Bow and Arrow

Chapter 547: Chapter 545 — A Long Day

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A Long Day




*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Honed Will Sect has surrendered in this war, this Association is no longer susceptible to the current war!

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Two Faces Hall has surrendered to The Order in this war, this Association is no longer susceptible to the current war!

*PING* Regional System Announcement: The Dumb and Dumber League has surrendered to The Order in this war, this Association is no longer susceptible to the current war!

*PING* Regional…

. . .


Rising Essence, Main Kingdom. At the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division of the Wonder Region's Precious Stone Division.


Step, step-chrrk. Step, step-chrrk.

Passing by over a seemingly completely peaceful but somewhat bloody whole plains with quite a few settlements nearby, Warrant Officer Lotto and Colonel General Katalyia were walking together almost in hand by hand as they no longer had their shoes on. With Warrant Officer Lotto being on the left and a bit behind, Colonel General Katalyia was just a step and a half in front and on the right.

They were, right now, alone and walking towards The Order's campsite that had been moved all the way to the end of the inner ring even though it wasn't completely conquered. Still, the Elf Blue-Hunch Region made sure to 'clean up' enough settlements in the surroundings before creating such a camp, and such an army would obviously not forget to plant Scouts and spies here and there for safety purposes.

Right now, as they were about 5 hours away from their destination and as they enjoyed the soft feeling of the mush going through their feet's finger gaps without feeling disgust nor being a little girl about it, they had peaceful and resting expressions on their faces as their left faced the sun that was setting down at last.

Feeling the warmth slowly turning into coldness, both lonely soldiers stared at each other and smiled grandiosely; a bit. It would be quite dark by the time they returned to their tents, but the speed at which they were walking didn't slow down nor sped up, it was all the same as their hearts were utterly at ease.

Katalyia was with her hand right above her small but perky bum, which had only a thin clothing on but was still horribly outlined by the breastplate that she was wearing from behind, meanwhile, Lotto had only his lower garment armor on while the rest was only having also a thin piece of fabric covering his body from the slowly rising cold.

With tender pieces of fallen wind reached onto their ears and softly caressing their relaxing bodies, Lotto might have felt incredibly nice from it, but Katalyia closed her eyes and fully enjoyed her whole fluffy fat and long brown furred pointy ears as they tickled and trembled each time that happened; much to Lotto’s newfound contentment.

Looking to the right where there was even more light than to where they were walking on and on, Warrant Officer saw two little naughty shits playing with each other among the plains while being close by a big village, instantly scaring off and/or attracting a ton of views to themselves, a pair of Abysmal Creatures were lunging at one another while scratching their backs and tails from time to time.

Lotto hadn’t seen this kind of playful traits between Abysmal Creatures much, barely some who were still rider-less and were waiting for more and more recruits to finalize their own ‘trial period’ so that they could find their partner of life; in terms of a companion for battling, not for breeding and quirky stuff that only really bored people would do.

“They are stalking each other, playfully. It means they want to mate with one another.” Then came a soft voice that could melt ice from the legends which could not be even touched or one would turn into a whole icy continent, turning his head around only to meet a close up from a small yet feral and cute nose at the same time as he kept on hearing that extremely innately soft voice.

“It’s rare among these polygamous bunch, it is normally of one female queen and her hubbies, or one big bad alpha boy with many breeding material wifeys. Even though it is only in name as there isn’t any male who has conquered any Mythical being of their Race. Only sometimes… is there such a couple that want to be all for themselves, different to how you Humans and the Nightborn and Blueblood are.”

Then, once Katalyia saw how deepened had Lotto become from her words and more than anything, voice; she smiled slightly before adding. “And then… what is ours?”

It was now turn for Lotto to become perplexed and shocked, but for a moment only, as he right after cleared his throat and began to move his lip. It was… more or less truth, that they became to be ‘together’ as a vow out of convenience more than feelings, but whenever he wasn’t slashing down the Myriad Races’ flesh from his enemies or from those disgusting shits from the God Race; it was the longing for hearing that voice, and so close to him, that kept on popping up inside his virgin and inexperienced 26 years old man’s body during even the utmost shorts of breaks.

“The latter… mmm, I am sure it is the last one, yes.” Just as Lotto spoke, he saw a glimmer within Katalyia’s slightly dazed face, then turning smiley and just all smiles right after. Her brown hair hit his face, gently and softly, as she turned around and began walking in the same manner as before but with slightly cheerful, energized hops coming from her hips each time she lifted her thighs.

Wanting nothing more but to hear that voice again, Warrant Officer Lotto only became sober again when he sensed two stupidly meaningful and teasing gazes from two monsters whose extended out heads were just right to his right and blinking their crystalline blue-violet eyelids at him; as he said out loud with a warming touch that he didn’t even notice… but she did.

