Bow and Arrow

Chapter 539: Chapter 537 — But The War Continues…

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But The War Continues...




"Sir, may I please say something?!" Lotto's voice carried a worried impatience, the Lieutenant Colonel that was devising any plan for the aid of the Colonel General Katalyia in getting rid of that monster, which was the reason why the Lieutenant Colonel didn't just straight out and fully rejected the incoming voice's request.

Turning around, the Lieutenant Colonel showed his 50 something year old Human face to Lotto and, once he saw through his appearance and the auras he was giving off, he spoke in a mild but still commanding tone towards the Staff Sergeant. "Staff Sergeant Lotto, was it? Mmh... okay then, speak. What is it, kid?"

“Thank you sir!” Staff Sergeant Lotto was glad that his reputation preceded him, even if it was just somewhat or somehow, and proceeded to explain his brain after a respectful and thankful salute towards the Lieutenant Colonel. “Sir! Colonel General Katalyia needs help, and we all know it, but it isn’t just help that she needs.”

“Beyond that, it isn’t just the pride or arrogance of killing that fucking strange monster, but of saving most of our troops before she falls, and naturally; that cannot happen!” Staff Sergeant continued, his words barely getting into the Lieutenant Colonel’s heart, “What we-no, what she needs is for the monster to grow weaker, more than she already is. She is tired and still fighting, while the strange monster’s mind is ruled by the necessity to kill and… I don’t know what more.”

“But if we could just place ourselves quite close and bait the strange shit to attack us, with all due respect sir,” Staff Sergeant Lotto apologized for his french and continued on. “Colonel General Katalyia could take down the monster much faster, while we won’t even be really attacking the monster, only distracting him to keep on sending its own strength towards us and give Colonel General Katalyia much more to hit at.”

“We just have to avoid, dodge and resist, in the worst case scenario, to whatever that monster bring us. Sir, Colonel General needs us and that time is now, please give the orders, I cannot just watch our Official Commander… ‘go’ like this.” Staff Sergeant had a visible determination, one that not even his own mama or papa could even dream of swaying their child from, and the Lieutenant Colonel knew this look very well from his own experience.

“Sigh…” Staff Sergeant Lotto almost paled when he heard that sigh, but then, the Lieutenant Colonel said with his words reaching all the way up to his ears, “Okay soldier, get the people ready and inform them of your plan. But listen me out, Staff Sergeant, there is only room for one! One mistake and that’s it, it’s all I can allow for there to exist, understood?!”

“S-s-si-si-s-sir? Ah, yes, sir!” Staff Sergeant Lotto’s eyes almost bulged out from the notion of being handled the power only a Lieutenant Colonel, or more in this case, could have as on his shoulders were placed a lot of dutiful weight. While also understanding that this was something that shouldn’t have actually happened, and that it was the Lieutenant Colonel sacrificing a lot of his position for as, even if there was an accident; the blame would fall all on him.

Though it was left at a subordinate’s hands, the one with that order was still that Lieutenant Colonel who had the matter of the decision at hand, and would be mostly taking the brunt of the punishment should this actually fail. The not trust but acceptance shown to him because of his own passion, Lotto could never felt more moved at these moments.


But his and everyone else’s thoughts weren’t long living as another huge sound came from the already loud noises whose expansion in soundwaves was so big that even kilometers away, the soldiers of The Order could perfectly hear the ongoing battle not stopping for minutes already. Staff Sergeant Lotto quickly felt his emblem light up, and a temporary role to command was briefly granted onto him so as to facilitate things.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the Journeyers who were preparing themselves were now more than ready, and as almost half a million were positioned at the very front of the wall that was now fully recovered but not at a perfect state; from the tens of thousands to ‘just’ half a million Journeyers. The players’ ways of doing things were much smoother and more experienced than what the Inhabitants who got a taste of actual modern communication and ‘internet’ could do.

