Bow and Arrow

Chapter 552: Chapter 550 — The Crystal Elemental Overlord (3)

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The Crystal Elemental Overlord (3)




Fwiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuumpp! STOMP STOMP~...!!!

With the sound of two either immensely heavy objects or powerful falling down monstrous giants, among a whole bunch of dark colored enclosure that had transparent, glowing and reflecting properties from within, and whose space was of at least 3 km in diameter and about 10 km in height which the very center of the same was as tall as 10 km while the rest was a bit less depending on how far from the center those walls were.


From the very, very top, a sudden glimmer appeared, which occasioned for the one who fell from the sky from seemingly nowhere and where not even a twirl of air was disturbed before his appearance was made within this small crystal-like room. Yun Beishang was standing with his feet deeply planted onto the ground that at least didn't look to be made of the same dark colored crystal as the walls and 'ceiling'.

*PING*’ve entered the Crystalline Citadel, as the first person to enter and discover it…

His knees weren’t bent in the slightest, and the image that he gave wasn’t a powerful one but a completely calm and even absurdly calm, comical stance as he fell down onto the completely unscathed dark ground in the same pose and has remained as such while turning his head and twisting his neck all around.

Looking like a doofus in the middle of a luxurious hall that was seeing something of such caliber for the first time and was dumbly and curiously looking around, Yun Beishang then spotted a mildly large figure as he lowered his head and looked a bit to his southwest. Noticing a shadow whose figure seemed humanoid, it was about 4 meters tall already even though ‘that figure’ seemed to be sitting.

Not just sitting as, from so far away, he could hear strange sounds and murmurs coming out from the front of the figure. Looking with attention, though Yun Beishang wouldn’t need to do that, what seemed to be the shoulders’ of that darkened figure were moving up and down from the front back and upwards as if that darkened figure was playing or doing ‘something’ that was on his lap or right in front of his lower abdomen.

“...” Frowning a bit from the ambiguous and incongruous sight, Yun Beishang turned his body a bit to the left as he then started walking forwards to it, with the figure’s back facing him, Yun Beishang seemed like a ghost which walked through the knight with eerie and long steps towards an innocent and clueless ordinary and casually idling man.

“Ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe, tu tu tu…hehehehehe-jiejie? Almost complete, almost complete, almost compleeete~tahh!” Forgetting about such a sensation of eeriness from walking through the dark towards someone’s back like this, Yun Beishang speechlessly stared at the figure in front of him, still a few dozens and a hundred meters away from him.

Creepiness and eeriness now forming from the weird and strange way in which this tall as hell figure was speaking, Yun Beishang was not afraid in the slightest but his heart could be heard thumping a tiny little louder as he got close and close to the figure’s back. The thought of what was that which the figure was either playing with or doing nagging inside Yun Beishang’s head as if it was some perilous, bad stuff.

“Mhmhmhmhmhmhm, yeeeeeeeesss~.” While Yun Beishang was beginning to feel a bit awkward, the figure trembled a bit and even some bliss could be seen flowing out of his body in the form that a child would lash out in happiness after futilely trying to hide his eagerness for some event  and then showing it all off with narrowed eyes and childish laughter.

“Hey you, I’m here, let’s not go onto the weird scenarios, okay? I came here to kill, not to engage in badly thought and dry as fuck monologues, do you mind?” Yun Beishang spoke as he reached just a few dozen meters away from the figure’s back, with the latter beginning to giggle as he turned around with an expression of joy on his ‘face’.

Though it was indeed a he, the thing that should protrude from a man’s lower body was not there and instead, it looked as if it was ripped off; self-mutilated or so. However, the ‘man’s’ body wasn’t of meat nor that like a ghost’s; instead, it was entirely made of crystal and only darkness was visible all around him in colors.

Yet, his face’s nose, mouth, eyes and even ears that weren’t human and instead seemed to be a robot’s as there were only some strange twirls at the upper and back sides of his head; were all clearly visible for Yun Beishang who needed not any manipulation of his Hidden Stats to look through the dark and at the man’s facial expressions.

With darkness coloring his body, it seemed semi-natural but also semi-fake; a strange sensation that only Yun Beishang who had an insane connection to the Core Elements since quite a while ago could deduce and innately sense from the man before him. With the distance of still dozen of meters between each man, Yun Beishang could still sense that this man had a strange connection to the Core Elements all the same.

