Bow and Arrow

Chapter 543: Chapter 541 — From All Sides!

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From All Sides!




"Sir!! Hundreds of soldiers from The Order were seen coming from the Precious Stone Division's Territory!"

"Ma'am, a bunch of riders from The Order had been spotted... be-bef... before  the whole plains were filled up with them from left to right, charging straight into the Precious Emerald Sub-Division, Precious Citrine Sub-Division, Precious Sapphire Sub-Division and-a-a-an-and... from the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, it also happened but they entered instead of begin to conquer it. And when those riders were in the middle of the core of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, they moved towards the Precious Emerald Sub-Division and the Precious Sapphire Sub-Division, the east and the west; and made a blockade against them!"

"Daddy, your dolls selling themselves in some cheap brothels have spotted so many bad soldiers of The Order around and..."

Any kind and all types of reports were being made from the taking of events happening inside the game to reporting them outside of it, as using the in-game forums to reveal this information that was sometimes accurate and another times a mere and simple report, would be dumb to let their bosses search for it amidst the plethora of influx of threads every day; let alone now that the world was going crazy.

First, the war between the Bright Sunset Region, or The Order basically, against the Wonder Region. From the full head on confrontation, players and watchers from the sidelines were bored to see the latter do not shit, while the former still had a way to go before even being able to reach that level of capability of wreaking havoc all over, eh.

But now, as second, there was the sudden change in the entire gaming world of Rising Essence as all Associations and Journeyers and Inhabitants, not just the Wonder Region and Bright Sunset Region or The Order’s people; were all forced into this development of the God Race all over Main Kingdom.

It was just the middle of the night, and then just a bit past that, yet it seemed that it could not be any more coindential; but just as the in-game forums were being filled with ill propaganda towards The Order from other players who were on the resisting side of the war either within the Wonder Region ‘personally’ in the model of pixels or with the heart.

Yet, before they could start shitting on the whole world’s injustice as these abominations from the God Race descended, developed and began wreaking havoc all over their beloved Region, the next step was one that made everyone to suck in their chins, raise their eyebrows and to make a duck-like face while reading or seeing the recordings on the in-game forums.

The Order, all of a sudden, as these things happened; began making an even more aggressive, ruthless move. Seemingly as they began to finally move their full numbers of troops from within the very same Division and core of the Region, they began to battle the Region in the exact opposite way that they began to do it.

And after the initial shock that was furthermore added, out of expectations, after having gone through the pain of being hopeless due to negligence at the very moment that these things from the God Race appeared; then came the curiosity. Everyone forgot that if they banded together, they could easily take down even a BOSS as strong as Adorevia was back then, even if restrained by protecting the Defense Against the Gods Tower for a bit more of time and all that.

The questions were: How many were coming from within the Divisional territory and, were all of those Journeyers? The answer was still unknown for the first part, while the second part had the answer as no. There were indeed Journeyers among them, but not that many and it seemed as if each 4-6 millions of Journeyers were sent to each army that began conquering supreme settlements left and right.

If the royal families from before weren’t at all scared at the soldiers who some didn’t even have any LV whatsoever and the rest weren’t even past LV40, then the soldiers from The Order who were among millions and all distributed to the job of quickly taking over all of the core of each Sub-Division that wasn’t the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division were having a stroll with naked feet on a warm, cozy but slightly prickly paved road in the middle of the morning.

As The Order made a huge run from the outskirts, to the outer ring, then the inner ring before finally reaching the core of each Sub-Division, they were met with only a few tens of thousands of resisting Inhabitants and a few hundred thousand Journeyers. Why so little? Considering that each Region was to have much more than 1 ‘sole’ billion amount of players?

Simple, most forces have been moving from one direction to another, easily, they were able to cross from Sub-Division to Sub-Division; finally reaching the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division in a bit more than 2 weeks. But, just as the third week of the war was soon to end, shit happened, God Race’s troops showed themselves and now, some leading Journeyers of each Sub-Divisions were now having their backdoor fully conquered!

It was now, for real, an all-out or and win everything or nothing, seeing how they no longer had a path to retreat. As for the thoughts of the Association leaders from the Wonder Region, they didn’t thought, cleverly, that they were now pushed to this ‘bitter end’ by The Order. But rather, they instead thought of this development as being forced to going all out. Oh well, it was a pick your poison scenario, not a bad choice could be made now as all were bound to be so anyways; since they were more lost than a child in a supermarket.

On the other hand, as they also rapidly forgot about the God Race’s troops, or more specifically, about how to deal with them at the moment. The Order was doing just that.

. . .


Precious Emerald Sub-Division, within the big town in which the flames of war were already abundant, but from which only blood and mangled corpses was all that remained. 3:00 am.



Throwing his spear against the ground, an Army Colonel from the Azure Legend’s Region instantly sent many ‘resisting’ Inhabitant soldiers and even more Journeyers into bloody mists as he slowly picked it up from the ground even as he rode on his 5 meters long and 3.5 meters tall Legendary grade Abysmal Creature Mount.

