Bow and Arrow

Chapter 548: Chapter 546 — The Crystalline Citadel

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The Crystalline Citadel




It was going to be just like that with not only the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division, but the entire Wonder Region, since in the near future, another such war was obviously going to occur and The Order had to send their better prepared soldiers and commanding military ranked personnel. There was no way that Yun Beishang would send the least prepared bunch of his people out to war for the sake of not wasting his strongest armies, dafak.

Yet, for now, it was only for the Precious Chrysoberyl Sub-Division that such Army Groups were needed, as the Azure Legend's Region needed no help, they were doing great with their casualties being just as equal as the Carmesí Legend's Region, Black Legend's Region, White Legend's Region and the Elf Blue-Hunch Region all the same.

And what to say about the effect that the BGA Fighters have on the people of Main Kingdom, in particular, from part of the Inhabitants?

Sure, the Journeyers, people of modern era New Earth had seen countless movies with even better effects and more shocking sci-fi than what they saw, but the moment they landed their pretty virtual eyes on the in-game forums as it happened or afterwards when the hype was damn high, that was when they felt heaviness, a discomforting sense of dislike that seemed to be deriving from… reality.

That was what would probably get the Journeyers to feel shocked from and not just the nice fireworks that appeared on their screens in-game, besides the obviously huge shock coming from the fact that someone had finally achieved what many others were curious about and, without a doubt, there were bound to be some outsider interested parties that had some great success in real life on their own; especially if related to technology.

On the other hand, the inhabitants hadn’t seen such powerful moves and destruction since… never! Even the oldest strongest Human among Inhabitants which could have their lifespans increased in due to the power within their bodies going up as well wouldn’t be any older than 10,000 years old, and an elder Elf which was the Race among the Myriad Races with the longest lifespans—at least currently alive and that escaped extermination back then—wouldn’t be any more than a few hundreds of thousands of years due to the low qualities that the past era of Main Kingdom was like.

Not even them could have ever seen such a display of pure, raw and disgustingly powerful power, and they’ve seen their fare share of incredible beasts or other Races having duels, battles to the death and other novel stuff that would just be really magical and great lore which some players are aware of and are searching for at all times in their playthrough.

In any case, since such old and wise and experienced Inhabitants couldn’t tell how insanely powerful and ‘majestic’ or even ‘godly’ did those huge explosions and destruction could be, then even less the Inhabitants who were sneakily approached by a few tight robed people of obscure colored robes.

While everyone was fully trying to get into the highest Associations of their Sub-Divisions or even up to those of the whole Region that they were in, those sneaky people were being like drug sellers as they began showing their in-game interfaces to the Inhabitants and telling them that this was Mother Main Kingdom’s gift to the Journeyers in the form of communication.

Anyway, the thing that riddled many city lords and kings and queens of the royal families of before was being easily and cleanly explained to normal and ‘lowly’ Inhabitants of the ‘lesser’ settlements.

And with all of the Black Lotus people that were abundant all around Main Kingdom, the news was spread through these means without a shame. Masters who witnessed this turned a blind eye to it and the Journeyers who realized of this fact were too late to stop it, for those who were against The Orders or were just plainly obnoxious.

In the end, what the show of power from the BGA Fighters did was to make many to eat their own necks and jolt backwards their head, before scurrying away and rushing to their homes and tell their loved ones or pets, in case one’s life was that lonely and devoid of family, and tell them of all the things they saw and what they felt from the Inhabitants’ part.

Meanwhile, however, there was an exciting turn of events for the Journeyers as, once the few first leading Association of the whole game began taking matters into their own hands after experimenting once or twice and reuniting a lot of data about these God Race’s so-called ‘troops’. As they then lead their own people to take care of a large group of enemies and even up to dealing with a single Heavenly grade BOSS before then trying to take down a Legendary grade BOSS.

Naturally, they all failed as it was nothing like before when Adorevia’s puppet was the enemy even though it was the highest ever seen and fought by players ever; or yet. Instead of even almost killing the Mortal’s Terrors that managed to merge with each other and become a Legendary grade BOSS, they all failed at the first AOE skill used by the former.

