Bow and Arrow

Chapter 560: Chapter 558 — Tyrant

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"What the fuck!!!" - "Holy shit, that's-no, is what... what?!!" - "What the hell is that?!" - "Souls." From the huge number of soldiers within The Order's campsite, all of them were fully astounded and struck in awe as they saw their Lord be followed up by the intense and sky-rocketing amount of 'somethings' rushing into the sky like there was no tomorrow.

From within each of their ranks, an official commander, Official Commander or even the Commander himself spoke a mere word that clearly but still incompletely eased the minds of the astounded soldiers to the knowledge of knowing what it was. Not that they feared because they didn't know what it was, such things were tend to be awful on a soldier's behavior and Yun Beishang made sure to take care of that; but it was simply too much when seeing an amount of 'things' from which there seemed to be as many as a whole Region could hold, from all the existing Myriad Races and even Subspecies of such.

With their shrieking, they raised to the air but, before they could reach higher beyond the clouds, and where barely some sight of it could be any more visible, they disappeared into seemingly another Dimension altogether along with their sounding shrieks going away. Well, that was at lesat so for the ones who crossed over the ‘other Dimension’, as the ones still rushing up were shrieking with their hearts out.

Meanwhile, without them being able to see and with only Powlniu, Pawya and Amaya were looking at Yun Beishang with their own capabilities as the other Generals and Commanders were respectful enough not to do so. Amaya did so only because she doesn’t care of provoking the Lord, in fact, according to Yun Beishang’s senses, she was even doing so on purpose.

Looking high up into the sky and, already knowing how to proceed to ‘it’ afterwards, Yun Beishang then glared back down and at the side where his Order’s campsite was set, before rushing towards it with his shoulders and arms down but his body leaning a bit forward and as for the air? Like it did not exist at all!

This kind of sensation, the weightless sensation of his flying and body as it seemingly took anything surrounding him in a large but not extensive radius with him as the center- as his sole thing and living being, like he was their ruler and decision maker for whatever reason and case that there could ever be; even as ordinary or unimportant as thought possible.

Not even the real, authentic Responsive Dragon had such sensations oozing off of him when Yun Beishang met him and as the former gave the latter the most precious part of his life, it was all in all a brand new sensation that Yun Beishang could only have himself to experience and experiment further on.

As of right now, only the thought of returning to his people and to show up after the alarm of having killed a God Devourer for the first have ringed out within their ears and hearts, then asking for the ‘ownership’ or lordship over the whole Wonder Region since his Order should’ve already had taken over it all considering the time.


Just like before, when Yun Beishang struck the ground with nothing but his own body and wings alike, but in a much lesser effect and expansive airwaves; Yun Beishang made the air all 200 m around him to sway and to ‘run away’ from him with the mere movement of his wings, and a whole 2 km whenever they lightly and barely flapped.

With just a couple of seconds, Yun Beishang had already quickly arrived before the campsite, but he stopped just 250 meters away from it and no longer flapped once he was close to it by 3 km. Like this, while everyone was now capable of looking at the insanely powerful, greater and admirable Lord of theirs, none felt impatient or that the Lord was rude; as they all waited for him to return in utter patience.

Step, step, step, step, step. Step step.

With his casual pace and nonchalant demeanor, Yun Beishang arrived before the campsite’s entrance after a few minutes, the moment he did so, the soldiers of all kinds of ranks around him immediately fell into a worshiping silence. Their Lord, they were… finally seeing their Lord after so long, and in such a manner in fact… it caused them to almost feel some proud tears to be shed out in response.


With their still fully armored bodies except for their heads being uncovered, the armored knees of each soldier fell to the ground, it was so bizarrely synchronized and done without hesitation that an outside to this would’ve believed that Yun Beishang just now suddenly killed them all with his presence alone.

Naturally, such a thing was not like that, and instead, it was a completely honorary event for the soldiers as they all greeted…

“MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” - “MY LORD!!!” Not a single one of those echoing yells were lower than one another in the slightest, each of them were as loud and as heart-stopping as the other, each of them conveyed the same feeling and same thoughts; each of them were spoken and yelled out at the same time with endless emotions.

“...aiyo.” Yun Beishang blinked profusely for a good while, because seeing all around him, he couldn’t help but take a look at the Journeyers who weren’t from his already vassals-to-be Associations and were simply from Ally Associations instead, do exactly the same and even seeming to have become rather authentic in full veneration of him.

That, indeed, makes it quite awkward and Yun Beishang instantly felt it. After all, it was only the Eviscerate League and the Imperishable Guild that knew of the secret of Main Kingdom, not all of his forces. Even then, those who knew of the secret weren’t known to it all, only knowing that the Crestfallen Industry did this for a very good reason, ah.

“Rise, I’m not sure of how kneeling feels, but I’ve heard you. Now, go and celebrate, you won’t have much easy time after some time so take this free time as much of it to your advantage as possible.” Yun Beishang didn’t spoil them but also tried not to act too casually to his subordinates, giving them enough honor from his words yet allowing them to go crazy for some time. They’ve perfectly won it, deserved it, after all.