“...” The man was looking completely straight at Yun Beishang’s face with a large smile, while Yun Beishang scrutinized the former’s body. A crystal body, rock-like crystals and completely able to move and even talk seamlessly, as if those crystals were just perfect for the creation of a being’s and definitely something that a ‘golem’ or summoned could ever compare to.

“Well… I take it that you are the Overlord of the Wond-'' Yun Beishang felt creeped out by being stared at like that by the crystal man in all smiles, the height of the former being 8 meters tall and holding a cube with broken corners and cracks all over it with his hands not even entering his hands after having witnessed the Responsive Dragon’s power.

And with the crystal man’s dark body, appearing to have some fluctuating energy going in currents within his body, Yun Beishang could see some similarities of the Darkness Core Element but not of the very same. Also from the other mobs he’s seen outside around the whole Wonder Region and from which they were all ‘tuned’ with minerals encrusted into their bodies.

“You… are here to… this? TAKE THIS?!” The crystal man responded not to Yun Beishang’s inquiry, but to seemingly nothing as he held the cube with his right hand and wrist against his stomach with strength and anxiousness, as if it would break if it wasn’t very well taken care of. His left hand, on the other hand, signaled at the cube with its index finger while the crystal man’s head was lowered and raised over and over again as he spoke and yelled in this manner.

“Uhh… listen, if you are a bit pretty dumb up ‘there’, it’s okay. Though it would make me uncomfortable to take you seriously, I can really understand, just-let’s make this quick, alright?” Yun Beishang said, bending his neck to the sides a bit out of awkwardness and rotating his wrists with some movements in preparation.

“No… it’s almost done, I’ve almost completed it… I ONLY NEED YOU!” But the crystal man reacted differently as expected, with his face turning ultra scared and extremely furious at the same time, his right hand and whole arm began trembling as the cube began making small noises of it being rubbed on the crystal man’s stomach and ribs.

“I’m so close to eating… the Mother, you can’t think that you can take this away from me, right? RIGHT?!” The crystal man’s words, so casually spoken that it seemed as if he was talking alone to an imaginary enemy or friend, directly made Yun Beishang’s eyebrows to jump as his eyes turned indifferent and eyes glanced once again at the cube.

At that point, the crystal man tilted his head with his chin pointing above his left shoulder, his eyebrows slightly crooked as he smiled from corner to corner of his lips ever so creepily with an expression on his face of ‘oh, I caught you! I knew it!’. He then slowly raised the cube with only his right hand, the former seemingly about to break as it danced and hoped on the latter.

“Oh no, they’ve promised me the opportunity… to be bigger~!!” The crystal man brought the cube up to his neck, right as his mouth began opening wider and wider. With the cube being the size of ⅛ of his whole head, it was going to be rather easy to eat it for him, but he was still opening his mouth like he had no jaw nor even bones that a body’s structure would obviously have; just like the Mortal’s Terror does before using a strong skill…

“Oh, this? Oh no, no no no! But don’t worry, I can’t let you destroy my baby and take away my powers! I have to make it difficult for you… and then eat youuuuu!!!” His voice grave and so hoarse by the last word that he bellowed out, the crystal man seemingly became a terrifying being with his mouth then fully opening to the point that his whole face disappeared and even ⅔’s of his head became a mouth instead.

With the cube being sent into the ‘mouth’ with a fast push from his right index finger, as soon as it went down the crystal man’s throat, his whole face and head went back to ‘normal’ with Yun Beishang frowning as he could never take information from either the cube or the crystal man himself.

“HEHEHEHEH, YOU CAN’T TAKE IT AWAY, YOU CAN’T…YOU CAN’T… YOU CAN’T…” The crystal man experienced a sudden transformation, even crazier and even more revoltingly violent and blunt than before, his figure did not grow at all but his smile became more nefarious at the very least. “IT’S MIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!! MINE MINE MINE MINE MINEMINEMINEMINEMIIIIIIIIIINE!!”

His arms thrown almost fully backwards and to his lower back, the crystal man bent his body slightly, his right leg bending over as a watery light blue crystalline color began to take over the dark color from just now. And then, Yun Beishang finally got a hold of information, but before he could nod in satisfaction; he was surprised furthermore as he received more and more right after the first bout of information!

