Bow and Arrow

Chapter 565: Chapter 563 — … Rain…

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… Rain…





"Okay, okay, I get it." Yun Beishang stopped the silly, foolish and even kinda little cuties from greeting him too cordially with his left hand raised up into the air right in front of his solar plexus before starting to rotate around with his wings still unmoving yet with his body making a few ups and down while rotating quite a few times.

Once he was finished frolicking around with them, Yun Beishang nodded to himself in satisfaction as the souls all looked at him, before they all looked at the sky for a few seconds and then at the floor of the previously known as the Crystalline Citadel, letting their gaze land over there while Yun Beishang was scrutinizing the every single soul around him and within it.

“...” Silently taking in the kinds of dead emotions and dead sentiments, Yun Beishang saw countless souls had gone from appearing sickle with their hollow holes on their heads and penumbral bodies and images to a hunched figure with dropped shoulders and even with seemingly exhaustion all over them.

“ seems like you are all tired.” Yun Beishang spoke as a matter of factly, his body even swaying downwards a little bit as he was watched and all the other souls responded to him on their own accord, giving him ‘blaah’, some ‘blerggggh’ and even some others likes ‘grwyhah!’ as if to express their heaviness and tiredness.

Yun Beishang looked a good amount of time at them and to their hunched backs and dropped shoulders, easily noticing that these motherfuckers must’ve been like children running around and screaming like retards while flinging their limbs around, children couldn’t fly so they could only use their arms to fling around; after all.

“But don’t worry, I’m sure you’ve had enough time having fun here, and that you lot seem to have become less rancorous. Good.” Yun Beishang said, then took out a cauldron from his forehead as soon as the latter flashed on the right of his glabella, giving out an intense but harmless airwave as it went through many souls while a cauldron that was 3 meters tall and about 30 meters in diameter wide was slowly and carefully placed on the dust-like ground without any sound.

“Now, time to go.” His voice was no longer casual, nor was he looking around nonstop anymore. Yun Beishang was now calmly speaking to them while gesturing with his fingers that he was about to go hard with the thing he just summoned from fucking nowhere, and to which, the souls inadvertently had some kind of apprehension from seeing the cauldron.

They couldn’t have any feeling anymore, only show their emotions; any. And their thoughts, even wishes and wants weren’t out of the equation as Yun Beishang constantly took some of those while analyzing them just now. And yet, from the very same person and cauldron, they couldn’t feel any threat nor sort of danger from, despite how scary he and it was.


At long last, with a sudden first cry of a soul that was more close to the middle than Yun Beishang but still quite a few tens of thousands of kilometers away within the Crystalline Citadel, the soul that screamed sounded grievous, hurt and unshackled; also free, unrestrained by puny thoughts and free.

With the first one going full at it for a long time, sounding like a trumpet or a horn dancing within the air with its sound forming waves and drawings in space like magic and even further beyond magic where any kind of logic was useless; more followed.




In just an instant, several tens of billions of soul began sounding the same, over and over again as they began feeling each other and the world around them…for the last time in their ‘lives’ and eternal memory.To this sonata, Yun Beishang remained still and was looking ahead of himself while looking at the rest at the same time, his eyes a bit profound as he showed something amidst respect and pity but not those 2 at the same time.

“It’s time to go.” Reminded Yun Beishang, as he began to hear the hoarseness of each and began to feel the exhaustion of every soul within the entire humongous Crystalline Citadel; instantly, all ‘living’ ghosts that came not only form the Crystalline Citadel itself but from many other places targeted by the previously alive Crystalline Overlord shut down slowly and one by one.

“...” All the way until there was only silence, just as 3 seconds passed and as Yun Beishang was considering to talk at last, right when the 4th second of silence came hitting right after, all souls suddenly turned into utterly nothing as they all became their very own set of smallish specks of light, crystalline and radiant blue that almost formed a shape of a sphere with the size of ten times lesser than that of someone’s not attained Essence’s sized spheres.


Pilummm, pilummmm~, piluuuummmmmmmm~, piiiiluuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmm~~...

“...!” When it happened, Yun Beishang was utterly shocked, but even those few words were like nothing compared to the beating of his heart; its pacing, thundering and nonplussed self that showed itself to be for every heartfelt beat of the same. With his face going dumb; so dumb, Yun Beishang looked up and nothing else as he turned his raised head left and right to look at the endless mini-universe of stars twinkle more and more.

And as they twinkled, each time, the became dimmer. Slowly, each of them reached the ground, sounds of their every beating that was like that of bells and heavenly and angelic voices humming came to be. When they were already so close to the ground, some tons of them began to move towards him, landing on all over his shoulder but never stopping to keep on keeping moving on downwards.

Then, some landed on his right palm, but stayed there at last, and even though those little stars were still twinkling and humming along all the others simultaneously, on top of his palm; they seemed endlessly breathing. Raising his left palm only to see another few adhered to it, Yun Beishang looked at them, a gentleness so kind and untraceable forming at his eyes unbeknownst to himself as the stars seemed to.. enjoy that.

