Bow and Arrow

Chapter 534: Chapter 532 — The Fire

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The Fire




KATARINA-1, Center of Communications module, outside of a booth which has been prepared since 4 hours prior to its intended use and kept on clean and fresh; ready for its use at any given moment. At 12:01 am.


"Okay, mwah~~, eyy-heehee, good luck boss. Though you don't need it, mwah-back, teehee!" Yun Beishang was touching Baan's left cheek as he then moved his head forward and connected his lips to hers, then dragging her wet yet dry lips as he separated, the feeling and notion feeling Baan with unending desire and contentedness as she even felt like her heart was fully grabbed at by her man.

While thinking that she was so glad to tell the other personnel to vacate the corridors and other booths all surrounding the booths of the Center of Communications which only VIP could use, or when in emergencies. Baan said some words of her own from her heart before giving in as well and going up a tiny bit to meet his departing lips yet again, her tender smooch taking in his upper lip as Yun Beishang's lips encompassed her lower lip in return.

"Mm, you're naughty now, I wonder how long until you begin giving me some new maids and toys to fuck with." Just as Baan's slender and small torso and chest respectively were separating from each other, Yun Beishang threw an impossible trigger at the Baan who is always so usable and playable for her dear Yun Beishang, who then returned to stick her small self on his front and placed her forearms on his shoulders; her fingertips joining one another behind his head and right above his nape.

"Mmm, Beishang, ah... I can't take those images off my head, I want to see innocent and pure young girls and young women kneeling to your relish and placing your meaty cock in their mouths as they enjoy the feeling of my hand on the back of their heads guiding their initiation, mmh????..." Baan directly sent off her own counterattack, her slender legs making their way up his waist so slowly and tantalizingly while the 'meaty cock' under her entire body and enlarging and fattening itself many times more accommodating itself at a larger size than her covered snatch.

"Oh, my dear Baan... you've really become-" Yun Beishang's breath was taken away, obviously not expecting for this always serious and professional yet proactive and even energized—slightly cheerful—Chief of the Center of Communications become so slutty for him, yet; Baan's following sentences drove him almost mad. With a clearly expressive, seducing and overly tempting tone, she placed her finger on the middle of his mouth and said. "Itnia has teached me a thing or two, ehehe."

Then, Baan looked down, oh boy. And as she did, the warmth of her snatch that 'she' was being invaded with was intensified at once, while Yun Beishang felt like moistness and clamping were already being effectuated by 'her' as 'she' became hungry and was already asking for it. "A quickie, alright?"


"Hmm! What do you mean by a qui-" Yun Beishang looked left and right, making it obvious that it was not a good place and that, at the very least, for them to wait until they got inside the booth! Yet, as he looked down right after, saw his meaty trunk being traced by the tip of her tongue and her closed, rejoicing eyes closed fully with just a tiny breach open for her visual worshiping, Yun Beishang understood as he could only say in realization. "Yep... naughty and naughtier, good girl."

"Mmfh????~~~... SLURP, slurp slllrrrpaah~! Slurp slurp slurp, ggh... gogogoagaaahh~!" Shortly after, in just a little bit of 42 minutes, Yun Beishang gave the good girl what she deserved, her lips never left his trunk and her tongue, even when the head went ways down deep her throat; encircled and lovingly serviced the Dragon's Head as if her life depended on it.

Her hands alternated to hold or to massage, the utterly smallish amount of meat from the base to the Dragon's Balls, trying to produce as much pathing and flexible sperm for her to eat and be forced to take back from many other holes later when it erupts and her body cannot take it all at once. Right now, Yun Beishang's 'reserves' were also restocked and 'reset', so the amount would've been lots already, but with Baan's longing for more and more without a care for the consequences were going to give her eyes and even ears and nostrils a bit of a surprise.


"AAAAAAAAAH- aaaaannhhh~~~~~~!" Her face filling overly inundated, Baan began to feel some serious need to cry, sneeze and scratch her ears as liquid came out from them over and over again, yet that was just a 'tiny' amount that escaped her throat and tummy; but even then, that amount for each hole was enough for a large bottle of water to be completely and perfectly filled. The rest, which were buckets of the same, were quickly converted into nutrition by Baan and her extremely great methods taught in the Crestfallen Industry and by Yun Beishang's very own methods which were even many times greater and 'godly' than the former.

