Bow and Arrow

Chapter 550: Chapter 548 — The Crystal Elemental Overlord (1)

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The Crystal Elemental Overlord (1)




In the Azure Legend's Legion, people that were from the whole Azure Dragon Sub-Division's joined it, along with some other who were at the wild lands, outskirts and so very far away from the Sub-Divisional territories and its' borders. Its General, a not so powerful but incredibly lasting, ruthless yet clever and brilliant old man that is about more than 3,000 years old.

The thing with the General, called Urtan, was that if he could just get up a 'grade' and become what was known to all Inhabitants as a Mythical being, he could very well live for longer. As for how it came to be that such Legendary beings were now popping up, only people like Yun Beishang and those with similar but oh so much lesser, weaker and puny capabilities than that of the Black Lotus could get into real contact with Factions.

After all, Powlniu herself was already strong when Yun Beishang met her, and her daughter was even more powerful than herself as well. Her sons were only naturally strong, while she herself was so close to being a Mythical being as well. It all, however, came to the fact that it was Adorevia's sacrifice taking so much effect at an immediate level over all of Main Kingdom.

Besides a few Army Colonels and what not form the Azure Legend's Region, there was the Army Colonel Lino, who was a Legendary being as well and whose height was enormous. General Urtan was about 2.5 m tall and quite old already, bulky as well yet he had a stern and respectable image of his own.

While on the other hand, Army Colonel Lino, who was even taller as he was already 4.25 meters tall and… well… with still some room to grow ah. He also had a bulky build, but was merely 500 years old. In a sense, though he and Urtan had a few stories together as comrades in arms, Lino was like the child that Urtan… lost.

Bronze skin and ugly, not handsome, however; were the traits of why Urtan was adamantly strict with this man, who seemed to have no way of getting a wife and descendants. On the last point of view, there was the last, other Army Colonel of the Azure Legend’s Legion that was rather to take a note worthy of.

Carus, he was a Minotaur from the Beast Race, though he was from the Beast Race whose Kingdom was now a Hollow Kingdom and was residing in this Kingdom with his Race having been forced to since times of yore, just like Powlniu; he was still lower in height than Lino by almost 5 meters.

With a height of about 3.8 meters, Carus, he was 1,200 years old and weaker than Lino, not just inferior in height, the poor Beast Race member with a subspecies that was one of the tallest from all of the Beast Race to ever exist. He had brown fur and an innocent face with overly large horns that curled towards the back of his head yet remained pointing at the sky behind his head, like he was a vulnerable looking but heaven shaking powerful monster.

The Azure Legend’s Region had a dark azure with gray glow colored armor, the same was for the robes and the leather armor, as the colors of Region’s armor under The Order was their banner, honor and pride; while their insignia was like their prospect and hope for the future.

The insignia had an azure sky with a thin, long figure hiding within it on the upper part of the insignia, and under it, bright metallic gray all over it with some part of the Lord’s Residence on it. This was the Azure Legend’s Region’s emblem and was their source of humbleness and not just honor, though the Lord specified that as for the creation of their insignia, the left should be reserved for their own ideals as that is where their hearts should lay; the Azure Legend’s Region had its ‘part’ on the upper part of it while the Lord’s Residence below was like their foundations and the dragon hidden amongst the clouds, a child.

Then, there was the Carmesí Legend’s Region, holding an army of 12,000,000 troops. 1,500,000 Heavy Cavalry, 1,500,000 Light Cavalry, 1,000,000 Archers, 1,000,000 Mounted Archers, 750,000 Armored Archers, 4,000,000 Infantry, 1,640,000 Heavy Infantry and 610,000 Mages.

The Carmesí Legend’s Region has a much more wide amount of variety, with its frontline being the most abundant yet still having quite some movement among its troops to move and to even synergize all that could be possible with the ‘enough amount’ of mages that could play well with the archers.

Of course, it wasn’t like just archers were within an army, any one that could attack a distance was considered an archer but, rather than to call their people ‘ranged types’, ‘magical types’ and ‘melee types’; such thing as Infantry, Cavalry, Archers and Mages were all used to summarize the whole plethora of types of soldiers that there could be with each corresponding to their ultimate foundations.

