Bow and Arrow

Chapter 551: Chapter 549 — The Crystal Elemental Overlord (2)

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The Crystal Elemental Overlord (2)




Yun Beishang was looking down when he finally to go through that walk, his eyes were attracted to his interface to re-watch his new Accessories, and once he confirmed that it was all set and ready, he elevated himself a little with just a single step from his left foot before raising a whole 60 meters into the air out of nowhere.

There was his other bracelet and then his earrings, first were the ones on the left ear and then the ones on the right ear.

[Following Past(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Bracelet, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: +280 any Hidden Stat, Effect: The attacking ability or skills of the user of this accessory can be replicated once by this Following Past, its uses are spent depending on the ability or skill/s and its intricacy. Usage: 10/10, Cooldown: 1 minute. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Power of the Lands(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Earring, Grade: Luxurious(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Mental Power+300, Effect: Mental Power+50, Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Small Touch of Sky(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Earring, Grade: Formidable(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Will+200, Effect: Will+20, Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Trapped Cat's Eye(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Earring, Grade: Formidable(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Mental Power+250 and Will+250, Effect: Mental Power+40 and Will+40, Enhancement Effects: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Caged Soul of Solitude(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Earring Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Mental Power+150 and Will+150, Effect: Mental Power+20 and Will+20, Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

As for his rings, his fingers were all now lightly embraced by a small ring each, and each of them being hella supportive as rings are iconically known to be like.

[Woodbroken Ruby Hearted Ring(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: DEX+1,000 and LV100, Effect: When moving against an enemy with HP lower than 20%, raw Movement Speed+2% for each 100 meters traversed in the way towards such enemy/ies. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Pixie’s Clasping Hands(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: WIS+850 and DEX+850, LV80 and any Hidden Stat+800, Effect: The first ally to receive a healing skill from you will be dealt a Critical Heal and be guaranteed a boost of 40% to their Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Discolored Tenderful Abyss(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Magical(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: DEX+1,000 and LV100, Effect: When moving towards allies with less than 40% HP, gain raw Movement Speed+4% for each 80 meters meters traversed in the way towards such ally/ies. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Stone Bleeding Pained Soul(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Resplendent(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: REC+1,500, LV120 and HP+50,000, Effect: Every time that you are inflicted with any Bleeding negative effect, your next attack will Stun the target with a 90% rate of being successful for 2.5 seconds. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Light - Surfacing(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Luxurious(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Light Core Elemental Resistance+50%, Effect: When moving in group, raw Movement Speed+15% for 8 second. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Light - Submerging(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Luxurious(Evolvable) Equipment Requirements: Light Core Elemental Resistance+50%, Effect: When attacking in group, raw Attack Speed+10% and Action Speed+5%. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Light - Manifesting(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Ring, Grade: Luxurious(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Light - Surfacing and Light - Submerging, Effect: When in groups, all basic attacks will be useless against you for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

Additionally, he wore a new pair of Hair Ornaments that his tender maids created for him, and even if they were of those legendary ‘something kitty’ from the ancients, Yun Beishang would still wear it like a champ and a fucking god.

[Bat’s Wings - Reminder of Love(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Hair Ornament, Grade: Formidable(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu, Effect: Allows you to look cool in the darkness and have a strong capability to eat darkness away to regenerate HP in 0.1% every second when out of combat; it comes with a note: ‘Much love from Tinters, May, Xueye…’. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

[Angel’s Wing - Other Half’s(Heavenly+29**)]: Type: Hair Ornament, Grade: Formidable(Evolvable), Equipment Requirements: Tongqiu, Effect: Allows you to look manly and cherishable, when within the light, MP and Stamina regenerates in +1% every 5 seconds; it even comes with a note: ‘To our man, whose other half is each of us, find our wings Master…’. Enhancement Effect: Mental Power+29 and Will+22.

With that, his total Mental Power had risen up yet again, going for 273,013 and with 1,072 of Mental Power stat points being added in just Accessories alone. This was not much for him but, for his wifeys and fiancees, it was a good help; while for other players… nuts. His total Will also has been improved a bit, to 914 and with 784 being added by the Accessories’ Enhancements.

STEP! Whoosh!!

Now, having checked all of these with warmth feeling him as he snorted without wanting to in a cheerful manner through his nostrils, Yun Beishang’s body then descended onto the huge portal that was only visible by him and that began emanating a strong sense of danger the moment he approached it.

As such, Yun Beishang fully covered himself with a cocoon of his rapidly developing Will and with his Mental Power hidden stats and the feeling of danger from before having left him long ago, he then ‘crashed’ against the ground and made a mini-bomb explosive wave that lifted the ground by at least a few tens of meters in 100 meters around before it came back down all turned into mushy and soft soil; alarming a bit the Generals that were tens of thousands of kilometers away but then calming down right away.