"Ah, boss... mm, wait a moment, I gotta eat it all after all... angh????~." Baan was still relishing upon the thought and sensation of her fingers and hands, still remaining within them, that came from amassing his balls endlessly and in so many ways; but always fully concentrated in order to give her man all the attention, comfort and even pleasure as her fingertips woul naughtily travel furthermore.

And as she had, literally, her face fully covered in his ‘essence’, she kept on stroking the overly sensitive huge, entire Dragon while her puckered out flowery lips lovingly took the head and sucked affectionately while them hands went down and up in a matter of tourniquet techniques. Her puckered out flower lips then moved to below the Dragon’s Head’s crown as her head tilted strongly to the sides and in absurd angles, swiftly cleaning off the entire bad boy before starting with her own face-cleaning procedures at last.

“That was, slurp…” Baan brought her hands to her eyes and dragged them down her face, picking up about 4 layers of 0.4 centimeters thick into each of her palms and between her fingers’ gaps before eating it all as if she was drinking some jelly playfully and exotically. Before long, those hands became proficient after the first try and began cleaning.

Her ears, below then, above them, the top of her head, below her nostrils, her entire nose, her chin, her cheeks, her jaw, her neck, her uniform, her cheekbones, her forehead, her shoulders and even her back and shoulder blades.All of it, each part of those on her body were fully coated by a 2 centimeter thick layer of Yun Beishang’s ‘essence’ and from which she enjoyed, savored, made gargles with and coated all of her dental infrastructure with as he had been long lost in her own devotion and infatuation and to which Yun Beishang was so patient to watch the whole thing happen from beginning to end.

Once she was over with it, Baan stood up and, not caring at all about her extremely smelly clothes, she beautifully kissed Yun Beishang while hugging his neck, her right heel up like a princess and with Yun Beishang embracing her waist as he awarded Baan with her well deserving adoration from himself.

Even if Baan didn’t completely clean out her mouth from his sperm, which she did so skillfully already, ah, Yun Beishang had shown her the ‘way’ really well to become his woman. Yun Beishang would still engage in the deepest and most passionate of lovey dovey couple’s moments and not deny a single furtive tongue vs tongue battle and even more.

“Bu-bye, boss????.” Baan said, separating her small chest from her boss and her forehead right at his glabella, their eyes meeting one another cutely and furtively in seriousness as the then started to hop towards the ladies’ dressing rooms. She wasn’t going to go back with her cum smelly uniform, now that is quite unprofessional!

Of course not, she was going to let it flourish the entre dressing rooms to attract hyenas and present them to her boss later on, one each day, single of course. Unless there were those who were married or taken already, who are kinky as hell; and consensual more than anything, no drama is a policy after all…

Besides, it’s now like Yun Beishang wasn’t already doing that with either his own personnel or the Inhabitants of Main Kingdom, no one was safe, under the watchful, lustful eyes of the sex machine monster; nobody could ever be safe! Unless it is not consensual!

Anyway, Yun Beishang entered the motherfucking booth after his Dragon Head drowsed in the after feeling and went down, though it was still, as always; immensely thick the juicy mofo.

. . .


Inside the booth, it was 1:00 am and Yun Beishang finished having a short 10 minute nap, and then commenced the connection with New Earth himself.


“Oh, hello~~.” Yun Beishang said while eating on a corn that didn’t have anything else prepared to eat it with, but that it was prepared so simply yet deliciously in a couple of different steps added into the method. It had the size of Yun Beishang’s hand in length and about 3 inches wide, each bite was a bit of an accommodating and sweet aroma into his mouth while the tongue was always marveling at the flavor.

“...Hi, Mr Beishang.” On the other side, on an extremely large screen with rosy borders had an old man and a young man along with even a blonde young woman in the extremely large screen. The old man was the one to speak, and just as he talked, Yun Beishang already knew who this 601 years old man was and so did the old man knew that Yun Beishang knew… yet he still presented himself nonetheless.