“It’s… beautiful.”

Then, as his words ended, so did the little twinkling stars in his palms fall down to meet the others going down unto the ground, their movement flawless but still so slow. When ‘stepping’ on the ground, each star dimmed fully, becoming basically nothing as they disappeared into their future.

When they touched the ground, they weren’t becoming really nothing, but their previous self was indeed doing so. And having done so, maybe… just perhaps… Yun Beishang couldn’t be any more satisfied to really know that they did not go… extinct.

As just barely any time passed with the little twinkling stars having gone away, Yun Beishang slowly lowered his arms after a long while, his face lowered but only slightly as it then began to lower itself down furthermore after his arms did. From above, perhaps it wasn’t seen, but from below the Crystalline Citadel and as celebratory parties were ongoing here and there from all over 2 whole Regions… a sadness engulfed it all.

And just as people were falling into silence and feeling a great sadness from all over 2 Regions, still in that cheerful and powerful stance from within themselves that could not compare at all to those who could be really allowed to be sad before ‘going away’, Yun Beishang’s flawlessly emotionless face dropped down a tear that traveled from his left eye lacrimal to his cheek.

When it was just passing down from his left cheekbone and because of his lowered head, the salty tear began to take in some sparkle as it separated from his skin and began to fall down, to fly down… to flow downwards unto the world.

The tear went through the ground and didn’t become nothing nor was it splashed outwardly when clashing against it, but simply… ‘became’ something as it was no longer traceable at all, not even by Yun Beishang who was the one who shed it himself. As a pair of sounding water falling onto the ground could be heard starting from all over those Regions.

Pitter-patter… pitter-patter, pitter-patter… pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter… PITTER-PATTER PITTER-PATTER PITTER-PATTER PITTER-PATTER…!!!

The sounding herd of falling tears was undoubtedly becoming so loud and even deafening to the mortals below, there were an incredible amount of people who could not tolerate it and, with their backs hunched and their shoulders heavily dropped yet with their hands covering their ears adamantly, that ran into their houses and felt a calm from not being almost deafened to death.

Some others could definitely hold it, normal civilians without any power, including children or even the brand newborns of today that had their mothers going hard at it until the fucker went out.

There were some tears going down their mothers’ faces, especially to those who had a bad time and were, practically, given bad news about a possibility. But even the newborns who were so, at the end, alive and well. Had, somehow and for some reason, a ton of tears going down their tiny faces nonstop. And the sadness from before that enveloped a small part of Main Kingdom…

The sadness became a… true sorrow.

. . .


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It was only after a while that Yun Beishang ‘woke up’ from his stupor, his hands gripping extremely harshly towards the cauldron’s edge as he then began to emanate a fiery yet ordinary but still majestic red, a watery, aqueous and calm and peaceful blue, a full of vigor and impenetrable as well as resilient dark green.

Accompanied by a yellowish-gray that held within the freeness of the world and the power to traverse the entirety of itself without even a thought, a violet and white so blinding it could detonate the heavens and bring calamity to all terror, a white light so pure it had the characteristics of a mother but the determination of one when they child may encounter danger.

And finally, a darkness so sublime that was capable of engulfing it all, rendering anything but itself as the one and only and devouring even itself to oblivion. All of which were emanating from Yun Beishang’s back like energy but also like a kind of dust which had formed the shapes of flames undulating in a thinness even thinner than a cicada’s wing.


With Yun Beishang struggling hard as his Core Elemental Resistances were fully effectuated with all of his 4 Hidden Stats like there was no tomorrow and even employing things beyond that which Xie Ling experienced before early on this night but on a much greater and higher level, as if he was using but all of his sheer willpower alone to brought the next thing to come to be!

“GRHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA-... GET IN!!!!!” His face deteriorating, deforming and twisting from the insane efforts, Yun Beishang slowly let go of his grip on the cauldron, but seemingly with still all of the weight that it brought to him to grab at just like before. His arms slowly spread outwards and to his sides as his chest barely stuck out with his Great Petals of Destruction Set tightening incredibly around his body in response.


From all over the Crystalline Citadel, and as Yun Beishang began to once again have visions of the past in which the former was alive and bustling with activity of peacefulness and comfort, but even though the sensations and images were there; the people among them were no longer so no matter how much Yun Beishang felt their past!

“WAAAAAAAA-AAAAH! Grrrrr-KWAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!” His whole head, neck and even shoulders as well as chest began shaking left and right slightly but scaringly fast as from all over his side, 7 different types energy currents began torrenting their way from so far away, probably quite a few tens of millions of kilometers away to right in Yun Beishang’s direction.

When his second howl was effectuated from his mouth and being with such viciousness and effort that it made even Yun Beishang’s wings tremble intensely to the point of becoming blurry, Yun Beishang still restrained without using any Essence or from the power he’s been having a sensation from ‘Godliness’ since he flapped his wings for the first time.



