Bow and Arrow

Chapter 533: Chapter 531 — Another One Goes Down

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Another One Goes Down




"Sergeant Lotto, your simple intelligence and coordination of your subordinates is impeccable, even if I wanted to find someone of your skill among the low ranked soldiers, I could at most find another one like you and I haven't even discovered such a person yet. Well done, for now on, you will be Staff Sergeant Lotto and it is effective immediately, soldier."

Previously, when Sergeant Gytto was being granted his promotion, a tinge of well hidden embarrassment was clearly sensed by Lotto, who then looked at the younger man than himself and saw some traces of panic among his eyes when General Powlniu mentioned of things to be 'kept' and not lose 'it'.

Thinking to himself whether this young man unprofessionally got into a love affair or simply took someone’s liking from one of the settlements, and very possibly a medium sized or large sized settlement at that since he and his superior were being promoted at the same time. Lotto then heard the same thing that happened to the previous 2 and felt his emblem taking a change for the better.


“You will be granted an additional small Squad so that you don’t have to order all of your required troops to join your Section yet again, and in the same manner, you can take those who you do not wish for from your Section out.” Powlniu finished saying lightly, her sapphire eyes looking at the kneeling man before adding, “I would’ve given you a position as a 1st, 2nd Lieutenant or at least the Warrant Officer or Warrant Master and give you your Platoon accommodating your rank, but something tells me that you would’ve refused it if I did.”

“...General, I am deeply grateful for your understanding. In my own point of view, taking so much credit from simply receiving orders is too much for me to accept, I’d rather go from rank to rank like this, I am not leading a war but just completing the orders delivered to the soldiers of The Order in general; thank you, General.” Lotto said in a compassionate tone in his voice with the respect and honor of The Order and furthermore, of the Elf Blue-Hunch Region within it.

“Very well,” Powlniu nodded, her eyes turning a bit more gentle as if she was looking at a good son of hers growing up, “Actually, you remind me of my youngest son, he is only barely 464 years old yet he was as moved by becoming a strong man in the army like those he heard from stories who even though they fell, managed to bring my youngest son to a great path.”

‘...464 years old… youngest son… oh.’ While Lotto was thinking to himself to the comparison, Powlniu was shaking her head as memories flowed back into her brain, she then looked down once more at the kneeling Staff Sergeant and just before he started to disconnect, she said. “If I remember correctly, Staff Sergeant Lotto is an orphan, am I right? Unlike you, you didn’t find a fatherly figure at a young age and was brought with the military education that The Order can now give and many times more plentiful and better than any of Main Kingdom before, right?”

“Yes, General. I am a child whose family is totally unknown, I was originally stolen close to at birth when I was living in a village or cave abode; I don’t know which.” Powlniu nodded again, her hands then coming back to her front as her right hand gestured for the man to leave now without needing to verbally dismiss him, like this, Staff Sergeant was similarly promoted and given something to think about.

“Aaaahh…” exclaiming out loud, so loudly that the tent even seemed to have caught upon a strong wind within itself, Powlniu looked back for a moment at the darkness before letting herself fall down. Just as she felt her body reach barely 7 degrees with her head barely tilting anything, a pair of strong, warm and caring arms caught her from behind.


“Mmmh,” moaning lightly and in hums, Powlniu rubbed the back of her head as she closed her large eyes, her blue skin and eyelids making a great sight even though it was already midnight and someone of her skin color would be quite imperceptible without enough lights. Even then, to Yun Beishang’s eyes, she couldn’t look any more celestial like and blatantly beautifully.

“Hey there,” teased Yun Beishang as he slowly let Powlniu feel her body fall a bit more instead of helping her up, she then felt her nape and upper back land on his stomach as even more warmth invaded her. Powlniu said as she felt so drowsy and secure at the same time, “Why didn’t you just show yourself, ah? Imagine being given the honor of being promoted like this, mhm, that would incite them to become better soldiers and generals, you know?”