Looking up at the people who weren’t allowed to go back to their residences after The Order entered and were even given forks or just sticks to join in in the battle; and who were all civilians, the Army Colonel shook his head. Not in a warning, or pleading for their blood to not be shed, but because he was feeling absurd of seeing such a thing even after having accompanied his retired General to many militia battles for the sake of the Azure Dragon Sub-Division.


Taking his spear back, the whole thing was as large as the width of a normal house within the town and instantly scared all people, especially because of the entrails coiling around the spear’s shaft right below the spearhead. But at this moment, a woman who has been trembling ever since he sent that previous amount of ‘resisting’ forces into bloody mists attacked and lunged at him.



Stretching his left hand to tap at her forehead, the woman felt dizzy as she couldn’t even use her 20 cm long spear with a plastic spearhead to slash and swipe at him, tracing backwards before slowly falling down against the ground, but was then grabbed at by the Army Colonel by the collar before being placed to her feet once again.

“Never do that again.” After saying those words, the tall and bulky mountain moved away, his ugly and not handsome but charming sweaty and slightly bloodied face under his helmet letting the woman know that he was aware of the killing of many people’s family, not just hers. Which sobered the woman up, as she could only see the soldier’s back walk away while making a silent scene through the streets of the hellish town they’ve been living in for some time already.

Not just the Army Colonel and the soldiers who were waiting for him to come back to the entrance of the Mayor’s residence, but even an idiot who was traveling would be able to know the conditions of the livelihood here as soon as they did as much as stare for a few hours. If the case of civilians of all ages and genders being forced into a battle they do not even wish to be close to wasn’t enough, then the complex faces of the same as they watched foreign soldiers march into their town was also there.

Step, step, step, step, step, step, step.

Now, as the Army Colonel arrived at the gates of the Mayor’s residence, many soldiers were waiting in silence and once they saw him, they nodded and stayed in silence as the Army Colonel stopped while standing before the gates and looked up at the Mayor’s residence and then to the left and right.

Seeing the lavish, clean and smooth decorations and buildings, and then looking back at the blackened, browned streets with nothing but a flock of townsfolk that have followed him, any age, gender and emotional face was visible for his silent self and soldiers to see.


Reee-ktlk~! POM~!

Pushing the gates, without any strength at all, after grunting once; the Army Colonel went past the gates with the gates being literally broken and sent flying. The gates only stopped moving as they were deeply encrusted into the walls of the Mayor’s residence that were thicker than that of the big town itself, a bout of cheers came from behind as soldiers smiled embarrassedly at them.

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Getting inside the building, a ton of well coordinated and silent soldiers were lining from the now broken gates of the residence all the way to where the Mayor was being held as a prisoner in, his own even more lavish and clean office. Before even reaching the door, however, the old and slightly fat-faced Mayor had a change in expression as he heard and felt his entire residence rumbling and moving.

Step… step… step… step… rumble rumble rumble~...


At least, it came to be, and as the Mayor was looking at the door, in terror, the soldiers all stood in stance and those who were already so placed furthermore effort in their own stances. When the Mayor looked at the monster on the other side of the door, he trembled once but harshly like a dying pig, while the soldiers breathed in slowly and deeply in reverence; maintaining their silence.

“Hrmf.” Grunted the Army Colonel, who then basically allowed for most soldiers within the Mayor’s residence to get the things done with the townsfolk and to start getting ready for moving out, some other higher ranked and specific soldiers remained there though; all that with a simple grunt. Training, respect and the capabilities of oneself allowed him to do all that on his own, and as male and female soldiers that stayed within the room turned their bodies towards the Mayor after nodding at their Commander’s grunt; the latter began stepping towards the Mayor in silence.

Screech, pah! Klrak!

The chairs in front of the Mayor’s office were taken by the large, big hand of the Army Colonel with his own unique overly large set of heavy as fuck armor, and then sent flying to the walls who either break at once or that had many splinters from the precious and costly wood of the chairs. Then, before the Mayor who was already pointing at the Army Colonel’s face and the poor, lavish walls, he felt the latter’s presence as his breath began to terrorize him so instantly.

“Brrreugh…” Softly placing his hands on the Mayor’s desk, the Army Colonel closed in his face towards the Mayor as the latter began shivering now for real as he sat back down on his chair but from which the sounds of it weren’t heard, only those from the Army Colonel looking down at him were all his ears could take in at these moments.

“I-I am, of course th-that I’m going to sign it, sign it up! Everyone knows it, everyone does, so don’t worry, I can ta-FGLEUURHEUGHPSHHH!-” Just as the Mayor was talking, a disgusted soldier passed a pair of scissors-like small weapon, which the Army Colonel nodded to and then took them before opening their legs and deeply inserting them scissors from the Mayor’s collarbone to his forehead.