As for Yun Beishang… he disappeared the moment his body went through the ‘ground’, as his mind kept on repeating, like a mantra, ‘please do not be a free fall of unknown distance and weird space, please do not be…’.



In an unknown space, where only gray dirt walls, ceiling and flooring could be seen and from which quite a few large but not tall lumps of troublesome to walk through the ground were around.




Psssssss- - -BOOOWWM!

Yun Beishang’s body was suddenly seen, his body coming off from one of the tens of kilometers tall gray colored dirt walls as if he had just caved out a tunnel through it, but rather involuntarily with the position that his body was launched at and not ‘arriving’ within the strange room and quirky space all around the same.

When Yun Beishang’s body came out from the ‘tunnel’, it immediately closed up, giving an even more obvious show that this was not done by him, but because of the fact that he entered whatever he entered without even thinking about it. But just as he was going to be sent flying through the air, his whole tiny Will hidden stat points came into play as they were activated as hard and hot as lava and magma simply exploding out!

With his hands forming fists and his arms creating an inverted ‘V’ with his chest sticking out, and his waist almost reaching the level that his women need to learn to avoid back problems, which resulted in a huge help for the big titted ones and the ones that have gotten pregnant; cough. A sudden and huge motion of air simply distorting and stopping in place, not forcefully but rather, at command; happened as Yun Beishang’s body was stopped in midair.

With this thing being successful, Yun Beishang then completely fell down from midair as he still couldn’t fly, the dumbass, but by then he was already able to plan a landing on the ground without much problem and to a speed he can at least react to in body and mind at the very least.

Fweeeww~! Thud thud.

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His feet landing, Yun Beishang then heard the extreme sound of dirt and not of ‘ground’ that he expected, he didn’t just teleported—or moved with complex laws and whatnot—to the big bad BOSS’s lair, but the citadel that is supposed to be their turf and hiding spot. One that he and his sweet Yun Yun had been looking for but only managed to find the ‘entrance’ to this citadel.

Looking behind himself, Yun Beishang saw not a wall from an enclosed room, but from a ‘citadel’ itself that was as impossibly tall as it could be. But there was little to no purpose upon having such ‘defensive walls’, it seemed more like… like they were built for hiding. And even though they were not thick at all, with the thickness of the whole thing being about a few tens of meters; yet Yun Beishang came out of there like he’s been inside a worm tunnel with endless light blue crystalline twirls that engulfed him over and over again for seemingly several minutes.

“Sigh…” Letting out a bit of a heavy yet still somehow light breaths of air from his lungs; out. Yun Beishang then moved his first steps as he used his eyes and only such to look around… everything was ugly; there were barely any discernible differentiation in between roads, houses, large buildings and plazas that… should’ve been there some… ‘some’ time ago.

It was all plain except for the troublesome lumps to walk through and even around from, it was all of a dirt gray color and had nothing else but… dust covering the whole ‘floor’. In fact, if it wasn’t because of his use from his previous senses, to believe that there were layers and layers of dust already having become so solid that they were as hard as the floor itself wouldn’t be impossible.

Crshng, crshn crshng~...

With each of his steps, not only were the sounds of walking through this dirt awful, but the sensations were getting worse and worse as Yun Beishang looked around. From time to time, he would get an inkling to what this whole place looked like before, and it was horrendously nothing like what was visible right now.

His Heart Connection flaring up, while Lioness and Rosey remained within his White Space, Yun Beishang could see…

A floor that looked like tiles which one would normally see in certain bathing rooms or even close to pools, or as the pools’ flooring and so on. But from which, looking from above, way above, each such ‘tile’ was in actual fact… a huge part that could be considered to be half a Sub-Divisional City’s size.

Each ‘tile’ was different and the possible activity and livelihood could already be even smelled by Yun Beishang as he frowned for instants, his eyebrows twitch and or his lips pursed a tiny bit for a single instant. Before then moving on and continuing to ‘watch’ these things through his senses, the worst part of it was, that such a sight was not ‘it’; not everything that he could see.

With his Heart Connection having developed so much even though it is alien to himself, and was granted to him by Rosey, he could still use his Mental Power even if he had no manipulation over his Heart Connection; which he didn’t have to resort to feel the pains and momentary suffering of those who ‘should have’ been living in this citadel… before it all ultimately ended.

Just like how the entire citadel seemed to be dried out; with its buildings of dark blue crystalline and its paved sidewalks, lights, roads, houses for people and families of low income-ish. Such were the feelings that Yun Beishang was inundated from just one image, just one entity which has long ago been… ‘gone’... but shackled, all the same.

In one of his sightings from ‘the past’, Yun Beishang saw a child, of roughly 17 years old, carrying a dead little girl’s body whose head was ⅓ eaten away by… a ‘something’ that began devouring the complete citadel and its citizens whole. The little girl, already dead, was carried by the young boy of 17, who then could no more and weakly kneeled on the graying road.