Though a ton more had to be left behind the wall, as those were Seven Sins Knights who used up most of their resources and temporarily at that, meaning that they couldn’t help in possibly even days to come. And from some others who jumped in and began healing the wall in order to make it happen faster and more efficiently, even then, there was still a good amount of Journeyers who were eligible for charging and giving their lives off for the cause.

As they were all prepared enough and those who could charge as a magical type of class and ranged type of class besides the obviously melee classes leading it, a Scout who was nearby was motioned to come over to what seemed to be the leader between all of the Journeyers about to charge in.

Coming to the front with his Abysmal Creature Mount, the Scout was quickly told of some things and then sent away by the Journeyer, as the Scout came back to the leading Official Commander and relayed the information. After this tiny meeting, the Journeyers began to set off while a Lieutenant Colonel brought a Staff Sergeant into another tiny meeting.

Once that second tiny meeting was over with, Lotto was awed by the use of Journeyers in this move, while also knowing that it was completely willingly which made it even more awing than even before. After the tiny meeting, he and many other Official Commanders got to a palace where a lot of nimble and magical types of Inhabitants were gathered.

When standing in front of so many people, who will be all at his orders and their lives at the every decision of his and happening in the middle of Colonel General Katalyia’s battle; he now finally felt it. The nervousness, fear yet excitement and honor filled him as he began explaining to them, via his newly and temporarily upgraded emblem, of his plan to aid their General Colonel.

When his words finished and at once, so many troops, consisting of almost half of an Army Group moved, they were all going to be following his commands and heed to his orders for a while. If everything went wrong, they would die for him, because of him and for the sake of Colonel General Katalyia.

At once, the Journeyer’s group moved along and created a huge disturbance as they moved much slower but still at a higher Movement Speed than 210% towards the enemy territory and where the walls of the same were now already fully flattened or made debris of. Where only a small figure running around to beat the shit out of the strange creature’s legs and feet could be seen.

While she was beating them legs and feet, she was being beaten back from above as the strange monster lowered his left arm and slapped, punched and even tried to stab down at Colonel General Katalyia. Each stab, she had to dodge and get away from the strange monster’s legs, while she would suffer more and more whenever she shouldered  it all on her own.

At some moment, just as the legs of the strange creature began to crack, those sounds made the fluffy, long and fat ears of Colonel General Katalyia glad of her cruel hard work working as intended. But then, as they were both screaming and hating each other as the Colonel General growled and snarled at the strange monster while the latter remained quiet yet with sending an awful glare back… a shout came from her right and from behind; which made the Colonel General’s eyes shrunk out of fear.

“LIIIIGHT!!!” As the shout was effectuated and the Journeyer in question shouting such a word was glared back by a frowning anthropomorphic beauty, Light Core Element properties began to glow off from the half a million of Journeyers who were charging towards them both the strange monster and the Colonel General Katalyia, whose eyes shrunk even more but not in fear; anymore.

“...!” When glancing back, Colonel General Katalyia didn’t expect to see a bunch of Journeyers coming from where the wall she left was placed at, which she caught in her sight and instantly thought that it had already turned almost in just crumbles or about to, but was shocked to see it almost completely perfect; practically fully healed up!

Beyond that, she then saw the faces of the Journeyers that came to aid her and saw the ugly faces filled with a determination that brought her to accidentally open up her emblem’s communications and began hearing a man’s voice. Her already vacant face as she was previously biting with all her might and hate a spot from where she cleaned off all hair and odors at the left leg of the strange creature; became even more lost as she slowly let go of it and pedaled backwards until about a distance of ten meters was made between herself and the strange monster.

‘Journeyers…’ Seeing a plethora of Light being shot off from the Journeyers’ half a million number as they kept moving, fearlessly, forward; appearing to be shots from canons of light that were sent out all at the same time. Some ton of those half a million shots of Light adjoined each other, while some others moved on their own in arches or like breathing, living beings.

Yet before those ‘canons’ that consisted in all of them being Journeyers whose armor began flashing the same Core Element, at the same time and in the same intensity as a man who was leading them all and separated from those who were second in the run towards the strange creature by a whole 2 meters; they were already only a dozen meters away from it.