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“Mr Beishang, Chief of the Peaceful Rain Corporation and The Order in Main Kingdom, haha… who is now… warring inside the game, hm.” The old man said, in a bit of a stiff demeanor as he looked at Yun Beishang who was enjoying a great meal, which was handled by a maid in her own unique and well designed maid’s outfit and even groped her Master’s shoulders for a bit while delivering the food.

The old man looked wise, besides compassionate and knowing, while the young man was a bit of a quirky combination. He had blond hair in general and even a similar color for that of his eyes, besides that, he was hella charming unbeknownst to himself; it seemed. From the way he looked to be so naïve yet not only ‘just’ honest but also of great manners and as the other older young woman with extreme similarities between each other looked at him with her biting on her own lower lip.

He looked to be pretty young, a young boy of 17 years old, not even a young man while the young woman was surely around that of 23 years old, just slightly younger than Yun Beishang himself. She was, naturally, extremely beautiful alright, and her sensual ‘S’ body did nothing to make even the tiniest bit of misunderstandings on it.

Blonde hair, be it her eyebrows or that of her pubic hair, perhaps, it was all blonde and along with her eyes being of the exact same color as the ‘young man’; exactly the same as their hair nonetheless. And judging by the way that she gave the young man a look of ‘want you to fuck me’ with that bit on her lower lip, Yun Beishang could baaarely guess that she was mad in love with him.

“Ah, my manners, excuse me. These are Flick Ternura and Flick Mere; he is the young Head Clan that I’ve been teaching the matters of life, all what he needs to learn and what he needs to comprehend, all of those are my responsibilities of course. And she is his older sister, Flick Mere had given up on taking the seat that belonged to her, nobody knows why, but it happened, heh heh.”

“She is just as amazing as her younger brother, but even her wasn’t as promising and cooperative as her younger brother was, even then… I-I-I do not mind her choice, that is her life. Sigh… all this knowledge that I carry, from which I was once Crestfallen’s good pal whenever we spoke of introducing the Flicks to greater and unbounded means, haha!”

“Oh my, and of course, there is me; Flick Boton.” Flick Boton said, his slightly, ever so slightly chubby face smiling as he spared no effort to hide his affection for the incestuous siblings; though the younger brother seemed clueless to his older sister’s and his own feelings. As their counselor and guide of life, I hope you don’t mind me here, Mr Beishang.”

“Oh no, of course not, Boty.” Yun Beishang began, his ways already clear and, should the maid have stayed, she would’ve started to giggle cutely for sure.  Yun Beishang then continued as he devoured the last of the innocent corn in his right hand before setting straight up from bending his back to eat the corn right above the plate.

“As of right now, I actually do respect you a little bit, there is a lot of affection for them siblings in your heart and it seems that you do not consider them a bother nor a weight to teach them of your knowledge. Now, that’s really nice, indeed ey.” Yun Beishang picked another corn with his left hand and bent his back a little for the occasion in preparation.

“So, I’m gonna be really, really, really sincere this time… okay?” Yun Beishang talked with a light and actually friendly tone, slightly however, even if he became somewhat nice, it wouldn’t be that good. But his voice of right now turned a tiny bit somber as he bluntly said out loud in a mild volume, “Your ‘Founding’ Flick Clan, dismantle it.”

“!!!” The young man had a face that became astounded and surprised but not fully, it was as if he was already expecting such a thing, while the young woman was scrutinizing Yun Beishang while Flick Boton had his whole eyes widened, but then calmed down as his chin was elevated and his his went upturned with understanding flashing into his oh so very wise head ah.

“So that was it, indeed, the truth.” Flick Boton looked at Yun Beishang next, directly as he spouted those words without a specific meaning, he then finally directed his speech at Yun Beishang with a bit of a breathless countenance. “So you indeed want to have this, huh? A revolution, a new order; no, how do you call it, Yun Beishang?”