Even then, great minds like Baston and True Dragon were so quick to get somethings and sure enough, after dying flawlessly a couple of times without gaining anything and losing the levels their people had barely gained; with that little sacrifice, they then began ‘recruiting’ other Associations and even Association-less players for the capturing of an enemy base with Legendary grade BOSS inside.

Of course, it wasn’t just Baston and True Dragon, as even others like the Fosk Clan’s Benevolent Kind Heart Sinners League, the Jones Clan’s Walk to Progress, the Tarn Clan’s Golden Spirit Sect, the ‘Founding’ Kernti Clan’s Exhilarant Skygazing Sect and so many more of the same from all over Main Kingdom were doing just that.

In just 5 days, the first Legendary grade BOSS of each Region that was defeated by the collision and cooperation between a few Associations was taken down, along with their whole base with the use of some items, devices and even vehicles besides the obvious leadership and commanding necessary to make such things end up in success and not in more failure.

Previously, millions of players, by then tens or dozens and where already a hundred million or two were formed; were necessary for the destruction of a single Heavenly grade BOSS within the enemy territory. And every time that a Legendary grade Mortal’s Terror came out from their territory, a billion were needed so that players wouldn’t have to lose up to 5-8 levels for the Mortal’s Terror to finally fall down.

The cost of using teleportation points and repairing their equipment, the ones that weren’t lost by either thieving or dispawning from the ground after being dropped, and then of buying more equipment and gearing up constantly; was a damn lot. But with the killing of the Legendary Mortal’s Terror who would level up to LV140 after merging, those levels could be somewhat restored while the equipment and money given to all players was more than enough to buy a whole set of their own level of the Magical grade, and about 8-10 of the Powerful grade.

The Journeyers had quickly adapted and was indeed something great and worthy of praise, after all, these things were no joke and even though millions of them died each few minutes to even hundreds of millions in the worst case scenario and in the same time frame; they were still able to deal with anything that was thrown at them. Of course, the deaths were happening more than just a few times each time.

And the whole reason for them to be so happy and feeling like heroes about is all thanks to Yun Beishang who wasn’t going to let them have all those precious resources just because they are all from the Region he was robbin th-no, that he was helping clean off the rests of the God Race’s hands in Main Kingdom; that’s right.

But, cleverly, kinda; they chose to ignore this part and not tell it to anybody while still thinking of themselves and seeing each other as noble heroes that were going to become powerful gods of benevolence while clenching their butts and with big smiles on their fake faces. Oh well, it was true that Yun Beishang was robbing from them, so he left a few Legendary grade Mortal’s Terrors and some more Heavenly grade ones while going for other Regions where there were a larger amount or even groups of Legendary grade Mortal’s Terrors.

The war on the Wonder Region was already thing of the past, and even though people could expect some countermeasures from having seen it just once, since this was still a world with game settings as its foundations; people actually began to think of this as something that would occur more often later on whenever a party was to get strong enough to repeat it.

Ignoring the incredibly ignorant and self-deceiving, blissful Journeyers while taking into consideration the hearts from the Inhabitants who were ‘sneakily’ shown what the Wonder Region went through; The Order still did their best to show themselves a bit more and more to the world of Main Kingdom and were not there just to show off to other Journeyers.

. . .


Many days later, in the 50th day of the war ever since the Wonder Region was declared such by The Order; by the Bright Sunset Region’s Leader Yun Beishang.


As for the lithe clothed man and those who surrendered in the war but not to The Order and that didn’t follow Edorn’s fat ass, they were all despondent inside a jail which The Order finally built after the first week of the third phase since it was initiated. The lithe clothed man was the one with the worst reaction, his shoulder always slumped and his eyes lost, yet he still connected to the game; was he still playing for an award to actors or something?

The Order would allow anyone to have their time running even if they are offline, with the obvious conditions of them having to pay a LOT of things for it. Not just resources, but also with any journeyer that The Order might consider recruiting. This movement alone seemed like nothing but, after seeing The Order and being evaluated, some were elected and some were not.