Passing over where the Inhabitant Colonel General was dumbly standing and staring back at them, the Journeyer leading the charge felt the impulse and opportunity to smile ‘bigly’ at that mere fraction of a moment. A courageous, pride and bold smile slightly woke the Colonel General up as more and more Journeyers went past her as well.


Suddenly, as the first person leading the half a million Journeyers arrived just 3 meters before the stunned strange creature, he jumped dozens of meters into the air and became a ray of light that instead of becoming blood and a dismembered body flying to all sides, turned into specks of even more Light Core Element Particles as the incoming plethora of Journeyers felt the thrive of ‘ pixels’ ’ survival within their ignorant and selfish hearts!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!” - “DIE, you bastardly fuck!” - “For Main Kingdom, for THE ORDER~!!” With all sorts of cries ringing out as they swiftly disappeared once they collided at full speed against any part of the strange monster’s body. Be it its torso, legs and even head and crotch.

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There wasn’t a part that was left ‘untouched’, and the Journeyers making this happen were only making more and more damage, as they died and became specks of billions of Light Core Element tiny particles, they allowed for the next incoming Journeyers wearing their own set of equipment gave to them by The Order and the skill books bought from the same.

Two-Fated Nature Selection, Spatial Armory, and for the leader, an addition of the Imperious Nature skill; these skill books became their skills, and as they fully integrated and practiced with them. They could even do things like these in which they would be able to mold the properties of even their own bodies and not just the armor within the game.

As for this tiny trick? Though it was discovered, it was much less than what they could actually do. And as for their effect, each time that a Journeyer became Light Core Element itself, the next one would cause an even stronger and larger change to the air itself and even space, turning the strange monster’s body way more vulnerable to it already being weak to the Light Core Element.

Meanwhile, though the insane HP of the strange creature was way too much, which was even more of a reason why it had so little damage even for a BOSS of its grade, was barely coming down but Colonel General Katalyia’s eyes shone as intention and the will to kill and not to ‘just’ fight were emanating from her celestial chestnut colored eyes.

Pak pak pak pak-pakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpakpak…!

Slowly, the insane amount of Journeyers were swiftly becoming all Light Core Element Particles, with the number of such already being enough to cover a mountain that was the whole sky’s tall, yet it was sparse to all direction and not just into the air, so it wasn’t really reaching up to the sky at these moments.

Nevertheless, the sight of this was enough to make the already so strong and one of the strongest Inhabitants of Main Kingdom to be amazed endlessly, for as she did not even dreamed for such a sight to be held by her in her entire life. She suddenly felt like staring back at where she put up her wall, only to be shocked as she saw it no longer being there anymore.

“!!” But just placing a tiny bit more of focus, she could, at last, discern that her ability was there yet she could barely presence it even though it was created from her own capabilities. Let alone the strange creature which was right now fully embedded on the spot by the Light Core Element Particles and couldn’t even move an iota, let alone being able to stare at where the wall of its enemy was just now.

At the same time, the Inhabitants, some stayed in the same place as before while others took the wall with them, for as crazy as that could ever sound. And moved forwards until they were just half a kilometer away from the currently still stagnant strange creature. Once they were settled down and ready to follow the commands of a certain voice the Colonel General heard from her emblem, the strange creature also began to move at last!

Fshu fshu fshu fshu~~!!

With its body shaking, the Colonel General and all more than 600,000 Inhabitant troops saw the Light Core Element Particles on its body begin to disappear while the strange creature was still immobile. As time passed, the strange creature freed itself at last and, once its entire body was without any remaining speck of Light, he looked down at its enemy before looking to the side at the now closer ants nearby.

On the other hand, the hopes and hearts of the Inhabitant troops shined once more in their eyes, while Colonel General’s celestial chestnut eyes began to glow with fervor as her eyes tingled at a certain Staff Sergeant’s words reaching deep into her fluffy ears, communicating everyone and now her as well of a Journeyer’s insight on the new ‘debuff’ appearing on the strange creature’s self.


