Bow and Arrow

Chapter 542: Chapter 540 — The Third Phase

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The Third Phase




While Yun Beishang left for the other Regions, leaving the already peaceful and calming Bright Sunset Region on its own to level up and socialize with Journeyers and Inhabitants seeming to not differentiate between each other, his Order conquering of the Wonder Region was still ongoing, and it was as savage, tumultuous and brutal as its beginning was like so.

Maybe not right away, but over time, people of both worlds began to see one another. Seeing and not just watching each other as they passed by, they now engaged in an actual and more ‘interactive’ chat with each other; Journeyers were more chatty and less restrained while Inhabitants weren’t moving the wheels in their heads to think badly about the ‘immortals’... all of the time.

But, this was still not globally from all over Main Kingdom, only the most peaceful and practically void of territory challenges and taking from Journeyers to other Journeyers, against each other as they fought for either riches, bitches, bitches and riches or just honor and reputation as a strong Association who have the balls to fight others for fame mostly.

Some fewer were using the strength of their Associations to ‘play’ how it is, more or less, ‘supposed’ to be. Moving their people, Inhabitants and Journeyers, to the conquering and stabilization before making any further moves and expansion. In a way, this was then a new form of playing the ‘game’, just like how Sub-Classes were smoothly and slowly discovered and granted the opportunity to become ‘Sub-Class Journeyer only’.

Though one needed a Leader Sub-Class to further evolve the own Sub-Class, one’s troops and all and any kind of ‘building’ and ‘structure’, and it was also the Leader Sub-Class which was very difficult to understand; and even more so to discover furthermore.

So far, the second most graded up Journeyer with the Leader Sub-Class was of the intermediate grade, and it was more or less okay for it to be like this. As there was only an insane boost in the using of one’s Association the moment that the first expansion of Rising Essence culminated at last; Warmonger.

Once it was over, how could people not have become utterly shining of their eyes and salivating from their mouths when they saw The Order moving like the boss and owning any ‘enemy’ Demon? Even more so, how could men and women not salivate furthermore when that Bouningin Lord’s Bliss beautiful face and body was thoroughly comforted with a kiss?

A kiss from the Leader of The Order nonetheless, the cause and effect for all the immense greatness that The Order had in that first expansion’s war. And from such a beauty, holy cow! People would be dumb to not dream of having such beauties showing such contentment and bashfulness when being comforted like that after some trouble happens; how nice would that be…

And so, was the start of a movement that took over Main Kingdom, including even the Inhabitants as they were now aware of the possibility of the Inhabitants being possible to be ‘added’ to their ranks. Ever since the ‘sneaky discovery’ of The Order getting what seemed to be recently discovered to be called ‘Factions’ into their own, that was when the whole thing took an absurd boost in the speed that this ‘movement’ developed.

As such, from the previous amount of a few dozens of Associations ranking very ‘well’ from before the culmination of the Warmonger expansion, a comparison from the current Associations who were at the same level as those outside the 10th placements on the Leaderboard was much bigger; so immense that it made those dozens of Associations from before to be randomly placed among the newly rising ones, a true embarrassment for any Association.

Well now, those Associations, as they saw meteors move their way, by the time they did, it was already oh so too late. Instantly, and from afar, hundreds of Castles that were barely of the Stage 1 saw an enormous or a few of the same- meteors move from one angle to another, breaking all air that was crossing their way and then elevating insane amounts of dirt and whatnot of anything else that was nearby.

From just a bit away from where the situation occurred, some other Associations nearby who were going to reunite or maybe watch a play of Associations going against each other; all saw the flesh and blood that came down from the enormous mountainous lifting of the earth, feeling like it was strange…

And, indeed, once a few minutes passed and the territories of the strange walls and tall ‘monsters’ were seen, the teleportation between settlements that was so free and alien to the Wonder Region of today was used immensely as those who died in the meteor crashing onto them from ‘above’—though it was more like a rock thrown at them from another person on the same grounds—to regain their lost equipment and loot some more; only to discover that some of them had their own heads still rolling around for a bit as the aftershocks commenced every once in a while.