Step, step, step, step, step, step…

Within the clamoring crowd of so many damn soldiers, both of Journeyers, Inhabitants and Inhabitants and Journeyers; unlike before when the Journeyers from his Association Vassals-to-be were treating the Inhabitants like awkward family members, only some of them were truly becoming familiar with them and so on.

But now, those very same Journeyers were now quite a bit close when interacting with the Inhabitants,only those who were from the elite and that could very well be called strong among the 15 billion of people from New Earth, from which not that whole amount was still playing but whose overall skill could already be considered the top and right below those like Baston and such.

Only those were capable of joining the war against the Wonder Region, participating in it but not having any large commanding force since their structure which was changed to that of The Order’s was pretty small compared to the whole Inhabitants sent to war. There were many more Inhabitants than Journeyers, trillions were still around within Main Kingdom while Journeyers were, at most, 15 billion from New Earth.

However, not all those trillions were able to fight like others indeed could, and not all of them met the requirements of The Order right away. There were just so many things to consider, one’s living situation, talent, behavior and even also having to sign a contract that is basically the same as trading their life to serve The Order.

On the other hand, citizens of The Order had it easier as they would just have to not be an actual living tumor for The Order and its whole territories and functions that it can provide to them and to all living on it. While soldiers had to basically become The Order’s cruel spear that would only be allowed to have feelings and sentiments whenever their ‘job’ was over, and could only act according to regulations and formally until any ‘job’ was done over.

Other Associations in the ‘game’ would be pretty much family friendly and treat the ‘NPCs’ like they were free workers but important to protect and not to kill, some even took advantage of the situation with their heads barely doing some thinking and bought people’s body for days or a night and so on.

All in all, considering that The Order was not going ‘gaming’ mode like others, and that their doings will put others into a ‘serious’ line of conquest, they had to be that ruthless to themselves as they would be even worse to their enemies. Even if it wasn’t that ruthless to themselves and were rather looking like the Inhabitants’ protectors; war is war and enemy is enemy, no matter which is which.

When Yun Beishang walked through the campsite, the Journeyers and Inhabitants alike looked so close, almost like family, almost like bosom friends that share girlfriends for that matter, if anything. But not wives, ah. In any case, it was even no longer a rare occurrence to not just see men Journeyers taking a fancy to and starting a relationship with women Inhabitants.

But now, it was even so for women Journeyers to men Inhabitants and vice versa, the Inhabitants being the ones looking out for the Journeyers, no longer having any of that aversion of the other party being some kind of immortal freak that would just be giving birth to spawns and whatnot.

Besides them, however, there were also the Allied Associations’ Journeyers that had their attitude and views on the Inhabitants like those of The Order’s Association Vassals from before but a bit more advanced than them, learning from their fellow Journeyers of how truly realistic and life-like each Inhabitant is.

Yun Beishang was done walking when he arrived before the Bright Sunset Region’s Elf Blue-Hunch Region of The Order’s section, where a General Powlniu, like a wife with her daughter waiting for the dear husband and father to return home after a day at work with successful promotion and even more successful deals to return to themselves.

“Look out, you’ll make every single soldier of yours to lose faith in you. This sweet side of you will make them think you are going soft and-”

“Oh, shut up????.” Powlniu shook her head a little, let go of her right hand holding her daughter’s left hand and then throwing her arms behind his neck, delving in for a deep but slightly short passionate kiss with lips to lips action which she did not care about at all being seen by her subordinates and the other Generals; she enjoyed herself and his touch and warmth as much as she could.

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“Daddy.” Surprising Yun Beishang, who almost choked and had to gulp down while coughing out slightly loudly, Pawya arrived before Yun Beishang and Powlniu; daddy and mommy as she smiled shyly at the man whom she once was sad that he didn’t like any of her older brothers who were single and wanted to keep him at her side for good.

This clever and extremely powerful little girl was just that daring, and now looked at him, her soon to be father even if only by the marriage of her mother to him, with deep and acute fulfillment while taking his left hand and hugging it tightly.

In the end, as Yun Beishang directly looked to his left and down at the little blue skinned beautiful girl, and Powlniu smiled while in the middle of their sweet and soothing kiss widely before showing that smile to her dear daughter as she looked down, he could only grin in satisfaction as he couldn’t help to wish both; see his own daughter grow up that much and call him daddy tenderly and to see this little girl and his own become besties as soon as possible.

But, thinking about little girls, and not in that way, Yun Beishang remembered a few big bellies here and there that were soon to be flat belly as well, all before the end of the year. As such, with an earnest but also respectful and even stern face, he spoke to Powlniu in whispers. “Let’s go to your tent, give me the briefing there.”

“Mn.” Powlniu nodded, her heart fluttering at his closeness and her blue skin turning violet here and there, Pawya blinked nonstop for moments before going on her own way to find her playmate Shilay after shrugging her shoulders. But she was so content that Yun Beishang liked her calling him daddy, she felt so secure then…

. . .