Colonel General Katalyia’s legs stomped so hard against the ground that it made a tiny earthquake’s aftershock-like movement all over the surrounding tens of kilometers, leaving her previous spot far in the dust and destruction as she jumped directly at the strange creature’s neck and dived deep down with her right fist and left palm against right above its collarbone!

Fweiuu fweiuuu~!! Bang bang bang bang bang bang… tukk-tadadadadadadadadada…

At the same time, many spells of long distance, slow and showy were sent from the Inhabitants’ side, along with the strong and loud sounds of snipers shooting off to the connection between those extremely feeble and large legs and left arm compared to its whole almost a kilometer-wide torso.

It was the same for the noises of machine guns being fired off like crazy without any purpose, they couldn’t injure their Colonel General even if the ‘friendly status’ wasn’t there, that much crazy this Colonel General of theirs was. Yet, that alone was more than enough to attract the attention of the strange creature as its left reddish brown eye turned to look at them in annoyance; looking so gruesome and monstrously that it left the creeps on them.

But just as the left eye was distracted, the right fist and left palm reached its body and its tiny enemy almost forced itself to go down the ground once more. Such a situation aroused some fear, as if it was remembering being ‘born’ from the underground and about to be sent back again, even for a monster; that was a ‘no no’ situation to be handled.

PUM!! PLACKKA!! Fwoooosh!

The strange monster was thrown backwards, and with its extremely ugly and weirdly shaped head’s lips that went from the lower center of its face to up to its head and behind where ears should be, it was inundated by a ton of bullets of all kinds, flaming, icy, explosive, acid, venomous and those with even knockback; while magic spells kept on trickling badly off here and there all over his body.

But, on the other hand, Katalyia’s body… regenerated!

As she was feeling a strangely new, warm, fuzzy and calming energy enter her body, regenerating, hugging and comforting each part of her body that was left badly hurt to just hurt; the sensation of power coming back to her naturally was also felt. And as her eyes opened, the glowed much more strongly as, along with her troops, began bombarding the strange creature altogether.

Hit after hit, bombardment and barrage of fusillades after bombardment and barrage of fusillades; the strange creature had its right leg and left arm crack apart and become neutral dust that emanated nothing but gave off the relieving of grievances as it disappeared into nothingness.

Colonel General Katalyia was no longer bleeding, and even her blood was taken back into her own body, fueling her strength even more as she finally had more Beast auras to use and have her fly up into the sky once more!

Meanwhile, the distraction and taunting of the Inhabitants’ troops… worked! Their every move was now being always stared at by the thing, as it basically believed the tiny ants to be the cause of this turn of a situation. And with the latter suffering some stiffness due to this development from his gaze alone, they were forced to take the brunt of so many attacks with some melee Inhabitants tanking the damage down to the wall, leaving many critically injured and forced to be replaced by other Inhabitants far behind.

It was unbelievable, but this battle was the hardest that The Order has ever fought and, as the wall crumbled and only small columns remained, with about more than 90% of the soldiers from The Order being forced back to the rear where they were truly safe and couldn’t support with the other army Group; much more than ‘just’ 1,100,000 troops were left injured with a small but not that small portion being the ones to get critically injured furthermore.

Basically, about half of an Army Group was now left rendered useless and in need of the use of potions from The Order so that they could heal back up sooner than later. There was a war after all, and not just with the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, which now seemed like child’s play when compared with the Gods and Goddesses’ troops.

When so little columns from the walls were left, and as only a tiny portion of an entire Army Group was left still fighting, the Colonel General that they placed their hearts and honor on… finally took off the head of the strange creature and kicked, with but all of her remaining strength and capacity far away, where a huge boom echoed even after crossing over 1,000 kilometers in the distance…



Let It Rain's Note: :p ended up making so many chapters of this, with the things I've prepared for all of *** Main Kingdom's arc, I hope that is enough, hehehe.

V7: #2 7/10.

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