At the discovery of the players’ bodies being ‘mortalized’ and that their corpses could remain close to the rapidly building up walls, many spines went numb and in shivers when they read it on the in-game forums. While those who weren’t inside the game, running a few exercises in the gym, working on their desk, going out or having a meal with their families who read this… only excitement was left in their shining eyes!

Yet, it wasn’t even that long when something strange happened, a huge, much taller and immensely scary, disgusting and bizarre ‘monster’ came out from seemingly the ground itself! There was nothing to explain, it just came from the ground, players and even Inhabitants could perfectly see mobs respawn out of nowhere, that was the case anywhere.

Well, maybe except for the pond where Zyv discovered the Spirit Cats which she then showed to her beloved big brother wolfy, aw. Which then became The Order’s great all-purpose iconic Pet/Artifact of today and the near future, from being scared to shit and from death by Yun Beishang and Zyv, to being fellow companions; isn’t that great?

On the other hand, Yun Beishang could still not discover the preciousness and marvelous origin of these sweet things that still become all little wolves whenever he and Zyv appear nearby, like a new whole Race’s instinct from their uttermost natural predator.

In any case, as the Journeyers began sharing these sights and a couple even managed to catch in their recording features the videos of those things happening, which then led to streamers going all close up for the sake of streaming it live and being the first, or firsts to do it. The more time they wasted, the more they began discovering new things.

For example, each time an aftershock began to rumble and tremble whatever that was underneath their feet, the walls would grow and grow until they became larger and thicker, with the latter not being clearly seen how much; but the former being seen so easily from any distance of the enemy territories.

And, it was ‘the’ enemy because, at some point, curiosity finally got the better of people as they brought themselves or some even brought other people—even Inhabitants—close to the walls for a better angle. It was a damn blessing that it was just a ‘game’ for the Journeyers, but the same could unfortunately not be said for the Inhabitants who cluelessly followed some Journeyers all the way to the walls.

Instantly, all people were covered by a rush of wind that was ‘thrown’ by the smaller monsterly fellows, which then proved to be heinous. As the people who were touched by it, no matter what, had all the bones within their bodies fully corroding and becoming sweet shit, turning their bodies into jelly like composition as they all fell on the floor while slowly dying.

The worst part of it all was, no matter what kind of death anything suffered at the ‘hands’ of this new enemy, the bodies of anyone and anything would remain there, not becoming particles or being swept away by the wind after a while; the ‘that non-existent wind’ indeed.

And every time there was an aftershock with corpses around the enemy territory, basically at the distance in which they begin to attack any living being, even ghosts and entities; those corpses and remains would be eaten down by ‘something’ as the walls grew even quicker than when there were not any corpses around it.

Hell, even as some Journeyers and a small frame of Inhabitants managed to kill some smaller fellows who came outside their walls to kill in person, the corpses of the same would remain before being eaten in the same way that any other corpse would be used as fuel and substance to furthermore enforce and enlarge the walls.

Furthermore, it was then that players were getting quite alarmed by the distress from the Inhabitants. Before, any time that it was meal or even before breakfast time, the Masters all around Main Kingdom that appeared after Adorevia’s sacrifice would pop up out of nowhere, which no one could see respawn no matter how hard they tried and investigated.

They would grant sermons, a bit of a small chat, advising settlements’ Inhabitants and even strengthening some of them who gained ‘merits’ for Main Kingdom. Be that be taking care of livestock and forming a kind of ritual in which they are grateful and bla bla bla, as they are either ‘sacrificed’ to basically eat or dying of age; liberating the poor livestock in bliss, satisfaction and fulfillment of sorts.

As well as simply planting, be it when farming or when planting other types of flora like bushes, trees, cacti, mushrooms and even up to the mere aiding for grass to grow. Any of that could merit for Main Kingdom, and even certain Blacksmithing and Smithing as well as Crafting and other associated Sub-Classes were just the same; even if the results were crude useless shits.

