Bow and Arrow

Chapter 559: Chapter 557 — And The World Goes Wild

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And The World Goes Wild




KATARINA-1, Yun Beishang's bedroom.


Step, step- stepstep.

"Hmm, what's the trouble here-eh-ah?" As she stepped within the room, Diana immediately understood why was there such a disordered message sent through everyone's Insomas in the middle of the evening. Seeing Yun Beishang's body in midair, first was the idea of him not taking it anymore and hanged, but that was only comical since Yun Beishang had such strong willpower alone... so the second one was that he was trying a new sex thing and tied himself up on the ceiling.

"GASP!!!" However, when she saw the ginormous wings that not even she noticed as she stepped into her husband's bedroom, from which she casually passed under and that even formed a small carpet at the side of the door from which she remembers feeling a soft yet ultimately impenetrable feeling from. Everything clicked rather quickly as she dazedly looked around the bedroom and saw the whole wings flapping from time to time and bringing Yun Beishang's body from one side of the bedroom to another.

"Oh! Hm... Estel, com'ere, quickly!" Diana was looking around dazedly, feeling like this was a new problem since their hubby had his gauntlets on and was clearly still playing the game, something really good must've happened. And then, she suddenly saw the Big Dragon standing at attention and acting like a compass, moving Yun Beishang's body which the wings followed.

"Hm, yes, Madam Diana?" Lovely called out Estel to Diana, as the latter then immediately grabbed the shoulder from the former and pushed her towards Yun Beishang's virile member, she didn't even had to be said what to do nor why as she only looked in awkwardness at her meat toy before grabbing it with a smile and introducing it once more to her Miss Tongue, Miss Teeth, Miss Inner Cheeks and Lady Throat yet again.

Because of the crookedness of the heavenly, mighty and meaty Dragon; it was a hard thing to take into her body and into any of his women’s body for that matter. Whether it was the lower mouths of pleasure or the actual mouth that was still able to give them pleasure and grant them tickets to heaven, earth and hell and then back from just the deepness of the ‘-job’.

It was always difficult to take it in and it was even more so the very first few times, then more as Yun Beishang’s body would continue evolving and his size to increase, though more in thickness and even width than anything else, it would still grow somewhat larger each time as well. As such, only when Diana carried up Estel by hugging her back from behind was the latter able to eat with bliss.

Meanwhile, the wings instinctively led Yun Beishang’s body downwards a bit more, allowing for Estel to eat while standing at the very least which allowed sweet Diana to enter into the fray of heavenly dish-meaty eating along with Estel, sharing plethora and plethora of meat and salivated with both their own saliva; not fearing bathing their own mouths and skin and clothes from their mixed set of liquids along some ‘tears’ from the Dragon out of mere joy!

“Uuh, I want some too, eheehee.” Coming over to them was a big bellied Irllytia with her mouth lewdly passing over the phallus’s head before going below and began amassing them ball inside her mouth like she was giving the most perfect massages. Meanwhile, as it reacted to her, Estel and Diana had a better time eating the tears shed by the Dragon as they moaned while doing so, giving some to Irllytia from time to time with the most tender but slutty of kisses.

Like this, a great time was spent and shared with each other as Yun Beishang’s wings moved closer and closer to the bed, making it possible for the young girls or shorty ones to impale themselves with his Mighty Dragon without needing to be lifted by another two wifeys or wifeys-to-be, allowing them to bounce on his crotch endlessly in bliss.



New Earth, Southern Heaven City, so close to the deep of the night at 11:05 pm.


Within an enormous field that spanned over an actual insane amount of hundreds of kilometers, in which a ‘tiny’ little worm consisting of buildings of all kinds at the middle and from which a car for interiors who had the greatest speed and all-terrain functions would need about 2 hours still even when going at speeds that would be just mad when on the road.

From the door at the entrance of such an open field surrounded by some gardens and so on, to all the way to the entrance of the door from one of the many buildings right on the middle of the whole territory, a black and brown car could be seen driving as it stopped in the one of many lavish and so luxurious building’s entrance.

Soon after it arrived at a parking lot, the car’s driver door on the left was opened to reveal a well uniformed man with glasses on which he then took out and calmly but quickly began to move towards the right and behind seat of the car to open it, allowing a fat but not obese man with dignity all over his face to come out of the car with an incredible but still somehow humble looking tailored suit.

The man who opened his door had a gentlemanly face that anyone who saw it could not help but to want to instinctively respect, and from which one would find either a sense of security, comfort or assuredness. But he would become rather sweat and creepy looking as he made girls of all ages under him be pounced on by him before giving up, ever since the ‘promotion’ that he was given that day by his young master; it has been like so ever since indeed.

“Young Master, I’ll go and notice Young Master Yun, I’ll be back in a moment.” When walking into the building and as his guard spoke to Edorn, the door to the building was opened, allowing the 2 to enter as an old butler welcomed in right after and guided them towards a pretty luxurious room for Edorn to wait.