“It’s been a long day, eh. It’s going to be night when we return, possibly even already the next day, and I’ve been promoted in less than 3 weeks… I just can’t believe it all.”  Lotto said and then stopped walking, naturally because the walking woman in front of him stopped and her hands were just then about to meet someone’s garden ah.

Grlwlkckkckckc… GRrrrplupuppupppwwwwrrwww!

Turning around as her free and unrestrained brown hair’s scent reached his nostrils yet again, Katalyia faced the man once more as the sounds of those playful things behind himself were a bit too obvious. She then placed her right hand on his sternum, her hand getting a real feel from his body which wasn’t wearing armor right there.


Then, moving her hand to her right and leaving it on his left chest, Katalyia girly smiled lightly once before letting out a soft, humorous giggle. Looking up at him with her celestial chestnut natural eyes that were no longer so ultimately self-absorbed on his body and said, their mesmerizing self only being unbeknownst to herself.

“It is indeed quite late, we’ve been fighting and fighting for so long, I am really hungry too. And you, as the man under me, have done so very well even though you are not that strong. So, Warrant Officer, please; do your best to be rightfully promoted with both the brains and brawn… I did not choose someone who can just know how to move but also one that can do so like a ‘god’. M’kay?”

Her tender and delicate looking skin from her face so close, Lotto was spellbound like a motherfucker who didn’t know to act. But he was still a Warrant Officer from The Order, a soldier from The Order and so, he sobered up rather quickly for the umpteenth time due to the voice and looks of this growing more and more magnificent being in front of him that was getting all touchy and ‘meaningful’.

“Mmhm, okay. I’ll do my best, next Region, I’ll become a Chief Warrant Officer at the very least, a Captain if I grow strong enough, and a Major at best!” With his marital vow being completed by not even half, Katalyia was content and satisfied enough as she put her left index slender finger on his mouth, wriggled and then narrowed her eyes before turning around.

“That’s more like it, sigh… Now, let’s move, we will have to make a little tent on our way there, it will be too late to get back to the campsite before it is too late for today. But don’t worry, General Powlniu wouldn’t blame us, instead, she would encourage us. She looks up at you so much after all, are you sure you are not an elf in disguise?” Katalyia’s extremely soft voice said, teasing the ‘are you my mommy’ syndrome boy into a silent man who then directly embraced her from behind.


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. . .


3 days later.


From all over the Wonder Region, only the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division was the closest to being conquered already, their only few remaining settlements not being directly done so or even sending their own people out to lay down their surrendering. The latter was not being accomplished, because at first, there were many Inhabitants who were massacred by the still raining down God Race’s troops from seemingly nowhere.

As such, once The Order caught wind of these movements, they directly sent off a whole bunch of speeding Scouts who were commanded to relay the news that it is dangerous, bla bla bla and that all settlements, no matter their size and type, should just wait for The Order’s troops and ‘blessings’ to come to them instead of risking the lives of their own people.

In any case, as it continued to be, the war was still ongoing but it was now completely different as it was from the beginning. The Journeyers who emboldened some dumb leading Inhabitants to fight more were now crestfallen and not able to do any shit; seemingly depressed and out of wits. While there were even some who no longer appeared for the past few days.

It wasn’t the same for everyone, some were too into this war and got a ‘sit down and stay quiet, kid!’ balancing slap to their hearts and another to their faces, while some others were uncaring, simply thinking of this to be a fun event that would happen to all of Main Kingdom every once in a while. Rising Essence did seem to have these qualities after all.

Hell, even the thought of the game living for decades and decades wasn’t weird at all and, was, in fact, thought so naturally and without hesitation nor doubts by the players who’ve been going at it for just a week or two already. Let alone those who have been for longer, or since the beginning of it all, Rising Essence became such a huge success.

On the other hand, God Race’s horrible things still kept on going every day. Once the night fell, a ton of enemies would come from their hiding and amass in different positions over all of Main Kingdom. Due to this, The Order had to alternate between the Elf Blue-Hunch Region and the Black Legend’s Region within the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division.

While a ton more of Journeyers aided the Inhabitants troops with devices that were top notch for the warring against such creatures. In a sense, from having to battle 2 enemies to only 1 of them in this war which a third party had surprisingly joined in for the destruction of everything; it made the conquering of the Wonder Region overall and the propaganda of The Order in it to its Inhabitants as they were protected by them on a daily basis.

Because, after just a little while after the first day since the God Race’s troops revealed themselves to everyone on Main Kingdom, so many sudden assassinations to most of the leading figures of the settlements in the inner ring and core of the Preciou Chrysoberyl Sub-Division began to happen.