Within Powlniu’s tent, 11:40 and as everywhere outside of it and a bit far away from the General’s tent was a lot of cheers, celebrating sounds and people drinking and singing.



“Angh, General, mmm, thank you for this opportunity, ah!!!” A blue-obscure skin colored Nightborn was being drilled with her upper back against the soft blue lap of her General while her legs were semi-completely wide opened and her toes curling out of love while the Lord she adores, worships and venerates was busy doing the to her.

Her chest wasn’t as big as her Supreme Commander, but it was meaty, bouncy and elastic all the same, being embraced by the Lord’s hands so much that it would feel like lava going into her whole body all of the time while the Scorching Dragon plundered the life out of her kitty. Kitty which, after just her first time was taken away, adapted incredibly well to his gigantic bad monster which is now forcing her thighs to stay at her waist’s width from its whole girth.

“Lord, your image, ah, when flying over here, mnng aaaah!” The Nightborn had wholly black eyes and a bit of white dots all over her body, looking like dim stars in the dark space of the universe, that was the Nightborn’s blushing as well as her whole body being smeared by the first load of Yun Beishang which made her go mad at his every thrust.


At last, Yun Beishang threw his hips into her once more and the Nightborn was thoroughly sent to heaven, not being able to come back to Main Kingdom for a long while as Powlniu treated her like her daughter and caressed her hair and face with tenderness.

“Shhh, a cute little Nightborn is steaming inside of you now, here, can you feel it? You can’t compare it wit the usual insemination of my Master since he made you smelly, good smelly, hehe. But I’m sure you can feel it is different from what you’ve heard from other soldiers, right?” Powlniu caressed the Nightborn’s tummy, letting her concentrate in the bliss of the truth.

“It feels different, because you are now not only his but part of the whole family too already,” Powlniu said assuredly, her fingertips going over the bridge of the dumb, dazed and silly Nightborn as her whole flawless slender, tall body was slowly lowered along with Yun Beishang still being deeply connected into her.

“But, Lord, General… I still want to be a soldier, I-”

“Shhh, mwchu,” Powlniu lightly but lovingly gave her lips a meaty kiss, their skins from their lips unwillingly separating with much lewdness but also infatuation as she successfully shut up the Nightborn. “You are not a Human, so the time for you to give birth will be long, you can still participate but you will now have more Black Lotus brothers, sisters, uncles and aunties on your side than before, okay Serenia?”

“Mm, okay.” The Nightborn, Serenia, said after pondering for half a second; she did not want to be ‘taken care of’ as she fought with her life. But the dummy her thought once more and could only glance down below at her not that soon to be big belly, and comfortableness filled her whole self as she looked at her Lord, future husband and future father of her children with worry of her previous hesitation.

Mwah, you think too much. But I am also very lucky, since Powlniu likes you, I’ll help you build the family that you’ve lost, so don’t be dramatic, ‘kay? No dramas in my harem, that’s their saying.” Yun Beishang assured the new Lady-to-be, kissing her lips and then soundlessly doing so to her forehead, but then, Powlniu interjected with her lovely bouncy and jiggly breasts smeared on his cum bouncing and jiggling as beautifully as they ultimately could.

“No it’s not, there is no saying at all, only that you, my love, are a sex fiend monster machine.”

Yun Beishang: “...”

Pownliu: ʅ(́ ◡◝ )ʃ   (*๑˘◡˘)

Serenia: (●♡∀♡)   ˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅   ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃


Getting out of Serenia whose eyes went retard at the notion but as she as more than a hundred times satisfied, Yun Beishang then stepped forth and knelt right beside both beauties, smearing all of his smelly Dragon bathed in pre-heavenly saliva, heavenly ‘essence’ and love juices as well as heavenly water from Serenia’s kitty.

In return, Serenia ate and drank all that there was to be, almost, as Powlniu got ⅓ of it while tasting Serenia through and through, with some kisses between beauties here and there that were of just puckered out lips but carried the love for each other and their man so badly they couldn’t help hugging their neck while doing so and having the whole Dragon in between as well.

“Okay ladies,” once standing up, Yun Beishang was fully cleaned even from where only the ignorant, “Now that you’ve shown me how obedient and devoted, infatuated you both are, let’s get on with the briefing, okay? Sorry for interrupting in the middle of your speech, Powlniu knows I’m a beast and I gave in to it.”

“Hehehe.” Powlniu had nothing to say but to giggle at it.

“Mm, oh yeah, alright Lord. I will continue… while you slowly mate with my other… pleasurable spot at the same time? Hehe.” Serenia said, signing up her doom of belonging to this godly being and feeling mirth from it as she suddenly felt her chrysanthemum be roughly and dryly humped against.

“Mm, slowly… at first. Okay, go on.” Yun Beishang said with a calm face, but only he and Powlniu knew what kind of willpower was needed for him not to instantly begin raping this woman right away as she opened her mouth and gasped at the intruding head, then the whole head’s crown followed by the entire thing all in one smooth and slowest of speeds-go.



V7: #3 8/10.

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