Bow and Arrow

Chapter 561: Chapter 559 — The 3 Honorable Lord Upgrade

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The 3 Honorable Lord Upgrade




"Ah, ehem. Okay..." Serenia cleared her throat after dressing up, her wishes not completed exactly as she wanted, she realized that she couldn't talk while being bedded by her Lord, so until the Lord finished his doing of her once again; could she finally gain clarity at last. Right now, she finished dressing up with her hands accommodating her pants a little more as she then took out a few papers from her Master's Bag

"My Lord, there had been 263 casualties within our Inhabitant soldiers, we mostly suffered this pain in the beginning due to the lack of experience and instructors teaching how to actually deal with them. Though our armor could perfectly protect us from the hidden, invisible energy, it would still splash around and reach the limbs and skin of the soldiers which ended most of the lives for the first 2 weeks when battling against the God Race's troops."

"Later on, only such casualties were caused when battling, by being forced, the Mortal Terror's Heavenly and Legendary level of beings; most of the time those rushing at our troops and where an Army Colonel at the very least was nearby enough to put a stop to it. That would be all for or casualties in this whole war, my Lord." Serenia frowned as she spoke in the first section of this, then turned a bit more professional in the second section of her speech before continuing.

"A total of 11,575 injuries, ranging from Critically Injured to Lightly Injured or Weakened, all of which had been sent back to the headquarters once their section of the outer or inner ring were completely conquered and from which the rest will be sent tomorrow first hour in the morning since the core of the Wonder Region, the Precious Stone Division had been also fully conquered as well."

"We've made... unfortunately, about just some more than half a billion of enemy Inhabitants, mostly those who raised in arms, but the actual larger quantity of that number were from the use of the BGA Fighters early on in the war, Lord. Enemy Journeyers had barely lost some level overall from all of the Wonder Region, since the BGA Fighters were the reason why they suddenly surrendered, they clearly understood their place and stopped playing around; I suppose."

"The enemy Journeyers, from them, only about 1/3 became completely useless for the war and were put in the 'blacklist' of Mother, while from our own, only a few tens of thousands died as much as twice or so. Especially during the beginning of the God Race's troops showing up. Later on, as their Inhabitant comrades picked up their fallen equipment and the like and then returned it, they were like nothing happened to them."

"There is the addition of 57 criminals of war from our troops, my Lord. And 2 of them are even Lieutenant Colonels, they've been already handled with by General Powlniu and the respective Generals that had them as their subordinates have been fined, as well as accepted all according arrangements set by General Powlniu."

"Phew..." Serenia tilted her head quite a lot to the left, her eyebrows jumping once in self-surprise as she continued on. "Lord, the Journeyers who surrendered to The Order are very weak, both in general 'levels' and 'gear' among the Journeyers of New Earth according to our fellow Journeyers, I wonder if it is possible to have them enter certain dungeons with experienced Journeyers?"

"Not only to help them 'level up', but also to strengthen their own minds and combat awareness, then being sent to the headquarters for some training regimen and all that stuff that each soldier of The Order has to go through." Serenia spoke but, more than anything it was for the sake of politely making something obvious and known to the Lord, her thoughts showing her understanding and contentment with the two superiors before herself.

"Mm, do that. What about the rest?" Yun Beishang said with a nod, his expression casual but 'official' and even a tiny bit stern; professional. Meanwhile, his right arm was behind Powlniu's waist as she brought her body to lean on him, the latter silently accepting with her whole heart smiling in bliss as she interrupted not the Corps General under her which had been very hardworking during the war.

“Yes, my Lord.” Serenia responded at once, then followed up right after, “A total of 13 million Inhabitants were taken as prisoners, some of them being directly put into imprisonment due to their stubborn infighting or disruption of pace within their settlements, only a few were killed like this once the inner ring was beginning to be conquered by us, my Lord.”