This one could, easily, be the one with the strongest force in terms of basically either charging to the enemy on the field or to directly taking down some walls, buildings, structures, devices, vehicles; anything. While on defense, they were surely not going to rely on the same and would, instead, massacre the incoming enemies whenever they came.

As one of the largest Regions and with such unique specialties, the Carmesí Legend’s Region had just an incredible feature among one of its Commanders. Whale first, in the Supreme Commander’s position, General Amamond, was someone utterly special. According to the Black Lotus’ reports, she was one of the many old families that used to serve the Carmesí Vermilion Bird SubRace from yore and all those derived from the whole Vermilion Bird Race itself.

General Amamond was an old, fragile looking lady that could be torn apart by the mere blowing of air from nature towards her, but that was only so for looks. As; just like Lino, Urtan or Carus, she had overbearing strength and even more so, she had special properties coming from the Fire Core Element itself; allowing her to command not just troops but derived from it.

Not only to herself to aid in important combats, but also to the troops that were under her, it was like the skills that Rosey recently developed and evolved to be, or the ones Lioness had from the get go. Of course, she was still mainly a Mount and hence had no much more skills that would allow for Yun Beishang to do insane tons of damage like Rosey does.

And though there were Army Colonels that had their strengths and a great commanding capability, just like the rest of the Regions within The Order could do, only one of them was utterly special and with potential that was infinitely close but just not right there compared to Colonel General Little Pawya.

And that was, Colonel General Amaya, who was not just the adoptive granddaughter of the grandma, General Amamond, but also someone who received great blessings from the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Race itself though obviously not in a direct manner. It was unknown which family she came from, but a decade and a few years ago when she was found in a recently destroyed settlement that held families that served the Vermilion Bird Race of the past; she was rescued from the city lord’s forces from an unforgettable fate.

Well, story, bla bla bla… she ended up having the fortune of waking within her a great resonance with the Carmesí Vermilion Bird, and when Pure died, she became stronger due to the complete obliteration of the last Carmesí Vermilion Bird dying at Yun Beishang’s hands. Of course, none of that was known until they joined The Order and a certain someone began mentoring Amaya soon after.

Colonel General Amaya had gained lots of lucky encounters with rests and remains of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird Race, and had obtained enough items, strengths and wisps of Fire Core Element that she could comprehend, becoming a Legendary being at her 20’s and even being comparable to the baby Mythical beings.

With a passion for liquor, this tomboyish but gracefully womanly beauty was obvious to become the role model to follow by all Carmesí Vermilion Bird Sub-Division in the future, to which General Amamond was making sure she knew how to become like so. Anyways, the people from this Region had all come from this Sub-Division of theirs and the same as the Azure, Black and white other Legend’s Regions; the outskirts of the whole Bright Sunset Region.

With their colors on their armors being basically just a strong and domineering black color; tortoise scale patterns on the armors with an always, perpetual black coming from them, and an extra of domineering black glowing from it. The Insignia was rather simple, and like the Ef Blue-Hunch Region’s; a gargantuan god walking with a city on top of its back on the left of the insignia and the bright metallic all over it with a part of the Lord’s Residence in it on the right.

The Black Legend’s Region was formed by an army of 10,300,000 troops. 700,000 Heavy Cavalry, 950,000 Light Cavalry, 300,000 Archers, 2,570,000 Mounted Archers, 4,080,000 Armored Archers, 800,000 Infantry, 200,000 Heavy Infantry and 400,000 Mages.

Yintaya was a beauty of the entire level of Main Kingdom itself, she was incredibly beautiful, indeed. But all the same, there were rumors that any man or woman trying to get any closer to her were either sent 10 years to prison with a heavy sum needed for the ‘fine’ to be paid off and be freed…

Like the General and Colonel General from the Carmesí Legend’s Region, she was blessed with the Perpetual Black Turtle; her beauty consisted of brown skin with warm bronze colored eyes and long hair of the same tied to a ponytail for most of the time she was seen. Her strength laid not in the power of her body, her charm or her incredible, ruthless and quirky commanding capabilities.

But in the way that she could perfectly enhance her own troops with not the defense and survival of the same, but instead, of giving each of his troops’ armor, weapons and throwable weapons an impossible resistance and impregnability. In each of the ways that the Black Legend’s Region can show its strength and damn, absurd amazingness, was the use of their archers to deal with the enemy from either tens of kilometers away or right at melee where it seemed as if they would be forced to enter into a brute fight.