[Crystalline Overlord of the Wonder Region]: Type: Elemental(Forced Fallen), Grade: God Devourer. LV: 120, HP: 56,000,000,000. The Crystalline Overlord of the Wonder Region has become a being with only the need of murder and destruction that eats away anything he sees and strengthens itself since millions of years ago; he was the first to disappear from all of the Overlords of Main Kingdom. It has now eaten an item with a wisp of Mother Main Kingdom in it, but cannot digest it unless he attains genuine perfection with the Core Elements.

Skills: Permeable Elements, Incurable Core Elemental Dysfunctional Body, Complete Obliteration, Eruption - Soul, Nefarious Protector and Soul Transformation.

[Permeable Elements]: With but a thought, the Crystalline Overlord can change any of his attacks to become of a certain Element; which can ether vary to any possible Element derived from the Core Elements or limited to a branch of the same, depending on the transformation he is using. His attacks will all inflict damage of the chosen Element and/or turn into Physical Damage and Magical Damage, ignoring Elemental Resistance.

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[Incurable Core Elemental Dysfunctional Body]: The Crystalline Overlord can only be injured by the natural enemy and opposite Core Element from the one that he is using in his Soul Transformation; when not using his Soul transformation, he can be injured just like any other but has a Damage Reduction+75% and Physical Defense+500% and Magical Defense+500%.

[Complete Obliteration]: Detonates all Elemental Particles nearby to create a shockwave that will deal first Elemental Damage and then 100,000 True Damage to all the targets within an area of 3 km around the Crystalline Overlord. The Elements can change depending on the Soul Transformation in use when the Complete Obliteration skill is being used. Use rate: Extremely rare. Cannot be blocked, cannot be parried and cannot be stopped.

[Eruption - Soul]: Depending on the Soul Transformation that s currently in use, the Crystalline Overlord can send beams of light corresponding to the Elements derived from the Core Element to inflict Magical Damage upon the reached targets, it can penetrate even objects and structures that are beyond a mortal’s knowledge. Use rate: Very common. Cannot be blocked(by normal means) and cannot be interrupted.

[Nefarious Protector]: Having turned his back on his duties, the Crystalline Overlord has been banned from the honorary words as a Sacred Protector and turned into a Nefarious persona. Branded with this humiliating title, the Crystalline Overlord could only go on in that path of complete shame. Regenerates 0.1% of his HP every second, but if his heart and core is attacked against, True Damage will be inflicted to its being.

[Soul Transformation]: From within the strongest souls that the Crystalline has eaten, he can use the robbed Core Elements from them and use them with the exchange of 5,000,000,000 HP and becoming immobile for 5 seconds while in the process of transformation from the enslaved and consumed souls.

*PING*...because of your vast amount of Hidden Stat points, you are able to see further beyond the Soul Transformation skill of the Crystalline Overlord.

[Precious Emerald Soul of the Earth Core Element]: Type: Soul(Consumed - Enslaved), Grade: Mythical, LV: 135, HP: 3,000,000,000. With the Earth Core Element as its aid, the Precious Emerald Elemental Sacred Protector was consumed in betrayal by the Crystalline Overlord and became only its source of food and nothing.

[Precious Citrine Soul of the Wind Core Element]: Type: Soul(Consumed - Enslaved), Grade: Mythical, LV: 135, HP: With the Wind Core Element as its aid, the Precious Citrine Elemental Sacred Protector was consumed in betrayal by the Crystalline Overlord and became only its source of food and nothing else.

[Precious Chrysoberyl Soul of the Fire Core Element]: Type: Soul(Consumed - Enslaved), Grade: Mythical, LV: 135, HP: 3,000,000,000. With the Fire Core Element as its aid, the Precious Chrysoberyl Elemental Scared Protector was consumed in betrayal by the Crystalline Overlord and became only its source of food and nothing else.

[Precious Sapphire Soul of the Water Core Element]: Type: Soul(Consumed - Enslaved), Grade: Mythical, LV: 135, HP: 3,000,000,000. With the Water Core Element as its aid, the Precious Sapphire Elemental Sacred Protector was consumed in betrayal by the Crystalline Overlord and became only its source of food and nothing else.