“Mmm, if they have to be encouraged like this all the time, wouldn’t my army depend too much on me? That is not good in any way at all, they gotta be strong and-... well, maybe, the female ones I can congratulate myself indeed.” Yun Beishang’s hoarse and ‘small’ words that suddenly had a pause forced Powlniu’s legs to start trembling and, instead of getting all angery at his words, she smiled so wonderfully furthermore than a flower blooming as she commented on it. “Mhm, that sounds great. Once I marry my husband, my Master, you will have an additional daughter and some sons, hehe. Oh right! There is also that Lotto, isn’t he quite a ‘the son that everyone wanted’ kind of thing from the stuff you’ve talked to me about? Ehehehe.”

“...” Facepalming himself and getting speechless himself instead of Powlniu herself, Yun Beishang thought back to the memes and dumb shit he told this milfy Blue Elf as he now understood that her words were also directed at him when before dismissing the now Staff Sergeant Lotto soldier.

“Sigh, you want so many, hm?” Yun Beishang ‘exasperatedly’ said as if he was a middle aged man who didn’t wanted to waste so much money so early in his life ‘just for’ having kids, to which all Powlniu did was to give nods in return so cutely and so sweetly with her eyelids still fully closed and her long eyelashes asking for pampering.

“... …mwah.” Kissing her left eyelid lightly, Yun Beishang made Powlniu stop her childish behavior as she moaned inside her throat once, he then did the same to her right eyelid before repeating and repeating, the entire next half an hour spent like this before they had to depart ways for the day—or night—.

At some point, with Yun Beishang and Powlniu hugging, but more like Powlniu being inside his embrace as she had her hands in front of her cleavage-less uniform and her legs closed while her head was slightly tilted downwards as she seemingly wanted to be eaten deeply and eternally into his body with all of his warmth and care.

“I can feel some, already, forming in my belly as we speak, Beishang????…” Powlniu’s voice was so soft and gentle, so motherly and caring that Yun Beishang could swear to have had heard Natalia and Tonkia already, or even Cyn. The thought of the images of her sons and daughters and the picture of her late husband who was a hero to their settlement from the past didn’t disgust him in the lightest forms nor ways, and he instead embraced her tightly as if to say ‘I’m here’.

“That fast? That’s incredible, hmm, I can’t wait for the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division to be conquered, I really can’t; ey.” Yun Beishang said as his lips were all plastered on Powlniu’s forehead, and as she understood his meaning, she couldn’t help herself as she began in a silly but coquettish voice. “So my Elf Blue-Hunch Region should take the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division quicker and with more efficiency, so that we can finish earlier than even expected… so that I can meet your little Yun Beishangs? Hmm hmm~.”

“Mn, that’s right. That is what is important, what else? My Powlniu, aren’t you so smart? Hm? Mwah.” And then… and then another huge hurl of slow, small and so lovely and affectionate kissing began to happen yet again, resuming for another half an hour before Yun Beishang had to leave. They weren’t dumb sex retards, so having that moment to talk about life not used couldn’t be any less important for their deeply devoted nd infatuated hearts.

The Order’s military ranking and army units were quite simple, yet, it was that simplicity which was hard to be met with. Each army unit had a ‘at least’ and a ‘at most’ number of soldiers in it, and though it was simple and based on New Earth’s titles and naming sense, each soldier and each official in each army unit was to be utterly important and not a mere ‘being trained and then be done with if’; then sending those recruits to fight.

In the first army unit, the lowest of them all was the Team unit, consisting from a total of 4 to 12 members, soldiers, and lead by a Private First Class, Corporal or even Sergeant. The first two ranks were of having different amounts of members in their Team, while probably not even having a superior and merely just organizing their own Team and moving from large army units to another bout of large army units. While as a Sergeant under another Sergeant or Staff Sergeant, they would be from a specific and specialized Team or simply a lone one for specials tasks and gruesome work.

A Squad—the second army unit—consists of 12 to 36 members, soldiers, in total. It can be formed from 3 to up to 9 Teams in total, while it is lead by a Corporal or a Sergeant. A Corporal will have the least number of members, soldiers, while a Sergeant the most and even the possibility of having a Sergeant under them; which wouldn’t be a thing of just Sergeants or even Colonels only.