Seeing that his young master was comfortable, the guard left his side and went over to find the large room that a bunch of others were having a meeting within. When he did, and told the guards outside of who’s arrival, he was seen out by a young woman in incredibly and barely covering red dress of a sun style.

As for those within the room that received notices of another and the last guest arriving, well…

“Young Master, Mr Edorn has arrived and is awaiting the Young Master’s permission to enter the room. He claims to have vital information from the game’s Wonder Region.” A young butler came and notified an incredibly handsome and valiant looking young man who had the back of his hands against his chin while resting his arms on the table with crossed legs.

Meanwhile, there were quite a lot of other youngsters of similar age, men and women alike, as they talked to one another seemingly in order to familiarize with each other as the ‘important’ stuff hadn’t started yet. As for the young man that was notified just now, he was looked at as the butler came towards him but couldn’t hear what he said to the young man.

The young man then waved off the young butler and then sat straight up as the young butler was moving out of the room, heading towards ‘Mr Edorn’ and guiding him back into this room. Within the meeting room, however, before anyone else could speak, the young man said first. “It seems like Edorn couldn’t do anything against The Order, they really lost that war, huh?”

“Hahaha, Young Master Yun is putting too much work on Mr Edorn’s shoulders, that Region was attacked out of nowhere, only someone like Young Master Yun would be able to have the resources to react to it. Mr Edorn is nothing like Young Master, after all, it was Young Master Yun who had been a military genius since a little child, hahahahaha!”

“Hahaha, that’s right, Edorn can only try his best not to be wiped out, while Young Master cou-can directly destroy The Order without much problem at all!” - “Mm mm, Young Master is a real man, even if I were to be married off later on, I wouldn’t mind adulterating with him, hehe.” - “Mr Edorn has casually lost and now wants another backer, seems like not even his own Founding Clan wants him, but he is still so influential. We must make sure to take advantage of such a resourceful man, Young Master!”

Words and words and words came out one after the other, one after another; any of those were either congratulating for basically nothing or advising with obvious information the ‘Young Master Yun’ who only looked on and on to each of them speaking. After a little while, the Young Master Yun nodded and then said on his own once again.

“I see. While I do indeed am waiting for good news, even if Edorn prove to be a good asset, he has to show enough sincerity and, right now, I barely have enough Valuable graded equipment for all of my troops of the Founding Yun Clan. He would have to show his commitment to this alliance and then we can talk, The Order isn’t a mere competitor from a game after all, but stealing money and manpower from us instead! Unforgivable!!”

Yun Lao suddenly turned into a monster that sent words filled with hatred all over the direction that his head was facing, the other youngsters quickly piped the fuck down and allowed for a silence to descend onto them, allowing for him to continue speaking freely and without any interruptions in any way.

“While you all keep on playing with women and men, Yun Beishang is still moving with his people towards just about everywhere, contacting important Associations and even those who are easily some of the strongest ones in the game. While you, what have you all done?”

“My Founding Yun Clan as brought other Founding Clans to work together and root out the braindead that is Yun Beishang, that stupid and greedy cousin of mine can’t do anything on his own! Other Foundation Clans are literally sponsoring him and giving him anything he wants with a spoon!”

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“You all are just rejoicing on the work that my Founding Clan has been doing, yet you are also doing just nothing to get our troops inside the game strong enough to even start a war inside our own Region and to unify them. Or in the other Regions as well! We must act right now, and we cannot let that DAMNED Yun Beishang do any more shit to the other Regions!!”

“Y-Young Master, you are right!” - “Please, forgive me, Young Master. I have indeed treated this matter as just a game and…” - “This is definitely our fault, forgive us, Young Master, we cannot let our alliance just be the efforts of one while others do nothing and that is true.”

Some more praises, worried excuses and asking for forgiveness; but just as they were all behaving exactly how Yun Lao wanted and were asking for forgiveness with the promise that they will now compromise at last with their own doings under him exactly how he thought they would. The young butler came back and whispered once again into his ear, to which Yun Lao nodded and made a gesture towards the door.”


“Ah, Mr Edorn, we finally see you here at last. I hope our paid trip over here was worthy of your status and deserving of your praise, come come, we’ve been waiting for you and your news. Tell us, what can we know from you?” Yun Lao welcomed the fat man and his well reputed guard that has been a notorious loyal man over the last few months.

As for Edorn, he entered the room from which doors, as soon as they were opened, all he saw was a lot of youngsters that were mostly younger than him. Looking on at himself with calmness and soft gazes while the Young Master of the Yun Clan welcomed him warmly and politely, more of the latter and barely any of the former; but still.

Feeling like it was indeed as it was said and he was being not just expected but been waited for, Edorn felt a closeness emanating from them as he stepped in and followed the gesture that Yun Lao’s left hand guided him to, a chair that was right in front of the leader of all youngsters in here and from all and any Founding Clan within their alliance; a sign of utmost respect or almost so.