And though people were not that stupid, they began to blame it on the God Race while raising the image of The Order and its soldiers in their hearts, for as there wasn’t any more anxiousness coming from both sides for these Inhabitants of the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division. One from the fear of the God Race’s doing, and another for the fear of their own leader of their settlement.

This was, of course, going to be used all the same for the other Sub-Divisions and then the Division, but it was only to be used and employed—such a tactic—within the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division only. Perhaps, in about a week or so, would such ‘assassinations’ to the same leaders of certain settlements occur in the rest of the Wonder Region’s Sub-Divisions.

But at least, The Order now had a much less hard work to do after the Journeyers gave up on their ‘let’s play war’ game; and with most of them gone, some directly surrendered themselves to The Order, applying for a vassal or ally-like status to be alongside The Order in the future; from then on.

Most were not like this though as, even though Rilu turned out to be such an immense disappointment and as even Cobra was so; with the former directly showing weakness and the latter having been someone else’s pawn in others’ eyes. Only someone like… Edorn, could take advantage of this situation and then flee from the sight of ‘the demon’ the next moment.

As a matter of fact, while Yun Beishang or his Maidens and Ladies cleared up the whole Bright Sunset Region and even some went over to help with the Legendary graded Mortal’s Terrors due to a lack of strong people, from which there were many Maidens and Ladies able to take upon such a trifling matter; they could just make a raid group of 42 Maidens and or Ladies and take down them BOSSes with some effort.

And as Edorn thought that those God Race’s troops from the unshackled expansion could do very well at distracting The Order and, more than anything, Yun Beishang himself; the Yun Beishang in question and The Order in question were already more than aware of his current ‘hideout’ instead.

But, of course, for someone like Edorn, Yun Beishang wouldn’t be content with just tormenting Edorn inside the game. He could make him feel horrendous pain with his gray platinum, bright metallic essence that was being fully attained, but that was nowhere near enough!

So, the fatass who was scheming so ‘successfully’ and that had already contacted new and bigger daddies than before, became complacent instead as those who followed him felt the thrill of dethroning a boss-like Association like The Order and even more so; a true BOSS-like player like Yun Beishang/Tongqiu who had become the biggest sensation of Rising Essence this year.

No matter what the point of something in particular was, there were bound to be many pieces of trash and filth in there, no matter what. On the other hand, casualties now appeared within The Order as they were constantly fighting the God Race’s troops over and over again, even if the soldiers from The Order were perfect, the everything surrounding them while in battle wasn’t.

Mistakes happened, accidents befell on some, and the already expected deaths on a war was then released at the eyes and senses of their comrades. Whenever a battle was over that had casualties, soldiers from that battle would feel shame, sadness, rage; but then would all become strength, courage, passion and motivation.

Though, to them, that felt a bit incongruous and even comical to their current situation. After burying their buddies, some male, some female; only the thought of protecting even more comrades that they were trained to do from before and their blood boiling from the regret of such losses was all that popped inside their hearts as the war continued to go on…

. . .


4 days later.


A week after the beginning of the third phase, which was supposed to happen only at the beginning of the third week of the war, and was rushed earlier by 3 days; it ended up being paid off as the conquest of the whole Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division took them only one week after and not up to 3 as it was expected from before.

Of course, to other Sub-Division of the Wonder Region, they were still only ⅓ away from fully conquering the Wonder Region, with those Sub-Divisions being quickly cleaned off from those who were not willing to be part of The Order; at all. Some were faster than others, and guaranteed to be of great help to others once they were done taking care of their own Sub-Division.

When the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division was fully taken over by and conquered by The Order, cheers erupted for a whole day within the territory, because the next day, two whole Region would march to other Sub-Divisions, effectively making the whole thing of taking the Wonder Region under their banner an easy peasy thing, there wasn’t even any more resistance after all.

While the White Legend’s Region was the fastest among the 4 Regions coming from the Bright Sunset Region’s Sub-Divisions, which were not fully completed yet just like the Elf Blue-Hunch Region, it was the Carmesí Sub-Division who took the lead and was the most progressing Region in taking over their own Sub-Division.

As such, the Black Legend’s Region went over to aid their sister White Legend’s Region, while the Elf Blue-Hunch Region went over to the Carmesí Legend’s Region and aid them in fully completely conquering another Sub-Division. There were other Army Groups without a Region that were left behind to keep the peace of life on the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division along with a ton of Maidens and Ladies to take care of the stronger enemies.

Not that those Army Groups were weak, but they had no Supreme Commander and definitely not that many Army Regions to take care of a whole Sub-Division from nightly invasions for weeks, let alone a few months that would be all that would be lasting for this expansion of Unshackled. That was how long the first expansion Warmonger lasted after all.


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