A Section was the third army unit implemented inside The Order’s army, its total number of members, soldiers, went from 24 to 75 and it can be formed from 2 to up to 7 Squads. Those who can lead a Section are of the Sergeant and Staff Sergeant  military rank. The Sergeant has the least number of members, soldiers, while the Staff Sergeant will have the most.

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Platoons were the fourth army unit in The Order’s army, their total number of members, soldiers, could go from 78 to up to 165; with the army units conforming it can vary between that of 2 Sections and 1 Squad to 6 Sections and 1 Squad. The numbers of each army unit forming it could obviously vary, from being the smallest to the fullest or in-between; depending on ones’ rank. To lead a Platoon, one is needed to be a Warrant Officer, 1st Lieutenant or even 2nd Lieutenant while having those of similar military rank as a subordinate isn’t way too rare.

An Echelon, as the fifth army unit in The Order’s army, their total numbers of members, soldiers, in it can go from 170 to up to 300. To lead one, a military rank of Warrant Officer, Master Warrant Officer, Captain or even as a Staff Captain. And the smaller army units forming it can vary from 2 Platoons and 1 extra Section to a total of 4 Platoons. Here, subordinates of similar level are even a bit less rare than in a Platoon.

Being the sixth unit army in The Order’s army, a Company can be formed by a total of numbers from 320 to 750 members, soldiers; and can only be led by a Chief Warrant Officer, Captain or Major. A Chief Warrant Officer would have the least amount of members, soldiers, while a Major could even have a Chief Warrant Officer and a Captain as subordinate without a problem. It is formed, in army units, varying from 2 Echelons to 1 Echelon and 1 extra Platoon in total.

Battalion Regiments were the initial huge step and boos in numbers that an army unit would have from thereon, with it being the seventh army unit in The Order’s army. Consisting of a number of members, soldiers, that went from 900 to up to 3,000. Which is formed in army units varying from 9 Companies to 8 Companies and 3 extra Echelons. A Battalion Regiment can only be led by a Lieutenant Colonel.

In the eighth army unit of The Order’s army, a Regiment was formed from 4,000 to up to 10,000 members, soldiers, and a whole Regiment was formed in army units from 3 Battalion Regiments, 1 Company and 1 extra Echelon to 1 Battalion Regiment, 1 Company and 1 extra Echelon. A Regiment can only be led by a Colonel.

A Brigade, as the ninth army unit of The Order’s army, can have a total of members, soldiers, from 12,000 up to 20,000. It was either led by a Colonel, Brigadier or Brigadier General; but having similar military ranks as subordinates wasn’t that rare at all. A Brigade is formed in army units from 1 Regiment and 2 extra Companies and 1 extra Echelon to 2 Regiments.

A Division/Legion, as the tenth army unit of The Order’s army, had its number of members, soldiers, going from 18,000 to up to 75,000 in total. Formed in army units from 3 Brigades, 1 Regiment, 1 Battalion Regiment and 1 extra Battalion Regiment to 3 Brigades and 1 extra Brigade. As for leading a Division or Legion, one needed to have one of the military ranks of the Major General, Divisional General or Lieutenant General could ever be able to do so.

Corps were formed by the numbers of members, soldiers, from 80,000 to up to 150,000 as the eleventh army unit in The Order’s army. Which could only be led by a Lieutenant General, Colonel General, a General, a Corps General or Army General. With the General being the one with the most members, soldiers, and officials of similar but lower ranks than him or herself. Formed by 2 Divisions/Legions in army units as a whole.

As the twelfth army unit in The Order’s army, the full fledged and complete Army had a number of members, soldiers, going from 400,000 up to 950,000. Which, from them, a General, Army General, Colonel General or Field Marshal can lead it with Field Marshal being the highest position to reach and naturally, also being the one with the largest number of troops. Even then, one can clearly be under another Field Marshall in command of a larger variety of troops. Formed by 6 Corps and 1 extra Division/Legion in army units as a whole.

In the thirteenth ‘position’ of the army units in The Order’s army, it was the Army Group which consisted of numbers of members, soldiers, from a total of 1,200,000 up to 4,000,000. A general, Army General or Colonel General as well as a Field Marshall could lead an Army Group without a doubt, Field Marshall being once again the highest rank achievable. Formed by 4 Armies, 1 Corps and 1 Division/Legion in army units as a whole.

