemy.”

“But, even then, it is also well expected to face a much stronger resistance from the enemy once we proceed with the inner ring. Who knows, they might even wait until the core of their precious Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division is taken before they begin going full out, this group of leaders seem to be rather untrained in the arts of war and are just giving it all at the last moment; how heroic’.”

“Mm, my sweet and womanly Baan knows it all.” Yun Beishang directly teased this high officer in command of any and all communications of the mothership, not caring at all about the insane blush appearing on her cheeks and the forced grins to desist on her subordinates’ faces, as he then added with his head already having booped against her own. “Tell me what other things are in the report, don’t be shy, eh.”

Tsk! Mwooh…” Baan made a ceremonial act of disgust and annoyance at her man before rolling her eyes and taking a peek at Natalia, only to be nodded at sneakily along with the latter’s right eye winking at her all so imperceptibly creepily as Baan then gained enough courage. “Ahe-he-ahem! General Powlniu is going to implement a flash movement by taking all over the outer ring’s small settlement in the next few days, and will let the medium sized and large sized settlements have a direct and fastest way of approach against with.”

“General Powlniu will go according to one of your counselings and will directly send a number of about 50 readied troops and a Scout to directly ‘ask’ whether they would surrender or not. Should the answer be ‘no’, then with the information gathered by the Black Lotus, they will enter said settlements and slaughter the soldiers as well as the Heads from the settlement.”

“In case they said ‘yes’, however, the troops will make the Inhabitants come out of the settlement and make each of them sign the system’s contract, while those who showed even the slightest bit of refusal would be directly imprisoned. If the resistance continued or if it was showing signs of ‘spreading’ through the Inhabitants, killing at the spot was to be effectuated immediately instead of all those people.”

“...” Baan then left the clipboard fall onto her thighs as her arms were sent down to her sides, her face a bit tired already and as she thought of how tiring it must’ve been to read that alone, she couldn’t imagine the one who has been giving these orders from the very beginning; Yun Beishang.

Looking up at him, her head separating from his shoulder at last, Baan took a look at Yun Beishang while Yun Darcel had his lips puckered out cutely and looking far into the distance. “How is it, are you fine…Beishang?”

Whispering her last spoken word, Baan directly made many heads turn her way as she did her best to ignore it, already planning on reducing so many personnel’s yearly salary… In contrast, Yun Beishang and even Natalia smiled at her ‘tenderness’, while Yun Darcel kept on pouting and moving his tiny feet and arms in his father’s embrace.

“It’s all okay, don’t worry, hmmm… mwah!” Yun Beishang said as his right hand left Natalia’s, the latter pouted slightly for a moment as ‘her’ hand was taken away from both her hands and given to Baan’s chin before being smoothly smooched by Yun Beishang’s lips who then returned his hand to the pouty yet smiling at the same time angelic beauty.

“Okay, let’s go. I assumed that, the room is ready?” Yun Beishang went back to Natalia and eskimo kissed the shit out of her face with both their eyes squinting lovingly to the touch and playful demeanor of one another, before going back to look at Baan who had a pair of big gray eyes looking at them innocently yet with smiles on those damn eyes.

“Mm, it’s ready.” Baan answered, then gestured for them to follow her as she took Yun Beishang’s right and stood beside Natalia, the husband, wife and son trio walked with Baan until they were introduced to a yet another new door and naturally, a new room consisting of new colors all the same.

“Ba-bye~, call within the room if you want snacks or something else, there are now some young and single personnel available in the menu, heheh.” Baan said after being smiled at by Yun Beishang and held hand by the ever so gentle Madam Natalia, and just as she turned around and was walking back, she had her upper body twisted to look backwards to wave ‘goodbye’.

“Yiyaa~...” However, as she was waving her goodbyes, Yun Beishang returned as he stepped backwards a few times, his back showing first before his front body from inside the room to outside, and an energetic Yun Darcel exclaiming to seemingly get out to say his goodbyes too, as he appeared anxious not to do it.

“...” Looking at this scene, Baan felt Yun Beishang looked stupid, really stupid; but so manly as well… And just as she caught sight of his helpless but never annoyed face at Yun Darcel’s wants, the latter immediately leaned over his body to clearly express he wanted some huggies with Baan, when Baan saw this, Little Darcel was already with her neck as his hostage.