And there was no way to fool the Master, those who did as much as try were banned from receiving even the same air that the Masters could breath, not allowing them any closer to them for about 30 meters or so. And even if the Master didn’t want to do so, which was never the case-cough, the settlement Inhabitants would make it happen all the same.

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Journeyers got questing and received skills, items and even free AP in completion, that’s how they strengthened themselves; while the Inhabitants had to give in their hearts to Mother Main Kingdom and accept her ways to receive her personal caring through the Master’s intentions. It wasn’t a religion, but a cooperation.

Anyways, the Journeyers, as always, would ignore whatever was not needed for them to keep on moving on or that were just simply not interested in at the moment or for any possible reason. But when there were so many Inhabitants distressed, and as Journeyers that were at least interested in the lore were finally being asked what the fuck did the things finally come out to light.

It just happened that, when the meteors were showing themselves, disturbances began to occur all over the settlements of all Regions, including the Bright Sunset Region but excluding the Wonder Region, from which all Masters seemed gone and uninterested in any warring’s side. And as Inhabitants woke up to it, only to realize that it was a hidden corner of their settlement where a Master would be nearby, with their eyes closed and in a kneeling position with their heads lowered.

When the Inhabitants saw this, some knelt and accompanied the Master, while some were panicky and some others just didn’t even know what the fuck. In the end, after about an two hours or so, the Masters finally opened their eyes and… horrible words came out of their mouths after thanking those who knelt alongside with him for so long or just a little bit of their time; granting them strength and… hope.

The words said by each Master was the same, except for the Bright Sunset Region, as they were instead releasing relieved sighs of relief since Yun Beishang was dancing around taking care of the problem. But, their words were just as bad for Inhabitants as it was for Journeyers once they were sharing it all on the forums.

“Long ago, there was once an Overlord who would show himself or herself to their Region, they reigned wholly supreme of a Region each and could only be beaten down for the Leaders of other Kingdoms, they were the protectors of each Region in Main Kingdom and the beloved children of Mother Main Kingdom.”

“Alas… they are… no longer ‘here’, and with their hearts gone, only their spirit remained trapped between life and reality, I’m afraid that they are… no longer with us. Overlords… won’t come to help… to save us, we can only depend on ourselves. To survive, to grow and to not fail; we can only see an unending bloodshed and dead families from all over this world.”

“These forces, that are brought to life by the abominable God Race! They are now stronger, but still growing, and their only direction in life is to bring death to anything that may perhaps have as little of life as possible! Those abominations now wander among our territory and are becoming stronger thanks to it, stealing from Mother Main Kingdom and Fairy Goddess Adorevia’s efforts!”

When such a notion was spread around the world without even the need of waiting to be told from ear to ear thanks to the forums, the Inhabitants who heard it even faster from Journeyers turned crestfallen, as downcast as possible as they felt as if their hearts were pulled from their chests and brought up to their faces to see their stupidness themselves.

Yet, the Masters could no nothing about it, and only when Yun Beishang appeared on the Origin Pertaining Region, instantly clearing out the enemy territory that was very near the Dark Immortal Sect’s Castle at the Land of Earth Sub-Division, doing just the same and even almost instantly to those enemy territories near the Frozen Maiden Sect at the Land of Wind Sub-Division.

Because, at the moment that people near those castles saw the enemy territories that came from the all so abhorred God Race be fully destroyed by several different colors yet saw no one, the Masters had a different reaction when the ‘salvation’ began to happen. Some collapsed on their knees, others expelled large breaths filled with relief from their lugs; and the like.

At the same time, a couple of things were then beginning to occur as Yun Beishang took out the first few enemy territories. One was that the Origin Pertaining already had about 10 Legendary grade Mortal’s Terrors, though they could easily tank one of his Omnipresent Cosmo Beta Shot + Unparalleled Tongqiu’s Destruction, it wasn’t the same when using Tongqiu’s Destroying Combustion.

Even as they were grading up to the Legendary grade, they were dispatched in a speed many times faster than what they took to ‘merge’ and become a stronger, sky-reaching horrendous mountain with hair all over its body and odors so disgusting he could barely endure it. Then was the second point in favor of Yun Beishang, those Legendary graded Mortal’s Terrors left an absurd amount of high graded Precious and Valuable items, allowing him to do some Enhancement for a few lifetimes of a normal and ordinary human being.