As the Mayor was talking still and the soldier felt proud of his small act, like a dumbass that began smiling proudly yet foolishly, the Mayor’s face was entered by the wide open scissors as if he was butter. His blood and brain matter came out in hard streams, while his hands flung around yet the Army Colonel was now slightly standing back up from his previous position with a satisfied face.

Slightly, because if he did stand up fully, the office’s ceiling would possibly be shooting into the sky…

But, right at that moment, as he was going to open his mouth as he rarely did…



The ceiling of the office was sent flying, while the soldiers within the Mayor’s residence jumped 3 meters up into the air and almost hit it if it wasn’t because of their Army Colonel having his body jump upwards from the recoil of the sudden instant earthquake. It could not be said the same for those in other rooms though, only those at the office; on the other hand, the Mayor’s dying body was sent flying all the way to the front of the civilians who were discussing the revolution.

“Yaaaay!” - “Dieee, disgusting prick!” - “Death to evil!!” - “Fuck his mother, kick him do-”

However, just as they were about to go and have fun getting their own unexpected revenge, high up within the Mayor’s residence, with the ceiling gone; all soldiers could see within a distance of half a thousands kilometers away an almost kilometer long Mortal’s Terror approach with a width of almost 2 whole kilometers. Instantly, the Army Colonel shouted out with his voice spreading almost tens of kilometers away.


As the townsfolk crouched and covered their ears but noticed that there was no pain, only stunning effects taking over them, they were then standing up and running to their houses while some took children and old other townsfolk who had lost their parents or children not long ago…

Because, even though they didn’t see anything, they were able to tell the severity of the shout alone that it made them afraid. On the other hand, the soldiers were escorting those people back, and placing a few soldiers to each house to avoid any evil and put it down right away, like rape, thievery and assault within the townsfolk like it had happened already…

Within the Mayor’s residence, as the Army Colonel was stepping on his way back from where he came from, being careful to not break the whole residence that just now became fragile due to the earthquake. He was stretching himself a little, making loud noises of his bones that were just like a huge motor roaring nonstop.

A soldier that was used to it on the Army Colonel’s right felt his chest patted and looking below, saw the Army Colonel’s hand on it, he looked at his Commander who then said without looking at him. “Go tell Carus to hurry here to join in the fun, that was a Legendary being, so if I die, he will have to work harder, haha!”

The soldier didn’t want to relay such words, but he was going to anyway, orders were orders after all. But neither he nor his fellow comrades wanted to see their Commander die, yet could not help at all in a battle of this level and could only comply with evacuating the townsfolk that had already signed the system’s contract if he… really ended up dying.

“Yes, s-”

“Oh,” the Army Colonel interrupted the soldier as they arrived at the residence’s doors, “Also tell that old Urtan to mourn me only when going back home, I want to become ashes only in our land.”

“Yes, Army Colonel Lino!” The soldier saluted and then sped away towards the walls while letting his Spirit Cat Pet fly away after passing over a letter to it, the Army Colonel then looked up and, without a single other second passing by, he jumped directly from the doors of the residence’s building and high into the sky.

PAM!!! …PAAAAAH!!!!!

What met him in midair was not an object or skill thrown at the town, but an actual hugely tall and almost just as wide body in terms of comparisons, but so far apart in smaller measurements. This whole body wasn’t even doing a single fist or kicking motion, but a mere jump from so far away and was about to land on his stomach with it being already opened to reveal a monstrous mouth.

However, what met the greedy mouth was not a large part of the town, but a tiny figure that was just a tiny bit larger than the whole rest, about 3 times larger only. Nothing compared to itself, but when the tiny thing was close to it, the larger and monstrous thing felt a strength already pushing him out before a fist from the tiny thing finally reached the center of its stomach and then hit it!


There wasn’t too much of a noise, and there wasn’t just not any shadow since it was still the dark of the night, but the whole body was even mostly hiding within the sky with its blackish and red-brownish colors. Especially since its disgusting looking pale skin was barely visible, even when it was so large and wearing robes black robes that barely covered it.

All in all, as that Legendary grade Mortal’s Terror was descending, Army Colonel Lino met it and then punched at it, his body still not losing any speed as he even had time to grab at it. Even then, the whole Mortal’s Terror was sent flying hundreds of kilometers away and some other kilometers in te sky; thankfully not that many since Lino made sure of the angle.

… … … …pam!!!!!

From the distance, a still almost deafening sound was heard as, possibly, the huge thing that was only seen by the soldiers stationed within the town and a tiny amount of townsfolk should’ve had met the ground so far away that not even the soldiers on the walls could see where it landed. But before they could talk in a bit of fear amongst themselves…

… …pum-pam papapapah!! … …SLAP!!!

Sounds that were difficult to bear were heard from that far distance, as the soldiers then nodded to each other and patted one another’s shoulders. All of them were thinking the very damned same thing, ‘Yep, that’s our Commander.’.


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