‘Ah, holy fuck… shit.’ Yun Beishang thought, the sad story of the Precious Stones’ Elements Sacred Protectors now finally being discovered, no wonder those poor fuckers didn’t show up at all during the time that the calamity befell on Main Kingdom, and only were somewhat seen when the Demons’ invasions at the Sub-Divisional Cities occurred all over Main Kingdom.

It could only mean that they were ‘eaten up’ rather a few months ago at most and… days, at the very least; ago. With this thought forming, the fact that the Crystalline Overlord still had the Lightning, Light and Dark Core Element remaining for him to ‘eat up’, made Yun Beishang’s spine to feel like ants crawling on it like it was full of honey and whatnot.

“So… you want to, eh… eat me?” Yun Beishang asked the Crystalline Overlord, the latter not saying anything in response and merely turning fully into a crystalline light blue color that was many times stronger, ‘real’ and ‘natural’ than that of the dark form from before. Not needing an answer from words, Yun Beishang tilted his head to the right with his lips making a grimace in understanding and shrugged his shoulders.


Right at that moment, Yun Beishang’s body that was casually standing was then tackled off by the Crystalline Overlord who direct sent his entire body smacking against Yun Beishang’s and from which the used his left shoulder to directly hit the center of the latter’s stomach. Yun Beishang’s legs and arms were flung forwards while his back was sent backwards and he and the Crystalline Overlord crashed against one of the crystal and now light blue walls.




With his HP first being healed by the attack from the Crystalline Overlord and then hurt by the velocity and mass that was added to himself when his back clashed against the crystal wall, Yun Beishang’s HP bar could only go down a little as he mentally shook his head with the imaginary dust hopefully covering this awkward and weird pose.

The Crystalline Overlord’s body was actually impaled within the crystal wall, as if something had gone wrong with it and him, but Yun Beishang could quickly realize that the crystal wall and exactly where they were was basically a spot in which he felt true and real Core Elements flowing through and fluctuating nonstop from so far away with the Water Core Element being the one most present right now… and all around them!

“Aaaah, I see, so this is like a meditation room where one can try and get the Core Elements, eh? Not bad, a good idea for my advanced training grounds, and I will be taking away this cute little place, alright?” Yun Beishang finished his words after looking around with the Crystalline Overlord seemingly incapable of freeing himself, lowering his head and looking at the left shoulder blade of the Crystalline Overlord and with a casual, snarky tone in his voice.

Crrr! Crumble! Rumble~!

Suddenly, the Crystalline Overlord seemed to have another one of his fits of retardedness and was furiously trying to get out of his predicament with his body being unwelcomed by the flow of pure Water Core Element, or as it at least seemed to be so. Yun Beishang raised his arms to let his elbows meet his front and with his hands grasping behind the back of his shoulders, he yelled out.

Tshin-tshin, fuwshaaaaaa~!!! Kruuuuuggrrrrhhh!!

“Oh no! Stay where you are!” With his voice no longer being casual, and his whole self turning both extremely fierce and extremely calm, Yun Beishang took out his old pals in their Essential Armament wonderful bodies, their current sizes were at their maximum with 7 meters in length, 2.3 meters wide and 120 cm of thickness from their blades.

With his voice thundering across the whole place, the whole Water Core Elemental crystal walls re-thundering back with elation and acquiesce obedience, the Crystalline Overlord was seemingly held in place without being able to muster any strength at all for just a moment, but that was enough for Yun Beishang to cleave his old pals into the Crystalline Overlord’s back at his left side.

-321,210, -321,210.


As flashes of platinum-white and with tiny dots and traces of bright dark blood occurred and flew through the air from above Yun Beishang directly to the back of the Crystalline Overlord’s back, a muffled and extremely nerve-wrecking, loud growling and screaming resounded from within the Water Core Elemental crystal walls.

“Oh, oh-ho-ho-ho, that’s nothing pretty crystal, that was just the beginning!” Said Yun Beishang, his tone humiliatingly teasing and cheerful at the same time, as he prepared to roll his body over the left side of the Crystalline Overlord’s back while still holding his deeply penetrating Divine Gladiuses were inside the crystal body that was just a bit ‘taller’ than themselves.



Let It Rain's Note: Yep, here we go! Another BOSS fight! ...of many, ah.

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