“Talents are there, but not that many, at least not of the great and high potential ones. Just like in the Bright Sunset Region, the Wonder Region has tons of ordinary people with limited talent and potential to be either Gardeners, Caretakers, Blacksmiths and so on; only a have shown the talent and potential that Lord has been looking for, capable of learning even things that the Inhabitants of the previous era didn’t know of… like the so-called ‘beyond mortal's’ knowledge.”

“Under the few grandmaster Inhabitants and Journeyers with their Sub-Classes, they prove signs of improving almost every few days. Soon, they will be able to learn my Lord’s recipes and aid him and the Ladies and Maidens in the making of armory and weaponry of our people. There were some Unions who we forced to disband, then recruited right after without forcing them this time.”

“Those operations seemed to have made success, and are now training hard to reach the ‘Peak’ grade in their Sub-Classes before being shown some of Lord’s vast and powerful knowledge-huuu…” Serenia had to suddenly stop for a moment and have her body relax as she took deep breaths of air before resuming.

“There was some unrest even up to today whenever our soldiers went in and out of their settlements, from some Inhabitants, since the fear of being plundered of their lands and attacked out of greed and lust wasn’t that rare for them. But once they saw many more and more troops calmly riding towards any direction, that unrest would always calm down, my Lord.”

“No unnecessary, tragic accidents or events happened during the last few weeks; other than those criminals of war that deserve death, my Lord.” Serenia finished, her heart stabilizing as she nervously awaited her Lord’s words.

“...hmph~.” On the other hand, Yun Beishang grinned as he lightly snorted in a cheerful manner through his nostrils, nodding at her before telling her ‘thank you’ and that, she could finally go out to rest and celebrate with her subordinates and superiors in a less ‘stern’ and frigid manner; more like family and a meeting of long lost friends.

Step, step, step, step…

After leaving with a bow and a smooch delivered to her forehead right before she turned around, the silly smiling and blushing Nightborn left the two pair of naughty man and woman as the latter leaned on the former without wanting to get off of it any time soon. Yun Beishang caught the hands that were embracing him from the front and back and brought them to his chest and right below Powlniu’s nose.

“Powlniu, I want you to come and witness… Yona and Irllytia giving birth to my children. How about it, can you come?” With a rare gentle smile and pair of eyes that Powlniu had no choice but to receive with a daze, Yun Beishang placed both his hands under her palms as she slowly and unknowingly to her, departed her blue beautiful head from his chest.

Her head apprised and her eyes moist while her jaw was slightly opened, she hesitated and Yun Beishang noticed, so he pushed kindly a bit more. “I want you to, so come and see that which we will be in the future, okay? I really want to show you to… my family as well, our family. Is that okay?”

“Oh… mn, mn, mn!! Okay!” Powlniu gave up, such a Yun Beishang conquered her thoughts without even trying hard, his beating heart was all she needed to be convinced and not any actions nor flowery words. Besides… she never heard of him calling out to others like this to her, which made her feel so naughtily blessed but then feel like she shouldn’t be taking all of that on her own.

“Okay then, prepare your things, your coming with me back to my world, okay?” Yun Beishang said as he tightened the grip of his hands on her and earnestly looked at her eyes, Powlniu responded with a nod as she was already anxious to start getting ready to go from world to world like those little dragon maids are everyday with her eyes darting around nonstop. “Okay!”

“Mm.” Yun Beishang hummed lightly, stepped one and a half step forwards and rubbed his chin on Powlniu’s forehead, before departing from his woman’s tent and heading towards the Region-Crossing Teleportation Point which, without Zyv, would take him a little while before he arrived there.

As for Powlniu, she didn’t need to be told as she and anyone with a brain and knowing of ‘Mother’s’ doings with the Journeyers that he had to settle things now that they’ve finished. As for his troops, they needed no encouragement nor words to set their blood on fire, they weren’t kids nor were they recruits that hadn’t fully gone through The Order’s training regimen.