“Ah… Little Darcel, oww…” Feeling some warm build up, Baan was giving the tiny baby a hug back ever so carefully and then looked up to see Yun Beishang’s warmest face ever. But then, Yun Darcel’s words ended melting her heart so tenderly softly… “New Auntie, more Aunties! Auntie Baan… Littl-Lil Darcel wants… Auntie to mar-...ry papa, okay? Auntie and daddy!”

“...” Baan had never in her entire life ever felt so warm and touched, as it showed from how speechless and silly she has become, she couldn’t only answer by continuing on to hug the tiny boy in front of her as her right hand was intertwined by Yun Beishang’s left hand. “Sniff, sniff… Mm, Little Darcel, Auntie knows what the precious you want, so I will make it happen as soon as possible, okay? But I will do it along with other Aunties, so be patient, alright?”

“Mn!” Yun Darcel nodded, his little chubby face making some tickling on her right shoulder as both Auntie and the tiny baby left each other’s embrace. Baan smiled at Little Darcel in a motherly way before saying, “Ok then, take care. Lil’ Darcel, you will be meeting some people, but you don’t have to listen to them, okay? Just do as you want to, I trust you will do good things, cute Darcel.”

Ruffling her hand on his bald head, only realizing that this was not even a 6 months old baby, Baan could only blink several times before smiling in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Yun Darcel still acted so cutely and in bliss as if that ruffling through his ‘hair’ was ticklish and funny at the same time even though he had nothing there…

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“Thank you Baan, you can come back once we’re done, spending time together, the four of us, will be very welcomed.” Yun Beishang slightly nodded upwards at Baan before kissing her forehead for 3 seconds, his lips warmly passing warmth and affection through them to her whole being, his words making particles out of her heart and soul as Yun Darcel had already melted them down.

Shortly after, Baan went back to her position with a great mood and having already forgotten about the yearly salaries of the personnel of the Center of Communications… for the next few hours, of course. Since she would also be joining the family inside the booth once they are done having their meeting; of course she would accept such an invitation, even more so after Yun Darcel’s great persuasion skills!

. . .


Inside the obscure blue colored booth, where the sofa and ceiling were of a very dark blue color.



“Aha-eh… is this on?” A pair of images appeared on the screen with dark blue borders, which was previously completely black except for the borders, and which was now stolen of its blackness as a beige colored room was all that appeared on the holographic screen where those 2 figures were currently in.

“Yes dear, there sh-they… there they are.” In response to a male’s voice, possibly from in between that of a young man and a simple, rather grown man yet with some vicissitude of life that not even a middle-aged man would have; an enchanting female’s voice resounded in softness but also in pausedness as if there was something moving within her throat.

“M-... huuu-Tarn Farious and Tarn Irrn, it’s been a while since we’ve met. No need to ask for Little Diana, it is not why there is you here, being capable of showing yourselves in front of me… and my family.” Natalia, who no longer appeared to be the gentle and softhearted her anymore, spoke with a clear yet emotionless voice that directly lunged, and not nicely, at the hearts of the two on the other side.

“Aeh…” A hoarse, stuttering exclamation was all that Tarn Farious, Tarn Natalia’s father, could do in return to his daughter’s words while the mother, Tarn Irrn, wasn’t even able to spout a single gasping notion. As they were both seated in front of a small glass table that was even below the level of the sofa’s seats that they were seated on, the sight of Natalia sitting on the right of Yun Beishang who had their little grandson on his lap and was playing with the latter’s arms and hands, were a hurl of emotions and feelings along with Natalia’s words.


“No! You aren’t deserving of calling my name!” Natalia directly lashed out at Tarn Irrn who was trying to spoke right now, and whose left arm extended out as if to softly touch at her right cheek, Natalia even seemed to feel that as she jolted slightly, yet her voice wasn’t that loud and was definitely not aggrieved or raging. Yun Darcel was right beside her after all.

“Husband, please go ahead and talk to them? Pass Little Darcel to me, I-... I need him.” Natalia, with her stern and steely face, turned to face Yun Beishang and spoke to him in a pretty gentle and affectionate voice. Warm as well, as it was more than clear how different it was for her to mention his name and speech to him compared to the previous two.