But no, naaah, the properties of Yintaya’s blessings were unique and too much for them to be just a mere boost. It was just like how the Lieu-no, now Colonel General Shilay who can make any recruit take a longer time needed to adjust to her commands and composition of her Army Group when on the field or even when just training.

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In short, a bunch of incredibly difficult lot. Their armies were as threatening and intimidating from far away to right when being face to face, their speed; especially from their Mounted Archers, was the one that never took a less amount even if whole huge Trolls were to try and tackle their Abysmal Creatures that were ‘just’ of the Heavenly grade and so fragile looking.

As for Colonel General Shilay, a 14 year old young girl, of the age of Xiao Ruo, who had a power in her moves and her impossible flexibility. Though she was a tomboy, she was a master warrior when in combat, leading her troops and ‘flying’ through space and through enemy or allies' bodies like they were mere ethereal images and managing to perfectly define when to attack, defend, save and kill the respective enemies and allies; the perfect moment and time for each.

Though she wasn’t smart when it came to being considerate, not too much at last, her commanding capabilities were even above those of an Army Colonel from The Order, and only people that were Colonel Generals or Generals themselves could outstand this young girl with energy to run for days or even weeks without growing any tired; going from Sub-Division to Sub-Division at a speed much less than that of Zyv or Miriam’s with her Core Elemental Throne.

Almost all Inhabitants of the Perpetual Black Turtle Sub-Division had wanted to join in The Order after their each supreme settlements’ so-called ‘leaders’ were ‘convinced’ by Yun Beishang; similarly to the way he so efficiently did to the Regional Forces of Main Kingdom from before the war against the Wonder Region even started.

Which is why there had to be new rules/regulations for joining The Order, like one needs to have an offspring of almost 10 years or so before leaving a household with barely any members left, should they have left them to join. And well, stuff like that; in the future, the Black Legend’s Region… or Regions would become the most abundant ones of all with the enthusiasm shown from their Sub-Division; ah.

Then, there was the White Legend’s Region, with an army of 9,870,000 troops. 450,000 Heavy Cavalry, 1,800,000 Light Cavalry, 1,200,000 Archers, 250,000 Mounted Archers, 240,000 Armored Archers, 3,200,000 Infantry, 900,000 Heavy Infantry and 1,830,000 Mages.

Their armor had white and dark gray colors, also having a gentle, softening hue coming off of it of the same colors. Their insignia consisted of a tiger’s celestial light blue eye, encompassing ⅔’s on the left half of the emblem on their chests, and the obvious bright metallic gray with a part of the Lord’s Residence on the right.

In the same manner, and not just by one of the many but, in actuality, the strongest. The White Legend’s Region didn’t just have a family that was once the loyal servant #1 fanclub of the Celestial White Tiger Race, but was lead by it; by them. They each had white-platinum hair, but much less in comparison to Ruo Paodan’s glow, contrast and liveliness.

It was just like they were bestowed with such sights long, long ago in the past; possibly even before the era of the decline of Main Kingdom commenced millions of years ago. They had a natural talent that extended their lifespans, making them long lasting and youthful unlike any other Human as they didn’t even need to grow that strong to die beyond a thousand years of age.

Their Supreme Commander, General Horp, was a middle aged man of 665 years old and 2.05 meters tall, quite like so for a man who has been at the Legendary being level for a few decades already. But following right behind him, his grandchildren, who were many times more talented than him were just as powerful as him and much younger too.

Colonel General Herms was the youngest grandson of his and grandchild altogether, 107 years old and looking youthful yet with similarities to his middle aged looking grandpa. As the youngest and most talented of his whole family’s main branch, he was everyone’s honor and… also was known to once have had a woman but from whom he had to separate from early on in his life.

Oh well, then there was Hans, who was the second youngest grandchild of General Horp, he is as old as 140 years old, Huwa 150 years old and around the middle from all of Horp’s grandchildren; also a male. Hane was the oldest grandchild and granddaughter of General Horp, of 214 years old and with her husband now forming part of the family, William, with 231 years of age and having been baptized with his beloved wifey’s family blessings which is how he can grow as old as his wife without even needing to grow strong but was still a Legendary being.