Having walked out of the campsite, Yun Beishang once again opened his wings which he grinned dumbly at as he successfully took them out of… basically nowhere? Then, as he casually did so and sent his body flying straight towards the nearest supreme settlement, the soldiers who were celebrating and drinking like crazy mofos; could only look at his departing figure with agape mouths and worshiping eyes.

“Woah, the Lord-hip! So majestic…!” - “Oww, those wings are so enormous, sho bweediful.” - “Cheers!”

. . .

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Just as Yun Beishang was halfway through moving in midair, having his wings not even needing to flap at all to move at his full 304% Movement Speed but in the air instead of the ground, he looked down slightly as he was relishing on the completely harmless air that wasn’t even really present before him as everything seemed to turn so docile…

His eyes opening from their closed state, Yun Beishang then glanced at the system interface and quickly grinned at the sight of confirmation.

*PING* the leader of the Association warring against the Wonder Region, you have the choice of finishing this war the requirements for being declared the winner and conqueror have been met; at the moment, these requirements have all been met successfully, would you like to finish the war? NOTE: Experience of your Association and Ally Associations and Vassals will gain their respective amount depending on their contribution, participation and data recollected by your Association.

“Yes.” Yun Beishang, feeling in a good mood and yawning silently for a little bit, said out loud as the ‘air’ that wasn’t even capable of making his hair flutter didn’t even entered his mouth as he yawned lightly. Instantly after his voice was spoken, and while he felt a weird sense of engorgement and fill inside his body yet it was nothing at the same time, a notification rang through his ears as well as those of all Journeyers and certain Inhabitants.

*PING* Global System Announcement: The war of the Bright Sunset Region against the Wonder Region has finished, resulting in the victory of The Order!! The Wonder Region and the Bright Sunset Region now share the same territory, all Regional borders shared between the two Regions will be slowly taken down in a week, all Journeyers, Inhabitants and other creatures will now be capable of crossing between Regions freely and coexist together!

*PING* Global System Announcement: The Association, ‘The League of The Order’, has become the first Association to ever declare war and win the war in all of Rising Essence, Journeyers from The Order will gain x10 Supreme Encouraging Boost potions and receive Experience worth the amount of leveling up from LV128 to LV129. The League of The Order will receive an enhanced amount of Experience and be blessed with materials of all grades up to the Mortal’s Lethal grade! We encourage all Journeyers to strive for a magnificent road ahead.

There was nothing to say about the way in which the whole world began to react to it, from all of Main Kingdom and its Regions, everyone was exclaiming out loudly or flashing their eyes with incredulity and even some expectancy and surprise. They obviously know that the war could either end with one side winning, or even with a truce, but even though some thought that it would’ve been over after just a few days yet it persisted for quite a few weeks; that it suddenly ended left them with a bad taste in their tongues… as if that was somehow wrong and… bad.

“WOW, WHAT?! That fast?! The heck!” - “Holy fucking mother of shit!!” - “Oh my goooood~, was the Wonder Region afk or something?” - “The Order… they are pretty scary, I think.” - “You THINK? Holy fuck, you stupid cunt, they are terrifying!” - “I want to be The Order’s hero, waahh!!”

Meanwhile, while there were so many voices going off, mostly from Journeyers though, Yun Beishang was receiving another few, pair of system notifications that made him feel quite satisfied and proud of himself.

*PING*...your Association, the League of The Order, had reached enough Experience to level up, it has now become the first League Association of the whole Rising Essence in reaching the ‘Tyrant League’ level, allowing you to have a total of 10,000,000 members and 100 vassals! As the first Tyran League Leader in the world, you will be allowed to know that only 3 more levels are left before reaching the last stage a League Association can grow to become.