He seemed to have been running for long, and his stone-like, statue-like and light gray-blue face had tears and sweat coming down from his whole eyes and head. This wasn’t the person’s body, but his image, the little girl’s too. Through the image, Yun Beishang could see how the behind of the young boy was all being eaten seemingly by ‘nothing’.

As if there was a mere suction of life and particles of anything that had life and any kind of value; nutrients, minerals, power… and even essence.

With the young boy having ran for so long, ‘leaving behind’ the ongoing sucking and drying of all, he looked far ahead while feeling the less than ⅓ of the head of the little girl. His hands, crooked fingers; moved upwards as he seemingly wanted to tear his own face down and up, gripping his own skin and even bones as if that was a better end that the one… that he was about to befell to.

Yun Beishang suddenly sensed some kind of ‘clue’ and, as he jolted is head back and the image of the boy was being dragged away, as he was consumed even though the destruction and drying of all was long behind himself; Yun Beishang looked back with a light frown only to see and now understand the boy’s hope…lessness.

Numeral structures of all were being eaten from seemingly the ground, the walls in the far distance were growing, and the life of everything was being reaped away as a sort of connection was seemingly formed between each other. Each citizen, each pet of the same, each living beast, monster and even small, ordinary animals and insects.

As if in the form of being forced to, they were feeling all of each others’ sensations, thoughts, wills… pity. Dying, every single one of them, as if traveling in time and space, could see each and all things that got either destroyed and or consumed by ‘it’... In an instant each, thing and living being that began to be destroyed or consumed, could see all of it in a mere iota of an instant.

Slowly, Yun Beishang felt as if he himself had fell into such a sensation as well, the destruction and the consuming of all were seen by his heart while his being told him that he was not in danger. Each person’s pair of closed or opened eyes, full of nothing as they either gazed or rested with their loneliness alone or a dead beloved relative; only some were dying together while alive.

Each building could feel itself being consumed or and destroyed, and as they witnessed the death of it all, for no reason whatsoever; only sadness could be sensed as their every corner and foundation forming them was simply given up with its entire body or bodies becoming dust… before that was also eaten up too.


And then, so suddenly, everything stopped. Yun Beishang, who had been the cause of such similar pain and suffering, even if just to make it ‘less’, wasn’t moved by the heart as he watched trillions die and billions be destroyed. But just as he thought that things such as these images were coming to an end…


All eyes, all non-living wills and wisps of knowledge turned to him, those with closed eyes, opened them. Those who were becoming dust, sent their wills directly at him, and those who were already dead, connected with his whole being as their eyes appeared inside his mind… only one thought remained.

“...” The next instant, Yun Beishang went back to the land of dirt gray and dust acting as floor; seemingly. His fists, which were still calm and composed even as they changed form, created fists while such a thing manifested the sounds of bones cracking.

Step, step-fwuoh~, step-fwuoh~, step-fwuoh~...

Walking forth again, Yun Beishang gave no words and no emotions, he simply walked with his still calm and composed fists releasing themselves from that fist stance. His head still looked around, gaining some more glimpses and glimpses of it all, of everything- ‘that occurred’.

Stepfwuosh~~... whistle-whoosh~.

After so long, Yun Beishang stopped in place and with his head facing directly ahead and at a perfect, reposing position, he breathed in and out in large strides as his torso even deformed from the way he was ‘just breathing’. Lowering his head, and gaze, Yun Beishang looked down as if he found someone hiding for no reason and caught their stupid act with a foolish expression on their faces.

“...” Then, without saying anything at all, Yun Beishang looked up at the sky that seemed normal but was gray nonetheless. With his very own eyes, he was able to see not the sky but the ‘ceiling’ which was, more than obvious, declaring that he was underground and that whatever he found… may be very close to the core of Main Kingdom’s whole.

“Hm~.” Yun Beishang hummed, not involuntarily nor cheerfully, just… simply in provocation and taunt. With his head lowering once again, he raised both his arms as if he was a doll and with his hands open, he ‘allowed’ himself to fall down… the light blue crystalline tunnel appearing again all around him as if he never left it in the first place.

His thoughts, rather fearfully sounding, conveyed into words spoken to whoever or whatever was even further ‘below’. “I have found you. Now, what will you do?

Without saying anything else, Yun Beishang, now 'manipulating' the twirls and twirls of light blue crystalline with now some encrusted stones within it all around; quickly fell from the 'top' as he very so much wanted to find the whatever was behind. Be it the one he was looking for to take out, or wherever it, he or she was hiding at and why.

Not because of some dumb detective like aspirations, but simply for the mere desire to act like a monster and destroy anything that he saw, even if that involved in the possibility of all of the Crystalline Citadel he has heard the Responsive Dragon speak of! For the sake of completely destroying, rooting out the scum and empowering himself and his Order!


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