“...” Without saying anything in return, Yun Beishang grinned with the left corners of his mouth as his hands grabbed at Yun Darcel’s below his armpits, the tiny guy instantly began giggling and chortling somewhat chokingly before letting out some sweet ‘yiyis’ and ‘yayas’ with Yun Beishang restraining a pure smile from his lips. Meanwhile, Natalia smiled utterly gently as she took her son and placed him on her lap.

While Yun Darcel was being passed over to Natalia’s hands, the former extended out his hands in mirth, showing his wonderful tiny baby’s side to mommy after being all mature and cooperative with daddy. But, instantly, the sight of Yun Darcel’s extremely well detailed face on the other side’s screen was showing perfectly, and the sight of Natalia’s innate gentle self returning to herself so flawlessly elicited an ever so painful yet soundless gasp from Tarn Irrn.

Her left azure eye and right black eye went down to gaze at her own thighs, her forehead scrunching up as so many… old memories traveled from the past into her mind right away. Crystalline tears formed at her lacrimals and began streaming down incessantly, as she suddenly felt a hand on her right thigh, which warmed and sobered her whole self up at once.

Looking to her right, there was the handsome young man who had his back bent and his head turned towards her and a light but also large smile plastered on his lips. Recomposing herself, Tarn Irrn raised her eyes and looked at the tiny baby on her daughter’s lap, while Yun Beishang was boringly supporting his chin with his right closed fist whose elbow was on top of his right thigh.

“!” Seeing them look at him, Yun Beishang finally showed a change in expression, his fake and superficial change of his face opening his mouth right after. “Oh okay, you’re done with your moment? Oh well, just like my wife said, this is not a reunion, familiar meeting but one where we only accepted due to business. So, just like how you aren’t supposed to ask of Diana or others, we should also stick to not speaking of any past as well. So…”

Tarn Irrn and Tarn Farious now understood, that even if they wanted to start apologizing right now, with Yun Beishang’s words and Natalia’s wishes, it would never be possible any time soon. Since they were not going to speak of how and what ‘things’ happened back then, the matter of asking for forgiveness for such sin would naturally never appear for their part.

“Well then, let’s commence,” Yun Beishang played with his hands as he bent forwards, his back not fully straight and with his legs opened as his placed his forearms right behind his knees. With his head staring directly towards them on the screen, Yun Beishang then continued with a ‘business for’ voice. “First of all, have you read through the contents of what ‘peaceful’ means consists of?”

“...” Tarn Farious was the one to respond first to this, as he gave his left hand gripping his wife’s right thigh a stronger grip for a moment. He spoke with a clear and very tired, but not exhausted voice towards the screen; towards Yun Beishang while his eyes traveled towards Natalia and the tiny baby nonstop. “We have, and… Yun Beishang, we now know that… you are capable of taking care of Natalia, Diana and… huu-haaa… your children and future children alike. Your family.”

“So we, of course, have no reason to deny such a… ‘transformation’. The Tarn Clan, however, wishes to know if the employment of its members can be effectuated. If… they could join and become your people as well?” Natalia’s father took Natalia’s mother's right hand with his left hand and looked at the screen directly and in serenity.

“We talked to the Fosk Clan and received some tips, at the end, we ended up arriving this consensus even among all of the other elders and growing higher ups of the previous ‘Founding’ Tarn Clan. And though a peaceful life sounds just about… too much, for us, there is so much potential to our younglings and to the development of even higher understandings in the side of medicine and-”

“Yeah okay, that can be done. Your people are, after all, very proficient in that. And if they were to learn of the Crestfallen Industry’s knowledge as well as training, their achievements and advances through time would be slowly coming to rival that of the Crestfallens and even surpass it in the future. Well, perhaps, with my aid.”

Yun Beishang stopped Tarn Farious right there, his eyes almost rolling at the imploring tone of the almost 80 years old man that looked like a young man and whose daughter was only sneaking glances at Yun Beishang himself rather than at her father whenever the latter spoke, with Yun Darcel even mimicking her mother out of curiosity.


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