‘The fuck?! So much?!’ Yun Beishang, who had initially been mentally praying to the gods of Main Kingdom that he was going to keep on killing later on and the ones outside of Main Kingdom who were going to be exterminated later on, couldn’t help but go dumb retarded and kinda silly, at the prospect of the League he had created before hoping that it will have good qualities for warring and whatnot in the past; had instantly become so formidable!

Ignoring the mocking-like system mention of there being another 3 levels left before reaching the ‘end’ of a League’s improvement, successfully not listing any mental health, Yun Beishang could only wonder what kind of reaction would such knowledge have. But, before he had the ugly mind of telling his Black Lotus people trolling around the forums of his new fantastic orders, he instinctively took out 3 items from his Master’s Bag; long forgotten but never forsaken.

*PING*’ve used x3 Honorable Lord Upgrade to enhance the level of your League of The Order, are you sure to proceed? Doing so will directly raise your League to the last level possible to be achieved as a League.

*PING*...with the use of a Honorable Lord Upgrade, your League of The Order Association has reached the Immortal League level! You can now have a total of 50,000,000 members and 100 Vassals.

*PING*...with the use of a Honorable Lord Upgrade, your League of The Order Association has reached the Never-Ending League level! You can now have a total of 100,000,000 members and 100 Vassals.

*PING*...with the use of a Honorable Lord Upgrade, your League of The Order Association has reached the Universal League level! You can now have a total of 2,000,000,000 members and 1,000,000 Vassals.

Yun Beishang: …huh?

‘You ca… you can actually-whaaaaaat?!’ Yun Beishang was thrilled, how the fuck could he not be, the meaning of having 2,000,000,000 members inside The Order was the same as reigning over a whole Region with the majority of its Journeyers being under it. While, in the same way, he could now have his Inhabitant and Journeyers’ Associations and Factions and his Vassals and keep his own well kept army the strongest and with the shiniest armor!

Besides… a whole 1,000,000 Vassals! Too mother-fucking-crazy!! He could rule the whole Main Kingdom with everyone being basically under him, the fuck? So many fucks given to this! Yet, before Yun Beishang could keep on barking like a dumbtard within his head…

*PING*...your Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel (5th Stage) meets the requirements for upgrading to the next level, the max capacity of 500,000,000 for your citizens has been reached and the max capacity of 200,000,000 for your army has been reached as well. Would you like to upgrade it? The system will directly enlarge your territory and expand your self-constructed walls due to the extreme grading and qualities of your 5th Stage Golden Citadel; at the same time, only a much more expansive amount of territory will be available and no further constructions will be made automatically.

‘Do it.’ Commanded Yun Beishang as he nodded while still flying through the air, the teleportation points already working once again and the Masters of each settlement showing up again, calming and easing the restless Inhabitants who were being brainwashed to worship the Lord and his Order. And while his head was thinking that he could only upgrade to the next ‘whole level’ 

*PING*...congratulations Lord, your Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Golden Citadel (5th Stage) has now become a Sub-Divisional City (Small Stage). Only 4 steps left before the possibility of reaching a whole new level!

And then…

*PING*...your Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Sub-Divisional City (Small Stage) meets the requirements for upgrading to the next level, the max capacity of 800,000,000 for your citizens has been reached and the max capacity of 260,000,000 for your army has been reached as well. Would you like to upgrade it? The system will directly enlarge your territory and expand your self-constructed walls due to the extreme grading and qualities of your Small Stage Sub-Divisional City; at the same time, only a much more expansive amount of territory will be available and no further constructions will be made automatically.

‘A… City… an actual Sub-Divisional City?! Fucking hell, do it!’ Yun Beishang ‘kindly’ responded within his mind, only being capable of imagining how it would look like when he returned, at the same time and seeing the number of people that it could hold; Yun Beishang knew that this wasn’t a Sub-Division that would be sized like the one from the past era, but might as well… the  new era… would be led by him anyway.

He’d make the rules of the new era of Main Kingdom, through war and dominance, and through an inevitable salvation.



V7: #3 9/10.

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