Regions were the second last and fourteenth army unit in the army of The Order, with its members, soldiers, totaling from 10,000,000 up to 45,000,000. A General, Army General or a Colonel General are the ones to lead the least amount of troops while a Field Marshall can lead up to a full 45,000,000 troops and is formed in army units by 11 Army Groups, 1  extra Army and 1 extra Corps.

Lastly, and the most important one which the Lord of The Order ‘created’ or rather, planned for a great future; was the lastly added and fifteenth ‘army unit’ in The Order’s army. Its totaling number of members, soldiers: being, basically, from 1,000,000,000 to up to 1,000,000,000,000 in total.

And that is because, this ‘army unit’ called the Armament Race, can only be led by a Leader. From which the entire Order, only the Lord is such a Leader to have in his hands such an extensive amount of troops and officers under him. But in between his own governance over all of The Order and its forces and that of a 45,000,000 troops-big Region, there was the distinction of Ladies and Maidens leading a few Regions each or just 1,depending on their desires and current capabilities.

It was in this way that, even if Yun Beishang wanted to have a Field Marshall, considering that he didn’t even have a full fledged 45,000,000 troops-large Region from any of his Inhabitants armies, and that the Journeyers allied to him were barely close to that but were still not under The Order while its vassals were still not even capable of being The Order’s vassals…

…The reason of why even if he wanted Powlniu to be a Field Marshall, he couldn’t; and, if he wanted to place Field Marshals in charge and as a superior of even General in much smaller army units such as an Army or an Army Group, he couldn’t as that would only be possible when all of his Regions have at least that insane amount of 45,000,000 troops in total.

Only then would he be able to make any ‘inferior’ Field Marshall to lead all the other Armies, Army Groups and Regions so that the highest ranked Field Marshals could have their own Regions of at least 45,000,000 with even other Field Marshals under themselves and teaching them for furthermore creating even more Regions; all the way until a trillion of troops—or more—were within Yun Beishang’s army.

For now, though, only Generals, Colonel Army and Colonel Generals were the max rank that Yun Beishang could grant them, and this was obvious by how many of the latter 2 there were all around his forces and leading a few millions of troops from each Region. Currently, as Regions were the largest and strongest army units and as they were already formed a few within The Order.

Yun Beishang had his army to focus on getting new blood on each region until a max is reached instead of creating even more Regions. The scouting of talent from all over the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division was just one way to deem certain soldiers who had leadership potential and to encourage them, not just to find those in the wilds and whatnot that could become a leader of an army unit of their own.

But, after the 13th day of the war came and as it was very early in the morning, General Powlniu, who aspired to become the First Marshall of The Order to be only below the Ladies and Maidens who were below the Lord in terms of ruling and power was just one of the many Generals who were doing their best, and not just fast, to get their Regions up to the 45,000,000 mark.

As such, once Yun Beishang left her side and had her turn soft and warm, Powlniu summoned his Army Colonel sons and her daughter Colonel General with the Magic-Tech Communications Device of The Order, prompting them to grant their troops a 6 days worth of rest and to resume the war at the 7th day from today being the first; of course.

This gave a lot of time for the Elf Blue-Hunch Region to accommodate their people, for the newly and consistently soldiers being promoted to train their new men and women and bonding with each other, formalizing their future operations as an united army unit and not just as a bunch of soldiers pertaining the same Region; or army.

With this, 6 days went past by really fast, and on the 7th day, which was already the 19th day of the 8th month and of the warm Yun Beishang was ready to meet a certain someone at midnight while his troops silently prepared for the continuation of phase 2 after so much time passed.

Intel gathered, troops trained, recruits put into a good mindset and the hearts of the soldiers more than ready to face anything that may come their way and impede the path of The Order; several Army Groups, Armies… innumerable Echelons, Platoons, Sections, Squads and Teams ready to follow their superiors… all of them were more than prepared to launch an insane charge towards the entirety of the inner ring of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division full of doubtless aspiration, ambition and proud honor.



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