Third was, relating to the Masters actually, as they became actually wholeheartedly biased and began a large movement of a campaign to promote Yun Beishang’s image to the Inhabitants of each settlement, telling them of his achievements as he began killing with even greater fervor the little ants on ‘his’ Main Kingdom.

Becoming living ads that shared the name of Yun Beishang to all Inhabitants of Main Kingdom, they were not retarded nor stupid enough not to now know what kind of effect that can bring to the order and stability of Main Kingdom and its Inhabitants. At the same time, they were naturally ‘asked’ to stop such advertising by some Journeyers, and when things turned ugly, the said Journeyers and their ally Associations all became the Inhabitants target to marginalize from then on… things were so quickly and heavily getting dangerous.

As such, while Yun Beishang was never seen, his iconic arrows and skills that became many times more recognized and understood from when he killed off that one dragon some months ago were so clearly seen instead. If that wasn’t enough, the merciless promoting from the Masters of him then gave it off even more easily towards any person of Main Kingdom.

But, that wasn’t all. As; naturally, everyone was well aware of the ongoing war going within the Wonder Region. Many were envious and some others oblivious to its reasoning of why even have one at all, especially at a moment where what is needed is union, solidification and the cooperation between Regions.

Unfortunately, with harsh reprimands form the system, it was then known that the warring features of the game were only available for Region against Region, and that only the strongest party in both strength and quantity could make the call on that occasion; for starters, the force needed to declare war was of at least half of the current Journeyers’ Associations and Inhabitants’ Factions.

Nobody knew what kind of progress The Order had made in this aspect for the past few months, or if there was even such a movement from even earlier on in the game. Whatever the case, they had not the time nor the preparation of taking a hold of a large part of a single Sub-Division, let alone that of declaring war of a Region to another Region; a true war…

…they didn’t know that Yun Beishang had instead ‘convinced’ not only the Bright Sunset Region’s Inhabitants’ Factions, but the Inhabitants’ Main Kingdom’s Regional Forces to add up to his plans that were yet waiting for the end result of the war against the Wonder Region.

But when everybody was either dying to the Failed Experiments or being slaughtered from their Castles and wholly getting those destroyed, only waiting for the notorious Lord of The Order, Yun Beishang, to kill off these unbeatable fuckers who were even of a full-fledged Legendary grade and not only one from already more than half of the entire Regions.

Since Yun Beishang began on the Origin Pertaining Region, which was the Southernmost Region, the Regions at its east were naturally getting as bad as that Origin Pertaining Region was by the time Yun Beishang was finished scanning over all entire Region in the searching of Precious and Valuable ite-no, for getting rid of the evil that was hidden within Main Kingdom.

There were two astounding news coming from the Wonder Region and their Journeyers who had to log off the game and call their bosses directly; one was, in crude words, that the Historical Legend of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, which were passive and only sending a simple ‘envoy’ to the meetings between the Wonder Region’s resisting Associations… was a spy from The Order!

The envoy would only nod and consent to anything they said, while not saying a word and with Cobra never showing up! The thought of him being afraid was one thing, but not completely believed, there were many other speculations about these sightings from others that were conveyed through the forums; but all of those were utterly worthless!

As soon as the Historical Legend League was known to be an actual enemy, things were already looking bad for the Wonder Region even amidst the second expansion of Rising Essence, Unshackled, when an even more terrifying development was seen by ANYONE within the Wonder Region.

All over Wonder Region, not only in the hiding within the outskirts of each Sub-Division’s territory, but even within the whole Precious Stone Division… a total amount of more than a hundred million strong of Inhabitant soldiers were seen moving, marching, galloping and incredibly speedily all around the whole Region—without counting the Journeyers’ soldiers number—and capturing any settlement in sight while Scouting for the enemy territories of those Mortal’s Terrors!!



V7: #2 10/10.

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