“Thank you,” Edorn nodded and even bowed respectfully a little bit, before moving towards the chair and only needing a few seconds to sit down on it, his guard stood behind him as he began to speak with a clear and slightly loud voice. “The weapons and accessories-sorry, equipment, used by The Order was incredible stuff indeed. But it is nothing that cannot be dealt with.”

“The bombarding and the airplanes he sent, they seemed capable of doing a lot, but were probably just mere pieces of iron formed to be really fast and to carry those weapons for a limited amount of time, that is why they were that fast and not even with the slow mode from the cameras are they even visible at all.”

“Humanity is a race that adapts, and that being not like our world but a magical world instead, countering the heavy bombardment of bombs is but a simple factor to delve upon within the game. We might very well be able to fully protect our bases and troops from the damage that such can inflict upon anything that it touches.”

“As for the matter in which they work, it is rather simple; really.” Edorn paused for a moment and seemed to tense the atmosphere just with that alone before continuing after clearing his throat and gulping down. “They want Inhabitants, they give them some kind of benefits but I don’t know which that is, money, women, men even; or even possibly letting them become city governors or something.”

“I can’t tell because all my people were fully assassinated when discovered and then looked after until they were LV0 and could do nothing else, those useless trash… ahem.” Edorn composed himself from showing more of his ugly side, and face, as he then continued with his voice charming anyone in the room to listen to more and more.

“What we can do, is having them turn to our side. Now, this alliance doesn’t have that much power outside the inner core of Main Kingdom, so focusing on the 3 Regions that are at the core of it would be for the best. Since, ‘he’, wants the Inhabitants so badly, then we’ll prepare them all to fight against him!”

“But, we must not do it by force, these game characters are like real life people, and the pushing and discrimination against them is going to be real and not just a staged event or an even that happens only when certain requirements are met, or something. At the same time, everyone among them now knows of The Order despite the attempts at hiding it from themselves.”

“Not only was Tongqiu moving between Region so freely and saving countless Inhabitants’ lives doing that job harder, but there are now people who disappear at the instant we see them spreading word of The Order and their ‘Lord’.We don’t want to make them see The Order as their actual ally after all…”

Edorn stopped, stared at Yun Lao and him alone as the latter was deeply engrossed in the words the former spoke of, Yun Lao then grinned with the corners of his mouth raising in amusement before saying with a nod. “Continue, we hear you.”



Rising Essence, Main Kingdom’s Wonder Region, at the Precious Stone Division and from which cheers and celebrations were about to explode from within an extremely large campsite.


It was already 11:30 and the few Generals that participated in the taking of the Wonder Region were now fully relaxed, their troops having returned successfully; not a single casualty, tragedy, accident nor palling news of sneaky God Race’s troops being formed out of nowhere. It was a complete joyful return as the silent soldiers turned into party bitches right as they joined in the campsite section of their Region and wanted nothing more but to celebrate it!

All of the Wonder Region has been taken by them, each settlement had The Order within their new and more polished core, as it was also now growing and becoming completely engraved within the hearts of those from each settlement and whatnot. Even Factions that were previously silenced or hiding came out to surrender and pledge loyalty to the Lord of The Order.

When coming back, each soldier that saw their brothers and sisters have a hidden peaceful, large smile couldn’t help but lower their heads and bent their necks while revealing that smile at last. They conquered the Wonder Region! Something only dreams could be the only witness to inside their hearts just months before, and inside the heads of those other hungry power people not belonging to The Order.

Yet, they, The Order itself, had realized such an achievement!! An Association who is only a little older over a year, yet made what endless dream of and what not even their soldiers were aware of its meaning right away, at these moments of relaxation and fulfillment.

Then, so suddenly, as they soldiers were silently waiting for their Lord to come back and declare this Region as theirs, an unwritten rule that everyone followed without even needing to exchange glances. The silence that was being fully covered by the night sky and as their feelings and sensations were making them restless, wanting to simply shout out loud ‘we won!’, ‘we conquered a whole Region!’; an astounding sound was followed by the sight of a starry purple sun appearing far away in the distance.


Everyone suddenly turned, twisted, rotated and whatnot their necks and head towards the sound. Sound which, was so loud yet so powerful yet so domineering at the same time, making all and any existing thing around its cause to turn into its whole subordinate, minion and under its manipulation without a single doubt.

Yet, as their well trained and powerful eyes looked on at the starry purple sun far away, when the Scouts finally took out their goggles and saw it, they could only scream one thing that made everyone’s blood chill and their skin’s pores to open up and close in the deepest of excitements.


“...!” Meanwhile, Powlniu and Pawya were looking at Yun Beishang so far away as if he was right in front of them, his armor was making a great damn figure of his own as he had those incredibly armored yet soft and natural-like feathers and oozed of such power and mightiness never felt before by any of them in their entire lives… only the ancient record of their Race had recorded such sensations!

‘My love… you make me so proud…’ Thought Powlniu, not realizing of the sudden next incoming deafening sound as a torrent went up into the sky.



V7: #3 7/10.

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