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But from them all, almost the entire elite groups of each Association that ‘paid’ for their prison time to be with that advantage were taken into The Order, with some not being qualified because of a test that was called the ‘reading of the heart’ or something; stuff that nobody really cared about and were mad afterwards when they failed at it. Typical human stuff, ah.

Nobody knew why, but the lithe clothed man kept on logging on and on inside the game, spending 7-13 hours daily since the day he surrendered and was put into the improvised prison. Each time one of the fellow dumbasses that followed him before and were still there on his side went over to talk to him, saying things like ‘cheer up, brothar’ or ‘it’s just a game, relax dude’; only to be ignored fully by the lithe clothed man.

His eyes were so vacant, but slowly; ever so slowly with each day passing and as the first month and 10th day of the war was about to start. His eyes finally became more fully solid after becoming more and more determined but still with that glint of incredible sadness, depression, deprecation and self-blame as well as shame.

And it just so happened that, on this day, a certain pair of someones had already ‘found’ what they were looking for. The reasoning was very simple, through the flames of war and the relentless twirl in the change of emotions from the Inhabitants, small and ordinary animals to even the ‘mobs’ that could easily destroy any Journeyer just about a year ago; Mother Main Kingdom also shared their each and every feeling.

As the spirit that has been taking care of her precious Main Kingdom since the times that the whole Universe was being created, either by laying dormant or being half awake or fully awake, she was always seeing and preceding over every single soul residing within her heart, no matter if it was wicked, disgusting, precious, noble or straight out a devil or holy.

Each of them held a place in her heart; and once she was to be given so much sensations and turmoil of emotions and feeling from one sole Region, like never before since millions of years ago, something shiny was about to happen and; sure enough. After Yun Beishang felt as if he was being bathed by divine lights and peeked at by shy pixies that were invisible while traveling with Yun Yun in his embrace, under his armpit or lapping in circles on his lap with her secondary mouth watering his entire thighs and her primary mouth asking for his tongue; he would flinch and stare at a certain direction in particular.

For a few days, this began happening by the time that the Precious Stone Division was beginning to be conquered, while the Army Groups left behind in each Sub-Division and being guarded by The Order’s precious and venerated Maidens and Ladies to command such, he brought Yun Yun as she coyly leaned onto him and guided her so as to help him find… ‘the citadel’.

After about 7 days, Yun Beishang and Yun Yun had finally found their largest and last piece of evidence, or rather; hint. When Yun Beishang brought Yun Yun to where her 3rd Volume of the Sorrowful Fallen Celestial Universal Hidden class with her own findings of her self from New Earth, from her own Bloodline that resonated with his own whenever and each time they passionately, lovingly, devotedly, infatuatedly and longingly mated with each other.

What they found was… breathtaking, exactly a few tens of kilometers away from the perfect center of the whole Wonder Region, they found a plains that were surrounded by rough bumps and crude roads, obviously no possible to be traversed by even slimes or other monster without legs or wings; simply impossible to want to pass around here.

This made it, obviously, a great place to either hide something or even build a very so troublesome settlement whose defense would be as easy as pie. Yet, there was not a living soul nearby, with The Order’s soldiers having already passed by here and constantly due to the Scouting for more and more possible God Race’s troops and their bases landing around.

Yet, not even traces of such a thing happening around such a place were seen at all. Obviously, this place was, somehow, completely hidden by anyone who was to pass by or even ‘think’ of…? It was a weird occurrence, and it was as weird and as abrupt as the feeling that Yun Beishang got from ‘Mother Main Kingdom’ that had given her attention to the Wonder Region and disrupted the Overlord’s within the same.

At that time, Yun Beishang took it as the whole thing being discovered only because of Mother Mian Kingdom’s disruption of the Overlord’s omnipresence over the whole Wonder Region… and Yun Yun’s incredible capabilities of her space manipulation and even… reading of the same thng’s properties.