All of Yun Beishang’s muscles and veins were bulging, about to tear apart and implode from within his own exerting body whose strength seemed to… dimensionally different and incoherent to this world!

His bones were shaking and his heart was palpitating like there was no tomorrow, his brain pulsating as if imploding on its own was already about to occur on its own accord; yet, just at that moment that he was reaching his limits and as the Crystalline Citadel began disintegrating from the faraway borders of the same ever so slowly…


Yun Beishang suddenly felt his entire body skyrocket from its limits as the previous sensation that came from Xie Ling’s and Sash’s date manifested once again and, along with the sound of a mother’s breath flowing into his face like she was playing with her child to make both of them giggle, and as he felt his face be reached out by an unknown breath of magnificent, motherly air onto his face; his ears tingled with the soothing and comforting shushing of a mother cradling her child!

“!!!!!!” Instantly, Yun Beishang heard a soundless sound of rusty and blood-formed chains breaking before his body emitted an ever so powerful, domineering and undeniable, imperious violet from his back. This wasn’t his Destructive Essence of a starry purple, but his own Bloodline!!

And just as it happened, the slowly disintegrating Crystalline Citadel’s borders suddenly turned into complete and utter nothingness, while the faraway hundreds of kilometers in the distance were being disintegrating at a breakneck speed, seemingly moving along with the 7 other torrents of energy that moved towards Yun Beishang close to the middle of the former!


While Yun Beishang’s eyes were being blinded due to the huge torrents of water being as large as a previous era’s Division, clashing and colliding with one another as their Core Elements did the impossible and merged, his senses couldn’t be any more perfect as he, for an instant, visualized all of Main Kingdom’s half consisting of the 4 ‘first’ Regions all over inside his head.

Then, knowing that the torrents as large as the previous era’s Divisions were being engulfed by his Unusual Cauldron, Yun Beishang closed his already blinded eyes who were 100% violet for a just a moment before returning to their broken glass darkest of colors. Whatever was seen by ‘those from below’ was not of his care as he continued on and on.

And; indeed… From below, all settlements’ Inhabitants from the Wonder Region, soldiers from The Order and recruits of The Order were being obliterated of their minds wholly as they saw, ‘from below’, a ‘world-ending’ event, visual shock and heart stopping catastrophe within the sky that only Gods could ever be capable of creating.

From within the stormy clouds that were easy to differentiate even when it is already so dark in the night, a twirl with 7 different blades going round and in a spiral over and over again, with a smallish diameter that only those who were powerful enough could see was of 30 meters while those 7 blades on its perimeter where as large as a supreme settlement.

Meanwhile, there were huge ‘dragons’ or world-devouring ‘worms’ that were clashing with one another as they reached the center of the spiral. Without any distortion of reality, though their minds would always be set in shock whenever they looked up and directly at the ‘clashing’ between ‘dragons’ and world-devouring ‘worms’, as if they were about to die just from looking.

Yet, there was nothing going on from their eyes, and the sensation of death was as strong for a Mythical grade as it was for a newborn, which would all naturally not look at it, let alone a person with actual intelligence for as minimal as it could get; like a 3 years old or less.

But, on the other hand, from within the campsite of The Order that was stationed in the middle of the Wonder Region, a pair of voices went out, one definitely older and the other childish; mostly, but with some great maturity to her little girl’s voice. “See that? Don’t worry, it will be alright, it is-”

But the older voice was then interrupted as she pointed at the sky without even feeling any abysmal shock, the little girl’s saying. “I know! It’s… ehe! Daddy, right? Hehe, look Shilay, isn’t my daddy great? I will be like D-Dad… and Mom!”

Powlniu: “... … …????.”



Rising Essence, Bright Sunset Region; Unparalleled Peaceful Rain Regional Citadel. 2:39 am.


Once that Yun Beishang was over with, well, whatever he had done back up there at the Wonder Region, a completely haggard and weakly Yun Beishang arrived before mommy Powlniu. Seeing ‘dad’ so tired, Pawya brought Shilay to help her Lord up to Powlniu’s tent. When the soldiers saw this, only godly worship began emanating from their hearts as their eyes were… pretty much vacant.

Everyone saw that figure fly from high up in the sky to below almost like falling down entirely, yet being as smooth as the air itself with his starry purple wings majestically spreading while landing on the ground, only to fall on the shoulders of two little girls as a worried legend of The Order had worried eyebrows while rushing to her tent as well.

Yet, not a single tiny bit of contempt surfaced on their faces nor selves… only awe and… the opening of their pores even amidst the warmth of the campsite.

But now,  as Yun Beishang and Powlniu, Pawya and Shilay walked towards a certain building set for meetings, the big daddy no longer looked any weak, let alone haggard or vulnerable. For as now, he had to deal with a veeeery important matter. His current state was more than enough to deal with anything that he  had faced before, that isn’t a God Devourer of the level of the clone of the Responsive Dragon’s clone of course.


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