Though Flick Boton was still ‘nice’, he was no longer amiably explaining the people that Yun Beishang already knew of and he himself was aware of that fact, but simply laying out his own stance while waiting out for propositions; he wasn’t like the other Clans that had a familiar and now friendly relationship with him and wouldn’t just accept out of nowhere.

“...You sold… how many underaged little girls in the past 80 years?” Yun Beishang’s voice came and went like faster than wind and stronger than heat, as brief as it came to be, it also disappeared whatsoever.


“!!!” The chair he was sitting on was dragged backwards and sent flying, Flick Boton felt his chest heaving so up and so down that his body felt like it went back to hundreds of years ago when he was a great soldier under the Flicks. With his immensely changed face, he became too shocked to even speak, the man with so much knowledge who couldn’t ooze anything else but affection for his grandchildren and uncaring for his own knowledge being teached to them.

“Y-y-you…” At first, Flick Boton wanted to lash out with a natural aggrieved tone of his but, the word ‘you’ ended up being trailed off and feebly spoken out. Flick Mere, the blonde young woman, stood up gently from her chair with Flick Ternura doing the same as she took her grandfather’s left arm and helped him up while Flick Ternura brought his grandfather’s chair back up.

“There, there grandfather, it’s alright.” Flick Mere said and helped the old and slightly chubby Flick Boton down to his chair, once she confirmed that he was recuperated and only taking a breather right now, she calmly sit down on her chair along with the young man before looking at Yun Beishang, but before anything could be said from her part; Yun Beishang casually and slightly somber said first. “And that’s without even mentioning the little boys, the teenagers and both young adults as well as adults and even those of the third age.”

“...” Closing her eyes tight, Flick Mere felt pain and hurt from the body and soul, for an instant, she even felt wires crawling around her skin without mercy. But when she felt a small hand on her left shoulder, looked back and saw her beloved brother’s warm and soothing smile, she could finally calm down as she gazed at Yun Beishang once again and declared in a determined tone in her clear voice.

“Mr Beishang, my grandfather was even the reason that Mother and Father… fell. I,” Flick Mere continued with a trembling, shaky voice, “and my Br-Brother have… already forgiven grandfather. If even we are able to do that, then, we are naturally willing to put in the effort to make things better; to pay off our cruel and heartless debts.”

“Indeed, Mr Beishang,” Yun Beishang munched the last bit of corn that remained in his left hand and looked up at the owner of the continuing voice from the chat, Flick Ternura, and all he saw was a resplendent young boy almost a young man smiling towards him with benevolence. A word that Yun Beishang himself was rare with strangers, the young boy said, “The Fouu-Flick Clan has had their good amount of power and reputation, especially in the past, but now… now, we can humble ourselves all that is needed.”

“Yun Beishang…” At this moment, the old man interfered, in a good way since he was all calmed down and with a comforted mind. He could only speak in a feeble tone, while continuing his speech from before, “I am old, not much would be needed for me to, heh-heh, finally go away where I am supposed to go.”

The old man looked down, indicating a hellish fate indeed, with Yun Beishang looking down at the old man’s stomach since the screen didn’t encompass a full image from far away though he could do that with his side’s technology but only if he wanted though. “All I need to do before departing this world, is to ensure the future of these two poor souls, whom I have wronged already, too much.”

“Please, Mr-no, just Yun Beishang; please tell me, what can you offer me?”


Yun Beishang placed the plate down that was previously full of corn, now completely emptied out and without any corn remaining, only soft and pale whitish yellow substance remaining. Cleaning his mouth without manner, using the back of his right hand, Yun Beishang then smacked his lips in full satisfaction before opening his mouth to speak.

“Mahh! Okay, so first, you will have to do some things for me, like for example; get me with contacts who can buy slaves and trafficked people…”

And at once, with Yun Beishang starting to speak with just this at the very beginning of his conditions and ‘offers’—?—, the trio was already shocked and with hearts thumping… but that did not stop Yun Beishang as he wasn’t even fazed with their painful family’s memories. He went on and on, and he wasn’t kidding nor bluffing, he was going at all; Yun Beishang the devil was never gone, ah.



V7: #2 2/10.

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