Anyways, Yun Beishang didn’t really wanted to delve so much in the ‘extra information’ that his dear father-in-law gave him for the past few days, he could even imagine the fucker being so lazy and doing nothing all year and then suddenly remembering that he had things to clear out. Putting some old glasses on and writing such information to dear ol’ Yun Beishang with time being way overdue.

The whole area that was surrounded by the most awful of terrains was completely plain and seemingly peaceful even, but with the manipulation of their senses; Yun Beishang and Yun Yun were able to ‘see’ a damn huge hole whose tunnel made its way to the underground in a way that none of them had ever seen before.

It even seemed sci-fi and no longer just magical, as it was the world of the Rising Essence game, it was like an enormous entrance of a burrow, but had a crystalline celeste blue colors on it as if the whole entrance was full of shining stalactites made of crystal. It didn’t even looked like a hole anymore and instead, appeared to be a portal or a wall in itself.

But anyways, that was not important as, Yun Beishang and Yun Yun went to bed right after, ignoring it and leaving the matter for later, as Yun Beishang wasn’t going to bring his precious little sister to his adventures of soloing Mythical BOSSes like it’s nothing. As such, with both siblings leaving the place by directly logging off, they went to bed early on in the 9th day of the first month since the war against the Wonder Region started… only to wake up rather surprisingly wet!

. . .


KATARINA-1, Yun Beishang’s bedroom, 17:56 pm.


…pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa pa PAHPAPA-PAAH!!

“OUGGH…!” On the main bed, Yun Beishang, Yun Yun and Xiao Ruo were the only ones who were awake, as Yun Yun was being Yun Beishang’s bitch with her ass eating up her beloved brother’s meat of love and Xiao Ruo watching them as she kissed, licked like mad and bit at her Master’s torso and scratched at it with his taste entering her senses while on top of Yun Yun’s back.

Yun Beishang, at this moment, suddenly hugged extensively the slender body of his sister and poured his baby making stuff into her baby making chamber, the later slurping and scurrying all that flock of yummy stuff and that was supposed to be there into itself; all while Yun Beishang was crushing the little tender body of Xiao Ruo in-between his sister’s body and his own.

When Yun Beishang began releasing, the already familiar with the sensation Xiao Ruo—as she would obviously become obvious to it after the hundreds of times her throat had gone through his roughing up on her, or in her—climbed a bit up before the body of her Master was fully plunging itself into his own sister.

Her little bum positioned right above Yun Yun’s very own bum, Ruo Ruo then raised her left hand just as Yun Beishang was going to crush her little and frail body, making him look down as he whispered Yun Yun’s name lovingly and out of reason with his beastly, magnetic voice as this alone elicited the incestuous bitch-pose Yun Yun to call out like the good wife of her brother that she is ‘brother, brother, ah, brother????!’.

Instantly, Xiao Ruo’s small and willing lips met his as she was squashed by him, her entire senses filled with the feeling as if she was the one being violently penetrated by her dear Master and not Madam Yun Yun, her eyes closed slowly in utter relish while Yun Beishang could only daze around to the sight of them closing as she also closed her legs around his back. Barely, since she was such a shorty the now soon 15 year old cutest girl ah.

While being inseminated, but not with the nice and lovely surprise that some maids had already begun to feel for the past few months, ahem; Yun Yun could clearly sense the feelings that Xiao Ruo desired. ‘To be finally plowed by Master.’ And while Yun Yun’s Bloodline and Yun Beishang’s Bloodline mixed each other while their bodies were so connected and their skin of not just their intimate, whorish and beastly parts; their blodd also seemed to actually come out from their bodies and mixed with the other’s.

In this extraordinary sight that was not new at all for all of Yun Beishang’s women, the resting Little Rosey that is now forever big, the Little Zyv resting her small head below her huge rack and the sleeping big Lioness whose magumbos rivaled those of her fellow Pet Rosey; the trio that were still going at it felt each other as the siblings were once again having their wonderful connection need no explanation as Yun Beishang could never resist start caressing each inch of his sister the moment it began to happen.



Let It Rain's Note: No worries, this is not the end of the scene, and a spoiler, there will be a 'real life' trio of Naty and Xie Ling again soon as well, bweheheheeheh!

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