Between those 5 Regions who participated in the war against the Wonder Region, the White Legend’s Region was the one with the smallest amount of troops, just below the 10,000,000th mark; while the largest of 12,000,000 troops or so was from the Carmesí Legend’s Region. But as a whole Region that it is, it could be considered only second—to that of the Carmesí Legend’s Region being first—to a head on battle or one which needed a complex and or simply difficult strategy and planning to be effectuated properly.

Their family’s innate talents and skills allowed them to make their warriors, and not just themselves, ultra fast and even as nimble as lightning could be. Allowing their bunch on light armored troops to have an incredible advantage even more than those who would wear not just super heavy or heavy, but even medium weight armor.

Going through the battlefield, a whole army’s Region moving at a sudden insane, great speed while their reflexes were just enough to make the perfect use for such speed, and their nimbleness was fully up to par with their speed in which they could move as soon as they thought.

Such principles were the dreams of a commander who would so much believe that such a thing would be incredibly powerful, incredibly difficult to deal with. And what else, when those warriors being practically buffed by such talents and skills would also gain a property to paralyze their enemies for quite a few milliseconds per hit they made?

They might have not a strong charging power, nor a huge power from the distance, but it was quite still there with the amount of almost 2 million Mages at the ready, their most important job in a battle would be to even furthermore enhance the light troops and to take care of them, their every hurt, injured or about to die ally who will then be bombarded with healing and enhancing skills.

All in all, these were the 5 Regions that participated in the quick conquest that would not even take up to 2 months, not even 1 month and a half. As of, right now, only a few tens of hundreds of settlements of varying sizes were left to be conquered among the Precious Stone Division. And while they didn’t even have to worry about the God Race’s troops anymore, the Inhabitants of the Wonder Region had already become quite ‘receptive’ to The Order.

After all, even though there are many limitations and not even Inhabitants can teleport to other settlements anymore, there would still be ways and ways in which an Inhabitants was capable of transmitting news and information from one settlement to another. As such, The Order just had to dispatch a ton of Teams from its Regions and the task will be completed as long as each Team goes for a different settlement altogether.

As such, from the current time to the expected end and finalization of The Order’s conquering of the Wonder Region , it would all probably end in just about 10 pm to 11 pm.

With such a thought, all Commanders told their subordinates of the news, and as silence was still within the extremely large campsite since they weren’t dumb soldiers who would sing victory when it hasn’t been confirmed; they were at least in a relaxing and soothed state as soldiers, official commanders, Official Commanders, Commanders and Supreme Commanders were chatting and passing time with one another.

Soldiers with soldiers, high ranked officials with high ranked officials and so on. Pawya and Powlniu were sitting together after the mother had a short and warm enough chat with each of his sons; while General Horp who moments ago had a face full of astonishment as he constantly saw his youngest grandson look over and over again between Yintaya and that little brat Shilay…

…and whose face has started to show signs of forming incredible wide grins and smiles, his eyes even seemed to wrinkle up as only slits could be made from his eyes. And, if he were to keep looking, the thought of his youngest grandson being really the most talented of them all would emerge with joy inside his head soon after for sure.

A certain quiet and calm pair of Beast Race beauty with fat and fluffy brown tail and ears and a male human with an emblem whose glow was stronger than a month by twice its amount were also having some silent, alone time together; merely limiting themselves to look at each other in tranquility, holding hands from time to time and drinking together.

A pair of son and father-like duo among the soldiers were also clearly the stars among them, but a bit humble as well, with the son-like person going back to his tent from time to time from which soft murmurs and warm, concerned words of a male could be heard. Only to be responded by a weak woman’s voice, that became cheerful the more the male voice spoke and spoke.

A young woman with dark brown hair and a headstrong personality was flattering with sincere worship the shy Cinders who would adopt a stern and serious pose, like a master, before girly talking about a certain someone while scurrying away from the public.

Shilay would come from time to time where Powlniu was, and play with her and tease her, that little girl was a great source of joy for the young girl, and as she made faces, the young girl couldn’t help but giggle as she ran away once General Powlniu looked at her in amusement. Once Shilay left, the mother would teasingly look at the daughter with the latter looking upturned at the former with awkwardness of a family; indeed.

Meanwhile, Yun Beishang had a terrifying face as he looked up at the ground as he stepped a few meters away from ‘something’ that he was looking at fixedly and with an aura… of murder.


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